Read The Devil's Bargain Online

Authors: Miranda Joyce

The Devil's Bargain (3 page)

BOOK: The Devil's Bargain
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“Oh no, baby. Don’t do this. You can’t work me up all night and then leave me with this.” He grabbed my hand and pulled down over the hardness of his erection. I squirmed trying to pull away. “I just need a little taste to keep me going.” With two quick steps he pulled me down a side alley next to the bar.

“Ray, Ray not like this. Please!” I struggled against him but he had me pinned firmly against the wall his hands roaming over my breasts and his mouth sucking and nipping at my neck. With a firm yank he ripped my blouse open and pulled my bra down until my breasts were bare beneath his touch.

I felt like I was floating outside of my own body watching him maul my breasts while his knee pressed hard between my thighs. Distantly, I could hear the rumble of traffic and the far away sounds of music coming from the bar.
This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.

Right before I sank into despair, Ray pulled away from me.
Thank God, he’s giving up.
But when I actually looked at what was happening, the first thing I saw was the pained expression on Ray’s face and the huge shadow looming behind him.
Cain. Thank God.

Ray squirmed in Cain’s grip before finally wrenching free and turning to attack. Cain laid him out with one punch and a few kicks from his heavy motorcycle boots for good measure. When he came towards me I flinched but his touch was tender, he slid my bra straps up over my shoulder and pulled the front of my blouse closed. The buttons lay scattered across the pavement.

“Darling, are you ok? Can you hear me?” I nodded. My movements were the slow, logy movements of dreams. It was as if I were underwater. “Listen, we have to move. Something’s happened.”

Without waiting for a response he closed his hands around my wrists and guided me out of the alleyway. His hands were gentle but there was an iron underneath. He lifted me up onto the back of his motorcycle and sat down in front of me pulling my arms around his waist.

“You have to hold on ok?” The rev of other engines sounded nearby. “Shit, they’re here. Hold on!” With a deafening thunder the Harley woke beneath us and Cain wasted no time getting into motion. The streets began to pass by in a blur as we went flying out of town and the sound of the other engines disappeared into the distance.




Once we hit the open roads, the disconnected, floaty feeling finally left me. Instead I was acutely aware of everything from the rumbling metal between my legs to the wind lashing my hair and the metallic taste of adrenaline on the back of my tongue. More than anything, I was aware of the warmth of solidity of Cain’s body pressed against mine.

He had saved me back in the alley but there was no reason I should trust him beyond that. He was a violent, brutal man in charge of an outlaw club. Still, for some reason in that moment I felt safe. I had believed him when he said ‘No women and no children.’ I didn’t think he’d try to hurt me.

We pulled into a dirt parking lot outside an old industrial warehouse on the edge of town. Cain pulled the bike around the back of the building where it was hidden from the main road. When I stepped off the bike my knees almost buckled and he caught me quickly before I tumbled to the ground.

“Easy, take it easy. It’s the adrenaline. You’re going to feel shaky for a minute.”

“Where are we? What’s going on?”

“This is a warehouse we own. We’re just going to lay low for a minute until I can get in contact with the rest of my crew.”

“What’s going on?”

Cain’s mouth was set in a grim line. “That guy you were distracting does the books for The Reapers. They were meeting today to discuss financials and we caught wind of it. We knew three Reapers who were responsible for killing one of our guys were going to be at the meeting so we thought we’d hit them there and get our revenge.”

“Then why didn’t you want Ray to come?”

“Three bikers from out of town go missing and the local police aren’t too concerned. A private citizen, even a dirty one, goes missing and suddenly there’s a lot more heat. Anyway, when we showed up the three weren’t there. Instead it was twelve Reapers. There was some shooting and we barely got away. I knew they’d come looking for the accountant so I came to get you first.”

“Someone double crossed you?”

“I don’t know and I hate not knowing. Come on let’s get inside.”

Inside, the vast space was half filled with crates and boxes. I didn’t want to know what an outlaw motorcycle club would store in a warehouse on the edge of town. Cain lit a few of the lights leaving the ones closer to the road dark. I took a seat on one of the crates feeling the rough wood dig into my thighs.

“So now we wait?”

Cain was pacing up and down the aisles making sure the other doors were secure. I could see the bulge of his gun beneath his leather jacket.

“Now we wait.”

“Cain, I need to know. Did you know that guy would do that?”

He was staring out one of the few windows when I spoke. He turned back towards me slowly, his eyes were dark and unreadable. With a few long strides he closed the distance between us. I was still shocked at how much larger he was than me when he was so close. I could feel the heat radiating off his body and smell the aroma of soft, old leather.

Gently he cupped my face in his hands. “I would never have sent you if I had known. Believe me. I knew he was a horn dog. That was part of the plan, but never that he was a rapist.”

I let out a shaky breath slowly, sliding off the box and getting to my feet. Our bodies were pressed close together and I felt his uncertainty at my boldness.

“I believe you.” I said running my fingers beneath the hem of his t-shirt and feeling the hardness of his muscles. His body was responding to my touch. I could see the bulge growing in his pants as my fingers danced over the sensitive skin.

“Meg.” He said softly. His voice turning that one word into a warning, a plea and a threat.

“I don’t understand it either but I know it’s what I want.”

“Are you sure? You’ve just been through…” I put one finger over his lips to silence him.

“I don’t want to talk. I want to fuck.” I twined my fingers into his soft hair and pulled him down so I could kiss him hungrily. My tongue delving into the heat of his mouth, my teeth worrying his lip.
Let him know that I mean it.

Maybe he was right, maybe it was the adrenaline. Maybe it was me acting out to reclaim my power after Ray. Maybe it was a delusional white knight on a roaring steed fantasy playing out. I didn’t care. The attraction I had felt for Cain had been instant and undeniable. I think I had known from the moment our eyes locked that this would happen one way or another. I just hadn’t expected to be the one leading the way.

Cain kissed me back deeply. The weight of his body pushed me back against the crate and his hand cradled the back of my head. The hard weight of his cock pressed against my belly. It made me wet with need. I reached down and pulled his t-shirt up over his head desperate for more contact, to feel his skin against mine.

His hands slid my blouse from my shoulders and with an expert flick of his fingers my bra strap unlatched and they both tumbled to the floor. My nipples were hot and hard already as they pressed against the smooth firmness of his chest.

When my fingers began to fumble with the button of his jeans he pulled back and looked into my eyes searchingly.

“Trust me.” I said. He nodded his head and raked down his zipper. His pants pooled around his ankles and his cock sprang free. It was long and wide, much larger than any man I had ever been with before. My heart quivered as I thought about him parting me and spearing into me with that hardness.

He placed his hand on the top of my head and guided me to my knees. I ran my hands over his chest, kissing the carved lines of his hip muscles on the way down.

“Lick it.” His voice was rough with lust and it sent a shiver down my spine. Obligingly I parted my lips and ran the slick skin of my tongue over the head of his cock, tasting him. A soapy clean scent underlain with a faint masculine musk filled my senses.

“Oh God yes.” His hips bucked forward at my touch and his fingers clamped down in my hair. His nails grazed softly over my scalp. I licked the length of him again and again enjoying the feeling of every ridge and vein beneath my tongue.

“Now take it in your mouth.” I didn’t have to obey but I wanted to. That rough, commanding voice took over and I wanted to bend and yield to his orders.

I slid my lips over him and lowered myself down feeling my skin stretch over the girth of him. He moaned in the back of his throat, the sound coursing through me like water making the throbbing need between my legs rise to a fever pitch. Inch by inch I moved until he filled my mouth completely. His fingers clenched in my hair again, holding my head in place while I listened to his panting breaths.

When his fingers relaxed I began moving with an aching slowness. I wanted to savor every touch and every taste. I could feel Cain’s cock twitch in my mouth as I worked. His breath was coming in gasps and his hips thrust forward. He was close to coming but I wasn’t ready yet. With a final swirl of my tongue I pulled away from him and he staggered back a step.

“Holy Jesus, you’re good.” He reached out and pulled me close nibbling the soft skin of my neck while he yanked roughly at the zipper to my skirt. I wriggled my hips helping him slide the fabric down until we were both bare.

I tried to close the gap between us but he held me at arm’s length; his eyes slid over my body with a raw hunger that made ache. When his gaze had traveled over every inch of exposed skin he came forward. Kissing along my collar bone and running his tongue between my breasts, he moved down my body to my slightly parted thighs. I could see my wetness glistening there and I felt his breath puff hot between my legs.

His tongue slid forward and parted my lips making me moan with desire. He teased back and forth along my slick skin while I squirmed trying to guide him to the aching center of my need. Finally, he flicked his eyes up towards me and rubbed his tongue over the hard bud of my clit making my muscles clench around him.

The rough scrape of his stubble against my thighs paired with the probing softness of his tongue made me lose all grip. Everything around me disappeared and all that was left was the feeling of Cain between my thighs. He moved with a slow and steady rhythm, pulsing against my clit as the fire grew in my belly and spread. My heart stopped beating and he pushed me over the edge. My eyes snapped shut and my body shuddered and shook around him.

He pulled away when the last tremors of my orgasm subsided. I could see the desperate need in his gaze before he spun me around and bent me over the crate. The rock hardness of his cock slid between my legs. I felt my hips buck back involuntarily offering myself to him for the taking.

Slowly, he entered me spreading me apart and filling me with fire. I squeezed tight around him urging him on but he resisted, sinking in to me inch by aching inch. When he had buried himself completely inside of me he stopped. I felt the hardness and heat of him not knowing where I ended and he began.
God, this is what I’ve been needing for so long.

When he began to move his thrusts were slow and shallow making me squirm and plead for more. He denied me, only giving me a bit at a time while teasing out my desire. I thrust back towards him trying to force him deeper but his hands clamped down on my hips holding me in place. My need for him was overwhelming.

He kept moving sliding in and out of me, the friction between us building. With a little thrust of his hips his cock hit the sweet hidden spot inside of me stoking the fire. Again and again he prodded that spot until my muscles were clenched around him. When the waves of my orgasm were about to crash over me again he slid out of me. The weight of his cock pressed against my entrance.

I wanted to cry, to scream or to beg. Before I could he flipped me around until we were face to face and laid me down on the cold concrete floor. I grabbed him and pulled him down on top of me wrapping my legs around his hips and driving forward. Finally, his need matched my own and he plunged his cock into me deeply. He fucked me, hammering into me like an animal while his teeth clamped down on my nipple making me gasp.

I clung to him desperately, rocking with him while my nails grazed along his back. Each grunt and moan fueled my desire more and more. Our sweat, slick skin slid together as we moved.

“Cain, Cain, Cain.” I whispered over and over again like a mantra or a prayer. Hearing my need, he slammed into me driving me back into the rough, hard floor. The fire inside of me was all consuming as it washed over me making me shake and gasp as I clenched around him.

The force of my orgasm pushed him over the edge and I felt his cock twitch deep inside of me as he grunted out his own climax.

For a few blissful moments we lay wrapped in each other’s arms. My head was blaring out a warning
don’t get attached, this man is dangerous
. I pushed it away focusing on the warmth and comfort spreading through my body. Those quiet moments were short-lived when distantly I heard the roar of motorcycles.

We jumped to our feet and started gathering our clothing. For the first time I felt the chill of the night air. Or maybe it was just me finally recognizing the danger. I had been able to push away all thoughts of our dire situation while he was inside of me, filling me with fire. But now that illusion of comfort came crashing down around us.
When we were dressed Cain stood next to me and took my hand in his. Together we waited to find out if those distant engines were bringing news of life or death.


BOOK: The Devil's Bargain
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