The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5) (8 page)

BOOK: The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5)
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“Sorry,” she said quietly, finally.

He pressed his face next to hers. His chin tickled the sensitive base of her neck.

“Why is that?” he so softly in her ear.

“I didn’t mean to use that word,” she said.

“I don’t know. I think the biker might love you back,” he said. “I knew what you meant. This is so new, but something is happening, and it’s nice, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she said. “It’s wonderful.”

It was nice to even be able to say that.

“You don’t have to be afraid of your good feelings,” he said.

He held her head loosely in his large hands. He massaged her ears, lightly massaging them between his thumb and forefinger. It was intoxicating. She thought she would nod from it.

“You’re hired,” she murmured.

“I am?” he asked.

He walked them backward into the bathroom. Maintain his hypnotic gaze upon her, he ran the tub water, letting it warm for them. He skimmed off his shirt from his lovely torso. John McCarthy was absolute perfection.

The way his rich, dark hair became disheveled by his clothing, made him look like someone from another time. He did indeed look like a handsome knight, with his lean but ample, ripped muscle. And his sense of chivalry.

He unbuttoned her uniform and slid it off her. Hannah waited as he tended to her bra and panties. He kicked his jeans from his legs and stepped into the water first to test its temperature.

“Perfect,” he said.

“Do you think we’ll fit?” she grinned. “By we, I mean you?”

“Hell, yeah. I’ll fit.”

She laughed.

They lowered themselves carefully, but his limbs were bent and/or hanging out of the tub. Hannah was very comfortable nestling against him. He was so warm, and she fit against him perfectly. He leaned her forward, to wet and lather her back and her shoulders. He lightly worked her skin with the Loofah, and then guided her back against him. He scooped the warm sudsy water over her breasts. He ditched the sponge and massaged her body with his long, powerful fingers.

He played her breasts, working his fingers up and kneading the heavy, slick flesh, finishing at the delicate-skinned tips. He pinched her nipples lightly, just enough to send a jolt through her. She hummed as though she had been shocked with erotic electricity. Reflexively, she spread her legs.

“Look at that,” he murmured.

He did it again, tugging ever so slightly and Hannah’s legs widened further. He cupped her mound possessively. In fact, she was engulfed by his powerful arms and body. He grazed his thumb across her sensitive nub, causing her to clutch at her core.

John nibbled the base of her neck. He was working her; strumming her between her legs, and bothering her at one of her most sensitive places. She cried out in pleasure.

Hannah’s moans bounced off the ceramic tiles. John laughed against her neck. She could feel him hardened against the small of her back to an uncomfortable degree. She turned around to him in response, straddling him.

He slipped into her easily. The angle of entry was perfection though the hard surface of the tub was killing her knees. She sat backward on him, resting her buttocks on him. She gripped the soap holder and braced the edge of the tub and push up and down off of him.

He helped her, cupping her soapy, slick buttocks in the palm of his hands. With his support, Hannah rocked on him easily. John’s glazed over eyes were glued to them, where they joined, watching himself penetrate her. She ran her fingers through his luscious hair as she braced herself for the impending pleasure to hit.

Hannah arched toward him as she climbs the heights of passion. Without a word of warning, John climbed out of the tub with her on him. That had to take amazing strength and daring. One slip could have been a disaster for the both of them.

But he was lost in his arousal. Entranced, he walked them to her bedroom. Hannah welcomed the sensation of her bedding against her back as he rolled her onto the bed. He drove so deep inside of her. His need grew, not lessened as he pumped in and out of her. She lifted her hips toward him, to receive him. To take him as far as he could go.

Hannah pressed her slicked center, urging her pleasure on. She closed her eyes and locked onto a position as he worked in and out of her. The sugared tension curled within her, winding tightly until it snapped. She seized around his sweet steel, helplessly, blissfully. She sank into a pool of utter contentment as ripples rolled through her. Her passion tipped his, and John was soon after, crying out in a storm of pleasure.

Hannah thought he was so hot when he came. He was like a warrior, shouting out his dominance. His upper body filled the ceiling it seemed. He rose above her like a possessive giant claiming her as he spilled into her.

John kissed her lazily as their pleasure left their bodies, still entangled. He rolled to the side and Hannah scurried to pull down the bedding, so they could crawl beneath. It was sheer happiness to have her beautiful man behind her, holding her tight in her bed. It felt just about perfect.

She slept so soundly.

In the morning, she heard the sound of the door opening. Hannah rolled out of bed completely naked and threw on some pajamas to join John in the front room.

“I went home and changed,” John said. “Brought back some groceries.”

She smiled. He looked so damn handsome.

He opened box of cereal and poured them each a bowl. Cocoa Crisps.

“You are a big kid, aren’t you?” she said.

He poured almond milk on the cereal. That was new for her, but she didn’t say a word. She liked it.

“I still haven’t heard from my sister,” said Hannah.

He put his hand on hers. “I know you guys are close, but a lot has happened in the past few days,” said John. “Are you calling her or just texting her?”

“Both,” she said.

“I’ll get the number of the place they’re staying at in Reno. Trenton ought to have it. You can call them there,” he said.

He kissed her on the head.

“By baby,” he said. “I have to go.”

John crossed the room back to her and kissed her one more time before he left. He let a blast of cold North Dakota air in as he left. It wasn’t but ten minutes after they said goodbye that he was calling her.

“Hi, babe,” he said.

“Hi,” she said.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.”



She really just met him, but she knew him already. He was up to mischief.

Instinctively, she looked out her front window. He was standing in the parking lot in front of another very cool car, smaller than his other. It was beautiful. It was teal with a black hard top. Smiling, he waved at her. There was another Ghost of the Prairie with him. He was running around checking the car out like he was a member of a pit crew. They gave each other high fives. The Ghost gave Hannah two thumbs up as he danced with a big smile.

John smiled. “Like it?” he asked.

“What’s going on, sweetheart?” asked Hannah.

“Um, your new wheels,” he said. “I’ll paint it your favorite color if you like.”

“The car’s mine?” she said.

“Yep! It’s all yours, baby.”

Hannah’s head spun. She didn’t know how to accept the gift. She didn’t want to be dumb either. Did he mean just for the day? She was stunned by the generosity. These things just didn’t happen to her. Not ever.

Her jaw dropped.

“Hello?” he said.

Hannah stood in the window unable to speak or move. He laughed and like the wonderful, valiant knight that he was dashed up the stairs and into the apartment.

He dangled the keys in front of her. “Ready to go for a ride?”

“In my new car?”

“Hell, yeah!”

She changed quickly and slipped into jeans. He braced her as they climbed down the stairs to the parking lot where the car was. It was gorgeous. Everything was in mint condition.

“I can’t drive this,” she protested.

“What’s the matter?” asked the other Ghost whose name Hannah didn’t know. “Can’t drive stick?”

“It’s too much,” said Hannah, tears welling up in her eyes.

“I want you to have it. I bought it off Trenton,” said John. “You’ve been through so much. And I think you need a way to get around town.”

“Thank you!”

She jumped into his arms as he spun her around. John McCarthy made her melt. His sexual innuendo made her buckle. The other Ghost shook his head and laughed.

“You dog,” he said with a smile.

“Okay, this dog has to go to work,” said John.

He gave her another quick kiss and handed her the keys.

Hannah went back into the apartment and did her hair and makeup. She put on a gray-blue silk dress she picked up from the Goodwill and a pair of brown pumps with stockings. She now had time to talk to Sheriff Billy about becoming a deputy. She packed up a clean uniform and shoes in a tote bag and went out in her new, borrowed, car to drive.

It was a beautiful feeling pulling out of the parking lot in the sparkling car. She went to the sheriff’s office first. Billy made time for her. He gave her an application.

“Even if you don’t become a deputy, there are a lot of things you can do. Work as a dispatcher. We’ll make it work,” he said.

She threw her arms around the giant man as soon as she walked into his office. “Thank you for selling John the car. He told me you gave him a good price.”

“It’s probably not cool if a controversial lawyer like myself is seen in the arms of a beautiful woman. Plus, John McCarthy will be down here kicking my ass,” he said. “And you’re so welcome.”

“So how do I get in touch with my sister?” she asked.

“Well, last I heard they were at my wife’s place. They’re probably running around getting paperwork submitted. Let’s give them a call, shall we?”

Trenton put the phone on speakerphone while the phone rang and rang. Hannah tensed up.

“My sister is always in touch with me,” she said.

Trenton touched her arm and addressed her patiently.

“I think she and Bull hit it off the way you and John have.”

“Understood, but if she saw all my calls and texts to her, she’d return the call no matter what,” countered Hannah.

“Let me ask the other guys if they’ve heard from them. In the meantime, I will have the property manager who watches my wife’s house to run over and take a look. Don’t worry, honey. They’re divorced by now. I’m sure of it, and if worse comes to worse, they’re in a casino hotel wearing each other out.”

But she did worry. Hannah was fine for about an hour or so, driving around on the highway, enjoying the car before she headed to work. But still no word from Melinda. Hannah’s sister officially kicked John out of her head. She was sick with worry. Her boss told her to have faith. She put one foot in front of the other and got through her shift.

John texted her while she was on the clock. She was so beside herself with thinking the worst that she didn’t feel like talking to him. How quickly things changed. After the third text, she finally replied “slammed” to excuse why she was not answering.

After work, Hannah went for a drive to clear her head. She drove to Lake Sakakawea and parked. If she went home and ignored John, he would just come over. She just needed to be alone and think things out.


Chapter 13


Hannah sat on the shore of the lake and cried. All the tears that she had never cried before, after her mother and father died, after Cranston took utter control over her sister’s and her life, and now that her sister was not answering back, she cried even harder.

She cried so hard she felt like throwing up. The force of pain came up through her, and she just let it pass. It made her flicker in and out of consciousness. It wiped her out.

After what she thought was a few minutes, Hannah gave up her drama and decided to go home. She reached for her phone, but it was dead. She went to start the car, and the battery was also dead.

Shit! It was freezing outside. She was all alone. Surely, she hadn’t been out there that long. She prayed. It was the only thing she thought of doing. She felt a strange peace like, as much as this was a good thing to get all worked up about, she knew it was going to be okay. It was like someone placed a hand on her and assured her everything was going to be okay.

As she let go of the situation completely, she heard a vehicle in the distance. Maybe she had not been paying attention previously, but she was pretty sure it was the first one she had heard since she got there.

She knew that sound. It was not a car; it was a Harley. It was John. It was a miracle.

“I ran out of juice,” she said shyly as she got out of the car.

“You did,” he said sternly.

He removed a jumper battery from the trunk and hooked it up to Hannah’s battery. His brows gathered together as he regarded her sternly.

“I needed time to think,” she said.

“Did you read my texts?” he asked.

BOOK: The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5)
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