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Authors: Bill Rolfe

The Living Room (13 page)

BOOK: The Living Room
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Chapter 14

In her seat on the plane, Claire rested her head on Daniel’s shoulder and slept in comfort for most of the trip. He noticed that the passenger he had flown beside not so long ago was seated a few rows back. She was with her family now and caught him in a glance. They both smiled, and she quickly returned to conversation with one of her children.

He was overflowing with happiness and disbelief at all that had transpired since he had sat next to her. He kissed Claire’s forehead then stared out the window, wondering what he had done to deserve all that he had now.

The first few days at home for Daniel were more like a tourist trip for Claire as he escorted her around the great city. He made brief visits to his office for appointments to reacquaint himself with his clients. Early afternoon visits to the museums, evening plays and performances, and late suppers in New York’s finest restaurants made up the rest of the time.

Back in town for a couple of weeks and driving to their first office party together, Claire was nervous about the formality of the event, although she had met most of his coworkers already.

“I just have to make a quick stop and then we’re off to dance the night away,” he promised with a smile.

She watched him walk around the front of the vehicle and blew a kiss through the windshield.

It was past regular business hours, but Daniel knew somebody would still be here.

“Mr. Stines!” he called out.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” the elderly lawyer said as he cleaned around his desk. He recognized Daniel immediately.

Daniel sat down and spoke, interrupting the shuffling of paper into neater piles. “Do you remember me?”

“Of course, Mr. Clay. Did everything work out okay with your house in England?”

Daniel took a moment, grinning to himself. “Well, I guess it’s hard to forget a guy when he comes in here and acts like a jerk the way I did.”

Mr. Stines was taken aback. “No, you’re a busy man—”

Daniel interrupted him. “You helped me out for nothing. And I took some cards when you asked for referrals.”

Seemingly more nervous now, Martin explained, “Oh but, Mr. Clay, I wasn’t expecting—”

Daniel cut him off again and confessed. “When I walked out last time, I threw them in the garbage.”

A moment of silence passed while Martin digested the admission and tried to understand why Daniel had come back to speak with him now.

“Mr. Stines, I want to apologize for throwing them away, and for the attitude I had when you were just trying to help me and professionally grow your business.”

“Well, thank you. I’m not sure what to say.” He was obviously uncomfortable.

Daniel rose to leave. “I have some client estate planning coming up later in the month. Is it okay if I call you to have some work done?”

This announcement roused Mr. Stines from his stunned state. “Of course. Let me know if I can be of any help,” he stammered but managed to get the words out.

“Great. Oh and I’m on my way to a party with the firm right now. How about giving me a few more cards? I’ll pass them around for you this time. I promise.”

“That would be”—he couldn’t find the words or the cards as he riffled through his desk drawers—“great, Mr. Clay. Thank you.”

He found the cards and handed some to Daniel. His expression of amazement and excitement was for the possible new business that might make his years of hard work finally pay off.

“I’ll call you in a couple of weeks then. Have a good night. Oh and, Mr. Stines, you better call your partner, Becker. It’s getting late. She’s probably got dinner on the table by now.”

Daniel proudly smiled at the results of his homework. He let Mr. Stines know it was nothing to be concerned about in their future association.

“Whose place is that, sweetheart?” Claire asked when he got back to the car. She was happy to see him return safely after she’d gotten a view of the neighborhood while waiting anxiously for him.

Daniel put the cards in his shirt pocket. “That’s my new attorney. So, are you ready to go dancing?”

The couple entered the hall that was rented for the occasion but were caught off guard with the exploding round of applause. Everyone had arrived hours before. Claire knew what was planned and had successfully kept the secret from him.

Daniel was flabbergasted. “What’s going on here? What’s this all about?”

Art appeared from the middle of the crowd and walked toward a very befuddled Daniel.

“Surprise!” was all he managed to say, holding his palms up. Then he motioned to the crowd to separate down the middle, which they did while maintaining their applause.

Behind them was a sign, similar to the one he was used to seeing every morning when he arrived at the office. Only now it had been altered:

Rothschild, Bowman, Duke, and Clay

He couldn’t believe it and had to read it again slowly to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on his mind. Even years of visualization and belief in himself hadn’t prepared him for the emotion of seeing his name this way. He shook his head with a grin, beaming from within, and reached for Art’s outstretched hand.

“Thank you, Art.”

“Hey, you earned it. The vote was unanimous.”

Daniel looked at Claire and back again at Art. “Thank you, for everything.”

They shared the moment together before Art walked away to get the evening’s schedule underway.

One by one, coworkers came up to give their congratulations, best wishes, and a few one-liners about parking spots and perks that could be shared by the new partner.

The party shifted into full swing with the band playing after Art’s signal. Daniel held Claire’s hand tightly for support, taking a break for a kiss.

“So did you know about this? How did you?”

“Nancy called me last week, and I promised not to say anything,”

They kissed a few more times and Daniel observed the room filled with friends and well-wishers. He nodded at Art who was standing next to the bar with his wife Linda.

“I have another surprise for you tonight if you think you can handle it,” Claire ventured.

“Oh yeah, well, after this I’m ready for anything.”

Claire took him by the hand and kissed his palm. She slowly slid it down and placed it flat on her stomach.

“Surprise,” she whispered.

Unprepared, the excitement numbed his entire body.

“You mean…?”

She nodded back.

They kissed again and held each other tight.

BOOK: The Living Room
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