The Boardroom (New Adult Contemporary Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: The Boardroom (New Adult Contemporary Romance)
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“Will you be seeing him again?” Brianna asked.

“I think so. He asked if I would attend a charity event with him. I really want to.”

“What would you wear to an event like that?” asked Jade.

Peyton shrugged. “Avery said he’d provide what I need. He told me not to worry about that.”

Jade opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. Peyton noticed, but didn’t say anything when it became clear that Jade wasn’t going to say whatever she had been about to say.


Chapter Nineteen -- Peyton


It had been a few days and Peyton decided she needed to let Avery know she wanted to attend the charity event with him. She fished around in her purse, retrieved her phone, and dialed his number.

After several rings, a woman answered. “Roderick and Associates. How may I help you?”

“I’d like to speak with Avery Roderick, please,” Peyton said with a shaky voice.

“May I say who is calling?” she woman asked

“Yes. Tell him Peyton Jameson is calling.”

“Hold, please.”

Peyton waited for what seemed like an eternity before hearing his rich deep voice. It was insane how quickly his voice could so easily melt her worries away.

“Peyton, it’s great to hear from you. I’ve been waiting for your call. Have you made your decision about the charity event?” he asked

“I have,” she said, suddenly feeling nervous. She had never been to anything formal… but it was another chance to be with Avery. “I’d like very much to attend.”

“Wonderful. I’ll have my assistant deliver your dress. What’s your address, my love?” he asked.

She provided her address, trying desperately not to sound overly eager. She hated to see girls throw themselves at a guy and she didn’t want to appear cheap.

“Got it. The party is next Monday night. I’d like to see you again before then if you’re free,” he said.

“I’d like that, too, Avery. I do work at the club on Friday and Saturday though.”

“I’m sure Miss Davenport won’t mind if I steal you away for a night,” he said, his gravelly voice filled with need.

“I... I can’t lose this job, Avery. It’s important. I...” she mumbled, not wanting to tell him no but not wanting to risk her job, either.

“You won’t,” he said. “I promise. I just need to see you again.” The urgency in his voice – the possibility of not being able to see her – made him sound sad. It broke her heart.

“I have to go,” she said. “Lots of studying and assignments to get done before the weekend. We’ll talk again soon. Bye, Avery.”

“Bye, Sweetness. I’ll let you know when to expect the delivery.”


Chapter Twenty -- Avery


Avery wanted to make sure Peyton felt like a princess at the event so he dialed up an old friend, Denise Wong. She had become a major fashion designer and wouldn’t let him down.

“Hello,” said a seductive feminine voice.

“Denise? This is Avery Roderick. I need a favor.”

“Oh? What kind of favor?”

“I need your help in acquiring a very fabulous dress for the most enchanting woman I’ve ever met,” he said.

“Why, Avery,” Denise said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “I haven’t heard you sound this happy in ages. She must be a remarkable woman. Of course, I can help you.”

“Great. And she is more than remarkable.”

Denise laughed softly. “I’m sure she is. What size does this more than remarkable woman wear?”

“What size?” Avery asked, feeling foolish for not realizing he’d need the answer to that question. “She’s... well... I don’t actually know. Hold on a second.” He placed Denise on hold. How was he supposed to find out her size? Adele had picked up clothes for her before. She’d know. He dialed his home. No answer. She must be out shopping. He didn’t want to call and ask Peyton a question like that. Trixie! She would know. He quickly dialed another number.

Trixie answered. “The Boardroom.”

“Trixie, it’s Avery Roderick.”

“What can I do for you, Avery?”

“By chance, do you know what size dress Peyton wears?” he asked

“Sure. Let’s see... here we go... size 6. What are you up to Avery?” she asked

“I’m buying a dress for her for a charity event and I just realized I had no clue what size she was. Thanks for your help, Trixie,” he said, disconnecting the call.

He sighed with relief and pressed the button for the holding call. “Denise, she’s a size six.”

“Such a tiny little thing. Okay. Hair color?” she asked.

“Blonde. Can you have a few dresses sent to my office today?” he asked.

“Sure. Give me a couple of hours and I’ll send over the best I have.”

“Fantastic! You’re the best, Denise. I owe you one. Thanks again.”


Chapter Twenty One -- Peyton


Friday finally arrived and it couldn’t have gotten here any sooner. Peyton was thrilled with the idea of seeing Avery again and the week had crawled by at a snail’s pace. Ugh! She got dressed as fast as she could, eager to get to the club and get dressed up for a night of dancing and whatever it might bring. Backing her car out of the driveway, she decided to check the mail. She pulled up by the mailbox, leaned out the window, and snagged the stack of envelopes.

“What the hell is that?” she muttered to herself, recognizing the university’s logo on one of the envelopes. She ripped the envelope open, wondering what it could be since her tuition payment wasn’t due for several more weeks. Hopefully, tuition wasn’t going up again. She could barely afford it now. Removing the letter, her eyes went straight to the ‘balance due’ line at the bottom of the page. A big fat zero stared back at her.

Several emotions fought to win her over. When the sudden shock subsided, the worry and curiosity battled amongst themselves. It had to be a mistake, a mistake she hated to bring to their attention, but they’d surely discover the error sooner or later. She grabbed her phone from the depths of her purse with shaky hands and called the university.

“Business office.”

“Yes. This is Peyton Jameson. I just received a letter stating that my balance for this semester is now zero,” she said, her voice laced with worry. “I... I haven’t made my payment yet so there must be some mistake.”

“Hold please and I’ll pull your file,” the girl on the other end of the line said before the phone clicked and music began playing. It was the worst damn music she had ever heard.

The line clicked again and the god-awful music thankfully stopped. “Miss Jameson, I see that a payment has been credited to your account. You are paid in full for the semester. No mistake was made.”

“But... I haven’t made a payment,” Peyton said, confused. “Can you tell me who paid it?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t share that information. From time to time, a benefactor will assist in paying the tuition balances of students receiving scholarships. You’re one lucky young lady. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” she asked.

“Umm... no, thank you. Wait... so I’m completely paid up for the semester?” She was sure she had misunderstood the girl.

“That’s right!” the woman confirmed.

“Thank you,” Peyton said, pressing the end button, feeling numb.

She was thrilled – relieved – that her tuition was taken care of, but she still wanted desperately to know who had paid off her tuition balance, and why. Part of her said she should just be thankful to whoever it was, but the other side of her was angry she didn’t do it herself. She didn’t need pity or handouts. She closed her eyes and took a couple of slow deep breaths. Now wasn’t the time to worry about it. She had to get to work, and nobody would have a good time if she was upset.


Chapter Twenty Two -- Avery


As Avery stepped into The Boardroom, he could tell with one look at Peyton that something was off. She seemed different somehow. Even the gorgeous smile on her face could do nothing to hide the concern she attempted to hide from the world. He saw it. He couldn’t help but see it.

He stood by the dance floor, waiting for the current song to finish, not wanting to interrupt her time with the older gentleman she was dancing with. Trixie waved from across the room and he nodded in return. The song finally ended. He walked onto the dance floor, taking his woman into his arms, not caring what song played next. In his mind, every song was their song.

“Good evening, my Sweetness. You look enchanting tonight.” His eyes roamed hungrily over her form-fitting white gown.

“I’m good. I’m so glad you’re here.” She looked him up and down. “Nice suit.”

“Thank you,” he said. Her voice sounded strained, like she was trying to sound happy when she really wasn’t. He wanted to ask what was wrong but didn’t want to pry. She’d tell him if she wanted to share what was on her mind. “Oh… before I forget, your dress will be delivered tomorrow after lunch.” He flashed the wicked smile he knew she liked, hoping it would improve her mood..

“I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it’s gorgeous,” she said, a genuine smile finally appearing on her face, seeming to lighten up the dance floor.

The two of them continued to dance the night away, neither wanting their time together to end. By the end of the night, Avery had once again asked Peyton to join him at his home. The smile on her face when she agreed made him feel like the luckiest man in the world.


Chapter Twenty Three -- Peyton


It had been a long night and Peyton’s feet had begun to ache from all of the dancing. The ache was worth it, though. She had spent the evening dancing with the hottest guy in the club... hell the world. She changed back into her regular clothes and slipped into her flip-flops before returning to Avery’s side.

They hustled out the door and slid into the limo that waited for them at the entrance to the club. Avery hadn’t made a move to kiss her and she wondered why. In the club, he had kept his distance, rarely touching her except to hold her oh-so-properly while they were dancing. She didn’t know why but she was desperate to feel his hands on her again. Fortunately, his attitude changed once they were in the car.

“Come here, my Sweetness,” he growled.

Sliding across the seat, she pressed her body against his eagerly. This was the Avery she had been waiting for. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her even closer, leaving no space between them. He gently grasped her chin, angling her face up to his, pressing his lips to hers; at first gentle, but then searching for more. She could taste the bourbon he had drunk earlier on his lips even now. His tongue delved into her mouth, playfully flicking hers. It was, in its own way, a seduction she couldn’t resist.

The all too familiar heat he instilled in her radiated from her core, her body relaxed into his, wanting more. She turned to face him, planting her palms on his masculine chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly. She moaned as the kiss deepened, slowly sliding her hands farther down his amazing body.

Avery’s cock twitched as her greedy hand palmed his erection. She rubbed slowly at first, and then faster. He groaned and pulled her onto his lap, his hips thrusting against her, causing her to gasp at the friction.

Peyton couldn’t wait any longer. She didn’t care if the driver heard them... or saw them. She had to have him now. Her fingers worked the button and zipper, revealing Avery’s hard cock.

“Commando?” She smiled, almost drooling over the delicious sight in front of her. “Nice.” She wrapped her soft warm hands around his shaft, gripping it tight.

Avery gasped at her touch. “I want you. I love the way you feel.”

Peyton slid off the seat, slowly easing to her knees before him. His eyes went wide as she lowered her mouth to his throbbing cock. Her tongue darted out, seductively moistening her lips, before retreating to the warm of her mouth.

“Fast… or slow?” she asked as their eyes met.

“Slow, Princess,” he said in a husky voice. “Slow.”

Peyton’s lips parted, her tongue flicking across the swollen head of his cock. Avery groaned, unable to control his actions, his hips thrusting forward. Peyton smiled at him wickedly as her warm tongue encircled his cockhead before slowly roaming down his shaft and back up again.

“You’re teasing me, Princess,” he groaned

“Maybe,” she said, right before sliding his cock between her lips. Slowly, she worked his cock in and out of her mouth, applying suction, enjoying the moans coming from him. She felt Avery’s muscles tense and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. She slowed her movements, reaching down and sliding her pants down, removing them without releasing him from the warm prison of her mouth.

She reached into her clutch, fishing out a foil packet. Avery took it from her, tearing the packet quickly with his teeth and slipping it over his granite-hard cock. Peyton quickly rose and straddled Avery’s lap, slowly easing herself onto his thick erection, her desire for him – her need for him – consuming her, making it impossible to wait any longer. His hips thrust up, burying his cock into her tight wet pussy.

“Oh, Avery,” she cried. “You feel so good.”

“So wet,” he moaned. “Fuck.”

Peyton rode his hard cock, loving the way it felt as it thrust into her moist tight channel. Avery’s thrusts became more demanding, her muscles clenching his shaft tighter and tighter, until she couldn’t hold on any longer. “Need to come,” she moaned. “Almost there. Fuck me hard.”

Avery responded, thrusting harder, his free hand reaching between them rubbing her sensitive clit. She trembled at the contact, moaning loudly, her body shuddered against his. Avery pulled her close, kissing her swollen lips with an uncontainable passion, meeting her thrusting hips with his own. She screamed into his mouth as she came, and he held her tight as his cock pulsed within her, the condom the only thing keeping him from filling her with his seed.

Peyton loved how powerful she felt, taking control of their lovemaking. Never before had she let her lust control her actions. The look on his face when she slowly fed his massive cock into her warm mouth would forever be imprinted into her mind. The animalistic way his fingers gripped her body made her shiver as a renewed flutter of longing made her clit begin to throb yet again… but there wasn’t any time to indulge her desire again. They’d be reaching their destination soon.

BOOK: The Boardroom (New Adult Contemporary Romance)
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