The Accidental Mrs. Mackenzie (2 page)

BOOK: The Accidental Mrs. Mackenzie
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Chapter One
rynn leafed through the morning paper, absently dividing her breakfast between her pets. While her cat, Snookems, preferred protein, the fussy feline did like to nibble on a bite of bagel liberally covered in cream cheese. Lancelot, her small, mixedbreed terrier, wasn’t as particular, although he loved fruit, eagerly accepting bites of strawberries and bananas. Bossy, her parrot, aptly named because of his commandeering attitude, pecked at the bagel, while muttering a mixture of offbeat slang and sailors’ curses.
Brynn shook her head, correcting Bossy’s ill manners while knowing he was a lost cause. She didn’t have many guests, and luckily those few didn’t mind his off-color remarks.
All three of the creatures for various reasons had been practically unadoptable, which was why they’d wound up in her home. It was a good thing she only volunteered twice a month at the shelter, otherwise she would have had to invest in a farm ... or possibly a zoo.
Turning another page of the newspaper, she dropped the rest of the strawberries on Lancelot’s head. He didn’t mind, eagerly chasing the berries as they rolled across the kitchen floor. But Brynn didn’t notice. Her gaze was riveted on Gregory’s picture and the shocking caption beneath it: Prominent Local Business Executive Kidnapped in South American Coup.
Quickly reading the article, Brynn learned that Gregory had been taken captive while negotiating arrangements to build another plant for his firm. Details were sketchy, but the situation sounded grim. More than one American had been detained, as firms tried to capitalize on uncertain governments and cheap labor. Apparently the terrorists were holding Gregory for ransom—not out of any political motives, but rather financial ones.
No wonder Gregory hadn’t been on the jogging paths lately. While she’d been agonizing over introducing herself, he’d been—Well, who knew what he’d been going through. Brynn shuddered at the possibilities. She’d been gifted or cursed—depending on how she looked at it on any given day—with an overactive imagination. It provided the grist for her comic strip, but in situations like these she could practically feel whatever discomfort he was experiencing.
Disregarding the alarm that rang reminding her to read the collection of notes tacked around the apartment, Brynn stared at the newspaper until the last shrill echoes of the clock faded away. A scribbled message reminding her to reset the alarm fluttered to the floor unnoticed.
After rereading the article nearly a dozen times, she carefully clipped it out. Retrieving the wedding album she’d pored over countless times, she opened its cover. The clever photographer she’d chosen had done an extraordinary job using his computer to create images of herself and Gregory in appropriate wedding attire and poses.
The pictures were so realistic that even she had to remind herself they weren’t authentic. She’d known from drawing her own strip that the capacity of computer technology to change photos was nothing short of remarkable. And these pictures were even a cut above her expectations. People who either didn’t have the funds for original wedding photos or who wanted to utilize ones from a previous marriage were turning to computer enhancement. Brynn wondered how many former spouses would be appalled to see someone else’s face smiling from their photos. But it was being done more and more. The photographer hadn’t even questioned Brynn’s request, assuming the photos were for both her and Gregory.
To the unknowing, the pictures appeared to be the genuine article. And in her dreams they were. She knew her wedding album would seem silly—even ridiculous—to anyone else, but it was her indulgence, a bit of harmless fantasy. With nothing substantial of Gregory’s to hold on to, the album was her only link to the relationship she hoped would materialize.
Lancelot pushed his moist nose beneath her hand, begging to be petted. She obliged, picking up his sturdy little body to cuddle. “Do you suppose Gregory is all right?” she asked him, a slight hitch in her voice.
Instantly empathetic, Lancelot licked her hand.
Snookems, sensing her distress, moved closer as well, arching toward Brynn’s knees and winding her fluffy tail around her legs. Only Bossy continued his muttering.
Another alarm clock, set in case she forgot to heed the first one, now shrilled. But she ignored it, too.
“I don’t guess we’ll really know, guys. Who’s going to keep us updated on Gregory?” She sighed. “Nobody, I suppose.”
Brynn searched her memory for contacts she’d made during the auction, but she’d been her usual shy, reserved self, especially since she’d been thinking of Gregory the whole time. “Nope,” she said aloud. “No help there. I guess we’ll just find out with the rest of the world.”
BRYNN SAT AT HER DRAWING table, doing her best to concentrate on the strip, but her gaze kept wandering to the wedding album that rested on the coffee table. Giving in to the urge yet again, she abandoned her work to study the photos.
She had some time before the strip was due, but she needed to fill her mind with something other than worry about Gregory. And yet she couldn’t resist leafing through the album. Each morning since his disappearance, she’d risen early, opening the paper the moment it arrived, searching for any news about him. There had been an occasional update, all indicating nothing had changed.
Brynn tried to tell herself that no news was good news, but it was getting to be a thin platitude. Hearing Lancelot growl suddenly, she paused, listening as well. The doorbell rang and her apartment erupted in sound as Lancelot raced to the door, barking madly. Snookems took up her position in the window seat, proceeding to yowl as usual when Lancelot barked. Bossy launched into a limerick after calling out, “Enter.”
Rolling her eyes, Brynn glanced through the peephole, not recognizing the face that peered back, equally close to the door. Startled, she pulled away. “Who is it?”
One word penetrated the chorus of voices that greeted her: “MacKenzie.” Could it be news of Gregory? Forgetting logic or rationale, she picked up Lancelot as she whipped open the door. And stared.
Five curious faces stared back at her.
“Hello,” Brynn finally managed. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, aren’t you sweet?” a middle-aged woman gushed, holding out her hands to grasp Brynn’s, forcing her to shift Lancelot, then put him down.
“I’m not sure—”
“You’re right, Ruth, she looks delightful,” another older woman agreed. “And we’re taking her by surprise.”
“No, that is—” Brynn began.
“Of course we are,” a man interrupted, although in a weak voice. “We haven’t properly introduced ourselves. We’re the MacKenzies—Gregory’s family.”
Struck dumb, Brynn could only stare. Had something happened to him? And how had they known about her? “But, how... I mean—” Brynn tried to recover some sort of poise. “Please come in, won’t you?”
The ladies filed in first, then a girl of about fourteen or so, a boy who looked to be about nine, and finally the man with the weak-sounding voice.
“I’m Ruth MacKenzie,” the first woman began. “And this is my husband, Frank.”
He solemnly held out a thin hand and Brynn shook it carefully, feeling its fragility.
As she released his hand, Ruth was already steering her toward the others. “This is Frank’s sister, Miranda.”
“I’m glad to finally meet you, Brynn,” Miranda greeted her. “But I’m sorry we barged in on you like this.”
“No, it’s fine, really”
“And this is Heather,” Ruth continued without pausing. “She’s Gregory’s sister. But then of course you know that. Gregory must have told you about everyone.”
Oh, yeah.
The teenager didn’t hold out her hand; instead she gave Brynn an artless teenage smile. “His!”
“Hi,” Brynn replied, captivated by the darling girl.
“And this is Andy,” Ruth continued. “Gregory’s brother. There I go again. You probably don’t really need the introductions, much less my explanations of how we’re related.”
Not much.
“Hey, Andy,” Brynn ventured, never certain how to interact with children.
“How come you live in half a house?” he asked.
She laughed as Ruth gave him a look meant to quash his questioning. “It’s okay.” Brynn gestured toward the high ceilings, old-fashioned intricate molding, bay windows, and original wood floors. “As you can see, it’s an old house and the owner split it into two apartments.”
“Doesn’t look much like an apartment,” Andy replied. “On TV they always look all new and white.”
Brynn laughed again, enjoying his candor. “That’s why I liked this one. It was different.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, bending over to pet Snookems before wandering across the room in the direction of her drawing board.
Brynn glanced around at the circle of expectant faces. “Oh, and I’m Brynn Magee, but I guess you know that.” They all smiled widely at her and she returned the smile uncertainly. “But, I’m not quite sure
you know that.”
“Your photographer was kind enough to send us copies of the wedding pictures after he read about Gregory’s abduction. He thought we’d want our own set of photos. We were surprised but thrilled, of course!” A tear sparkled in Ruth’s eyes and her voice trembled.
Frank patted his wife’s arm, taking over the explanation. “As you can see, Ruth has quite a way with words and she talked the photographer into giving us your name and address.”
“And we wanted to meet the young woman who’d finally captured Gregory’s heart,” Miranda concluded.
Brynn stared at them as the blood drained from her face. They all thought—Here they were, worried about Gregory’s disappearance and now they believed she was his secret bride. What had she done?
“We know you and Gregory must have planned to surprise us and we’re sorry we ruined it, but with Gregory’s kidnapping, it seemed more important that we all come together at this time. I’m sure neither of you anticipated this twist.”
You can say that again
. Brynn took a deep breath.
Ruth leaned forward. “I can’t wait to ask. How did you and Gregory meet?”
Brynn’s lips opened, but no sound emerged.
“And why did you two keep the wedding such a secret?” Ruth continued. “I’m guessing you eloped, but I’m dying to know—”
“Ruth!” Miranda admonished her. “Clearly she’s too upset about Gregory to go into all that now.”
Ruth took Brynn’s hands. “I’m so sorry. My mouth is like a runaway train. We can talk about all that another time. I know that all you’re thinking about now is Gregory.”
“Have you heard any news?” Brynn managed to ask.
Frank frowned “Communications are terrible in South America. The State Department doesn’t think it was politically motivated since Gregory was there strictly on Drake Chemical business. Unlike some places, they are desperate for the revenue generated by an American business concern, so they’re welcoming the new plant with open arms.”
“Then why did they kidnap him?”
“Best we’ve learned is they think they can force Drake Chemical to pay heavily for his return,” Frank replied.
Brynn looked at him in alarm. “And do you think they will pay?”
“The CEO assures us they’ll cooperate completely. They value Gregory, too.”
Brynn tried to imagine Gregory held by third world terrorists, but it was still too much to absorb. “Do you know where they’re holding him?”
Looking even more ashen, Frank shook his head. “The State Department assumes they’ve taken him far from the hotel his meetings were to be held in. But wherever they’re hiding him, none of our government’s operatives can find him.”
“But the State Department told us the kidnappers would keep Gregory alive—it’s in their best interest,” Ruth added. Concern creased her features as she looked at her husband. “And we know they’re right.”
“I would feel it if something had happened to him,” Frank said quietly. He glanced at Brynn. “Of course you would, too.”
Helplessly, Brynn glanced between the MacKenzies.
“Where were you when Gregory was kidnapped?” Ruth asked, twisting again to look at Brynn.
She glanced between Gregory’s parents. “Here?” she answered tentatively.
“Of course she was here, Ruth,” Miranda intervened. “No man in his right mind would take a new bride to the jungles of South America.”
“Rain forests,” Frank corrected mildly.
“You know what I mean!” Miranda retorted before turning to Brynn. “Thank goodness Gregory had the sense to leave you in civilization!”
“Whatever the reason, we’re grateful, Brynn,” Ruth added, dashing at a tear in her eye.
“And we need to support each other,” Frank said. “Times like this call for families to come together. Do you have family here in Salt Lake?”
“No. There’s just my mother and she lives in Chicago, but—”
“We’re family now, dear,” Ruth spoke, her lips quivering even as they pushed into a smile—one that seemed to hover perpetually on her kind face. “And you have us.”
BOOK: The Accidental Mrs. Mackenzie
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