Read The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series) Online

Authors: Kat de Falla

Tags: #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Demons-Gargoyles

The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series) (38 page)

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“I was asked to remember who I am. I am the archangel Raphael.” Alejandro said.

“Why didn’t Ellen tell me to use the necklace from the beginning?” Lucas said.

“I only heard you when the myrrh and aloe hit your blood and ran through your veins. I could sense that which I have protected for centuries. This compound is in a magic circle done by Abaddon himself so angels couldn’t see this location. But the demons breached the entrance in the East to get to you.”

Lucas was so happy to see him that he barely listened. “I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about, but I’m glad you’re here. Can I call you Rafe?” Lucas asked.


He never did have a sense of humor

Dean joined them, standing tall after Ellen’s healing. “Angels and demons, huh?” he asked.

Back to his old self. Amazing. Dean deserved the truth. “I am a seer of the angels and demons that walk among us. So is your sister. Ellen and your nephew here, are angels, and you’ve already met Alejan… I mean the archangel, Raphael.”

Lucas imagined the wheels turning in Dean’s mind. “Liza was a demon, wasn’t she?”

,” he said, trying not to overwhelm him. “Dean, you’d make a great seer.” Lucas clapped him on the back.

“One of us is enough.” Cali wrapped her arm around Lucas’s back.

His family was safe.

“A seer? I didn’t need any hocus pocus special powers to
scum,” Dean said.

Ellen pushed between them. “Too bad, we’ll have to erase your memory anyway.”

Dean furrowed his brows at her. “That would be great, could you?”

Chapter 36

Two months later

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Lucas wrapped his arms around his new wife and they continued to push the stroller to the park—transitory bliss.

“To hell with demons for today, they can hunt us tomorrow.” Lucas beamed. Stogey trotted alongside the stroller with his ears pricked up and tongue hanging out.

They kissed like giddy teenagers and practically ran to the park where they were meeting Dean and his son, Max, Ellen, and Calise’s parents to sit under their favorite sugar maple tree, have a picnic, and throw bread to the ducks.

Ellen was early, already situated on a red and white checkered blanket, arranging snacks from a woven basket.

“I forgot bread for the ducks,” Cali lamented. “El, do you want to walk to the bakery across the street with me to get some?”


“I’ll take Michael, okay?”

“Sure, Cali. I love you.” Lucas pecked her on the cheek and his son on the head.

They chatted about Russia on the way to the bakery. “Dean can actually recount specific memories from his ‘spur of the moment trip to Moscow.’” Calise laughed.

“Yup, I’m good, aren’t I?” Ellen said, winking.

“You just got back from the orphanage. How are the children?”

Ellen sighed. “My angel contacts are still in the process of finding the last of the angel baby’s birthparents. All the kids will eventually be diagnosed with some level of reactive attachment disorder.”

“What does that mean?”
It doesn’t sound good.

“Basically, because they were never held when they were sick or hungry, their brains reprogrammed themselves to shut down—that’s why the babies didn’t cry—to maintain control of their environment. The children will have to be placed in extremely patient and loving homes or with foster angel parents. Some will never reengage with society and will need extensive psychiatric help.”

“At least they’re safe and alive—and away from Nara’s family.”

“They wouldn’t be…if it weren’t for you,” Ellen said.

“Have you gotten a line on Shane or Nara?”

Ellen shook her head.

The chime attached to the door of the bakery jingled as they left.

Calise’s parents got out of the car across the street with Dean and Max. Her parents hugged Lucas in greeting, and Lucas and Dean started chatting. When Ellen and Calise reached them, she scooped Michael out of the stroller and handed him to his doting grandparents.

Calise relished the momentary peace in her life. Lucas and Dean laughed together and her parents and Ellen tickled Michael and pointed to the ducks. Today was like a breath of fresh air on her new life. She thought about the Latino man that had come into the pharmacy last winter. “They are everywhere.”

He was right, but now Calise was prepared.

Now, she had something to fight for.


The archangel Raphael steeled himself. Six other archangels walked the earth, their memories scrubbed of their true identity. When the seven united, the Son would return, signaling the end of days. If he located the ring of Solomon, it would make all the other artifacts immaterial. The ring had the power to control all demons—and therein, he could have Anna released from Hell.

A word about the author…

Author Kat de Falla was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she learned to roller skate, ride a banana-seat bike, and love Shakespeare thanks to her high school English teacher.

Four years at the UW-Madison wasn’t enough, so she returned to her beloved college town for her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is happily employed as a retail pharmacist where she fills prescriptions and chats with her patients.

She is married to her soul mate, classical guitarist Lee de Falla, raising four kids together à la the Brady Bunch.


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BOOK: The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series)
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