Read The Second Time Around Online

Authors: Angie Daniels

The Second Time Around (22 page)

BOOK: The Second Time Around
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Chapter 19

renna packed her bags and loaded them into Aunt Nellie's car. She was scheduled to take an airport shuttle at seven.

She straightened the room and put fresh linen on the bed. As she stepped out of the room, she turned around and gazed at it one last time. Tonight, she would be back in her apartment in Dallas.

She pushed back feelings of despair. Last night she spent most of the night thinking about what her mother had said, and also her relationship with Jabarie, and wondered if maybe she was making a mistake. Loving him wasn't even a factor. She loved him with every breath she took. It was her fear that oversaw every decision in her life, and that's what scared her.

She and Aunt Nellie arrived at the bookstore an hour later. People were already flooding Main Street, visiting the sidewalk sale. They moved inside and as soon as she put her things away, Brenna retrieved the rolling cart of books and pushed them outside the store. It wasn't long before the two students arrived and they stood outside serving the customers, while she and her aunt handled the crowd that had moved inside.

For the rest of the afternoon they were busy, but Brenna still had time to think about Jabarie. She was going to miss him. Walking away wasn't going to be as easy as she had originally imagined. The second time around was going to be three times harder than before.

The parade started and from the storefront window she had an excellent view as she watched the Sheraton Beach Marching Band parade past the store. As soon as they moved to the next street, Brenna glanced over at her mother standing at the window at the far right with her fiancé beside her. The looks they gave each other told her that the two were definitely in love. It was the same way Jabarie always looked at her. Dear God, was she making a mistake?

Her mother looked so happy, but it had taken her twenty-seven years to find love a second time. This time she had sense enough not to let it slip through her fingers.

Is that going to be me in twenty years?

Fear took over and Brenna started hyperventilating. Quickly before anyone noticed she dashed off to the office and closed the door behind her. As soon as she was in the chair, she lowered her eyelids.

Was she behaving just like her mother? Would she have a life filled with regret? Oh, boy, she hoped not. But could she just walk away from her new life?

Her heart began pounding rapidly because the answer was as clear as the nose on the end of her face. Yes, she could. Without Jabarie in her life, the success of her bookstore and her life in Dallas had no meaning if she couldn't share her world with the man she loved. What good was anything anymore if she felt empty inside?

A small sob slipped from between her lips that she choked back. “Now what do I do?” she asked. One thing for sure, she had to talk to Jabarie before she left.


She jumped at the sound of Sheyna's voice and swiped tears from her cheeks just as her friend came barging through the door, eyes wide with excitement.

“You have got to get out here now!”

“Why?” she asked.

“Just come and see.”

Forehead bunched with confusion, she allowed Sheyna to drag her through the store and outside. It took her a few moments before she realized the crowd was cheering her name. “Brenna!”

She stood against the building stunned as the drill team danced down the street and a float drew near with a miniature replica of the Beaumont Hotel. Her heart dropped straight to her toes. Jabarie was on the top, dressed in a robe with a crown on his head, holding a microphone.

“Brenna! Brenna Gathers!” he shouted.

She waved so that he could see her. As soon as he did, the float stopped and he came off, still holding the microphone.

“What are you doing?” she said with her hand at her hip so she wouldn't throw herself into his arms.

“I came for my princess.”

“Your princess?” She couldn't resist a smirk. “Oh really?”

“Yes. We all have.”


He pointed to the float and she looked up and spotted Jace, Bianca and his parents all waving down at her.

“I can't believe this,” she murmured under her breath.

“Believe it, baby.”

She glanced over and watched her mother and Aunt Nellie both coming out of the store. She felt so embarrassed with everyone watching. “Please don't do this,” she whispered. “I'm getting ready to leave for my plane.”

Jabarie moved and stood in front of her. “And if you do, I'm going to follow and bring you back.”

Brenna wrapped her arms around herself. “Please, just go away.”

He shook his head slowly. “Not without you.”

She couldn't believe this was happening to her.

“I love you, Brenna. I've loved you for as long as I've known you. It was with you I learned what love was.”

“Please, you've already turned my life upside down. Can you just let me go?”

He stepped closer and she caught his masculine scent. His eyes were dark and his lashes long. He was gorgeous. “I can't do that, baby. I love you and want you in my life.”

Her heart was about to bust wide open. “And what the prince wants the prince gets, right?” she asked.

“No, what I want, I fight for. I am fighting for us and am willing to do whatever it takes.”

Her knees wobbled. “It'll never work.”

“It'll work if we want it badly enough,” he said as he caressed her cheek. “You've fought for what you wanted all your life. Tell me you're willing to fight for us, too.”

“Oh, Jabarie.” It was then that she realized all this time he had been talking into the microphone.

“Brenna, I don't want anyone but you. I admire your strength.”

Oh, God, how could he say that when she was a coward?

“The things that make you different are the things that I admire the most. You are smart and funny, sexy, and so damn stubborn. But I wouldn't have you any other way. I love everything about you and am honored that you've even allowed me to be a part of your life. Now Brenna I want you to become a part of mine.”

Glancing around she noticed all the people standing around, watching. She backed up slightly and started crying. She was starting to become a big cry baby.

Jabarie reached up and gently wiped the tears away. “Go ahead, baby, let it all out and when you're done I want you to be ready to put the past behind us and get ready to share your future with me.”

“I'm such a coward,” she said between sobs.

“Coward? Brenna you are the bravest woman I know. I love you baby and need you in my life—that's why I am willing to confess my love for the whole town to see.” He cupped her chin. “Now please tell me you love me, too. I need to hear that.”

She scrubbed her wet face. “I've never loved anyone but you. But love hurts.”

He kissed her cheek. “Being without you hurts even more.”

She couldn't help it, she flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around him. It felt so good to let go of her fears, to trust someone again.

Jabarie pulled back slightly and gazed down at her. “Now we can do this one of two ways. You can come back to Sheraton Beach and be with me, or I can move to Dallas.”

“What would you do in Dallas?”

He kissed her lips. “It doesn't matter as long as we're together.”

Rearing back, she stared up at him. “You would do that for me?”

“Anything, baby.”

She started shaking her head. “I could never make you leave. You love this place as much as I do.” She pulled him close. “I love you so much, Jabarie.”

“And I love you, but now I need to make this official.” He released her and dropped to his knee in front of her. Her pulse raced as she watched him reach into his pocket and pull out the four-carat diamond and sapphire ring he had given her over five years ago.

She gasped. “Oh my, you kept it.”

“That's because in the back of my mind, I always hoped that you'd come back.” He took her hand in his. “Brenna Gathers, will you marry me?”

She glanced over at her mother and aunt who were holding each other with tears in their eyes. Her eyes traveled to the Beaumonts, who were holding hands, staring down at them, anticipating her answer. Her gaze swept the crowd, as well. By the time she looked down at Jabarie, her eyes were flooded with tears of her own.

“Yes, I'll marry you.”

The crowd cheered and clapped while Jabarie slipped the ring on her finger. As soon as he rose, she threw her arms around his neck and rained kisses all over his face.

“I love you,” he murmured then lifted her in his arms and carried her over to the float. His father and Jace helped her up onto the platform.

She was pleasantly surprised and immediately put at ease at the warm, friendly smile on his mother's face. She pulled Brenna into a big hug and whispered close to her ear, “Welcome to the family.”

“Yes, dear, we're glad to have you,” Mr. Beaumont said when it was his turn to embrace her. “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive two old fools.”

Mrs. Beaumont rolled her eyes. “Who'd you call old?”

Brenna was laughing and crying at the same time. “Thank you both. That truly means a lot.”

By the time Jabarie climbed onboard, the motor started and the float proceeded down Main Street with all of them waving to the crowd. Brenna took her place beside her prince, who lowered a crown onto her head. “Now you are officially a member of the Beaumont family. You sure you can handle the jokes about us being descendants of royalty?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters.”

Jabarie leaned down and kissed her. Brenna wasn't sure when she'd ever been this happy, but one thing for sure, love was even better the second time around.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-0243-0


Copyright © 2007 by Angie Daniels

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BOOK: The Second Time Around
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