Read The Lies You Tell Online

Authors: Jamila Allen

The Lies You Tell (3 page)

BOOK: The Lies You Tell
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“Good morning saints,” said the pastor as he opened up service.

“Good morning,” the congregation replied.

“Good morning saints!”

“Good morning!!!” The congregation said, a little bit louder that time.

“This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it; Amen?”


“The Lord has been so good to us,” “A lot better than we could ever be to ourselves.” “Amen?”


The congregation echoed the pastor. Service was going beautifully. The choir sounded amazing and the glory of God had truly filled the church. Aaliyah felt pretty good. Being in the church had always been able to take her mind off of things she was dealing with. When the pastor got up to preach, Aaliyah was excited. She truly did enjoy listening to the sermons. The whole church stood in respect while the pastor prayed. He then released everyone to sit as he prepared to begin.

“Today’s message will be coming from the book of Matthew starting at the first verse, all the way through the eleventh verse.” “And it reads; Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.”
After fasting for forty days and forty nights, He was hungry.”

The tempter came to Him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread,” 
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Then the devil took Him to the holy city and had Him stand on the highest point of the temple. 
” If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

‘He will commend His angels concerning you
and they shall lift you up in their hands,
So that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 
” All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” 
Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.”

“May there be a blessing added to the readers, hearers and doers of his word. Amen?” Said the pastor

Amen rang through the church in agreeance with his statement.

“Today I would like to talk to you from the subject,
Fully loaded while on empty.
The pastor preached and he preached. He talked about how Jesus had been on a fast for forty days and forty nights and, how physically he was on empty, but although his physical body was on empty is spiritual mind was on full. He talked about how the devil tried to tempt Jesus and even quoted Jesus’s own words but, all in all, Jesus was able to stand. Every word that the pastor said made Aaliyah feel as if he was speaking directly to her. It was almost like he knew exactly what had happened. Almost like the pastor knew her struggles. She knew that he didn’t but, it sure felt like it. Church was over and Aaliyah and her family went out to eat. It was something they did every Sunday, so they could have a chance to all catch up as a family. Cameron got to pick the restaurant this time, and Golden Corral was his favorite place. Everyone finally finished fixing their plates and sat down together to say grace. Everyone began to eat and for a while, it was quiet as everyone ate. Then, Lisa with an inquisitive grin on her face turned to Aaliyah and said,

“So Aaliyah, we didn’t get to finish our conversation the other day.”

“Oh?” “What conversation was that mom? About Cam’s Car?”

Aaliyah knew exactly what conversation her mom was talking about but, was hoping to be able to deflect the conversation.

“Wait, you and dad are getting me a car?” “REALLY?” “When?” said Cam

“We’ll see.” Said Aaron

“Then what is Lele talking about?”

“The fact that we may or may not get you a car.” Replied Lisa

“Aww man, I should’ve known not to get my hopes up,” Cam mumbled.

“Keep that attitude sir and, it’ll be a definite no.” Said Aaron.

“So how are the renovations coming on the house?” Said Aaliyah

“Fine but, don’t you try to change the subject, Diane.”

Lisa only called Aaliyah by her middle name when she wanted to get her attention, so she knew she wasn’t getting out of this one.

“Yes ma’am,” Aaliyah replied.

“Who was the boy that had your mind in the clouds to the point you couldn’t talk to me?”

Jason and Cam looking at each other with grins on their faces, waiting to see how this was going to play out.

“His name is Ray, Ma.”

“Mmmhmm, and where is he from?”

“I don’t know ma; I’m just getting to know him.”             

“You’re just getting to know him and you couldn’t even finish a sentence on the phone?”

“It’s not that serious ma, I just got distracted.”

“Mmmhmm ok.”


Chapter 7

Aaliyah and Lisa made it through dinner with no more questions about Ray but, Aaliyah knew that that was far from the last conversation they would have. Lisa had always been over protective of Aaliyah. After all, that was her baby girl. However, ever since Chris had drug Aaliyah through the mud, Lisa, Aaron and, Aaliyah’s father David had been keeping even more of an eye on her when it came to men. Who really could blame them though? If someone had convinced your only daughter to run off with them and then treated her like crap, calling her names, playing with her emotions, and attempted to alienate her from you and the rest of the family you would be pretty protective too. It took Aaliyah two years to get her life back in order. It was only by the mercy of the fact that the president of the college knew Aaliyah’s parents that she didn’t lose her scholarship and get kicked out of school. Of course, Aaliyah felt they were over reacting. Everyone was entitled to bad judgement every now and again. Even her parents had made their mistakes in life. Chris even had them fooled at first. I mean they had known each other since they were kids. Who would think that he’d grow up and turn into this completely different person? It was only when Aaliyah called her mother crying one day that they realized, that this glitter wasn’t gold. Aaliyah understood that they just wanted what was best for her but, she often felt suffocated.

Regardless, Aaliyah knew she had to take things slow with Ray and, really get to know him. By the time they got done with dinner, she looked at her phone and had a text.

“Hey beautiful, I hope you having a great day so far.”

“I am, thank you, with family, ttyl.”

“Ok, beautiful. I’ll be waiting.”

Aaliyah could have talked to Ray then but, after the day she had just had, she was more nervous than ever to say anything to him. The way Ray had her feeling just thinking about him, she knew the celibate talk had to come soon. The problem was, she knew that generally a guy hears celibate and runs. She liked Ray a lot. The way she talked about him you would think that she had known him all her life. He was everything that she ever wanted. Ray was handsome, smart, goal oriented, a gentleman, and so much more. Aaliyah already had things planned out. She envisioned them dating for a year or two and, then getting married, having children the whole nine. She often recited to herself Mrs. Aaliyah Diane Winston, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winston, just to hear the ring she felt it had to it. The reality was, she barely knew the guy. Even on their dates, they mostly talked about school and careers. The only personal information she knew about Ray was his last name and his dad bought him a car. So little but, yet her head was in the clouds.

Lisa could see it all in her daughter’s eyes. Even though she didn’t say much about him, she could see that Aaliyah was completely taken with him and, that’s what worried her. Lisa knew Aaliyah better than Aaliyah knew Aaliyah. Aaliyah was also more like Lisa than she even realized. Something that Lisa had never told her daughter was that, she had a “Chris” in her life before Aaliyah’s father David and, Aaron. They didn’t run off together but, her Chris’s name was Johnathan Lawrence.





Chapter 8

Johnathan was someone that Lisa hadn’t told anyone about. It was a secret that she planned to take to her grave. Johnathan was a boy that Lisa had grown up with ever since she could remember. For a while they were inseparable. They walked to school together, they played together, they did homework together. Everyone just knew that they would be together forever. As Lisa and Johnathan became teenagers, they began to date. All was well until, that day. The day that Johnathan decided, he was tired of waiting for Lisa. He was far from ready to get married but, he wanted her. Because Johnathan’s desire for Lisa was so great he came up with a plan. A plan to ensure he could get what he wanted. He took Lisa on a date to this empty lot. He brought a blanket, some snacks and, a portable radio with them. They got out of the car and spread the blanket, turned on the radio and, Johnathan leaned over to kiss her. The kisses turned into caressing hands, and next thing Lisa knew Johnathan’s hands were headed up her shirt and inside her skirt.

She first giggled and told Johnathan to stop but, he continued while saying, “Come on baby.” “I love you, and you love me.”

“Yes, but I don’t want to do that.”

“Yes you do, your just scared but, I’ll take it nice and slow.”

“No Jon, I don’t.”

“Quit playing with me girl.”

“I’m not playing.”


Johnathan hit Lisa and held her arms down.

“We’ve known each other all our lives.” “I’ve waited for you and waited for you.” “You’ve been teasing me, with your little skirts and dancing and prancing around.” “You know good and well I want you.” “I’m getting it tonight.”

Kicking a screaming Lisa told Johnathan to stop until she finally gave up and just laid there. And just like that, Johnathan forced himself on Lisa. After it was over he stood up to put his clothes back on. When he did, Lisa kicked him where it hurt, grabbed his keys, jumped in the car and left him where he stood. Johnathan took the one thing she held dearly. Her innocence. In a flash, it was gone. She felt so dirty. She felt alone. She was embarrassed. Furthermore, Lisa just knew that her parents wouldn’t believe her if she told them what happened. She was sure that they would think she was lying. Everyone loved Johnathan. He was the perfect guy.

A few weeks later, Lisa thought her life was surely over. She found out she was pregnant. She cried alone for hours on top of hours. She and Johnathan hadn’t spoken a word to each other since that night. She wasn’t sure what he told his parents about why she had driven his car and, why he had gotten home so late and, frankly she didn’t care. She knew she had to do something, so she gathered up all the money she had saved and went to the clinic for an abortion. Abortion was something Lisa never, ever, thought that she’d ever do. However, she just couldn’t bare it. She couldn’t bare having to tell anyone what had happened, let alone that she was pregnant. So, she did what she had to do. The doctor at the clinic gave her a full work up before the procedure. Her parents just thought she had gotten the flu or something. A few days later Lisa got a call.

“Hi, May I speak to Lisa Anderson?”

“Yes, this is she.”

“Hi Lisa, this is Mary from the Women’s health clinic.”


“Well, we got the results back from your labs, and we have some information we need to discuss with you.” “Can you come down here as soon as possible, please?”

“Sure, I can be there after school today.”

“Perfect, we’ll see you then.”

Lisa couldn’t imagine what they would have to tell her. She felt fine. The school day had finally ended and Lisa made it to the clinic and asked for the nurse. The nurse came out and took Lisa back to a private room.

“Ok Lisa, there’s no easy way to tell you this, so here it is.” “Well, the reason I called is because the labs that we did on you came back and showed that you have an STD called gonorrhea.”

“What!” “But, but I’ve only been with one person.”

“Well, maybe you have but, looks as if your partner hasn’t, or he could have been born with it but, it is unlikely.”

Lisa broke down in tears. She didn’t know what to do or what to think.

“The good news sweetie is that we caught it in time and, it is curable.” Said the nurse. “We will put you on some antibiotics, and then have you follow up with us to retest in a few weeks,” “Ok?”

“Ok.” Said Lisa

“We do however need you to contact your partner and get him in here for treatment as well.”

That was the last thing Lisa wanted to do but, later that day she called Jon and, sure enough, he admitted to sleeping with someone else. Lisa was absolutely distraught. The only guy she had ever loved, had raped her, cheated on her, and lied to her. So you can see why exactly she was always so desperately concerned about Aaliyah. She had never told her this story but, she was determined not to let anything like that to ever happen to her daughter.

BOOK: The Lies You Tell
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