The Hunter (Orion the Hunter) (2 page)

BOOK: The Hunter (Orion the Hunter)
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“I know,” I murmured and then rapidly blinked back the tears that threatened to escape.  “I wish they were here.”


Angel just held me until the urge to cry had passed.  She knew me so well, she knew that it always passed if she just held me, silently, stroking my hair.


After lunch, I completed my preparations for work the next morning but couldn’t shake the melancholy feeling that had settled around me like a cloak.  I decided to go for a quick run.  I knew better than to ask Angel if she wanted to come with me - she didn’t do exercise … well, except her regular workouts with Chad.  I shouted goodbye to her then made my way down the elevator, longing to be outside in the fresh spring sunshine. 


“Good day, Miss Prince,” said James, the ageing doorman in his mature English accent. 


“It is a good day, James,” I smiled.  “And all the better for seeing you!”  I blew him a kiss and began my run.


I had intended to jog around Central Park but I found myself jogging towards my office instead.  Although it was Sunday, everywhere was so alive and I absorbed all the new sights, smells and sounds as I jotted around my new neighborhood with a huge grin on my face. 


I was surprised to see the revolving door in operation on a Sunday and was just about to walk away when the guard came through the door.  Recognizing me, he greeted me warmly.  I stopped had a quick chat with him and found that the building was open every day during daylight hours and at night by prior arrangement.  I realized that I could bring all the designs and samples in to the office from the apartment later that day instead of leaving it until the morning.  Figuring that it would help to calm my nerves if I didn’t have to carry everything in the morning, I agreed to drop by later in the day with Angel, on our way to Queens to see Chad’s band.


Pausing to ask James, the doorman, to change the timing of our taxi booking to allow me to call by my office, I returned to the apartment totally in love with Manhattan.  Angel and I had quite a girly afternoon, taking ages to get ready to see the band.  We decided to dress as full on rock chicks which was something we usually reserved for festivals.  I wore a short black denim skirt, knee length black suede boots and a black satin cami with spaghetti straps.  A black leather jacket completed my outfit.  Angel curled and backcombed my hair and then piled it on my head with carefully arranged ‘escaped’ tendrils.  Then she went to town on my makeup because I always felt extra pale when wearing all black.  My heavily black kohled eyes, turquoise eye shadow and scarlet red lips completed the rock chick look. 


Angel stepped back and admired her handiwork.  “God, you are gorgeous,” she said.  “I would kill for your hair … your eyes … your face … your body!”


I rolled my eyes in exasperation.  “Oh yeah, you are sooooo ugly. What with your naturally platinum blonde hair, baby blue eyes, high cheekbones, button nose and petite figure … Need I go on?”


Blushing a deep shade of pink, Angel pulled on her black skinny jeans, stiletto boots and a pale blue cami that set off her eyes beautifully.  Shrugging on the regulatory black leather jacket she turned to me.  “All set?” she asked.


“You bet!” I said as I carefully collected up the box containing the design plans and samples that I had worked so hard on. 


We giggled our way down the elevator and burst into fits of laughter when James’ eyebrows shot straight up as he held open the door for us.  “Ladies,” he said, eyes twinkling.  “I do believe that the expression is
you look hot


“You betcha we do,” I winked at him as he moved to escort us to the taxi waiting at the curb. 


“You are incorrigible!” laughed Angel as we pulled away in the taxi, en route to my office.  “He has a point though.  You do look incredibly hot!  I’m not sure that is going to help you to keep up your man ban.  Guys are going to be drawn to you even more than usual tonight!”


I gave her arm a friendly punch.  “Ah,” I replied.  “Don’t worry, I need a good night’s sleep and a clear head in the morning so there is no chance of me bringing someone home tonight.  Sex could not be further from my mind.”


“Okay then,” Angel replied as the taxi pulled up at the curb outside the high rise building that housed my office. 


“Back in two,” I said as I slid out of the cab, clutching the box.


The guard rushed forward to take the box from my arms as I emerged from the revolving door into the lobby.  I smiled my thanks and headed for the elevator.  When the doors opened, he handed back the box and I stepped into the car.  As the elevator purred up to the 4
floor, I could feel my nerves resurfacing.  I took a deep steadying breath and when the doors opened, I squared my shoulders and marched out of the elevator … colliding with something solid as I did so. 


A deep voice cursed angrily “What the hell …” and I jumped at the harsh sound, dropping my box on to the floor.


Realizing that I had walked headlong into someone, I opened my mouth to apologize but when my eyes focused on him, I found I couldn’t speak.  I stood there like an idiot, my mouth gaping open as my brain fully registered the man standing before me.  His handsome features were so strong that they could have been chiseled from granite.  They might have been softened somewhat by his sexy bed hair of the darkest brown that fell over his collar, but for those eyes.  Eyes that were boring into mine and getting darker by the second.  They looked to be black, surely that must be just his pupils.  I found myself wondering what color his irises must be.  I couldn’t tell but I noticed that they were framed by lashes I would kill for. Then I noticed one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows arch suddenly and I realized that I was actually leaning in towards him, closing the small gap between us. 


I quickly straightened and stepped back, my heart hammering in my chest. I wanted to breathe out but my breath had caught in my throat and I couldn’t free it.  Before I could stop myself, I found my gaze returning to those eyes and I jolted when they narrowed in response but I couldn’t tear mine away.  His eyes returned to their natural shape and I noticed that his irises were indeed almost black.  They were a deep midnight blue.  My mouth went dry and I tried to swallow but couldn’t.  I tried to lick my lips but I couldn’t do that either.  My gaze moved subconsciously to his mouth.  Oh god, it was perfect and I found myself wishing that I could lick his lips too.
I wonder what those lips would feel like on mine … on my skin … on my … Oh my!
Heat was pooling between my legs in response to my wicked thoughts.  Suddenly, I noticed the corner of his mouth twitch and as I flicked my eyes back up his face, I noticed that eyebrow arching again as his eyes lightened to a deep cobalt blue.  He held my gaze for a second before looking pointedly at the floor. 


Finally, I found that I could breathe and I drew in a lungful of air and then swallowed, hard.  I followed his gaze and tried to determine whether he was looking at the cardboard box at my feet or my knee length boot clad legs. 
Oh my god, my designs!
  I suddenly remembered where I was and what I was doing here and I bent down quickly to scoop up the box.  Belatedly, I realized that he had crouched gracefully and was about to pick it up too. Our hands touched fleetingly and I felt a current surge through my fingertips, up my arms and straight to my chest, my nipples tightening instantly.  I gasped and pulled back my hands, trying not to squirm as the sensation moved down between my legs. 


He lifted up the box effortlessly, tucked it under one arm and looked at me questioningly.  I tried to speak to thank him but my lips felt sealed together.  I flicked out my tongue to moisten my lower lip and felt my insides contract as his eyes darkened in response. 
Oh my god, I can feel myself getting wet! Could there be any more sexual tension between two people who have just met, well, almost met?
I pointed dumbly along the corridor, towards my office and he nodded and strode confidently away from me.  As I scurried to catch up, I noticed that he was dressed totally in black, as I was. 


As we walked the short distance, another of my senses began to operate and I drank in his delicious scent.  It wasn’t just cologne.  I couldn’t place it but it definitely all male because of the way my body reacted.  As soon as my brain registered it, I felt my nipples harden further against the smooth satin of my cami.
Oh my goodness, how could my body react to a stranger in this way?  How could it betray my desire? 
I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts as I fumbled in my purse trying to grab the door key.  I inwardly cursed my temporary clumsiness, caused I realized, by my shaking fingers. 
Get a grip, Issy!


“Shall I?” he enquired, holding up a key in his free hand.  I frowned and cocked my head on one side, not understanding how he could open my office with his key. 


“It’s the master key,” he murmured in a voice that was so deep and sexy, it should be illegal.  I felt a pull between my legs and realized that I was almost panting.  I simply nodded, not trusting myself to attempt to speak. 
That voice! If he simply commanded me to orgasm - right here, right now - I bet that I would too.


He deftly opened the door and held out the box to me.  I took it, careful to avoid any contact with his hands.  I stepped to the desk, put the box down and took a deep, steadying breath, preparing to attempt to thank the stranger although I still didn’t trust my voice to function correctly.  I turned to find the doorway empty.  I strode out into the corridor and found that it was deserted. 
What the hell?
I quickly shook my head, thinking that my eyes must not be functioning properly now either and rechecked the corridor.  Still empty. 


With still shaking hands, I managed to extricate my key from my purse and lock the office door.  I walked back towards the elevator quickly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.  I pressed the call button and felt so relieved when the doors opened immediately.  I stepped into the car and had to lean against the wall to support myself as I realized that my knees felt week and that my heart was hammering in my chest.



Chapter 2


I stumbled out of the elevator into the lobby and almost walked into Angel.  Her brow was furrowed and her features were taught.


What took you so long?” she asked crossly. 


“What do you mean?” I croaked.


“You have been gone for like half an hour!” she exclaimed. 


“Oh, really?” I managed.  “I’m sorry. Come on, let’s go.”


“Is everything okay?” Angel demanded suddenly, concern replacing her annoyed expression.


“Everything’s fine.” I said with more certainty than I felt.  “Let’s go before we are late for the boys.”


I felt her eyes on me as we sat in the cab.  I knew that she was waiting for me to tell her why I had been so long at my office.  I couldn’t believe that I had spent so long gawping at a perfect stranger. 
And boy was that face and that voice perfect! 
I rested my head on the seat and closed my eyes, recalling his face … recalling that voice.  I felt desire unfurling and realized that I was on the verge of panting, just thinking about him.  I shook my head, trying to clear those distracting thoughts.


The cab pulled up outside the Queen’s bar where the boys were playing tonight.  They had been trying to secure a regular slot at the bar since returning from college last fall.  I had seen them perform at college many times and they were good. Better than good.  And they were gaining quite a following according to Angel and I was looking forward to seeing them perform again.


We slid out of the cab and immediately drew a few whistles from a group of guys standing by the entrance to the bar.  I smoothed down my short skirt, still feeling more turned on than I had in a long time … if ever, and I was on a man ban!


We walked into the bar and spotted the guys sitting at a table near to the stage. 

Fucking hell,” shouted one.  “Would you look at Issy?  She is so freakin’ hot, she is smokin’!  Come here baby, bring that delectable pussy to Travis - I’ll give you what you need!” 


I shook my head at his crassness then I realized that almost every guy in the bar was staring at us.  I grinned and pointed to Angel so that everyone would think that he was talking to her.  She blushed deep red and slapped my pointed finger away.  I laughed at her embarrassment and began to relax.  Perhaps a night with the boys was just what I needed after all.

BOOK: The Hunter (Orion the Hunter)
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