Read The Silver Coin Online

Authors: Andrea Kane

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

The Silver Coin (48 page)

BOOK: The Silver Coin
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What she saw was the true magic of Medford Manor, the magic her great-grandfather had hoped to convey to Anastasia and Breanna along with the coins, a magic he hoped they’d pass on to their children and their children’s children.

High above, a silvery moon shimmered in the sky, and golden stars twinkled alongside it, the gold and silver hues dousing the world in light and love.

Holly came to stand beside her cousin, propping her elbows on the window sill and reveling in the same wonders as Joanna.

The two girls saw safety and security. They saw the place where they’d been born, the place in which they were growing up, the place they’d always come back to no matter what changes life wrought.

They saw exactly what their great-grandfather had always prayed they would see.

They saw home.

BOOK: The Silver Coin
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