Read Teach Me To Ride Online

Authors: Rachel Leigh

Tags: #erotic romance

Teach Me To Ride (9 page)

BOOK: Teach Me To Ride
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Caroline sucked in a breath as he disappeared, a painful slash crossing her heart. “Damn it.”

“He’ll come around.”

Caroline snapped her head to the side. Lewis Canton stood across the yard. For a moment, she couldn’t move. He stared at her, an annoying half-smile pulling at his mouth, his stance relaxed and nonchalant as he strolled slowly toward her.

She tilted her chin. Lewis Canton was nothing more than a geriatric has been who wanted to live life through a son he hadn’t given a shit about for years. The man might think he was still the ladies’ man he was in nineteen eighty-four, but he would soon learn that it was time to put his gigantic ego and withered dick into retirement.

She stepped forward and they stopped inches away from each other. Her eyes locked with his. “Good morning, Mr. Canton. Any reason you’re hiding out in the stables rather than enjoying the attention of the world’s media?”

“I came here hoping to talk to my son.”

“Michael’s a little busy, as you can imagine.”

“If he wins today, it will be because of me. You do know that?”

Caroline huffed out a laugh and dragged her gaze from his to look around the yard. “What Michael achieves today is down to him and him alone.” She turned back. “You have nothing to do with what he is now…or in the future.”

He smile was that of a wolverine, only without the warm and fuzzy. “We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?”

She glared, nerves leaping and jumping in her stomach. The man’s eyes were steel gray and as cold as metal. “What do you want?” She hitched her bag on her shoulder. “I’ve got work to do.”

“I think my son wants you, Miss James.”

Caroline snapped her gaze to his. Maybe he didn’t know she and Michael had made love after all. “Whether he does or not is none of your damn business.”

His smile stretched as his gaze fell to her breasts. “Or has already had you.”

“I think we’re done here, Mr. Canton.” She moved to walk away.

He cleared his throat. “Miss James?”

Caroline halted and squeezed her eyes shut for a second before turning around. “What?”

“Is Michael going to ride for me? Is he going to train for the Olympics? He could achieve everything if he wanted it badly enough.” He stalked toward her.

She pulled back her shoulders. “He’s riding today, that’s all I know.”

“Oh, I think you know more than that.” He tightened his jaw. “He hates me, doesn’t he?”

Caroline stared. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of answering. The man was digging for information and she would give him nothing.

He lifted an eyebrow at her silence. “So it’s more than the job that has you sniffing around my son? Interesting.” He drew his gaze down the length of her. “Don’t go there, Miss James. My son is ambitious whether he realizes it or not.”

“So am I.”

“You have no personal interest in Michael?”

Caroline swallowed before answering. The man’s eyes shone with malice and intent. “Again, none of your damn business.”

He stepped closer and touched his fingers to her elbow, running them along her forearm. “Why don’t you and I go for a walk? I think it’s only fair that you hear my side of the story. After all, I suspect it’s Michael’s personal story you’re after, not his show jumping.” His gaze bored into hers. “Am I right?”

Caroline opened her mouth to respond when he gripped her arms and yanked her against him. Her heart slammed against her ribcage in panic when his lips came down hard on hers. Hard and unyielding. Shock reverberated through her. She struggled against him, desperately trying to pull her arms from his unyielding grip as his tongue wrestled to gain entrance into her mouth. His fingers dug like sharpened talons into the flesh of her arms as he pinned her against his chest. He moaned and groaned against her mouth. His erection pressed against her stomach.

Fighting the urge to gag, Caroline kicked and struggled but his grip was too strong. Her head pulsed as she struggled to breathe. Perspiration burst onto her forehead and fear roared through her blood. The man was big and strong. She tugged and yanked, trying to release her arms but he kept them pinned to her sides as he fed on her like an animal. She moved her head from side to side to shake off the unwanted embrace and he dropped his mouth to her neck, his tongue trailing over her skin.

“Get the hell off me.” She fought but he was too far lost in his lust like a madman. “For Christ’s sake, let me go.”

One hand left her arm and gripped her breast painfully. She raised her freed hand and lashed out but he lifted his face and she missed. Again and again, she fought and finally managed to land a resounding slap across his cheek.

“Bitch.” He raised his hand to hit her back and Caroline stumbled backward, her heart beating painfully behind her ribcage.

As though having second thoughts, he brought down his hand and made to grab for her a second time. She wriggled out his reach, tears burning hot behind her eyes. “You touch me again and I’ll scream this place down. Do you hear me?”

He laughed. “Christ, you’re hot for it, aren’t you, my darling. No wonder Michael wanted to fuck your little pussy.”

Caroline swiped her trembling hand across her mouth. “You bastard. You fucking bastard.” Nausea rose up bitter in her throat as she swallowed back the urge to gag.

The sound of pounding hooves entering the yard stole their attention. Caroline’s breath left her lungs in a rush as Michael came toward them. Marshall May barely stopped before Michael flung himself from the saddle and came toward his father. His face was a mask of fury.

“What did you do to her?”

“Son! What a pleasure to see—”

Michael’s fist flew past her shoulder and Caroline’s heart stopped. The sound of knuckle on flesh and bone rang in the air and nausea swirled in her stomach once more.
Oh, my God, I’ve got to do something
. Michael gripped his father’s shirt and raised his fist to punch him again.

“Michael, stop. Stop, think of your career. He’s not worth it.” Caroline reached for him. “Please. Stop!”

He whipped his head round, holding Lewis by his collar. “This has got nothing to do with my damn career.” He turned back to his father. “You won’t do this. You will not do this to her or me.”

He shoved his father away and turned to her. When he pulled her head gently to his chest, Caroline couldn’t stop her rare tears from falling.

“You need me, Michael.” Lewis’ voice was a harried growl.

“The hell I do.”

Caroline pulled back from the comfort of his chest and slid her hand into Michael’s. “Get the hell out of here, Lewis, before I tell the whole damn country what you just did to me.”

He smiled. “What did I do to you? You loved it.”

Michael took a step forward and Caroline lunged her entire body in front of him, splaying her hand on his chest. “Look at me, Michael.” She looked deep into the raging darkness of his eyes. “You get on Marshall May and get into that arena. Now. Do it before he can take this victory from you.”

He pulled his gaze from hers to look over her head toward Lewis. “I’ve won, you son of a bitch. I’ve damn well won without taking a single jump. Don’t you see that?”

Dipping his head, Michael brushed his lips over Caroline’s before lifting her into his arms. She frowned, not sure what he had planned next. “Michael—”

“You’re not staying here with him.” He lifted her into the saddle and Marshall May gently shifted, seemingly just as impatient to move away from Lewis.

Michael gripped the horse’s bridle and turned to his father. “Go home old man. Go home and wait for tomorrow’s paper. I’m sure it’ll be worth the read.”

Lewis scowled. “I can make you a millionaire, Michael. You can have the prestige, the women, the money. What the hell is wrong with you?”

Caroline’s heart beat fast when Michael pushed his foot into the stirrup and mounted Marshall May, snuggling in close behind her. “I’ve got all I’ll ever need right here.”

Swallowing hard, she threw Lewis Canton a final look of disgust before leaning back against Michael’s broad, hard chest as he took them away from the stable yard and his father’s poison.

Chapter Ten

Michael stared ahead. The Trials were alive with the news that Lewis Canton was indisposed and unable to attend after all. A smile played at Michael’s lips.
The man would never appear in public with a less-than-perfect face. Even more, a face battered by his son—and leaving his adoring public and the media asking why.

With his father gone, the tension had left Michael’s shoulders and now only adrenaline and desire rushed through his blood. Caroline stood at the edge of the ring. Her face was etched with worry, her gorgeous, clever hands gripping the balustrade like her life depended on it.

He waved and smiled. Her shoulders relaxed and she surprised him by blowing a kiss. When he’d first met her, Michael never thought he’d see such a beautifully relaxed smile on her features. She’d hit him like a lightning bolt to his gut; sent his senses and heart spinning out of control.

When the day was over and he’d proved to himself just what he was capable of, he would ask her to stay with him. Ask her to give the fire between them a chance to rage, then cool, then rage hotter than ever.

He turned away and willed himself to focus. He prayed there would be more time for Caroline, but there was only this for now. The ride of his damn life.

The loudspeaker above him crackled to life.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the final day of the Lakedale Horse Trials. We are now ready to kick off today’s events with show jumping, followed by dressage. Our first rider is a newcomer to the ring, but Michael Canton is no stranger to the equestrian world, having trained some of Britain’s finest horses. Please respect the competitors need for concentration and hold your applause until the end of each round.”

Michael’s heart beat fast as Marshall May shifted impatiently beneath him. She blew out harried snorts of breath, her muscles tense beneath his thighs. They approached the starting line and Michael patted her neck in a final, encouraging gesture of comfort.

It’s just you and me, girl. Let’s do this.

The assembled audience plunged into silence and Michael tightened his jaw. He’d never felt more ready for anything in his life. He gripped the reins and stared ahead. The official gave the starting count down.

With a dig into Marshall May’s flanks, they were off. The spectators, the continuous hum of background noise muted, and all Michael heard was the beat of his own heart and the unspoken connection between him and the horse. They galloped toward the first jump and Michael gritted his teeth.

Marshall May surged up and through the air, landing with faultless precision. Heat and dust, power and control ripped through Michael’s core as they passed over jump after jump with ease and competent triumph. His world shifted and his confidence grew in more ways than he could’ve anticipated. He’d been born to ride, born to be at one with his horses.

The weight of his father’s control lessened with each jump. Each moment severed another taut rope of Michael’s resentment. He absorbed his new freedom, breathed in the liberty, and let his mind and heart fill with a new way of living…with Caroline and a different future.

Around and around, he rode Marshall May. The passing wind ripping through his blood, his animal’s hooves sounding like thunder as they pounded around the ring. The final jump came into view and Michael urged Marshall May forward. She flew over the pole and landed easily. He drew her to a gentle stop and waited.

The audience went insane. Their cheers and whoops, applause and whistles erupted and ricocheted off the walls and ceiling of the tent. Marshall May bobbed her head up and down, as if acknowledging their admiration.

Michael grinned. His job was done.

He’d barely walked Marshall May a few feet away from the ring before Caroline came running toward him. Her face was flushed, her eyes bright and her smile wide.

“You did it. You…you were unbelievable. A perfect score, Michael. A perfect bloody score.” She laughed.

Michael grinned. She was the most singularly beautiful woman in the world. He leaned down and lifted her onto the horse in front of him. She leaned back in his arms and Michael nuzzled her neck as they left the tent to a barrage of cat-calls.


Caroline’s heart beat wildly as Michael led her by the hand across the courtyard of his apartment. The Trials had come to an end and they’d made a speedy exit, neither wanting to stay for the after-party. Who needed that when being naked was all the sustenance they needed? Her body ached for him. Her mind yearned for him. Excitement and desire mixed into a potent blend that made her grit her teeth and squeeze her pelvic muscles. She wanted her hands on him, her lips on his body, his cock deep inside her. Anywhere, anyhow, she had to have him. Never in a million years did she think watching a man ride a horse could fuel such erotic, desperate need.

She couldn’t wait any longer. She halted. “Michael.”

His eyes met her, almost black with intensity. “What?”

Words left her brain and froze on her tongue. Unable to speak or think, she gripped the back of his neck and brought his head to hers. She captured his lips and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Her body hummed with need.

His hands gripped her waist as they fed and took, kissed and loved. The man was hot. Hotter than any she’d ever met. She dug her fingers into the brick-hard plane of his shoulders and then gasped when he lifted her off the ground and into his arms. She locked her ankles at his butt and, with a final look deep into his eyes, closed them as he carried her inside.

Laughing, kissing, and trembling, they barely made it into the elevator. The doors swished closed and Caroline pulled away.

“Put me down.” Her command was like a purr in the enclosed space.

He grinned. “No.”

She smiled. “It will be worth your while if you do.”

He released her ass and her feet slid down to the floor. She leaned past him to press the stop button. The elevator ground to a halt and their eyes locked. “I want to taste you. Right here, right now.”

BOOK: Teach Me To Ride
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