Read The Greek Tycoon Online

Authors: Stephanie Sasmaz

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

The Greek Tycoon (3 page)

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon
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“You’ve got to promise me you’ll look
after your mummy for me and be a good girl.”

“I promise.”

“Uncle Nik and I will be over for a visit
very soon ok?”

“Ok.” Melissa hugged Rhiannon close
then stood up with tears in her eyes. “You are
coming back down to the party aren’t you

“I can’t leave her can I? So we’ll have
to say our goodbyes now.”

“No way!” Melissa looked upset.

“I can send Brigitte, the French cook up
to the room if you’d like.” Nikos smiled. “
They get on well and you’re only outside if
they need you.”

“Are you sure she wont mind?!”

“She’ll love it! Is that ok with you

“Yes.” She yawned again.

“Come with me then.” Andreus smiled
as he picked Rhiannon up. “Say good night to
mummy.” Katie kissed Rhiannon good night

then watched Andreus carry her daughter

“Excellent! Now you can enjoy some
adult time for a change.” Melissa grinned.
“You really should accept your parents offers
to baby-sit more often, then you could find
yourself a man.”

“What do I want a man for? My life has
been screwed up enough thanks to men.”
Katie laughed.

“A man, in fact a boy actually. And you
adore your daughter so I would say he done
you a favour.”

“Fair enough, but I still have no need
for a man thank you very much”

“You need a one night stand love.”

“No thanks, I’ve probably forgotten
what to do.” Katie laughed. A tall Greek man
walked over, said something in Greek then
pulled Katie onto the dance floor, she turned
and silently begged Melissa and Nikos to help
her get away from this man but they stood
there laughing.

It took Katie two hours to get away
from the seemingly long string of men who
wanted to dance with her, she sat down with a
sigh and slipped off her shoes before fanning
herself with a place mat. Andreus sat down

next to her. “Are you ok?” He smiled.

“I am now! It’s so hot in here.”

“Would you like to take a walk with
me? There’s a nice breeze out there.”

“I would love that.” Katie walked
outside barefoot walking next to him.

“Have you enjoyed your week with

“I have. You’ve all been very kind to

“You’re all nice girls. Rhiannon is
adorable, you’ve done a good job with her.”

“Thank you.” She smiled. “But that’s
not all down to me.”

“Your ex? Does she see her father

“She’s never seen her father. We had a
summer romance, he went back to Australia
and I never heard from him again. I found out
I was pregnant after he had left.”

“So you have bought her up alone.”

“No my parents help and the girls.”
Katie looked up at him. “How comes you’re
not married? You’re gorgeous, charming and
sweet, I would have thought you would have
been snapped up.”

“I haven’t met the right woman, I
haven’t been as lucky as Nikos.”

“Did you like Melissa?”

“No, not in the way you mean. She was

a good receptionist, a good friend and now
she’s my sister but I have never fancied her.”



“You and Tessa would look really good

“That may be, but I have no interest in
Tessa. You’re the one I have been drawn to.”

“What?” Katie stopped walking and
stared up at him.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t felt the
chemistry between us Kate.”

“Trust me Andreus, if you saw me in
every day life you wouldn’t look twice at

“How do you know that?” He placed
his hands on her shoulders.

“I’m a single mum, who works part
time in a book shop. You are a bachelor who’s
a successful architect and you can have any
woman you want.”

“I don’t want any woman. I want you.”
He bent his head and kissed her softly on the
lips. “Come to my room tonight after the
party is over.”

“I don’t think so. Rhiannon…”

“Brigitte is probably already asleep on
the sofa. Please Katie.” he ran his fingers
through her soft blonde hair.

“We’ll see. We had better get back,
Melissa and Nikos will be leaving soon.”
They walked back to the marquee when they
arrived Melissa and Nikos had changed into
their honeymoon outfits saying goodbye to
their guests.

“Where have you been?!” Melissa
grinned at them. “We thought we were going
to miss you.”

“No way!” Katie smiled sadly.

“This is the end of an era.”

“No.” Katie said. “It’s the start of your
whole life.”

“I love you Kate.”

“I love you too.” Melissa kissed her
cheek then moved to hug Andreus. Nikos
kissed Katie’s cheek. “You look after my best
friend Mr. Sillas or I’ll be after you.”

“I will.” He smiled. “You know where
we are Kate, anytime and whenever you want
to come over and visit I’ll pay for your ticket,
it’s not charity, you’re family.”

“Thanks Nik.”

The bride and groom left for their
honeymoon and the party quickly evaporated
so Katie went up to check on Rhiannon.

Andreus was laying on the sofa an hour
after Katie had left the party, deep in thought,
it was obvious she wasn’t going to come, it

was stupid of him to think otherwise. He
stood up and unbuttoned his shirt, if she
wasn’t going to come then he might as well
shower and go to bed. He was just slipping his
shirt off of his shoulders when there was a
knock on the door. “Who is it?” He called.


“Come in!” He watched as she opened
the door and hesitated for a moment before
crossing the threshold. “I didn’t think you
were going to come.” He smiled.

“I wasn’t going to.”

“So why have you?”

“I don’t know.” She bit her lip as he
walked towards her.

“I’m glad you did.” He placed his
hands on her hips and pulled her close.

“We might live to regret this Andreus.”
She sighed as he kissed her neck. He felt her
body melt into his.

“We might live to regret it if we don’t.”
He mumbled. Katie ran her hands over his
bare chest the slight smattering of hair
tickling her palms. “Do you want this Kate?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” He
lifted her off of her feet and carried her
towards his bed, he laid her down then laid
next to her running his hand up her thigh
between the folds of her dressing gown.

“You’re beautiful.” He said as he untied
the belt and was surprised to find her naked.
She shook her head. “Don’t doubt yourself
Katie.” he bent his head and licked her erect
nipple, Katie writhed beneath him as he
lapped and suckled one nipple before moving
to the next. Slowly he started pressing kisses
between her breasts then down her abdomen
to her hips. Andreus positioned himself
between her legs then started to lick her most
sensitive area, she grabbed at his shoulders as
she writhed with pleasure seeking more.

Andreus stood up removed the rest of
his clothes and got a condom out of the
drawer of his bedside cabinet then rolled it on
before laying between her legs, slowly he
pushed inside her, keeping his movements
slow at first then faster as passion took over.
She met him thrust for thrust until they
reached their peak and tumbled over the edge

“They laid in each others arms catching
their breath. “That was amazing.” Andreus
smiled kissing her collarbone. Gradually they
fell asleep with Katie’s head on his shoulder.

Chapter 5

Katie woke up at sunrise listening to
Andreus’ steady breathing. She got out of bed

slowly so she wouldn’t wake him, wrapped
her dressing gown around her then walked
quietly into the lounge. She walked over to
his desk and wrote him a note before quietly
leaving his suite.

She walked into her own suite quickly
showered, and dressed then left a note for
Claire and Tessa, Brigitte and Theo and
Sophia. Katie walked into the bedroom and
woke Rhiannon. “Sweetie, it’s time to get up.”
Rhiannon stirred then sat up rubbing her eyes.
“If you get dressed then we can go to the city
and buy nanny and granddad a present before
we go home, but you’ve got to be quiet
because everyone is sleeping.” Rhiannon got
dressed then they went downstairs to the
kitchen. Bertie the English butler was sitting
at the table drinking coffee.

“My aren’t we early risers?” He smiled.

“Morning Bertie. Do you think one of
the drivers will take us to the city?” Bertie
looked down and saw their cases.

“Of course madam. Don’t you wish for
some breakfast before you leave?”

“No thank you, we’ll get some before
we shop.”

“Ok.” Bertie left the kitchen.

“Aren’t Auntie Claire and Auntie Tessa
coming with us?”

“No, we’ll meet them at the airport.” A
driver came to the kitchen then led them out
to his car, he put their cases in the car before
driving away.

Andreus woke up two hours after Katie
and Rhiannon had left the house. He rolled
over to put his arm around Katie to find the
space where she had been sleeping was empty
and cold. “What the…?” He jumped out of
bed pulled on his boxer shorts and went to the
lounge, he went over to his desk and found
the note.






Andreus was fuming after reading the
note, how could she just walk away after the
previous night? And how the hell was he
supposed to just forget it? He showered and
dressed quickly then went downstairs, Claire
and Tessa were sitting in the dining room with
his parents. “Good morning.” He smiled.
“Where are Kate and Rhiannon?”

“They went to the city early this
morning.” Claire smiled. “She left a note
saying she would meet us in the departure
lounge.” Andreus cursed quietly in Greek
which got him a disapproving look form his

Katie and Rhiannon were waiting in the
departure lounge when Claire and Tessa
walked in. “Hi.” Katie smiled.

“Hi, what was so important you had to
go to the city so early this morning?” Tessa

“We just got a few things for mum and
dad. Were they all angry we left without
saying goodbye?”

“No, Theo and Sophia were fine!
Andreus didn’t look so happy about it
though.” Claire said. “Did you two have a

disagreement last night or something?”

“No, why?”

“Well something was up, he looked

“Rhiannon can you get us all a bottle of
coke from that machine please?” Rhiannon
walked away. “We slept together last night.”
She said quietly.

“What? No way!” Tessa grinned. “No
wonder he was angry to wake up and find you
gone! I take it you regret it then?”

“Only because it’s going to be difficult
to be amicable with each other in the future.”

“Why run away then?”

“It would have been worse if I had
stayed. It’s not as though we’d have worked

“Why not?”

“We’re too different.” Katie smiled
sadly as Rhiannon came back.

Chapter 6

Two weeks later when Nikos and
Melissa came back from their honeymoon
Andreus was still like a bear with a sore head,
he shouted at anyone who dare cross his path.
On their forth day back Nikos came storming
into his office as his new receptionist ran out

“What the hell is the matter with you?!”
Nikos shouted.

“I beg your pardon.”

“You heard. You’ve been in a filthy
mood since we got back and mama said
you’ve been like it since the wedding.
Whatever it is stop taking it out on Helena,
she’s a good receptionist and it’s not fair you
upsetting her all of the time.”

“Haven’t I heard this speech before?
Are you fucking this receptionist too?”

“Watch your mouth Andreus,” Nick
fumed. “You even think about saying that
again and I’ll knock you flat out.”

“Try it baby brother.”

“What the hell?!” Melissa walked in to
find them squaring up to each other, she stood
between them. “Enough you two! You can be
heard from the entrance!”

“Mind your own business.” Andreus

“Don’t speak to my wife like that.”
Nikos stepped forward.

“Nikos don’t!” Melissa grabbed his
arm. “Just let me speak to him.”

“Why don’t you both leave and let me
get on with my job.”

Melissa pushed Nikos out of the office
then turned towards Andreus. “Come on then?

What’s wrong?”

“Can’t you two mind your own
business? Besides I’m sure you already know.
Have you spoken to Katie since you’ve been

“No, What’s this got to do with her?”

“Does she sleep with every man she
meets then leaves before he wakes up, kindly
leaving him a note?”

“What?” Melissa looked horrified.

“You don’t know her as well as you
thought you did, do you?”


“Yes we slept together the night of your
wedding and when I woke up she had
disappeared leaving me a note.”


“Yes Katie. You know short beautiful
girl with long blonde hair and a daughter.”

“Andreus, I’m sorry if she’s hurt your
pride but I can assure you she will be feeling a
hell of a lot worse.”

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon
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