Read Tangles and Temptation Online

Authors: India-Jean Louwe

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Historical, #Lesbian, #Ménage à Trois, #Paranormal, #Romance

Tangles and Temptation (36 page)

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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The king’s scowl deepened. “There’s something you two hide. Bear in mind, all things are revealed given time.” He tucked his thumbs in his belt and declared in a booming, stately voice, “Very well. Sappho will leave immediately for your home.” He reached out and took Kyra’s hand. “You have proven to be a valuable asset, and I welcome you to our family. You shall fit in quite comfortably, I am sure.” With a wink, he released her hand and strode to the door. “Be sure to visit with the queen. My wife has wondrous news that needs bearing.”

Kyra smiled after the king. He had a delightful spring to his step, a lightness that had not been there on her previous encounters with him. A bubble of happiness formed in her belly. There was only one thing the queen would consider good news. She had finally fallen pregnant. Kyra called out loudly, “I look forward to seeing her as well.”

Eris grabbed her around her waist and twirled her in a dizzying circle. As Kyra’s laughter filled the room, he set her down slowly. “You are a devious creature. I must always be on guard to never raise your ire. Although, I must admit, you are utterly ravishing when riled.”

“Feed my lusty appetites and you shall have nothing to fear.” She shivered as he leaned close and nibbled on her ear. “Eris?”

“Mmm…” His voice in her ear sent a delicious shudder through her.

“Did you mean what you said earlier? Do
claim me as your mate?”

Eris reared slightly and looked deeply into her eyes. “My snake saw what I foolishly tried to deny. You were, from the very beginning, my true love. While my beast needed no compulsion to admit it, I did. I see now how futile my refusal was. No matter where I go, it will always be you I wish at my side. No matter who I encounter, it will always be you that I crave. Your body ignites a raging flame within me. I want to possess you, fill you, because you complete me.” He cupped her face lovingly in his hands. “What about you, Kyra? I have seen evidence of your acceptance of my beast, but I long for the words. Do you still fear the creature that resides within me?”


* * * *


Moisture had gathered in her eyes at his revealing words. Her heart had swelled until full and overflowing. “The beast does not simply reside within you. It is a part of you. I failed to see this at first. Had our paths not been deviated by the cruelty of Cronus, I would have entered your arms willingly from the start. I had already left my home searching for you, knowing you would have my heart. But no matter which paths we were forced to take, the end result would have been the same. I love
part of you.” She looped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down for a searing kiss. On his lips, she whispered, “And now I long to
a part of you.”

As Kyra surrendered to the passionate kiss and turbulent storm brewing in her, she knew she was finally home. She no longer had to strive for and demand things she thought were beyond her reach. Everything she would ever want she now held in her arms. But she could not stop the soft command. “Make me a part of you.”

Eris did just that. He was Erpo, the snake. He did not do half measures.







I am a freelance sign writer who has always had a passion for reading. The escape into the imaginary world became such a vital part of my altogether too businesslike reality that I traded in my paints and brushes for writing. Putting my stories to paper and having readers enjoy them is my ultimate goal. Romance plays a huge part in my story simply because I firmly believe “love” is the seed from which true happiness grows.

I have two lively sons who make each day an adventure, a loving husband, a cat named Sherbet and a wide range of tropical fish. When not in front of my computer or tucked away with a scorching book, I can be found exploring gourmet cuisine in my kitchen or fending of the weeds in my garden. Outback camping, cycling and horse back riding are always pleasures I find time for.

I hope you will join me again in exploring more niches and speed bumps caused by love. The magic carpet ride begins with you, a good book and a healthy imagination.

Love to all,

India-Jean Louwe

Also by India-Jean Louwe


BookStrand Mainstream:
Claiming the Siren



Available at





Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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