Read The Professor Online

Authors: Josie Leigh

Tags: #Bdsm, #teacher, #Erotica, #student, #voyeurism

The Professor

BOOK: The Professor
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The Professor


By Josie Leigh

The Professor


Published by Josie Leigh


Copyright 2013 Josie Leigh

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This story is for entertainment purposes only. Names, characters, places, events, most businesses and organizations are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 1

Turn and put your hands on the wall,” he hissed in her ear, prompting her to obey his command immediately. “Arch your back,” he ordered, trailing a hand down the curve of her nearly bare spine and causing her body to shudder at the elicit contact. Suppressing a wanton moan, she shuffled her feet back to do as he’d asked, spreading her legs as she went. “Perfect,” he whispered, halting her movement.

Facing the wall, she struggled for breath, panting with anticipation, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders as she pressed her forehead against the cool, but unforgiving gray brick wall in front of her. While she’d hoped that he would want her, she never imagined it would be like this.

Stand just like this, don’t move,” he instructed, his hands traced a smoldering path from the top of her knee high black stockings up her milky white thighs under her short green skirt, before his fingers explored the crease where her ass met her legs. Her core flooded with moisture at the thought of his ministrations so close to where she wanted him, where she needed him. Unknowingly, she circled her hips, trying to persuade him to move faster, a soft groan of frustration escaping her ruby lips. “If you move again, we are done here, understand?” he breathed, pulling his hands away and stepping back, leaving her cold.

Frantically, she nodded her head against the wall in acquiescence, trying to situate her body again for him. “Yes, yes, I understand,” she panted out. “I’m sorry.”

Good,” he said, and she could hear the sinister smile in his voice. “Because I want to take you against this wall, but I won’t if you can’t follow simple directions. Now, are you going to hold still or do I need to find another pupil to bury myself in this afternoon?”

No, Professor, I’ll be good. I promise. I need it to be me,” she begged.

I know you do,” he said, lifting her skirt to expose her ass to the air conditioned room. “I can smell your want from here,” he continued, his voice now more gravely with desire, as she felt his nose probing against her black lace thong. “Smells even better up close, don’t you agree?” he asked, pushing deeper into the apex of her thighs to immerse himself in the musk of her arousal. “I can feel how wet you are. Is this all for me?” he asked.

Yes, Professor,” she whispered into the brick wall, willing herself to keep as still as possible, even though she knew her legs were shaking with need.

I need a taste,” he said, pulling her panties to the side. Her knees buckled when she felt the first soft swipe of his tongue against her clit. “Mmmm, just like honey, so sweet,” he said approvingly, before lapping at her aching pussy again. “I know you want to move, but fight it, fight it hard.” As he finished his words, two of his fingers breached her roughly, joining with his mouth now sucking on her clit. She was going to come quickly, and she wasn’t sure she would be able to stay upright when it happened…

“Now, I have office hours today until four, but after that I’m off campus until next week,” her professor announced from his position in front of the class, pulling her from her erotic daydream. It had been so real that she could feel the moisture pooling onto the seat below her. Squirming, she tried to find a way to quell the desire coursing through her body, but she found no relief. She’d almost come in the middle of class, she should be mortified. Instead, she found herself even more keyed up at the thought that she might’ve lost control in front of her classmates, that her professor might’ve figured out that he was the object of her desire.


“Class is cancelled for Wednesday, but the exam will be Friday as scheduled,” Professor Areleon announced to the class as everyone started to pack up after the lecture. “Since we won’t go over chapter six in class, you will be responsible for completing the required reading on your own.” A small chorus of groans erupted through the lecture hall, as maybe 25% of the students in attendance actually heard his words. The other 75% were already mentally walking to their next class. Packing up his own materials, he did what he could to keep his greedy eyes off of the beautiful co-ed in the first row. He’d noticed her the first day of class, blonde, long tan legs, ample chest that she wasn’t opposed to showing off from time to time, and inquisitive brown eyes. Just as he moved to avert his gaze, she looked up at him.
, he thought as he watched her breathe speed up, her lips parted deliciously, and a serene, expectant look came over her face, like she was submitting to him without any direct order. Her cheeks were flushed, giving away her, obvious, arousal. He was grateful to be standing behind the lectern when he felt his cock stir in his pants.

He watched, in slow motion, as she walked toward him. She didn’t stalk after him, or look predatory in her approach, but he could tell she wanted something from him, and it wasn’t a new copy of the syllabus. Unbidden, he wondered what she would look like wearing a thin band of his possession around her neck. Announcing to everyone that mattered that she was taken, his. Inwardly, he frowned at the direction of his thoughts. It wasn’t because he cared that it was against the rules for teachers and students to have personal relations. It was more that he’d never considered collaring someone before, but the desire to bind her to him was overwhelming.

The sight of her in her white button down shirt, only the collar button undone and forest green skirt that just touched the top of her black over the knee socks had him wishing the classroom was empty. He had no idea if she was in the scene, or just naturally submissive. Asking such a question of her in this setting, though, was out of the question.

“Professor?” she asked, so softly he almost didn’t hear her, but her voice was so melodic he wanted her to speak again.

“Speak up,” he commanded.

“Professor?” she asked, louder this time, but there was still a bit of timidity in the question.

“Yes?” he asked, raising a dark eyebrow at her question, his blue eyes burning with intrigue.

“Um, I was hoping that I could sign up for tutoring next week, during your office hours?” she fidgeted with the book in her hand. Oh how he’d love to train her to be more confident in her stance and her words, he had no patience for people who wasted his time.

“I’d love to set up a time to tutor you,” he smiled, darkly, knowing that the offer wasn’t just for help with sociological concepts. “How’s next Monday, when I’m back on campus?” he offered. “7pm?”

“But that’s after your office hours, Professor,” she shook her head, confused.

“I’m well aware of that, Miss Carson, but I do have a full docket of other tutees during that time, and I figured you were looking for a one on one session. However, if I’ve read your intent incorrectly, I’d be happy to give you the time of one of my group sessions,” he explained, folding his hands over the lectern and leveling her with a panty melting smile.

“Um,” she started, flustered at his words, “no, do you didn’t misinterpret my dire need for help, and I’m grateful that you’d sacrifice your personal time to help me.”

“It’s no sacrifice,” he stated, simply. “I’ll see you in my office on Monday evening then,” he dismissed.

“Yes, Sir,” he heard her breathe out as he turned toward the door behind him. How was he going to get through the next week knowing the promise their tutoring session held for both of them?


His fingers caressed the satin of her hair from behind her ear down her back to the silk of her skin, tracing an erotic path over every inch of her bareness.

God, you look beautiful like this,” he said, huskily, pulling his hands around to her front to massage her exposed breasts. The position of her bound hands above her head pulled them up, high and tight on her chest; her raspberry red nipples were taut under his palms. She bowed her head slightly and her cheeks pinked in response to his words. “Oh, are we shy now?” he joked before moving to take her breast into his mouth and sucking. At her answering moan, his pants tightened to an uncomfortable level. “I can’t wait to be inside you,” he told her as his fingers trailed lower, over her navel and down to the trimmed patch of blonde curls. “Fuck, you are soaked, baby,” he whispered, teasing her clit. “Hmmm, should I make you come this way first, Miss Carson? Or should I deny you that pleasure until I’m inside of you?”

I need you to fuck me, Professor,” she panted out. “I need your cock to be so far inside me that I can’t remember anything other than the fact that I’m yours, that I’ll always be yours. I want to come so that you can feel what you do to me all around your dick, then I want to lick you clean.”

Her words nearly had him coming in his pants, but he took a deep breath and started to disrobe in front of her. “Do you know how much I want you right now?” he asked, trying to tame his lust for her, even though his cock jumped at the sight of her bound before him. “You are already mine, this will just make it official,” he told her, lining himself up below her and lifting her legs around his waist. Slowly, he began to penetrate her moist heat…

FUCK! Professor Areleon shot forward in his king sized bed, the cool sheets pooled around his bare waist. He’d been dreaming about her every night since he’d agreed to tutor her, which wouldn’t be a problem if every single dream hadn’t been interrupted before he could slide into her body. Looking down, his cock was an angry red, straining for release from the extremely lifelike dream, but he refused to fuck himself to release. No, he wanted to save it all for his beautiful student.

BOOK: The Professor
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