Read The Ghosts of Jay MillAr Online

Authors: Jay Millar

Tags: #POE000000, #Poetry

The Ghosts of Jay MillAr (3 page)

BOOK: The Ghosts of Jay MillAr
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feels us here

listens carefully

who knows will disappear

are anyone who is going

are speaking like they do

anyone who is soft

against their own skin

like nests

are watching

care about

only know such gifts

what dark we have caught in branches (sleeves)

all day, dark, and more here, dark

piled up light as all those who sleep

while we do not. forever asleep, dark

ourselves (the text is black on us

(we never write) and we never forget)

any dream of the day in our lives, we


are what dark is in the light of (this

ink) the trunk's white skin, forever

asleep, we are awake and piled high

sink into the dream's great earth


these flakes fall


Leaf Legend


a star

they are so


The Present Today is Built from the Past

Equinox ‘96

stupid it is to run from the weather, the sun, the clouds, as falling leaves the air dry, all the brittle stars against those seasons that pass daily
as though they were out to get you: remember it takes two to linger in conversation, the rest is just thought and it's all the same thing, we take warmer blankets now, and dream more often, alive, meeting strange out of the way breathing, slower now, noticing the dream was just awake staring at the window
a decrease in pressure, the heat easing off, so obvious to everyone, everything present to remind us that the world is not here with you in it. think about it and we will linger on edge, imagine, noting what there is, as abstractions we are left to ourselves, to preach, to meditate on what to consume and exhume, rolling along that slant again, of faces brown against the sky after the sun, tired, we who survived. light.          trees.          a window.          7:45 a.m.
and we are nowhere at all
: summer has come to an end again. stand back, slow down, all of this is what we have longed for as memory speeds up into the top of our skull to slice at the crisp they find there, and it's all the same thing, we have been here before doing this very thing, as though the very multitude of flannel were a slow leak reservoir heaven of warmth to bathe every inch of your mind, the heat is suddenly mindfuck't again: and it's over. and it's over as autumn shoots each leaf through their memory so ancient they all turn to colour and dust
… we miss things constantly; think behind each thing, look around still blocked from the sunlit voice of abstraction itself, left with what we began with in our minds to begin with and discover nostalgia here in the present i was once a small creature in my Sunday best and the light fell just so, as did my feet, walking, there in the present,
the squirrels, the sun, the leaves and the small birds sputtering across rooftops, the books under my arm. i have been here before, a caravan, riding at dawn, looking through the wood and preparing for winter, the bear, the rabbit, the deer, the chipmunk, remembering paths we took, our subtle repetitions,
the smooth essence of memory
and looking through the stupid window can make us believe there really is a world out there, as opposed to in here, where all our different minds, all our past incarnations fuse into sunlight.

Sneezing Out There Rips My Head

wide open.

the rush of the trees in the wind, being the essence of trees

is what allows myself the end of the wind that will never arrive

in the present, i just don't want to meet it out there tonight.

one can listen to the sound and know the secret lives of trees, their passage

in this, a time of small gods who sing with the wind and of it.

constantly i feel this mounting and then the lethargy… all the time…

O how I could spit like the wind tonight, venom, all the stupid rush of reason,
godly sounds, the wishes, the grunts, the mischief, Love… i have found love
squelches at these days repeating their habits endlessly, yet it is the
lethargy i have trouble with in the midst of such kafuffle. makes
me wish it were Sunday afternoon instead of Wednesday night, when spirits
aren't all grown up with nowhere to hide from the many disappointments
where we are. i look forward to being contained by the mounting of love,

as it continues listening to the trees as they never end despite

my own sad reflections of living, trees in the darkness reach

out what branches, branches i have never seen until

we are ready to embark into the wind.

we are ready to embark into

always it's against where we are in the present and now the breeze

against my arms pincushion and cool, so lovely i could almost cry to


all those days of summer might return, driving through the small towns of South Western Ontario: Watford, Thamesville, Chatham, Tilbury, Belle River; i always love to see the skies there through the tiny intersections as they fall gently to touch the earth, there were many photo opportunities.

driving through the intersection of each town, passing earthclad tattered beings blowing in the wind, how i love them so… how they are made up as if from the elements themselves, breathing what air. i could almost become one of them i love to see them crossing the street, their own way of space and speech, every stupid thing i've ever done nags against this landscape, which is, of course, my Mind, my unlikeliness of ever succeeding, the big brash and hopeless city where i live, i might be impressed (in fact i am) by how my own memories begin in a rural landscape, years ago, working farms near Lucan Ontario shoveling horseshit from the stalls of rich horses with my brother Darren, the stench of piss and flies, loading up the wagons of hay with Darren and Steve, piling row after row of sweetgreen hay, each wagon piled so high, each of our own energy, the roll of the land, the bump of the wagon, the sky touching…

it is so nice to look there

and find yourself, and know you were once full of who you were, or could be,
and in such looking you are still youthful, who you are. all day long
in the stupid heat, until the day was cool to the touch
and the hay was in our lungs, heavy with sweat and diesel fuel under the rich
evening skies I would care to remember in later years and write about in
poems, big dumb poems that would try to capture in the language
a kind of wind that opens up the sky.

(Our minds glass eyes and mist, youthful, on fire with being…)

poetry would eventually become a means to branch into the past by plundering
the present, the future moment shifting in and out of the wind, leaves less violent
than a sneeze and just as satisfying, it's the same thing that left me
wondering for days just how many times i could write about leaves without

boring the reader to death.

i will naturally want to equate this with those Sunday afternoons about the house.
they were all of light, even in the dark cool house they were
bright and clear, never did i want to sleep so much, you can still see what
they're like by looking at the sky when the light white clouds hold the sunlight
in a cup. all of clear breezes, nothing to do. nothing, the making of poetry.
we were going about our business, what sweet schoolkid lives, clear and twisting,
O, so, lazy, secrets were hidden away in lost photo albums, once the fire
burns away these lives, what memories could be lost forever?

it was our duty to watch the windows do whatever.

we were thinking… what thoughts… asleep or otherwise.
windows were a lot like television back then, only somewhat slower, there
was less information but it appeared on a wider scale, more dots per square inch,
melt, vibrate, sit or shatter, open them up to the cool wind, feel, these
were things we learned in the cool house where people live, we live there, days
days and days, still do. in our head, walk right up and fall asleep, it
was before i walked out to the back lot to watch the flakes of snow
miss the branches to fall upon my belly, i was still pushing the mower
across each square inch of the landscape near the house, here, the
incense continually seeks only to remind me of autumn.
imagine between the summer and the winter what changes.       what changes.
leaves and lawns and wind, is this what i…

in the afternoon

after school we would fall asleep in order to record my dreams
in a small yellow notebook, we were walking the lanes of a highway, we were
all one being, i remember, and inside each of us we were happy, on the road,
each of us in our own lane, peaceful curves along the soft rubber-like pavement.
each footstep was the pure bliss of a hopeless grin, a motion, a leaf
or mote of dust caught in the sunny cross-fire of a breeze, we were
moving at the speed of rabbits or of elk, and were perfectly
capable of switching to other lanes, but only if we wished for such a
thing to happen, we were all completely in control, there was no reason to
disturb this world as it had been presented to us. gentle as it was.

there were many beautiful photo opportunities.

and i couldn't wake up, aware that i was shaking slightly that i was
asleep and dreaming, totally awake, aware that i was. i was everything
of that dream, everything of that room, everything of that landscape
i was to find myself in at this moment.               it was a fine cocoon of…
i admit i was a little terrified, for i had never experienced paralysis like that, looking at
myself now from the doorway in the sun, from the outside or the future,
i see this memory curled up in a brown-golden leaf, a figure lying
on the bed like that, what youth, so feeble, so full of noise, this is the past
and the future meeting in the dull landscape of Ontario: Memories
so quick they do not happen, and yet these are what we, here, as the sun gives
way to the cold nights, rely upon for warmth, i look at myself from the doorway
in the sun and we are always dreaming about the various highways of my
life, where i was, where it was we were taking ourselves, where we were

between places and the sound

of the wind and the radio, sitting in the back seat of the car with my
brothers, as it was, we were destined to find ourselves day after day
travelling back and forth across the landscape of that country during the
summer, we were human thought crunching along the road, ready to stop at
any time to look, moving at the speed of trees, our faces in the wind of the
open window, reaching out with the stillness of the mind, that wind,
it lifts up my heart that way by the gentle removal of one or two ribs,
all these gaping holes where we have been, awake and dreaming, alive
and dead, everything and nothing, home and away, the rock slides stand

so still, what creates a pattern in the human mind.

BOOK: The Ghosts of Jay MillAr
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