The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Unchained Love 4

The Dom’s Patience is Rewarded

Panther Dom Oliver Simpson has wanted to claim Leticia Brooks, another panther, for over a year, but her father, Sam, is paranoid about attacks by the rogue panthers. Now, a human nurse, William Chapman, has fallen in love with her too. It’s time for Leticia to decide what she wants.

Sam flees from the community after trying unsuccessfully to kidnap Leticia. With her father out of the picture, Leticia agrees to a three-way mating with both Oliver and William. Oliver teaches her the release and freedom that are found BDSM sex, but the trio isn’t out of the woods yet.

Just as they settle down to begin their happily ever after, Sam tries to kill the leader of the rogue panthers because the man is his son. Now Leticia has to deal with a crazy father and an evil brother. Will Oliver, William, and Leticia’s new love be strong enough to survive?

BDSM, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-shifters

39,695 words



Unchained Love 4






Cara Adams










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2013 by Cara Adams

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First E-book Publication: February 2013


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The Dom’s Patience is Rewarded
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With grateful thanks to the editors who noticed my mistake, so that Leticia, Oliver, and William were able to tell their story.


Unchained Love 4



Copyright © 2013






Chapter One


Leticia opened her door the merest crack and peeked out.
No one in the hallway? Good.
Even though her shoulder was strapped to her body and hurt like hell, Leticia was determined to go out into the garden and begin planning how she’d tackle turning it from a tangled wilderness into a productive vegetable garden again.

She tucked her notepad under her chin, grasped her pen between her teeth, and used her one good hand to shut the door as silently as possible.

She only got as far as the staircase down to the ground floor before William Chapman appeared around the corner, his dark eyes filled with worry.

“Where are you going? Please let me hold your good arm. I can carry the notepad and pen. What if you trip and fall?”

William, a human nurse, refused to leave her side, wanting to keep his arm around her waist every step of the way. She really liked William and Oliver, a panther like her, too, but was so very tired of being confined by the people who loved her. She knew William only wanted to care for her and she appreciated that, but she needed to have some freedom and space, too.

Leticia shook herself free from his arm and said firmly, “I’m going out to the garden now. You can follow me if you want to. I won’t fall. I didn’t dislocate my shoulder by falling.”

“I’m well aware your father did it. It’s only a few months since you were rushed to the hospital after he shot you in the leg. I hope the community here never lets him come back.”

Leticia felt confused and turned to look William in the face. “What? Why shouldn’t he come back here? It’s our home now.”

“It may be your home, but it’s never been his. He’s never joined the community, has he?”

“No, but neither have I.”

“Exactly. He never let you. Most of the panthers have joined Carnal Connections, though, haven’t they?”

“I don’t know. My father kept me in my room so much I never went to many of the meetings and I’d never been to any celebrations until I went to Serena and Verity’s twenty-first birthday party. I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess many of them have asked to be part of Carnal Connections.” Leticia sat down on the bottom step of the deck leading into the garden. With one part of her mind she was looking at how very neglected the garden was and planning how she could make it flourish again. But with the rest of her mind she was thinking about what William had said. Her father had forced her to stay in her room most of the time because he was worried about the danger of the rogue panthers.

“The rogue panthers constantly attack us. I was in great danger as an unmated full-blood. It was the only way my father could keep me safe.”

“Ding! Wrong answer. No rogue panther has ever even gotten onto the property here. I agree a person might have worried about you running near the fence line alone or walking around the front gates alone, but there’s no reason to believe there was any danger to you or anyone else in the buildings or around other people here. Think, Leticia. Use your head. What danger has there ever been inside the property here?”

She stared at him. In all their conversations he’d never been this blunt before. William had nursed her in hospital twice now, the first time after her father shot her in the leg, and the second after he dislocated her shoulder. She knew William was a deeply caring person who’d made it very clear that he loved her. She loved him, too, but she also loved the panther, Oliver, who’d loved her in silence for over a year. The other panthers had been quite circumspect about what they said to her about her father, but the humans had been more forthright. More and more she was coming to see that her father protecting her so fiercely had prevented her from knowing the true facts about their situation. She’d only known things from her father’s viewpoint, not as they may have truly been.

“I–I believed my father. He does—did—love me. He always cared for me, and after my mother was shot by a hunter when I was thirteen we were both traumatized, yet he tried to be both mother and father to me then. But more recently…None of the other women were made to stay in their rooms, were they? And no one else had their father sleeping against their bedroom door.”

“No one else’s father shot them, either,” added William acerbically.

Leticia shook herself then winced at the pain from her dislocated shoulder. Something else that hadn’t happened to any of the other women. “Why is my father so overprotective? I’ve never done anything risky. I don’t work as a stunt woman in a movie studio like Gaynor or ride a motorcycle off a cliff like Jubilee. Why is he so worried about me?”

William laid his hand on her thigh then cupped her chin in his other hand and turned her face to look directly at him. “You know the judge ordered your father to attend counseling after he shot you. And you know your father has refused to speak to the counselor. Whatever demons your father is fighting, he totally refuses to get any help. He doesn’t take advice anymore from people he’s known and trusted for many years, and he only obeys his Alpha when he absolutely has to. He’s not acting normally at all.”

“But why?” wailed Leticia, hating the whine in her voice but hating even more that the man she’d loved and respected all her life could no longer be trusted to tell her the truth or care for her.

“I have no idea,” said William, stroking her skin gently.

As he leaned against her she sensed he was about to say more and guessed what it was. He’d developed the habit of chastely kissing her good night in the hospital and it’d helped her to sleep knowing he watched over her. However, she wasn’t ready to hear a declaration of love from him. Because of Oliver, who’d been waiting for her for over a year now. Her own feelings were too complicated. So she wiggled away from him and stood up. “I want to look at the garden now. Since you insisted on coming, too, you can take notes for me.”

“Lucky me. Should the first note be ‘hire a bulldozer’?”

“Good heavens, no. I need to see what’s hiding under all these weeds, not to tear the good crops out with the trash!”


* * * *


A week later, Oliver sat silently in the meeting, running his hands through his hair instead of banging his head on the table as he was sorely tempted to do. Omar, his pack Alpha, clearly wanted to leave Sam to his fate but felt honor-bound for them to save him from his own foolishness. Larry, the business manager here at Carnal Connections, apparently agreed with Omar that they had no choice but to look after Sam. Personally, Oliver thought Sam deserved anything that happened to him due to the crazy way he was behaving and his inability to take advice.

BOOK: The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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