Read The Harvest Club Online

Authors: Iona Morrison

Tags: #romance, #Fantasy, #ghost, #murder, #mystery

The Harvest Club (3 page)

BOOK: The Harvest Club
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All of it done with a few minutes to spare. She ran the brush through her hair, changed her shirt, and put on lip gloss. Grabbing her purse, she locked the door. It was girls’ night out.

She strolled through the gardens back to the inn inhaling the perfume of honeysuckle that filled the early evening air. Everywhere she looked the flowers were in full bloom, a rainbow of vivid color and beauty. This was going to be a great place to live!

She waved at an older man wearing a large brimmed hat, who was working in the vegetable and herb garden that filled the space behind the inn’s kitchen. He waved back. “It looks like we’re in for a beautiful sunset.” She smiled at him.

“It looks that way. Are you Ms. Donovan’s friend?” He stooped to pick up a basket filled with green onions.

“I am. I just moved into the cottage today. Would you like me to take that to the kitchen for you? I’m on my way there.”

“Yes, if you don’t mind.” He handed her the basket.

“No problem. I’m Jessie by the way.”

“You can call me Mr. Yamamoto.” He grinned. “Believe me it’s easier than trying to pronounce my first name.”

Jessie wondered which of Katie’s creations these green onions would find their way into. Katie was an amazing cook, and she’d enjoyed being her guinea pig over the years. There had been a few disasters in the beginning, but Katie’s culinary skills had grown with time. Jessie slipped quietly into the kitchen, placed the basket on the counter, and waited for Katie to finish what she was doing at her desk.

“I’ll be right with you, Jessie. I’m going to take you on the grand driving tour of Blue Cove. Which should take all of about fifteen minutes, and then we can eat.”

“Take your time. I can wait.”

“I’m all done.” She laid down the pen. She picked up her purse and opened the back door. “I can’t believe I’ll be able to see you every day, if I want to.” They walked out to the car together. “How do you like your place?”

“What’s not to like!” Jessie fastened her seatbelt and looked at Katie. “Okay, Ms. Donovan, it’s time to impress me with your wealth of knowledge about Blue Cove.” Jessie laughed.


Katie drove down Main Street. “Here’s where our tour begins.” She smiled lifting her nose up in the air.

“My, aren’t we uppity.”

“Shush…” Katie put her finger to her mouth. “I’m leading a tour here.” She proceeded with an English accent. “A major revitalization project was just completed in several areas of town. The idea, of course, is to attract more tourists. Doesn’t it look nice?”

“Pretty sweet…Main Street looks picture perfect.” She got into the spirit of the conversation. “Does tourism play a big role in the town’s economy?”

Katie nodded. “The town almost triples in size during the summer months. The season officially kicks off with a concert in the park a week from Friday night. From what I’ve heard, people bring a picnic supper and stay to enjoy the live music. There’s also a concert on July Fourth with fireworks at the end.”

“That sounds great! I like the idea of community gatherings.” Jessie’s brows furrowed. “This is only a hypothetical question; if I were to buy a business here, how would it survive in the off season?”

“The local people keep the economy going, of course, but there isn’t much of an off season.” Katie stopped at the stop sign.

“What do you mean?”

“The fall bus tours are filled with folks who like to spend time here, and they shop. And as I’ve so aptly pointed out in my grand tour, we have several Christmas shops; we also have an Old Town Christmas.” Katie’s eyes sparkled. “In past years the inn has been full, and they had a sleigh that brought guests to the park for the lighting of the town Christmas tree. It will be my first year to continue the tradition, and I’m really looking forward to it.” Katie’s enthusiasm brought a smile to Jessie’s face.

“You sound a little like a brochure for Blue Cove.” Jessie looked at Katie and smiled.

“Don’t I know it! I had to learn all of it, so I could tell my guests. There is something to do almost all year round.”

“How do you like being an innkeeper?”

“I love it.” Katie smiled. “The people are fantastic, most of them anyway.” She scrunched her face. “I enjoy being able to live here, and I already have several wedding parties booked for the summer.”

“It’s a beautiful inn, and the gardens are perfect for an outdoor wedding. Your uncle was kind to leave it to you.”

Katie’s expression softened. “I know. I couldn’t have written a better script for my life. Plus with the outstanding staff and the landscape genius I have working for me, I can take a night off every now and then.”

“By the way…” Jessie glanced at Katie. “I love the way you cut your hair. It makes your eyes stand out, and you look happy, really happy.”

“I am. I finally feel like I found my place in this big old world.”

Jessie’s stomach grumbled. “Not to change the subject, but where are we going for dinner?”

“I thought we would go to Angelo’s tonight, if that’s okay with you.” Katie slowed for one of the few stop lights on the main street. “They make a really great pizza.”

“Angelo’s it is.” Jessie nodded. “I hope someday soon I can figure out what my place is.” She sighed.


The minute she stepped through the door she could smell the Italian spices and baking pizza. It smelled delicious. Her stomach grumbled again as she followed the hostess to their table.

Jessie liked what she saw, red and white tablecloths, white linen napkins, and drippy candles in wine bottles on each table. It was the perfect touch for a place called Angelo’s. They decided on the Blue Cove Special, with sausage, onions, green peppers and extra cheese; salads and drinks finished off their order.

“Look Jessie, there’s Dylan.” Katie pointed to a table. “I wonder who’s with him. I can only see his back.” She smiled and waved.

Jessie looked where Katie’s finger was pointing and waved too. “Katie, I’ve got to ask you something.” Her fingers drummed on the table.

“You sound so serious.” Katie turned around quickly to look at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the murder at the church?” She frowned at Katie.

“Do you want the truth?” Katie met her stare.

“Of course I do!”

“I thought if I told you, you might back out of coming. Besides, I just learned about it a few weeks ago myself.” Katie shrugged. “How’d you hear about it so soon?”

“I stopped at the church before I came to your place. James Morris showed me around and told me about it.” Jessie shivered. “He was one of the people who saw the murder scene.”

“You don’t need to worry. It wasn’t random—the police believe she was the intended victim.”

“I have to admit that at first it really bothered me.” Jessie shifted in her chair.

“What about now?” Katie prompted.

“I can see the potential for a great story. Murders don’t happen every day at a church, you know. A young woman’s life was cut short, a mystery has yet to be solved, and I think it might make a good story to send Neil.”

“Just be careful, Jessie. There’s a murderer out there, and this is a small town.”

“Meaning…” Jessie lifted her brows.

“Everyone knows each other’s business. It wouldn’t take much for someone to find out you’re poking around and asking questions,” Katie whispered.

“What are you two up to?” Dylan’s voice startled them “You girls were so deep in conversation you didn’t even see us coming.” A flicker of amusement lit the other man’s dark blue eyes. “Jessie, this is Matt Parker, a good friend of mine.”

She met Matt’s smiling eyes. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Sure, same here.” He inclined his head. “Dylan told me you’re from New York City.”

“It’s been home for the past several years.”

“How long do you think you’ll be able to handle our small town? Won’t you miss the shopping or whatever it is that you girls like to do?”

“I think I’ll manage just fine.” Her answer was curt, her chin edged up a notch. Shop indeed, as if that’s all she did!

She enjoyed listening to the conversation that followed. It gave her a chance to study the two men. Dylan was handsome and refined, tall with brown eyes and impeccable manners. She could tell Katie was interested in him. Her eyes and face lit up every time he said something to her.

Matt was such a contrast to Dylan, every bit as tall but a little on the scruffy side. A five o’clock shadow darkened his face. He had dark hair and blue eyes so deep they appeared almost navy. His answers were abrupt, and he spent most of the evening scowling at her. Dylan’s face broke into a smile often. Matt had a lopsided grin. As crazy as it seemed, of the two, she was drawn to Matt—which bugged her. He was good-looking, but a little too tough guy for her taste. Maybe she was in the market for a good fight; she didn’t even know Matt, but she didn’t like him. She frowned and could hear Grandma Sadie scolding her. “Give the poor man a chance.” Maybe what she needed was to sleep and to start all over tomorrow.

Several times, she caught Matt staring at her with a puzzled expression on his face. She got the distinct feeling he didn’t like her either. Boy, was she glad when the guys left and dinner was finally finished. Rubbing her eyes, she thought bed sounded more inviting all the time.

“Matt couldn’t take his eyes off you.” Katie nudged her as they walked to the car.

“If glaring counts, I guess that’s true. I don’t think he liked me much, and I don’t feel overly fond of him either.” She opened the car door.

“Matt’s a nice guy. I’m sure you were just reading him wrong. He’s also a police officer and probably could answer some of your questions about the murder.” Katie paused. “By the way what do you think of Dylan?”

“He’s a nice guy, but a better question might be what do
think of Dylan?” Jessie fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously.

“Am I that obvious?” Katie started her engine.

“Pretty much.” Jessie laughed.


Once back in her cozy cottage, Jessie shut off the lights, climbed into bed, and stretched out. This had been one crazy day. A long drive, some kind of hallucination, or who knows what, she learned there was a murder at the church, and then had met a man who glared at her the whole evening. She was still avoiding her dad. If it wasn’t for this lovely little house, she would be crazy not to get back in her car and head right back to New York.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Face it, girl, you’re not going anywhere. Monday you start work, and you know you’re itching to find out more details about Gina’s murder.


Jessie arrived at work on Monday, wearing her new navy blue pant suit and no hard hat. She walked through the church doors with a smile.

“Good morning, you must be Jessie. Finally I can put a face to the name. It’s nice to meet you.” Pastor Rick extended his hand as he met her in the foyer.

“You too, Pastor.” She shook his hand, wanting to pull it back immediately. He reminded her of a car salesman or one of those TV evangelists, every hair in place and little too slick.

“Are you getting settled in okay?” He glanced at his watch.

“I am. The town is great, my place is perfect, and living near my best friend is an extra bonus.”

“Good to hear.” He sounded bored. “Before you start your day, I’ll show you around and give you a set of keys to unlock all of the doors.” He started to walk.

“Sounds like a good plan!” She quickly followed him.

Nearing the end of the tour, he stopped in the foyer and looked at his watch again. “I have an appointment, so I’ll let you get to work.” He was brusque.

As she walked to her office, Jessie found it strange that he had never once mentioned Pastor Gina’s murder during the tour. She frowned as she thought about him. She didn’t like him. He made her feel uncomfortable. What had she gotten herself into? She opened the office door. Was there something in the drinking water in this town? Between Matt and her boss she wasn’t sure what to expect next. Sitting down at her desk, she took out a note pad and scribbled
Try to keep an open mind!
Which might be easier said than done.

The previous secretary had left her a list of things that needed to be done. Most of the job was routine, including answering the phone. Several church members stopped by to introduce themselves, giving her nice breaks throughout the day. All in all, she thought it was a good first day on the job.

By Friday she was puzzled; not one person had talked to her about Gina. Her name was never mentioned. She was hoping to have some details by now, but not wanting to be insensitive, she didn’t mention Gina. Next week she would have to put out some feelers to see if she got any response. Startled by a loud bang in the hall, Jessie jumped up to look.

The woman’s frizzy, red curly hair was pulled on top of her head in a haphazard updo, which was threatening with every movement to spring loose of its confinement. Her clothes were wrinkled, her eyes still puffy from sleep, but it was her gravelly voice that brought a smile to Jessie’s face.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I dropped my bucket of cleaning supplies. I’m having a blonde moment. I can’t for the life of me remember where I put my keys.” The lady tapped her forehead.

“Can I help you?” Jessie struggled to hide her amusement as she sat back down.

“Not unless you know where I left my keys.”

“You can borrow mine if you need to.” Jessie nudged them toward her.

“I’m Melinda, the custodian, and I have to empty the trash can in Pastor’s office. Is he there?”

“No, it’s his day off.”

“Right, I forgot. I think I’ll sit for a minute. Maybe I’ll remember where I put the darn things.” She peered at Jessie, her faded hazel eyes bright with curiosity. “You’re our new secretary, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I’m Jessie.”

“I’m a little rattled at the moment. I saw her again.” She drummed her fingers on the chair, while her foot bounced back and forth under the chair.

“Who’d you see?”

“I forgot you’re new, and you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about. You must think I’m nuts. Sometimes this place really freaks me.” She scratched her head. “It was Pastor Gina that I saw, walking in the hall. She was murdered, you know.” Melinda’s eyebrows arched. “Several people in the church have seen her, although most of them don’t want to talk about it. Reba Thomas is keeping track of all the sightings. So tell her if you see Gina.”

BOOK: The Harvest Club
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