Read The Duke's Deception Online

Authors: Fenella J Miller

The Duke's Deception (4 page)

BOOK: The Duke's Deception
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Chapter Four


The rattle of
the window curtains dragged Marianne from her slumbers.

‘Good morning, Miss
Marianne; it’s a lovely day, not a cloud in the sky.’

‘Good morning,
Jane. Must you be so cheerful? I am in low spirits this morning. I’m going to
find it hard to behave as I ought.’

Jane hurried
across. ‘Now, don’t fret, miss. You’ll soon be comfortable in company. And
you’d be surprised how much is forgiven of an heiress.’

‘I am not used
to that either - I had no notion that there was any money for we lived so
frugally at Upton.’

Jane clucked her
disapproval. ‘That was a disgrace, if you’ll forgive me for saying so, miss.
You shouldn’t have been kept in seclusion when there were funds aplenty for
parties and gowns galore.’

‘But if I’m not
to attract unwanted attention, or let Sir James know my whereabouts, should I
not remain at home and not go out at all?’

‘I expect you’re
right. It’s a pity you have such distinctive looks, miss. Not many young women
are blessed with corn coloured curls, sky blue eyes and a perfect form to

‘You exaggerate,
Jane, but I thank you for the compliments. It’s not my intention to parade in
extravagant gowns. I’ve asked Mrs Dawkins to ensure everything is plain,
high-necked and long-sleeved. Emily seemed to think pastels and white were the
only acceptable colours, but as I’m not going to be attending functions I decided
to have what I wanted.’

Jane looked
unconvinced. ‘Colours are considered unsuitable for girls your age, miss, so it
might be best if you refuse as many invitations to make morning calls as you
can, at least until you’re more sure of yourself and can carry them off.’

‘I’ll do that
willingly. But I’m a guest here and I’ll be obliged to attend some functions
with Lady Grierson and Emily. After all Sir Theodore has dipped deep into my
funds to finance our new clothes. He will expect us to wear them, will he not?’

Jane handed her
a bowl of chocolate. ‘Time enough to worry when they arrive. Neither Lady
Grierson nor Sir Theodore can expect you to go out in public until then.’

‘Do you know
when breakfast is served here? I should hate to miss it; I ate little at dinner
yesterday and didn’t go in for supper.’

‘At ten o’clock,
I expect, like most places. You’ve plenty of time. I’ve sponged and pressed
your gown and your habit is also ready.’

‘I will wear my
habit. Sultan has not been ridden since we arrived at Bentley Hall. He will be
eager to stretch his legs.’


The stable yard
was a hum of activity. Enquiring equine heads hung over stable doors enjoying
the bustle. Marianne stepped carefully round the piles of steaming horse dung
searching for her own mount. She saw Tom before she spotted Sultan.

’, Miss Devenish, was you hoping to ride Sultan?’

‘Yes, Tom, I
was. Is something amiss with him?’

‘He’s lame in
his off-hind, miss. Nothing serious, a trifle overheated, that’s all. I’ve

him out in the paddock to graze.’
Seeing her disappointment he hastily continued. ‘All the others are sound
though. Shall I saddle up Jason for you? John’s not ridden him today.’

‘Will you
accompany me, Tom? And perhaps one of the Frating grooms could come as well to
give us directions? I should like to discover more about this place.’

Fifteen minutes
passed before the horses were saddled. Jason, as content under a side saddle as
any other, waited patiently for Marianne to be tossed aboard. Sam, the young groom
appointed to be their guide led the way.

The park was
small but verdant and offered several opportunities for a gallop and the fields
were bordered by fences ideal for jumping.

‘Tom, look at
that - there’s a gap there big enough to drive a cart through.’

‘I see, Miss
Devenish. Good thing there are no cattle grazing here. There’s a lot needs
doing on this estate but the staff are well fed and happy, it’s only the land
and buildings that need attention.’

Marianne reined
in gazing with pleasure across the open fields. ‘I like it here, Tom. The

landscape is not dramatic but the
trees are handsome and the fields in good heart.’ She turned to Sam waiting
just ahead. ‘Where does that lane lead to, Sam?’

‘Down to the
village, Miss Devenish. Do you wish to take it?’

‘Not now. I
believe we’ve been out long enough. I have to change before breakfast and I do
not wish to be late.’

A handsome
chestnut stallion was being led into the cobbled yard as they clattered back.
Sam grinned. ‘That’s Sir Theodore’s mount; I’d know him anywhere for he visited
Lord Grierson as soon as he arrived in Great Bentley. That horse is a mad
devil. I doubt as any other man in England could ride him without breaking his

Too surprised by
his remarks to answer Marianne dropped easily from the saddle and with a quick
wave of thanks almost ran back to the house. She wasn’t sure if she was more
taken aback by the fact that her foppish guardian was a bruising rider or that
he had dragged himself out of bed before noon. She entered by a side door and
raced up the stairs and burst into her small drawing-room.

‘Good heavens,
miss, is something wrong? You startled me,’ Jane exclaimed.

‘My guardian is
here. Imagine - before we have taken breakfast! What can he be thinking of?’
She headed for the bedchamber intending to change out of her habit.

‘I should stay
in that, miss. It’s the one decent garment you own. It’s a blessing Lady
Frasier never minded you spending money on anything related to horses.’

She waited
whilst Jane quickly sponged off the dust and grime accumulated from the ride.
‘There, you’ll do. The military cut and dark green material suit you. Have you
asked to have your new habit made in the same style?’

shrugged. ‘I’ve no idea. I left it entirely up to Mrs Dawkins. As long as she
avoids pastel colours and white, I’ve given her a free hand.’

Jane sniffed.
‘Well, we must hope her taste is good and you don’t end up decked out like a
village maiden.’

‘No fear of
that, Jane. I also made it abundantly clear I wish there to be, no frills,
ruches or an excess of ribbons. Now - am I ready?’

‘You will do.
Try not to run downstairs; remember you’re a guest here.’

A footman
escorted her to the breakfast parlour, a spacious room positioned on the south
side of the house thus getting the full benefit of the morning sun. The room
was empty. It had just struck ten. Where was everyone? Or more to the point
where was Sir Theodore? She turned to the footman.

‘I believe Sir
Theodore is visiting? Could you direct me to him please?’

‘Certainly, Miss
Devenish. He is in the library with Lord Grierson.’

Marianne paused.
Should she disturb them? She wasn’t sure of the correct etiquette. The young
man saw her hesitation and guessed its cause.

‘Lord Grierson
and Sir Theodore enquired as to your whereabouts, Miss Devenish,’ he told her

‘Thank you. In
that case take me to the library please.’ She knew, for her mother had told her
so, that in the grandest households the occupants would not dream of thanking a
servant but she preferred to treat them with respect.

The footman held
the door open and she stepped in, remembering to curtsy politely in the general
direction of the two gentlemen standing conversing by the window.

‘Come in, my
dear child, we’ve been hoping you would join us,’ Lord Grierson waved a hand in

Sir Theodore
stepped forward, his expression open but his eyes watchful. ‘Good morning, Miss
Marianne, did you enjoy your ride?’

‘Yes, thank you,
sir. It’s a pretty place you have here, Lord Grierson.’

‘I’m glad you
approve, my dear. Now your guardian has some private matters to discuss with
you, so I’ll leave you together.’

Before she could
protest that she did not wish to be left unchaperoned he disappeared. Devenish
strolled over and opened the door, wide, before returning to his place by the

‘How are you
settling in? Is everything here to your liking?’

‘Yes, sir; I am
to have my own apartments and my staff are well accommodated. I have no


‘Excellent! It
would be just too tedious if I had to find you somewhere else to reside.’ He

stifled a yawn and admired his
reflection for a moment in the handsome mirror hung above the empty grate.

‘I apologize if
I’m boring you. I have not yet learned to make small talk,’ she said sweetly.
She caught a glimpse of something flicker in his eyes and wondered if her
assessment of his intelligence was possibly incorrect.

‘Bore me? No,
never, my dear girl. It is merely that I left my bed too soon as I was

determined to see you are
comfortable. I could not sleep for worrying.’

This was
stretching credulity too far— he did not appear a man overburdened with cares
of any sort. She bobbed a curtsy.

‘Thank you, sir.
I am sure I appreciate your concern. But I can promise you I’m happy here and
have no need of your assistance.’ She left unsaid the fact that she preferred
it to stay that way but the implication was clear.

‘Well, my dear,
I’m afraid you will have to get used to my appearance. I shall not shirk my
responsibilities. I intend, soon as you have received your new wardrobe, to
escort you about the place, let everyone know I am your guardian. A mere
could do no less.’

She recovered
quickly from her horror at this statement and pinned on a smile of false
delight. ‘I had no idea you intended to be such an attentive guardian, sir. I
shall look forward to your frequent visits. But, alas, it could be some time
before I am appropriately dressed and can leave the house.’ She dropped her
eyes demurely before continuing. ‘I am certain you would not wish to be seen
out with a
upon your arm. You are, as anyone can
see, a man in the first stare of fashion.’

‘That habit is
quite fetching, my dear, nothing wrong with it at all. I shall escort you on
your morning ride until your gowns are ready.’

Did she detect a
slight crispness to his tone or did she imagine it? ‘That will be delightful,
but my horse, Sultan, is lame at the moment so I shall not be riding again
until he is sound.’ The fact that she had just ridden out quite happily on a
different mount escaped neither of them.


Theo barely
curbed his strong desire to step forward and shake his ward. If he continued
this conversation any longer he would be unable to restrain himself. He did not
enjoy being made a fool of by a slip of the girl, however delectable. He
summoned up his most simpering smile and bowed with exaggerated courtesy.

‘In that case,
my dear, I shall expect to see you mounted on a suitable hack from Lord
Grierson’s extensive stable. I shall be waiting outside at nine o’clock tomorrow

Surely not? Yes
- the chit’s hands were clenched.

‘Very well, sir;
I shall be there.’ She fluttered her eyelashes
is nine o’clock not too early for you? Perhaps
would suit you better?’

His smile was as
false as hers. ‘Alas, it is the wretched birds, you know, I find myself unable
to sleep past dawn.’ He reached over to the desk upon which he had left his
whip and gloves. ‘Pray, don’t let me keep you from your breakfast, Miss
Devenish.’ Without another word he strolled past and left her alone in the
library. Being this wretched girl’s guardian was going to be more tiresome than
he’d thought.


Marianne was
uncertain to whom the honours of the encounter had gone. She shook her head
ruefully. An encounter with Sir Theodore was like trying to catch a minnow in a
stream. One minute you had it in your hands the next it had slipped through and
you were left with nothing. That was how she felt, empty, as though she had
almost understood something important then it had, like the little silver fish
she had hunted in her childhood years, vanished leaving her dissatisfied and

Her stomach
gurgled noisily reminding her she hadn’t eaten. Smiling she hurried from the

library to seek sustenance in the
sunny breakfast parlour. This time the chamber was occupied by Lord Grierson
and his two sons who stood up and nodded politely. Of Emily and her ladyship
there was no sign.

‘Be seated, my
dear, I’ll serve you myself. What would you like?’ her new papa greeted her

‘Some ham and
coddled eggs, with bread and butter would be perfect, thank you, my lord.’

Charles smiled at her. ‘Would you like
chocolate, coffee or porter, to drink?’

‘Coffee, please,
Mr Grierson.’

She nodded to
Edward, already munching his way through an impressive plateful. ‘Good morning,
Master Edward.’

Edward nodded
his mouth too full to answer. Lord Grierson placed a laden plate in front of

‘There you are,
my child. You are far too thin but a few weeks with us will soon sort that

She stared with
dismay at the pile of food. ‘If I am unexpected to eat all this every morning,
my lord, I will soon be the shape of a barrel.’

He chuckled.
‘Nonsense, my dear. Eat up - good wholesome food never hurt anybody.

This all comes from my farms. You
will not get better anywhere in Essex.’

‘I shall do my
best, sir.’ Her plate was still half full when she pushed it away. ‘I am sorry,

cannot eat another morsel but it
was delicious.’

‘Excellent! We
don’t take luncheon here, so it’s best to eat your fill at breakfast.’

BOOK: The Duke's Deception
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