Read The Bridal Swap Online

Authors: Karen Kirst

The Bridal Swap (22 page)

BOOK: The Bridal Swap
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Two weeks later

lacing the last candle on the window ledge, Kate adjusted the bough of greenery and turned to survey the decorated church. Bouquets of orange and pink mums, yellow marigolds and goldenrod clustered around the podium, a burst of autumn colors against the white walls. Greenery entwined with cheerful orange ribbons adorned the pews.

It was a scene reminiscent of the season of bounty and harvest. Of Thanksgiving.

The perfect time for a wedding.

Her gaze settled on her fiancé. Looking handsome and relaxed, he stood in the far corner with his cousin Juliana and her husband, Evan Harrison. All three had silly grins on their faces, happy simply to be in each other’s company once again.

Kate watched as Evan held his wife close, his manner loving and protective, his eyes full of love. How many times over the past week had Kate glimpsed him placing his hand tenderly over the slight swell of Juliana’s abdomen where their first child nestled? Seeing them together, she found it difficult to believe the story of their meeting, of how he’d been masquerading as an outlaw and had kidnapped Juliana when she’d interrupted the robbery of Clawson’s Mercantile.

Juliana had merely laughed at Kate’s shocked reaction. The gorgeous redhead laughed a lot, no doubt giddy with joy to be among her family once more.

Megan appeared at her side looking radiantly happy. “I just love weddings—” she sighed dreamily as she surveyed the room “—and yours and Josh’s is going to be beautiful, don’t you agree? Are you happy with the way everything looks?”

“It’s perfect.” Grinning, she looped her arm through Megan’s. “I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

The past two weeks had been a whirlwind of activity. They had lingered in New York only long enough for Kate to repack her traveling suitcase and arrange for her personal maid to act as chaperone on the return trip to Tennessee. Saying goodbye to her parents and sister had been more difficult than she’d anticipated, regardless of their disdainful attitudes. They were her family, and she loved them. Who knew if she’d ever return to the city of her birth?

Without Josh’s support and the prospect of a new life, she might’ve crumbled. But God was faithful. The Healer of all wounds. He’d provided a brand-new family just for her.

Tomorrow she would walk down this aisle and join her life to his. She would be an O’Malley. An official member of the family.

As if reading her thoughts, Megan declared, “I’m so gloriously happy the two of you worked things out. Soon you and I will be family! And we’ll get to see each other every day. I’ll come and visit you in your new studio. I wonder who will be your first customer?”

The mention of Josh’s wedding gift made her smile. Shortly after their return, he’d approached her with a blindfold and mischief in his eyes. Ignoring her questions, he’d driven her into town and, standing on the boardwalk, revealed his surprise.

Hanging above the door of the new store he’d rebuilt with his brothers was a carved sign with the words K. O’Malley Photography and J. D. O’Malley Furniture.

“Well? What do you say?” He’d tipped his head, a smile quivering about the corners of his mouth. “Partners?”

Overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, she’d thrown her arms around in his neck. “You’re too good to me!” she’d exclaimed, words muffled against his shirt collar.

First he’d stunned her with the announcement that he and his brothers were going to build a new, larger cabin just for them. And now this!

He’d held her tight, his face pressed against hers. “Is that a yes?”

She’d eased back to stare into his dear face. “Since we are to be partners in life, it makes sense for us to be partners in business, as well. I’m not sure how I can ever thank you properly.”

His lazy smile and the flare of heat in his eyes had made her insides go all quivery. “Oh, I think we can come up with something.” He’d brushed a too-brief kiss across her lips. Releasing her, he’d gestured toward their combination store and studio. “For now, would you like a tour?”

“I’d like nothing better.”

“Kate—” Megan nudged her “—are you listening?”

She blinked to clear her mind of the pleasant memory. “Sorry, what were you saying?”

“Never mind—” she chuckled “—as the bride-to-be, you have an excuse to daydream.”

Kate spotted Tom off to the side with Nathan and Nicole. His gaze seemed to follow Megan around the room. “I’m curious—did you ask Tom to come and help decorate?”

The sparkle in her eyes dimmed as she shook her head. “No, Josh did that.”

“He can’t keep his eyes off you, you know.”

Regret pulled at her generous mouth. “I was hoping…that is, while he’s a kind, upstanding man, there’s just no spark between us.”


“Yes, spark. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.” She gave her a look. “Whenever you and Josh are in the same room together, the air practically hums. I can see it in the way you two look at each other. It’s the same with Evan and Juliana.”

Kate couldn’t deny it. “So you’re saying there’s no magic with Tom.”


She tugged her friend close. “One day soon you’ll meet the man of your dreams.”

“That’s what I keep telling her,” Juliana piped up, her forest-green eyes brimming with happiness and humor. “She’s got her heart set on a romantic hero come to life.”

Megan grinned. “That’s right. No ordinary man will do for me.”

Kate sought out Josh. Her heart skipped a beat when she encountered his ardent gaze. Even from this distance, the look in his eyes made her knees go weak. Yes. There was a spark all right.

“I already found my hero,” she said softly, smiling at him.

With a parting word to Evan, he started toward her.

Seeing the looks exchanged between the couple, Juliana gave her a grateful smile. “You’ve made him more happy than I’ve ever seen him, Kate. And that makes
happy. Welcome to the family.”

Her kind words meant a lot to Kate. In the few, short days she’d spent in Juliana’s company, she’d become fond of the young woman and would be sorry to see her leave.

“What are you three whispering about over here?” Josh curled an arm around Kate’s waist and tucked her against his side. He dropped a kiss on her cheek, something he did with pleasing regularity these days.

She had delighted in discovering his affectionate side. He was quick to hug and hold her, and he liked to steal kisses. Simply holding hands seemed to please him. Having lived in a loveless household for much of her life, she treasured his each and every touch.

“We were saying how thrilled we are to have Kate,” Megan said.

“Yes, indeed.” His smile was tender as he gazed down at her. “I think we’ll keep her.”

Evan strolled up at the same time Juliana smothered a yawn. “I think it’s time we head back to the cabin.” He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Little momma here needs her rest.”

“I do get tired more easily these days.” To Kate, she said, “I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well.”

Taking their cue from the expectant couple, everyone left except for Josh and Kate.

Their arms wrapped loosely about each other’s waists, he groaned good-naturedly, “I wish it was tomorrow already. I can’t wait to make you my bride.”

“I have a feeling the day will go by faster than you think.”

And it did.

In an emotional, romantic ceremony that next afternoon, with family and friends looking on, she and Josh exchanged vows to love and cherish each other the rest of their lives. The evening passed in a blur of well-wishes, gift-opening, cake-cutting and, for the bride and groom, longing glances and stolen kisses when they thought no one was watching.

At long last alone in their cabin, Kate’s stomach fluttered with nervous excitement. With one final glance in the mirror, she emerged from the bedroom wearing a lace and satin nightgown, handmade specially for her wedding night.

A soul-satisfying contentment filled her. Her past, so riddled with pain and regret, no longer haunted her. She’d let it go. What was important was the here and now, and learning to savor each moment of her new life.

This was a day of new beginnings.

At the whisper of luminous material, her husband glanced up. His eyes widened, then darkened as he took in the sight of her. He stood slowly to his feet and walked toward her.

Still dressed in his black suit pants, the top buttons of his white dress shirt undone and the sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular forearms, he was devastatingly handsome. His honey-brown hair was mussed, giving him a rakish look.

Her pulse quickened.

Reaching up, he removed the pins from her hair one by one, watching as her tresses fell in waves about her shoulders. “You are ravishing, Mrs. O’Malley.”

Kate’s eyes drifted shut, and she smiled. How she treasured the sound of her new name!

“Thank you, Mr. O’Malley.”

“I’m a fortunate man to have you as my bride.”

She looked at him then. “I’m not the bride you initially picked out.”

“True.” His smile was loving and wise. “But you’re the bride God wanted for me. And we all know His choices are best.”

Josh enfolded her in his embrace and kissed her then, expressing his love and adoration for her with tender touches and earnest whispers.

He loved her, and she loved him. They would spend the rest of their lives celebrating the gift God had given them.

* * * * *

Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing
The Bridal Swap
. When I started this story, I didn’t realize how emotional Josh and Kate’s journey would be. Both are hurting and lonely and in need of love—especially Kate. It was such a pleasure to give her a happy ending with an honorable, caring man like Josh. I believe she’ll be quite content with him and the O’Malley clan by her side!

Like Kate, I struggle sometimes with the notion that some of my poor choices are beyond God’s forgiveness. Whenever this happens, I turn to His Word for reassurance and I’m reminded that He is faithful to forgive—all we have to do is ask. Thank you, Jesus!

I’d love to hear from you! Email me at [email protected] or swing by my Facebook page. Visit my website,, for pictures of the O’Malleys and information about my series, Smoky Mountain Matches.


Karen Kirst

Questions for Discussion

  1. Josh and Francesca had a whirlwind courtship. What do you suppose motivated him to propose after such a brief time?
  2. How can a person distinguish between infatuation and love? (See 2 Corinthians 13)
  3. We all have dreams. God’s timetable, however, does not always move at the pace we’d like. Was there ever a time in your life when your impatience either sidetracked your dream or put it out of reach altogether? How did this affect your relationship with Him?
  4. Despite her wealth and connections, Kate is lonely and searching for acceptance. How do the O’Malley families reach out to her and make her feel welcome? How important is it for us to be hospitable to others? Name specific ways we can extend the hand of friendship.
  5. Patrick and Georgia Morgan favored Francesca over Kate. How did this affect Kate?
  6. Kate fears dark, enclosed spaces. At one point in the story, she recites verses and prays for renewed peace. Have you ever had a fear of something that affected your daily life? How did you cope?
  7. Josh is understandably upset when he discovers Kate has bought the store. How would you have reacted if you were in this situation?
  8. When life doesn’t go the way we’d hoped, do you think we are more inclined to blame God or to trust in His plan for our lives?
  9. If you had a friend who, like Kate, felt ashamed of something in his or her past, what would you tell them? Which Bible verses would you direct them to?
  10. All sins separate us from God. Why then do you think we tend to categorize sin, viewing some acts as more shameful than others?
  11. What motivates people to keep secrets? How does it affect the person? Is there ever a good reason to keep a secret?
  12. Kate’s cooking skills take Josh by surprise. Like Josh did with Kate, we sometimes make assumptions about people based on their appearance, financial status, friendships, etc. How does this hinder our relationships? (1 Samuel 16:7b—
    The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart
  13. Kate allows her mother’s opinion of her to define how she sees herself. How can we establish our identity and self-worth in Christ Jesus? List specific passages of scripture.
  14. Do you think Francesca’s deception influenced Josh’s initial reaction to Kate’s revelation of her past with Wesley? Why or why not?
  15. When others hurt us, how can we come to a place of forgiveness?

ISBN: 9781459223769

Copyright © 2012 by Karen Vyskocil

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

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BOOK: The Bridal Swap
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