The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (5 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared
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Anna woke to an empty bed the next morning. A
white hotel robe lay across the foot of the bed, and she put it on
before wandering out to the living room. Kurt and Wilhelm sat on
the couch, talking quietly and drinking coffee. A plate of fruit
and pastries sat on the coffee table in front of them.

“Guten Morgen
” Kurt
said with a warm smile.

“Hi,” she said shyly.

Kurt held out his hand and she sat between
him and Wilhelm on the couch, curled up against Kurt’s chest. She
felt content and happy. Kurt had made her feel so good and loved
the previous night. He was still an incredible lover.

“Anna, how would you like to come to Germany
for a couple of weeks?” Wilhelm asked.

Anna blinked. She’d told herself she never
wanted to go back there. Now...she wasn’t so sure. After all, Kurt
would have to be going back soon. He couldn’t leave his kids for

“I...don’t know,” she answered honestly.

“I would love it if you came home with us,”
Kurt said, nuzzling her ear.

She smiled shyly. “Maybe....”

Kurt kissed her behind the ear and she
sighed. Oh, what would it be like to be with him all the time? He
put his hand on her hip and massaged the area just above her
hipbone that he had discovered was sensitive last night.

She giggled. “Are you trying to seduce me
into saying yes?”

Both men chuckled. “Is it working?” Kurt
asked in a low, seductive voice.

“Maybe,” she admitted and moaned as his hand
moved down to her thigh and under her robe. His fingers trailed up
her inner thigh and brushed against her outer pussy lips.

Her eyes closed as his fingers found her clit
and slowly circled it, making her moan and squirm. She half opened
her eyes to see Wilhelm watching Kurt’s hand intently. He glanced
up to see her looking at him and cleared his throat.

“I should leave you two alone...,” he said,
standing, but Anna grabbed his hand.

“Why?” she asked

“Anna, it is not right for me to be lusting
after you and Kurt are getting along so well.”

Anna jumped as Kurt tugged at her clit ring.
She moaned softly and pulled Wilhelm’s hand and he sat back down on
the couch. She brought Wilhelm’s palm to her lips and kissed it
while she loosened her robe, then moved his hand lower to her
breast. Wilhelm looked at his hand for a long moment while Kurt
continued circling her clit and kissing her neck. She arched her
back slightly and Wilhelm responded by caressing her breast gently
and leaning forward to kiss her. Kurt pulled her robe off her
shoulders and tossed it on the ground. Wilhelm bent down to take
her nipple into his mouth.

“Ah!” she exclaimed as Kurt circled faster
and faster. She arched her back and cried out as she spiraled up
into her orgasm, flexing her hips against Kurt’s hand.

Anna slumped back against Kurt and panted as
both men caressed her body. She tugged at Wilhelm’s sweater and he
took it off while she turned to pull off Kurt’s t-shirt. She moved
to her knees on the floor and pulled Kurt’s sweat pants off and
then did the same to Wilhelm so they were both gloriously naked in
front of her.

She looked between the two hard cocks in
front of her and then took hold of both of them, one in each hand.
Both men groaned and she smiled. She leaned forward to suck on
Wilhelm while she stroked Kurt, and then switched. Back and forth
she went, enjoying herself immensely.

Suddenly, Wilhelm pulled her up into his lap
and had her straddle him. Kurt moved behind her and pulled her up
on her knees and pressed into her lower back so she would arch her
back. Her eyes widened as he gently pushed into her pussy while
Wilhelm held her face and kissed her deeply. She moaned against
Wilhelm’s mouth as Kurt thrust in and out gently several times and
then pulled out.

He rubbed himself against her asshole and
pushed forward slowly. She pulled her mouth away from Wilhelm and
dropped her forehead to his shoulder, groaning loudly as Kurt
pressed his huge cock into her ass.

She stroked Wilhelm as Kurt fucked her slowly
and then put his hands on her hips to bring her up so she could
impale herself on Wilhelm.

Her back arched and she cried out in ecstasy
as her body was filled with the two men she loved. They moved
together in an erotic rhythm and the room was filled with the
sounds of their lovemaking.

Anna could hardly breathe for the pleasure
surging through her body. She kissed Wilhelm and then turned to
kiss Kurt. God, she was so full! They were both well-endowed and
she was amazed that they fit inside her.

The rhythm intensified and their movements
quickened. Anna felt her body tingling and tightening and then
threw her head back and screamed out as an incredible orgasm
wracked her entire body. Wave upon wave of pleasure rolled along
her nerves. Vaguely she heard both men groan and shout as they,
too, found their release.

She panted and rested her head on Wilhelm’s
shoulder as he stroked her back. Kurt kissed the back of her neck
and then slowly pulled out. He sat heavily on the couch next to
Wilhelm and Anna leaned over and kissed him.

“I cannot say I was expecting that,” Wilhelm
said with a chuckle as he lifted Anna off his lap. She lay on her
back with her head in Kurt’s lap and her hips on Wilhelm’s.

Anna grinned up at both of them. “I liked

Kurt brushed her hair back from her forehead
and kissed her, but didn’t say anything. Anna looked up at him and
he smiled back, but his eyes were troubled.

“I will be right back,” he said, gently
scooting out from under Anna. He grabbed his clothes and walked
back towards his bedroom.

Anna watched him leave and then looked at
Wilhelm. “Is he okay?”

Wilhelm looked thoughtful. “I am not sure.”
He shook his head. “I am sure he is fine.” He handed Anna her robe
and then dressed himself.

When Kurt didn’t return after ten minutes,
Anna glanced at Wilhelm. “Should I go check on him?”

He looked like he was going to say something,
but closed his mouth and nodded. Anna got up and quickly walked to
the bedroom. Kurt sat on the bed with his head in his hands.

“Kurt?” she asked softly. He didn’t look up.
She went and knelt in front of him. “Kurt? Are you okay?”

He looked up at her with mournful eyes.
“Anna, I did not...want that to happen. I wanted you to know I was
different now. That I....” He sighed. “I do not want to share you,
Anna. With my father. With anyone.”

She cupped his cheek. “I know you’ve changed,
Kurt. It’s very evident that you are a different person now.”

He sighed. “Really?”

Anna nodded. “Yes. I noticed it when I first
saw you yesterday. I.... You didn’t pressure me into what just
happened. I...wanted it. I love your father.”

Kurt frowned. “Oh.” He looked at the ground.
A myriad of emotions passed over his face and he shook his head. “I
did not want that to happen, Anna. At least, my head and my heart
did not. Obviously another part of me wanted it.” He paused. “I
cannot share you, Anna. I had a marriage like that, and it failed
miserably. She wanted Vati and Alex more than she wanted me.” He
gave her a mournful look. “Do you want me? Or Vati

“I love both of you. I suppose in different
ways, though.” Anna twisted her fingers around each other. “I
wouldn’t want you to share me with your father if you didn’t want
to. You have been so kind and sweet to me, Kurt. I...haven’t felt
loved like that in a very long time.”

Kurt didn’t respond.

“I...can’t be in a monogamous relationship,
Kurt. You know that. Devin has me. Devin owns me. He makes me sleep
with other men.”

“What if I took you away from him? We could
go to Germany and get married and then you could stay with me.”

“You’d want to marry me?”

Kurt nodded. “I have been waiting for you to
get better. Vati suggested it a while ago, were

“Devin won’t approve.”

“He does not have to know. Our jet is here.
We could leave without him finding out. We could stop on the way to
Frankfurt in one of the countries without a waiting period and get
married. Then it would be too late.”

“Don’t the Elders have to approve my marriage
to someone?”

“They will. Vati has spoken to them about it.
You are not safe when you are with Devin, and he is becoming far
too powerful while he has you.” Kurt went to his knees. “I would
protect you, Anna. I do not go on missions. I would make sure that
no harm came to you.”

What Kurt said was tempting. She was scared
to death of Devin. He had new ways to torture her and she didn’t
like being around him. And she really did like Kurt. A lot. Maybe
she even loved him, though she was afraid to think about it. Being
in love frightened her. But he loved her. This she knew.

Anna slowly nodded. “Okay,” she gave him a
timid smile.

“Okay? As in you will marry me?”

Anna nodded again and Kurt grabbed her and
hugged her hard. “
Oh, mein Engel
. You have made me so
Kommen Sie,
we will go tell Vati.”

Wilhelm was thrilled with the news. “You
cannot tell anyone, though. Until we are in the air, Devin can
still stop us. We will leave tomorrow after your birthday

Kurt kissed Anna soundly. “And Vati, I am not
sharing her anymore. She is mine.”

Wilhelm chuckled. “Agreed.”

Chapter Seven


Hope filled Anna’s heart for the first time
in so long. Part of her disbelieved that she really could be happy
again, but when she looked at Kurt, the smile that formed on her
face was firm evidence of the long-forgotten emotion.

She put on the new pink silk dress Kurt had
bought her for her birthday and looked at herself in the mirror.
Yes, she was definitely older now. Today was her twenty-third

Twenty-three would be a good year. She would
marry Kurt and stay in Germany for a while. Or forever, maybe. Yes,
she would miss dancing, but if giving it up meant being away from
Devin, then she would do so happily. Besides, there were dance
companies in Germany...just not in Frankfurt.

Kurt walked into the bathroom, looking very
handsome in his dark suit, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
He kissed her cheek. “Are you about ready to go?”

Anna nodded. They would go to the dinner as
planned, but instead of coming back to the hotel, they would go
straight to the airport. Wilhelm wouldn’t even check out of the
hotel first. He would do it once they were back in Germany and have
their things shipped home. He was doing everything possible to keep
Devin from finding out they were leaving. He wouldn’t even allow
them to talk about it when they were outside the hotel room.

They arrived at the restaurant and Anna was
immediately grabbed and hugged by Jenna. And then Aaron. And then
Travis. And a whole host of other dancers whom she’d become friends
with before Alex had died.

Anna saw something on Jenna’s finger. “You
got married?” she asked incredulously.

Jenna smiled apologetically. “I wish you
could have been there. weren’t well. Dad said he tried to
talk to you, but....” She shrugged. “We can watch the video.”

“When did it happen?”

She glanced back at Matt. “Nine months ago?
September?” Matt nodded and grinned.

Anna hugged her friend. “I’m so happy for
you, Jenna. I really am.”

They were seated at a large round table. Kurt
sat on one side of her and Jenna the other. Jenna made a big deal
about it being Anna’s birthday. Anna blushed and buried her face in
Kurt’s shoulder.

“What’s going on with you and Kurt?” Jenna
asked softly after the drinks had been delivered. She raised her
eyebrow at Kurt’s arm draped across Anna’s shoulder.

Anna shrugged, then blushed. “We just...I
don’t know. I saw him on Friday just clicked.”

“Isn’t he still married?”

“No. His divorce was finalized several months
ago.” She smiled. “He’s...different now. Settled. And he’s so

Jenna giggled. “Yeah, that’s obvious. But if
he hurts you....” She narrowed her eyes.

“He won't. If you spend time with him, you’ll

Jenna leaned forward and studied him for a
moment. “Well, he’s definitely not flirting like he used to.”

“I told you.”

Anna had a wonderful time with her friends.
Aaron told her to hurry up and get back dancing so they could dance

It really felt like a celebration. Her first
birthday celebration in many, many years. Since Jack started
training her. She couldn’t imagine a more wonderful day.

Jenna took her phone number and promised to
call in the next few days so they could catch up. Anna agreed, even
though she knew that she would be gone. But she had to play along.
No one could know they were leaving.


After dinner was done, she was thoroughly
embarrassed by the servers at the restaurant singing happy birthday
to her. A little while later, she said goodbye to her friends and
Wilhelm, Kurt and Anna got into the limo to head to the

Anna leaned against Kurt and watched the
lights of the city fly past the windows. Wilhelm seemed tense.

“What is wrong, Vati?” Kurt asked.

“Just...concerned. Devin’s contacts are wide
and varied. He knows everything that goes on in the city. I will be
much more at ease once we are in the air.”

It was late and Anna was drifting to sleep
when she heard Wilhelm curse and Kurt sat up straight.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked.

Wilhelm didn’t get agitated easily. She
looked out the window and saw a black car parked by the Kunze
family’s huge jet. Leaning against the back of the car with his
arms crossed, was Devin.

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared
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