The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“It’s not nice to spy on people.”

Her heart stopped, her hands going limp. She fell down onto the grass, bruising her hip in the process. Rachel propped herself up on her elbows, looking up, up, up. Wyatt stared down at her. The glow of the window and moon cast shadows around his handsome face. It was more severe than she’d ever seen it.

“I—” She had no excuses. She’d been caught red-handed, so to speak. Rachel desperately tried to think up any excuse to give her cause to be hanging off a windowsill. She came up empty. Now Wyatt would think she was some kind of pervert.

“I’ve told you the private stable is none of your concern, didn’t I?”


He exhaled an angry, irritated sound. “What should I do with you now?”

Love me?
She swallowed hard, not moving or speaking. In fact, she willed herself to be anywhere in the world but there.

“I realize you seem determined to break the rules, so I’ll give you exactly what you’re asking for.”

She’d said nothing. He leaned down, hooked his arm behind hers, and hoisted her up to her feet effortlessly. Then he shackled his hand around her wrist and pulled her along behind him. She used her free hand to try and pry his fingers away, but he was way too strong.

“Where we going?”

“If you’re so curious about the private stable, I’ll give you a taste of it.”

“No!” She tried to dig her heels into the ground, but it was no use. There was no way Rachel wanted to go into that stable after seeing the things that went on inside. She’d be mortified, humiliated. It was one thing to watch unnoticed, another to see things up close or actually participate.

He jerked her along. “Behave yourself. You’re acting like a child.”

As soon as Wyatt shoved open the front door, a man in a tuxedo handed him a black mask like the one Trevor was wearing. He snatched it from the man and pulled her along.

“Good to have you back,” said the man. “Room number six is free.”

“Thanks, Robinson. I don’t want to be disturbed.”

Rachel felt a burst of relief knowing Wyatt hadn’t been here in a while, hopefully not since her arrival on the ranch. She wanted him for herself.

Once arriving at room number six, Wyatt shoved her unceremoniously into the room. She stumbled, finally settling on the large bed. She watched him slam the door shut and stride into the room with unparalleled confidence. He paced in front of the long dressers against the back wall.
Speak to me.

“Take off your clothes,” he said matter-of-factly. His back was to her as he rummaged through one of the drawers.

She wanted to protest, but his tone left no room for argument.

“This is the private stable. When we’re in here, you’ll call me

Her heart stopped. She remembered his jealous streak when he spoke of Damien. Now she understood why he was angry when he thought his boss brought her here. It was all about sex. Kinky sex.

“You’ll also need to pick a safe word. A real one.
won’t gain you any sympathy from me.”

He was acting so cold, so formal. She wanted to be kissed and held but had to admit this new side to Wyatt was arousing her more each second.

There was something in his hand, but with only candlelight, she couldn’t make it out.

“You’re not undressed. Disobedience will cost you.” He stood at the end of the bed, nodding to her clothes. Waiting for her to comply. She began to lift off her shirt, setting it on the bed beside her. Although her confidence had vastly improved since her arrival, she still had issues with her extra pounds. She unclasped her bra, her breasts jostling free.

There was no expression on his face. He watched her every move like a panther eying its prey. She knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until she was stark naked. Rachel wiggled out of her pants and undies, leaving her nude on the smooth silk sheets. When she attempted to hug herself, he reached out an arm holding a riding crop.

“Don’t even think about covering yourself, Ms. Price. My game. My rules.”


Her response earned her a slight smirk, which quickly vanished. “What’s your safe word? Choose one, or I’ll choose it for you.”

She thought of Ethan and his stubborn mare. “Um…Appaloosa.”

“Okay, don’t forget it.” He walked around the bed and back. “Do you know what it’s for?”

“I think so.” She knew it had something to do with making him stop, but had no idea how everything worked. Rachel wasn’t experienced in sexual games.

“You’ll call me
. You’ll obey me when I ask you to do something. And you’ll endure whatever I put you through. Otherwise you’ll be punished. Only use the word if you’re positive you want me to stop.” Then he halted directly in front of her and tilted her chin up. “Once I stop, you’ll go back to the house on your own and never set foot in the private stable again. There are no second chances. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Good. Maybe you’ll be easier to train than I expected.” He tugged off his shirt, leaving him in just his low-cut Wranglers. The outline of his monster cock was stretched out diagonally behind the denim. Wyatt enjoyed this atmosphere, and her curiosity piqued. He slipped the mask he was given over his head, effectively shielding his upper face. Her cowboy was transformed into some kind of erotic superhero. He was perfect.

She was still partially sitting, leaning back on her elbows. Wyatt used the riding crop to paint circles around her areolas. Her nipples instantly tightened, liquid heat trickling from her pussy. She hoped he wouldn’t notice.

“Have you ever used sex toys, Rachel?”

She shook her head.

“Speak when I ask you a question.”

“No, sir.”

“Interesting. We’ll try some today. I want to see how you can handle a few things.” He trailed the end of the crop down her center, a featherlight touch, settling over her clit. He gave it a slight tap, making her gasp.

“Sometimes the most elemental pleasure can be found through pain. I bet you didn’t know that.”

But she did know, more than he could imagine. She’d been using pain therapy to help control her fear of Jason. Pain brought her back to childhood, when everything was simple.

Wyatt set the crop on the dresser and put his finger to his lips to silence her. He was so calm and assured, his demeanor serving to inspire confidence. He returned with a toy shaped like a man’s penis. It hummed, vibrating in his hand. “Lay back.” He lowered himself over her, his heat scorching her bare breasts. She inwardly sighed, savoring the physical closeness. When she reached around his broad shoulders to hold him, he looked her in the eye. “No touching.”

She returned her hands to the sides, still desperate to feel his strong muscles, but not allowed to touch.

“This is going to make you come hard and fast. It’ll probably work in less than a minute since you’re not used to it. You need to keep control, focus on the pleasure and nothing else.”

He leaned to one side and reached between their bodies, holding the shaft of the hard, plastic cock to her clitoris. The jolt of energy shocked her. She instantly arched, her body trying to escape such raw torment. But he was right there, looking her in the eyes through his black mask, anchoring her.
Concentrate on the pleasure.

“Soon you’ll learn to come on command just by hearing the sound of my voice. And you’ll learn to restrain yourself until given permission to let go.”

She was barreling forward like a freight train without brakes, and nothing Wyatt said would change that. Rachel desperately wanted a reprieve, the growing pressure coming too fast to handle. Each time she was about to pull away, she remembered her need to please Wyatt, to make him proud. She wanted to pass all his tests without fail.

“Come. Come for me, little lamb.”

He held her, keeping her body steady until that glorious moment of release. He was all strength and muscle, easily controlling her. But she wasn’t afraid.

Wyatt was right. The deep baritone of his voice and commanding tone provided the final push she needed to explode. Her pussy clamped down hard, her walls contracting in deep waves. She closed her eyes and absorbed all the sensations flooding her veins. When she thought she couldn’t take another second, Wyatt removed the phallus.

He sat on the edge of the bed, twisting around to face her, his fingers trailing along the skin of her sensitive inner thighs.

“One thing about toys is the effects aren’t long lasting. They’re like dessert, pleasurable, but not as satisfying as a meal. Do you agree?”

“Yes.” She was still breathless, riding high from her orgasm.

“What was that?”

It took her a moment to gauge his meaning. “Yes, sir?”

A devilish smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Remember what I told you when we started?”

“Yes, sir.”

“When you don’t listen you’re to be disciplined. I’ll go easy on you today since it’s your first offense. Just a few spanks. Let’s say five.”

Rachel wasn’t afraid of physical pain. It had been her friend, a comfort measure during stressful times. Nothing Wyatt could subject her to would make her use her safe word.

He patted his lap. She didn’t hesitate to stretch out over his lap. His jeans rubbed against her bare, hypersensitive folds, so hard and rough. He began to rub warming circles over her ass. “I know the last man you were with wasn’t good to you. Did he hit you?”

How did he know? It was as if he knew her better than she knew herself.

She nodded, not willing to speak and tempt her emotions to spill over. What she’d been through was humiliating to talk about or even acknowledge.

“Well, what we’re doing here is very different. I want you to understand that. I’ll never raise my hand with intent to harm you. Everything I do is for your pleasure, to teach you trust. There’s nothing more empowering than letting it all go and allowing yourself to be vulnerable.”

His hand lifted away from her ass and came down in a firm smack, the fleshy sound echoing in the dim room. She’d never had her ass spanked. It felt dirty, the ultimate domination fantasy.

“Do you remember your safe word?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.”

He’d stop and rub the sore spot between each spank, letting his fingers linger around her asshole.
Smack, smack, smack.

She didn’t compare this punishment with Jason’s abuse—it was night and day. With each spank the burn on her skin increased. At first she couldn’t see the appeal in this type of sexual play, but then the burn spread like wildfire through her lower extremities, settling in her cunt. Her breath caught as she discovered the secret appeal in Wyatt’s ministrations. The pain mixed with pleasure, nearly bringing her to a spontaneous orgasm.

He chuckled, a darkly masculine sound. “Don’t like it too much, darlin’. You’re supposed to avoid punishment, not look forward to it.”

“How do you—”

“You’re wet. My fingers are coated in your juices.” To emphasize his point, he dipped two fingers inside her pussy, dragging the moisture back to her ass. When he impaled one digit into her nether hole, she instantly tensed, not expecting such an invasion. “Relax. I won’t hurt you.”

Her chest was expanding and contracting so fast she felt dizzy, especially with her head nearly upside down. He fucked her virgin ass with his finger, slowly pulling out and sliding back in. It was the oddest, most titillating sensation she’d felt in a long time. Ever.

“You have a tight little ass. Has a man ever taken you here?”

“Never, sir.”

“That’s good. Very good.” He added a second finger which resulted in a slight burn. When he began to scissor his fingers, she panicked, the burn too intense and uncomfortable.

“Ap—” What was she doing? Since when was she afraid of a little physical pain? There were much worse things to be subjected to—silence, insults, fear for the sake of fear.

“What was that?”


He sat up and flipped her stomach down onto the bed in one fluid motion. The mattress jostled for a moment. She heard the distinct sound of a zipper lowering and a condom wrapper crinkling. When she turned her head to see, Wyatt pressed a palm to her back to keep her flat on her stomach.

“Don’t move.”

She heard him sorting through his drawer of toys again before he returned to the bed. He stood at the edge between her legs, reaching forward to tie a blindfold over her eyes. Her heart pounded inside her chest as anticipation took over. The darkness scared her, her senses already magnified. Then a cool dollop of jelly was pressed between her ass cheeks.

“What’s that?”

“Behave, little lamb. I’m going to show you something new. It’ll be uncomfortable to begin with since I’m your first, but if you’re patient, you’ll learn to love it.”

When he probed her ass with his thick cock, she panicked. Both Wyatt and Ethan were hung like horses. His cock would never fit comfortably in her ass.

She wanted to admit she was afraid but kept silent.

He pressed his long inches inside her, his fingers biting into her hips as he held her securely. “That’s it. Take it all, darlin’.” Wyatt dropped down over her back, his weight supported on his forearms. He groaned in her ear as he sank fully inside her ass. His cock pulsed within her walls, so thick and virile. He kissed her cheek and nipped her earlobe. “You’ll be the death of me.”

Chapter Fifteen


Ethan checked around the trailer, expecting to find Wyatt taking a cigarette break. Instead, he was nowhere to be found. His immediate suspicions went to Rachel. Where else could Wyatt be at this hour if not obsessing over the curvy little brunette? Lord knew she was all Ethan could think about.

Now that the branding was winding down, he looked forward to spending more time with Rachel, getting to know her and hopefully courting her properly. He had to establish a relationship before the other cowboys ratted him out about his past. He needed to show her he was a decent man, not a cold-blooded murderer.

BOOK: The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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