Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment) (10 page)

BOOK: Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment)
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“Pissed me the fuck off too! So much so, that I went off on her for a bit. Not pretty, but necessary. We’ll talk about it later, much later, because you will be filling me in on what happened with Susana.”

“Deal.” The annoyed and over-made-up waitress delivered my sandwich then. It looked great, and my stomach began to protest in earnest. “By nine, Courtney. I need the place empty by nine.”

“Got it, and Camden?”

“Yes,” I spoke around a mouthful of food.

“Make her happy.” With that, she hung up, and I got back to enjoying my food.

After eating, I wandered around town a bit, and at one particular shop bought something special for her. Buying a ring was never my intention. It was too fast—too soon to even think of taking that kind of step, but I couldn’t help myself.

Inside a small, family-owned jewelry store, I found a simple token of my affection for her. Not an engagement ring, but something she would value all the same. It was perfect for us.

A few minutes before nine, I parked outside the house and waited for the girls to appear. Courtney didn’t disappoint, and at nine on the dot the gate opened and I walked in. Her friends were stunned to see me there, furious at my mere presence.

“Stop it,” Courtney admonished and gave me a hug. “He fucking loves her, and there’s more to the story than what we saw.” They still didn’t look convinced, but the death stares had diminished a bit.

“How, the fuck did he find her? Seems
to me.” The tallest of the crew, their center I believe, hissed at me.

“Susana told me where she was.” They all gasped at this and looked at me with wide eyes…well, all except a laughing Courtney. “She apologized, and made me promise to make her girl happy.”

“Good enough for me.” The last girl smiled and extended her hand out for me to shake. “I’m Steph, and the pain in the ass over there is Jennifer. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” They were weird, but a nice bunch. I had a feeling I’d be spending a lot of time with all of them in my near future. “Where is she?”

“Out back,” Steph answered. “Just follow the lighted path over there; she’s sitting out on the sand crying.” At this, I cringed, and she patted me on the arm while the others smiled. “It’ll be okay, Cam. Trust me; Amanda loves you too much to let you walk away. The truth shall make this right…she might hit you, but in the end will kiss those boo-boos.”


Well, I did like the thought of those lips on my skin.

“Make her cry, and I’ll fuck you up.” Jennifer punched my arm and then kissed my cheek. “Hurry up, quit stalling, and get the girl.”

“Abusive much?” I complained, and they laughed. Thing is, I wasn’t kidding. It hurt.

They walked off then, and I followed the path. My 
 was right where they said she’d be, alone and in pain. Sobbing out the grief I’d cost her.

 I watched helplessly as she dry-heaved into the damp sand. What the fuck did we ever do to deserve this shit?

“I hate that I love you.”

“Please don’t say that.” Her body froze, and my heart thumped harshly at the sight. Afraid. Amanda seemed to want to shield herself from me. “
,” I whispered low—my own fear of spooking her showing. “My sweet 



A few months later…

“Undress for me.”


“Heading out for the day,
” Amelia, our new receptionist, called out just as I passed her desk. It was just after six; my last client of the day just booked his next appointment and walked out.

I was beat.

I was horny.

I missed my

“Shut it,” I growled; my mood was sour, and everyone here knew it. Why I hired this pain in the ass chick, I’d yet to come up with a good enough answer. She was efficient, I’d give her that, but she worked my nerves like no other.

Amelia cleared her throat and twirled a lock of her dark hair around her finger. “Haven’t seen Amanda in a while—is she tired of you yet?” Her saucy grin and innocent eyes made me want to choke her. It was no secret around here that she lusted after my girl.

Tough luck for her.

Amanda loved my cock, and I enjoyed her appreciation for my thickness on her tongue. She would never pet her pussy when I could be fucking her instead.

“Go home.” There was no need for her taunting today of all days. I was grumpy, annoyed, and missing my girl like crazy. No shame in needing to feel her skin on mine, to have her warmth surrounding my lonely cock.

I’d become that guy. The kind of man that needed his woman in order to breathe—whose cock twitched for her. Only her pussy.

Amanda had been gone all week due to some away games. It was that time of the year when basketball became the team’s life. It didn’t help that they were the reigning champions and the other teams had come out strong; they were out for blood and revenge.

When she wasn’t practicing, she was playing.  This had been going on nonstop since the year started, and we were nowhere near the end of the season.

Next to sex, there was something so primal about seeing my girl out on that court, sweaty and grunting while she pushed her perfect body to its limits and beyond. Amanda was a natural beauty, but on that court, she shined. She dominated her opponents with an ease that more often than not left me hard, in pain, and wanting to destroy that which I worshipped above all else. Moments like those made the need to claim and ravage unbearable. It was never rare to see her wearing my mark.

“All I need is one lick to change—”

“Get the fuck out before I fire you!” My snarled threat didn’t faze her, not in the least. Unfortunately for me, Amelia was that annoying little sister you never wanted, but were unfortunately stuck with. Everyone loved her, including my
. She knew this, I knew this, and the pain in the ass took advantage of it every chance she could.

“I hate you,” she mumbled and walked around the counter and toward where I stood. Then, with a wink and smirk, she punched my arm and walked away.

“What the fuck was that?” I yelled after her; she was fast, already across the room and in front of the exit.

Pausing just inside the entrance, she turned her face and smiled. “Have fun,” she said sweetly—too sweetly—and turned back around.

“Crazy,” I mumbled low. “I’m surrounded by the clinically insane.”

“Hate you something fierce!” 

Rolling my eyes, I walked to the exit and locked the doors. It was just me now. Everyone had gone home, and I should do the same, but I’d be walking into an empty home. Not fun. There were still a few things I could do, cleaning my massage room one of them.

Fuck it. I wasn’t in the mood to go back to my apartment and watch the blank computer screen until it was time to see my girl.

The scent of burning vanilla candles caught my attention the closer to my room I got. I turned everything off after my last client. What the fuck?

Then came the music—a slow and seductive tune that made me want dirty things. My palms began to sweat. My heart raced. Could it be?

No. Impossible. Amanda was away, and this now spelled trouble for me. The last thing I needed was a visit from my past; this shit couldn’t be happening.

I pushed the door open with more force than necessary, and it banged against the wall. I was ready to tell whoever was there to get the hell out, when my eyes landed on her. The one reason I was the happiest motherfucker on this planet.


In a white bikini.

A small scrap of fabric that barely covered the parts of her body I coveted the most.

“Undress for me.”

A huge smile graced my face as I ate up the vision before me. Gorgeous. My girl was simply gorgeous. Her long hair was straightened with her bangs framing those sexy blues I loved. They held a twinkle of excitement in them.

She’d surprised me and was damn happy of the fact.

“Isn’t that my line?” I chuckled and closed the door behind me. The lock clicked and she shivered, skin pebbling in anticipation. Sassy little thing smirked at me and beckoned me with a slender finger to come closer.

“Undress for me,” Amanda crooned once I was close enough to touch. She pulled me to her, hooked her fingers into the belt loops of my pants, and tugged until I was where she wanted me. “Surprise.”

“Naughty little pussy.” My whispered words sounded harsh inside the confines of the room. Soft scents surrounded us, yet they did nothing to calm the raging desires mounting within. “When did you get back?”

“Does it matter, babe?”

“No.” Goddamned truth at the moment. She’d tell me later once I’d had my fill of her. The need to touch every inch of her skin overwhelmed me. This want…this uncontrollable appetite she produced in me drove me mad. “Missed you.”

“I want you so fucking bad.” Reaching up on the tips of her toes, she pulled herself up and nipped my lower lip. It stung in the best of fucking ways. My hands wandered down her back and grasped onto the firm flesh of her ass. Luscious mounds made—fucking designed—to fit my hands. I pushed her hips against me, squeezing the cheeks in my hands as she squirmed against my hard cock.

Tiny little bows on each side held the bottom half of her suit on. Two little tugs, and they landed on the floor where they belonged. Looked good on my floor.

With nothing in my way, I lifted her off the floor and wound those perfect legs around my waist as my fingers delved lower—sliding down the curve of her ass until my fingers skimmed her bare pussy lips.

I walked us over to the bed.

“Oh fuck,
. Drenched. Soaking my fingers. Let me taste you.” The strangled groan that left my lips was nothing compared to the animalistic grunt that followed soon after. Amanda reached between us, her slim hand disappearing between our bodies. I felt her, her hand coming in contact with mine as she entered her pussy with a single finger.

“Open,” she commanded, and I obeyed like the pussy-whipped motherfucker that I was. Her finger, soaked and smelling of her, entered my mouth—she sat the single digit on my tongue and watched me with heavy-lidded eyes as I closed my lips around it and savored her flavor.

Amanda pulled the finger out slowly, dragging it from my lips and into her parted ones. “I love the way we taste,” she moaned and swiveled those dangerous hips against me once more. My own eyes became heavy with desire, the atmosphere in the room charged with our combined passions.

Laying her down, she looked up at me and tsked. “Undress for
” The extra emphasis on the word me wasn’t lost in translation. She wanted to be in charge—take care of my body for a change.

“As you wish.” Taking a step back, I peeled the shirt I wore over my head and threw it somewhere behind me.  Lip caught between her teeth, she watched me. Thighs rubbing and hips lifting off the bed, I watched her.

“Not a stitch of clothing,” Amanda ordered after my jeans dropped and pooled at my feet. All I had left was a pair of boxer briefs, but even that was too much for her. I liked this, was enjoying seeing her reactions to my body as I bared it all. “Step back.”


With one of her dainty feet, she pushed me back a few steps and sat up. “Because I want to admire what belongs to me.”

“Is that how you see this…I’m something you own?” I smirked at her and fisted my cock in my hand. Spreading the bead of pre-come around the head while her eyes followed my every move. “You want my cock?”

“And you want my mouth.” There was no denying that. “Today, we play my way, Camden. I want to own you. Possess you as you do me. To take and give you as much pleasure—”

“Love you,” I said before smashing my lips with hers. Sweet fucking taste that drove me wild—innocence in the way she rolled her tongue with mine that burned me. Sounds crazy, but Amanda still held onto that youthful ignorance that to me made her special.

Naïve when it came to her sexuality. While she wasn’t a virgin, she’d just begun to explore and voice her likes. Rough and raw made her cry out in elation, while soft and sweet made her body sing for me. There was trust between us. No fear of voicing her desires, and that made her all the more desirable to me.

“I love you too, baby.”   Her sultry voice made me shiver and my cock throb in my hand. Never thought I’d see the day that a pet name would have that kind of effect on me, but coming from her, it shouldn’t have surprised me. “Now, back up, and let me enjoy you.”

Slowly, she slid her hand up her body and cupped her breasts, squeezing and flicking each tip before continuing her path up to untie her small bikini top. She stood before me in all her naked glory.

A taunting nymph sent from hell to break me.

I stood there with my cock in hand and my pants pooled at my feet. Amanda lowered her body in slow motion, hips swiveling—teasing me with her movements as she kneeled at my feet. Looking up at me with pure fire burning in those clear blue eyes, she reached down and untied my shoe laces, attending to my needs.

The tune in the background changed into something a bit darker—edgier and raw. It drew from me an ardor that left me trembling. Fingers clenching and unclenching as the urge to grab her, fuck her into the same bed I’d had her time and time again.

“Patience,” she admonished and proceeded to remove my shoes and socks. How the fuck could she ask that of me? My pants were soon added to the pile of clothing somewhere behind me, not that I cared when I had her like this.


On her knees.

Licking her lips.

Eyes wide and looking innocent.

“Taste?” my
asked coyly. Did she think I would deny her?

“Open—motherfuck!” Amanda wasted no time in taking me in deep; I hit the back of her throat and took pride in the sound of her gagging. She controlled our movements, how deep and fast she sucked. Glorious. With both hands squeezing my ass, she worked me into her mouth. It was fast, hunger for me present in the moans she released around my thickness. “You suck my dick so good,
…made to take me down your throat.”

Pulling back, she let a strand of her saliva connect from my cock head to her pouty lower lip. “I know…” she licked the slit at the end and groaned “…but enough of that for now. Get up on the table.”

Amused and angry—that was how I found myself as I lay down facing up on my table. It felt odd, yet exhilarating to be in this position, to be at her mercy and enjoy every minute of it.

“Close your eyes.” I did as told and waited. Amanda didn’t disappoint. Deep down I knew she wouldn’t. She climbed up on the table with me; her legs straddled my thighs—opening her to my view. There wasn’t a thing in this world that could stop me from taking a peek.

Pink and wet, her pussy lips were spread and puffy. Like my girl had touched herself, brought herself to the very edge of insanity, and was seconds from coming. My mouth watered.

“Baby,” I growled and watched in fascination as she squirmed and panted. Head thrown back, she arched and groaned deep in her chest. What the fuck? “Amanda, look at me?”

She ignored me; instead, she took a bowl on the small table next to us and bathed her upper body in oil. I lay transfixed by her movements; by the way she rubbed the lubricant across her chest and stomach. Nimble fingers caressed and tugged, wandered down until they disappeared between her lips and she moaned.

BOOK: Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment)
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