Read The Alpha's Onyx & Fire Online

Authors: Jess Buffett

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Paranormal, #Menage

The Alpha's Onyx & Fire (6 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Onyx & Fire
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Climbing to his feet, the only thought on his mind was getting as far from the Alpha family as possible.

“Wait!” Richard called to him as he stumbled to the door. “Please, son. Just wait. Clearly we didn’t know who you were to my son. All we knew was there was a possible threat to my son’s new and unclaimed mate. We had no idea.”

He darted a glance over to the man, surprised to see compassion, sympathy, and regret staring back at him. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. All I know is that I found one mate who disappeared on me, and when I tracked her down to New Hope, I discovered I had another mate.” His eyes trailed back to the spot where Sage had exited. “And he wants nothing to do with me either. Am I so horrid?”

He didn’t expect any of them to answer.

“I don’t think it’s you, son,” Richard offered. “I’m sure it came as quite a surprise to my son to find he had a male mate.”

While Leontis could understand that to a point, to outright reject him was another thing. As it was, Chase’s next words squashed that theory.

“You’re kidding, right, dad?” Chase scoffed. When the older man frowned and the two other brothers snickered, Chase explained. “Dad, I love you, but you really can be slow. Sage has no problem with a male mate. It wouldn’t be the first time he hooked up with a guy.”

“It wouldn’t?” Richard’s eyebrows shot up, and Leontis listened eagerly.

“No.” Chase grinned. “I think it’s safe to say all of your sons have at least experimented.”

“You have?”

Richard’s responses would have been more comical if Leontis didn’t feel the need to throttle the answers he wanted out of Chase.

“If Sage has been with a man before, then why doesn’t he want me?”

Chase sent him a sympathetic look. “It’s not that you’re a guy, but, dude, seriously, have you seen yourself?”

“So what, I’m too ugly?” Sure, Leontis knew he’d never win hottest man of the year, but he wasn’t a fucking troll.

“No, but you’re bloody huge.” Chase rolled his eyes. “Sage is a big, bad, dominant Alpha, and then you come along saying you’re mates...he is going to have issues.”

The light bulb flicked on in that moment. “He’s afraid I’d want to top him.”

“Oh God, I don’t think I can hear this,” Richard muttered. He held up his hand when they all shot a glare at him. “I don’t mean because you’re talking about two men, but you are talking about one of my children. And male or female mate...there are some things a parent never needs to know.”

Leontis gave the older man that. Hell, he didn’t exactly want to have this conversation with Sage’s brothers, let alone his father.

“Listen, why don’t I take you up to see Tessa? Sage might be there, he might not. Either way, I think you should see her,” Chase offered. “After all, she is your mate.”

He appreciated the other man’s gesture, quick to take him up on it. “That would be great. Thanks.”

Leontis needed to know if at least one of his mates wanted him, but at the same time feared rejection again. He didn’t think he was strong enough to face that again.


Chapter Five


Tessa paced her lounge room, desperate to hear back from Sage. When a car pulled up outside the small granny flat she moved to the window, pulling back the curtain to peek at who it was. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Chase. Tessa had met Chase a few years back when he had come to Sydney to visit his sister, Ella.

Walking to the door and opening it, her greeting fell short when she caught sight of the towering man behind Chase.


Her eyes darted from Chase, then back to Leontis over and over, waiting for an explanation. “Chase? L-Leontis?”

The larger man smiled and Tessa cursed her traitorous body’s reaction to the sight.

“Tessa, sweetheart,” he said softly, jogging toward her and sweeping her up in his arms.

She melted against him, unwilling and unable to fight her attraction for him. Tessa felt torn and guilty. This wasn’t right, she shouldn’t feel this way about another man. Ella had explained some things to her, and if she truly was Sage’s mate, then her feelings for Leontis shouldn’t be possible. Leontis must have sensed her change, the tensing of her body, because he suddenly let her go, stepping backwards.

“Not you too,” his voice broke with emotions, and it took her a moment to hear his words.


Pain etched in his features. “First Sage, and now you. What is so wrong with me that neither of my mates want me?”


What on earth was he talking about?

He eyed her warily. “You do know you’re my mate?”

Tessa’s jaw dropped. “I am? But...Sage?”

“Is my mate as well...not that he wants me.” Leontis seemed so unsure, so hurt. Biting down on his bottom lip, Tessa had never seen the man look so lost.

“Wait. So the two of you are mates, and I’m mate to both you?” She shook her head. “I’m just trying to work this out. I mean, is that even possible?”

“Very, though I haven’t ever heard of a mate rejecting another, especially when they are both paranormals.” His bitter laughter crushed her.

Tessa stood on the tips of her toes, cupping his face with one hand. “I don’t know what’s going on with you and Sage. What I do know is his sister, Ella, has told me a lot about mates, about what that means. I also know what I felt for you before I left and how badly I wanted to stay with you. If we really are mates, then I don’t want you to leave.”

Leontis visibly sighed with relief. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

“I am curious about one thing though.”


Before he could guess her intentions, Tessa hit him hard on the chest. “When the hell were you planning on telling me you were a shifter?”

Leontis threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, honey, if that’s what you’re truly concerned with, then I am a lucky man.”

Two firm hands cupped her face, drawing her in for a long, smouldering kiss. Her head began to spin, heady with desire as she allowed her body to mould against his. She felt herself dampen between her legs, her core pulsing with need. Suddenly she was clutching back at him, desperate for the feel of him against her.

Tessa thought she might lose herself there and then, if it wasn’t for the roar that blasted through the air. Tearing herself away from Leontis, her eyes widened and the sight of a huge white tiger sprinting toward them.


“Tessa, stand back,” Leontis ordered and he began unbuttoning his shirt.

She swung her gaze to his. “What is he doing? What are you doing? He isn’t going to hurt you, is he?”

“Just stay back, sweetheart. It’ll be okay.”

Tessa obeyed, but noticed the conviction in his voice didn’t reach his eyes.

Leontis dropped his shirt to the ground, his pants, and shoes following quickly. In the blink of an eye, the large man fell to all fours and began to change. It was the first time she had seen someone shift, and while she found it mesmerizing, she was too terrified to enjoy it. Before she knew it, a huge black lion stood in front of her going head to head with a white tiger.

All she could do was watch as Sage continued on his path, all his focus on Leontis. Leontis didn’t even tense when Sage’s huge tiger body slammed into his, both of them hitting the ground hard. She winced and made to step forward, but a hand on her arm held her still. Frowning at Chase over her shoulder, she asked, “What are you doing? He’s going to hurt him.”

“No. He isn’t.” She wished she held Chase’s certainty.

“How do you know?”

“Because I know my brother. Leontis is his mate, he may fight it out of fear, but he won’t hurt him.” A snarl ripped through the air, and Chase grimaced. “Well...not much anyway.”


Sage ran. The more thoughts that spiraled through his mind, the faster he went. A male mate. He pushed his tiger to its limits, the beast snarling at him to turn back to their mate and claim him. The fact Leontis was a man didn’t bother him, his size on the other hand…

The lion was huge, towering over Sage, muscular as all hell. And his animal...his animal was strong, possibly stronger than Sage’s. He had been relieved and perhaps even excited that Leontis wasn’t a threat, but his mate. Until the moment his tiger had gone from purring to whimpering. The shift in his animal, the sudden need to submit in any way scared the hell out of him.

Sage had never experienced anything like it.

Images of pinning, or being pinned by Leontis flooded his mind, and Sage desperately tried to shake them away. He would not get a boner in animal form. No way.

Confused and scared, Sage headed for his one safe harbor—Tessa.

Breaking through the tree line, a roar ripped from his chest. Leontis. Leontis with Tessa, holding her. His tiger snapped, taking over as he found himself rushing at the other man.

Sage could see Leontis strip quickly, shifting into his animal. He had a momentary pause as he realized the man was no ordinary lion, but a rare black lion shifter. He had recognized the strength of the other man, yet nothing prepared him for this.

Surprisingly, Leontis didn’t even try to fight him as Sage attacked, falling to the ground with him. Anger, jealousy, aggression, and fear swamped him. He bared his teeth to the lion beneath him, expecting a challenge, a test of will and strength. Instead, Leontis did something that never crossed Sage’s mind.

Closing his golden eyes, Leontis tilted his head, exposing his neck just under his black mane. Submitting to his Alpha. Something far more primal than anger rolled its way through Sage.


His lion mate must have sensed the change in him, for Leontis shifted into his human form. “Sage.”

The tenor in which his mate spoke, soft, sensual, full of promises tipped him over the edge he hadn’t even realized he had been on. With a snarl, Sage shifted as well, reveling in the feel of their human bodies touching. The stark contrast of their skin making him shudder, so hypnotizing and erotic.

“Mine,” he growled, still more tiger than human.

“Yes,” Leontis choked out.

Raw emotions of relief, lust, and fear began to overwhelm Sage as he regained more control over himself. For a moment he thought perhaps they were his feelings, so strong and believable. Then the feeling of hurt swamped him and one look down at Leontis’s face, Sage knew they belonged to his mate.

Hurt, so deep and sharp, it was like a knife to his gut.

What had he done?

“Leontis.” Pinned under Sage’s weight, Leontis didn’t attempt to move him; however, Sage could sense the other man withdrawing from him. “Don’t,” he barked his sharp command.

Leontis’s eyes widened, before narrowing. “Why? So you can change your mind again?”

“It’s not like that. You need to let me explain.”

His words were clearly not the ones Leontis wanted to hear because in the next moment, his mate was flipping him through the air until he landed on his stomach, one arm locked roughly behind his back. Leontis’s hot breath on the back of his neck made his cock harden even as he ground his teeth together in annoyance. “Let’s get one thing straight...mate. I may be willing to submit to my mate, but it doesn't make me submissive. You can either speak to me as an equal, or not at all.”

With a hard shove, Leontis’s weight disappeared, allowing Sage to roll over. Leontis had already turned his back on him and began walking over to Tessa who looked to be in shock. Leontis dressed himself quickly and Sage’s gut clenched when Tessa wrapped her arms immediately around Leontis as soon as he was in range. He could only take solace in the fact that when she peered over at him, there was no contempt or anger, just confusion.

A pair of pants were thrust in front of him, and he looked up. Chase. “Thanks.”

“No worries.”

Sage slipped the pants on, his eyes never leaving Tessa and Leontis.

“Need a hand?”

Sage grunted, accepting the help. “I need something.”

“Yeah, some advice,” Chase snickered. “Allow me to suggest some extreme groveling, followed by some hot make up sex.”

Sage grimaced. “I think it’s going to take more than sex to make up for what I did.”

“Oh, I have no doubt. I was merely offering you a starting point.”

He rolled his eyes at his younger brother. Naturally Chase’s first thoughts went to sex.

Taking a few steps toward his mates, Leontis stiffened as he neared them. Sage sighed. Shit, he really had screwed up.


The larger man turned to him, his golden eyes giving nothing away. “Yes?”

“Can we talk?”

A dark brow was raised. “I believe we already tried that...didn’t work out so well if I recall.”

Sage rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I screwed up good. I know that, Leontis. I’m trying to make things right.”

His mate grunted, but otherwise didn’t respond.

“Leontis,” Tessa whispered, her hand resting gently on their mate’s arm. “Why don’t we go inside and talk? I suggest Sage’s home, since my siblings are in the granny flat. You both need to explain some things to me. Like how I could be mated to both of you. Ella told me about shifters, a little about mates, but she never mentioned anything like this.”

Tessa’s voice had gone tight at the end, and Sage could tell Leontis noticed too. The lion nodded, linking his fingers with hers. Sage’s stomach clenched as he watched them walk toward his home. Without him.

He turned to his brother, who had been standing close by. “Chase, keep an eye on the kids, would you?”

“Sure, brother. I’ve got them,” Chase said sadly.

Sage nodded in thanks and headed for his home. His head low, depression setting in, he was totally oblivious to his surroundings until he bumped into something. Glancing up, he had to crane his neck back, taking in the enormous expanse of chest, following it up to meet those familiar golden eyes.

He opened his mouth to say...something, but was stopped by the firm press of lips. Sage groaned, leaning in to the solid chest, reveling when large arms wrapped around him like thick bands. His own arms came around his mate, hands curling into the thick black dreadlocks, holding Leontis in place. His lips parted on a gasp when Leontis hand slipped down to palm his arse cheek, and Leontis wasted no time in slipping his tongue in, dueling with Sage’s.

BOOK: The Alpha's Onyx & Fire
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