Read Tame a Wild Wind Online

Authors: Cynthia Woolf

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Westerns

Tame a Wild Wind (6 page)

BOOK: Tame a Wild Wind
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For now he was glad to be here, off the train and finally with some good information.
Information he trusted enough to make special plans.

Colter was a hard man to track.
He’d been a Texas Ranger and was used to tracking.
He knew all the ways to hide.
This time the information had come too easy.
It put Harry on guard.
Something was different.
He didn’t think he was going to miss Colter.
He was pretty sure that Colter was here.

Harry saw the Creede Hotel.
It looked okay, might even be a little expensive, but he needed a bath, a good meal and a real bed.
He’d been traveling, tracking Colter for years and these last few months had been the toughest.
Going from one two bit town to another.
Sleeping in stables when he was lucky, but on the hard ground when he was not.

This time was it.
He could feel it.
He’d finally have his revenge.


Sam stood , waiting at the gate.
She’d handled Delilah well.
Very well.
When she reached him, he held his hands up, his fingers encircling her waist and helped her off.
Even after two children she had the tiniest waist!

Tony took the reigns and led her away.
“That was great.
Delilah flew around the track.
What was the time?” asked Cassie

“Best she’s done yet. Two minutes, thirty seconds,” said Tony.

That’s wonderful.
If she runs this well here, imagine how well she’ll do at sea level.”

“Only if her jockey is as good as you are,” said Sam.
“You sure can ride.”

Cassie beamed.
“At best I’m mediocre.
All of the jockeys we saw when we were in Kentucky were one hundred percent better than I.”

“I think you’re being modest.”

“Well, thank you.”
She started walking in the direction of the house.
“I’ve got to change into my work clothes.
I only wear these silks when racing.
Black and red are the colors of Jason Gedding’s stud.”

“They look great on you,” he said falling in step beside her.
The silks left little to the imagination.
The pants fit her like a second skin and the satiny shirt fit close, emphasizing her ample bosom.
He didn’t know how the other men handled it on a daily basis.
It was going to drive him insane, seeing her like that every day.

Jason will be happy to hear it.
I’m the one who insisted I have the silks to ride in.
He didn’t want me riding at all, especially after Michael died.
I insisted.
If I’m going to make a go of this, we have to be able to train the horses before they get to Jason’s.
And as you can see the only adult smaller than me is Bridget.
Can you imagine her out here riding the horses?”

The picture of little white haired Bridget on top of one of the great horses was enough to make Sam’s blood run cold.
“Good Lord, no.”

“My thoughts exactly.
Now, I’d like to go over the rest of the foreman’s duties with you after I change.
Meet me in my office in ten minutes.”

Sam watched her walk off.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her retreating form, her curvy backside.
He looked around and saw he was the only one staring at her.
The other men were back about their business.
What in the heck was wrong with him?
He scratched his head then ran his fingers through his hair.
He’d obviously been without a woman far too long.
He’d seen women in every state of dress and undress and never had this kind of visceral reaction before.

He went over to Samson’s paddock.
Looking around before he spoke,
he said, “Hey there, boy.
What’s the matter with me?
Maybe I should be on your side of the fence since I’m acting like I’m in full rut.
I’ve got to get a hold of myself.”

Samson nickered and butted Sam’s hand looking for sugar.
Finding none he went back to grazing.

Sam strode away from Samson and headed for the house.
The sooner he got the vision of Cassie in those pants out of his mind the better.

When he got to the office Cassie was sitting behind the desk wearing a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows.
He sat in one of the cushioned leather chairs in front of the desk.

“So what do you think of my operation?” she asked.

“It’s amazing.
Looks to be well run and if it’s not profitable yet, I believe it will be soon.”

The corners of her gorgeous mouth lifted.
“That’s what I wanted to hear.
Sam, I want you to do the day to day operations for the mustang portion of the ranch.
It’s a lot to ask I know, but hear me out.
I need to concentrate on training our racers.
They have to be ready to go when they get to Jason.
That will make or break it for us.”

She got up, came around, and leaned against the desk crossing her legs in front of her.
Holy Hell!
She was wearing denim trousers, close fitting but not as tight as the silks had been.
But close enough for him to see every curve and man oh man what curves they were.

Sam swallowed hard.
Keep it together, man, keep it together.
What in the world was the matter with him?
He could remember the first time he’d met Catherine.
She was wearing much the same outfit Cassie now wore.
He’d thought it different but other than that had no reaction to it.
Catherine was Duncan’s wife and he figured if Duncan didn’t mind then it was all good.

Now, however, he minded a lot.
He had the unrealistic reaction that Cassie should march right upstairs and put on some clothes.
Some real clothes.
Ones that hid her assets from everyone but him.
He groaned to himself.
Best keep his mouth closed.

“So, Sam, what do you think?
Cassie snapped her fingers in front of his face.

He shook himself out of his reverie.
“I, uh, I think that’s fine.
I should be able to handle that for you with no problem.
I even have some army contacts that might be helpful in negotiating better prices.”

I know I haven’t gotten the best prices because I’m a woman.
The men don’t like dealing with me.
Hopefully, you’ll have more success with them than I did.”

“I’ll do my best for you.”

“That’s all I ask.
Now I need to check on the kids and make sure they haven’t got Bridget tied up in a cupboard somewhere.”

Sam laughed.

“Go ahead and laugh.
They’ll show you their true colors soon enough.
They’re on their best behavior right now but as soon as they get used to you…”

A small voice from the doorway interrupted them.

Cassie stepped away from the desk and went to Sarah.
“Yes, Baby, what is it?”

“I don’t feel good.”
Sarah popped her thumb into her mouth.

She bent down and picked her up.
“You’re burning up.”
Sarah was flushed and her eyes were glassy with fever.
“Come on, Mama’s going to take you upstairs and put you to bed. “

Sam got up and went over to them.
“I’ll tell Bridget and see if she can get some broth going.
Chicken soup would be good, too.
After I check with her I’ll send her up to you.”
He grazed his knuckle lightly over the child’s cheek.
“You’re going to be fine, Sweet.
By tomorrow you’ll be right as rain.”

Cassie looked up at him.
He could see the concern in her eyes but she just nodded and took Sarah upstairs to bed.


Twenty-four hours after Sarah had inexplicably come down with the fever, her little body was still hot to the touch.
Cassie bathed her in cool water from head to toe and then started over again.
She made a mud poultice and put it on her chest.
It would keep her cool, maybe the mud would pull the sickness out of her.
It’s what the Indians believed and she had no reason to doubt it.
She held Sarah in her arms and rocked her when she cried, wanting nothing more than to cry with her.

Sam was a dear.
Bringing Sarah fresh, hot chicken broth from Bridget, reading to her when Cassie needed a break.
She’d even caught him rocking and humming a lullaby to her baby when she’d come back from one of those much needed breaks.
He kept RJ occupied and sent one of the wranglers to get the doctor before Cassie asked.
She wrinkled her brow wondering if she asked too much of him.
This must be difficult for him having lost his family.

Doc Wright came out and pronounced that Sarah had the flu and all they could do was to keep her cool, keep liquids in her and wait.
He recommend some weak willow bark tea to help with any pain she may be having, saying laudanum was too strong for such a tiny person.

Cassie did everything Doc said to do, often waking Sarah up to get her to drink.
It was two days before the fever finally broke.
Then she was wracked with chills.
Cassie undressed, climbed in bed with her and wrapped her in her arms to warm Sarah’s little body with her own.
The chills subsided quickly.

Cassie woke up to Sarah’s question, “Mommy
’ in bed with me?
I a big girl now.”
Then she popped her thumb back in her mouth.

Sam came into the room, obviously not having slept himself.
“I heard Sarah.
How are you feeling, Sweet?” he said to her.

“I fine.

Cassie felt the heat rise from her toes to the top of her head.
She couldn’t see Sam because she refused to look but heard his chuckle.

“I know.
She was very worried about you.”

Cassie finally opened her eyes and looked up at him.
His deep green eyes twinkled with amusement and a little smile played around his lips.
Kissable lips.
Her wayward thoughts made her more embarrassed if that was possible.
Sam just stood there, leaning against the door frame, daring her to get out of the bed.

She wasn’t about to.
“Sam, please…”

Sarah decided at that moment to kick her covers off taking Cassie’s with her.


Cassie grabbed the quilt and brought it back up under her chin.
She closed her eyes and shook her head.
When she peeked up at Sam she expected to see him smiling.
She was unprepared for the stark look of lust she saw.
He turned on his heel and left without so much as a word.

“Sam!” Sarah yelled, scrambling off the bed and running after him, not caring that she was naked or had been sick or that her mother was embarrassed
to her toes.
The only thing she cared about was that Sam had left.

Cassie got up, quickly dressed then went after her wayward child.
She found her in the kitchen, a dish towel around her waist sitting on Sam’s lap, happily munching on a cookie.
Bridget was pouring her some milk and RJ was finishing his breakfast of cornmeal mush, looking longingly at Sarah’s cookie.

“Good morning.”
She went to RJ and kissed the top of his head, pulled a cookie from the plate in front of Sam and handed it to RJ.
He beamed up at her.
Then she went to the stove, got a cup of coffee and grabbed a cookie for herself before sitting down across the table from Sam and Sarah.
“How you feeling, Baby Girl?”

BOOK: Tame a Wild Wind
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