Read The Stagers Online

Authors: Louisa Neil

The Stagers (9 page)

BOOK: The Stagers
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Farrin knew the Florida Keys were all different, but she never imagined finding a location like this. The property was pie shaped, the point being the front yard. The beach front was magnificent, the neighbors’ well-established homes, yards, and piers all well-delineated and hidden with tall, manicured hedges. She figured they’d be thrilled if the house sold and someone would keep it up. That in itself would raise their property values. She sat on the sandy beach, just watching the horizon and the water.

“It’s a beautiful place, as long as you don’t look behind you.”

She became startled from the quiet and smiled as Van sat beside her. “I never expected to find this kind of backyard. The view is stunning.”

“It’s quiet and private,” Van replied.

“The place has potential, Van.”

“You sound wistful, Farrin. What is it?”

“Silly thoughts,” she told him, standing and brushing the sand off her butt. She stood beside him, but he didn’t touch her.

“Tell me,” he prompted.

“It’s just…the place has so much potential.” She turned to walk back to the house, and Van grabbed her wrist lightly. His gaze met hers, and she let out an exasperated breath. “All right, I could live here.” There, she’d said the words aloud. “Obviously not like this, but I can see it in my mind, what the house could be, how the yard could be landscaped. It could be beautiful again.”

“You’ll make it beautiful enough to find it a new owner.”

“Yes, I guess I will. With your help and Lyle’s.” She shook off the immediate want to own the home and land. “Come on, let’s see if the structure has any redeeming qualities.”

Hours later, with her list and Van’s repair list, they wandered to their vehicles. “I’ll tell Lyle to talk to you directly about this. I don’t think we’ll have any budget left after you make the necessary repairs to bring it to code.”

“I’ll crunch numbers tonight.” He hesitated. “Farrin, what is it about this place?”

“I’m not sure really, just that I felt peaceful here. Calm. Not like when we’re in Miami with all the traffic and noise.”

“Would you really live here?”

“Yes, I could, but I won’t. I’ve a career to rebuild, and this far out, the compute would be a deterrent. Someday, when it’s right, I’ll find another place.”

“Are you interested in dinner?” he asked.

“Yes, but not until I’ve had a shower.”

“Why don’t we head back? You go home and clean up, and I’ll swing by and pick you up.” She hesitated, and he glanced at her. “What?”

“Well, truthfully, I’d rather you swing by with takeout, and we could watch the game on tonight. It’s preseason baseball…”

“It will save me from taping it. See you around seven. Any druthers on your supper?”

“Anything but sushi.” She opened her truck door and turned the ignition, flipping the air conditioning on high. “I have beer and wine at the house.”

“Good, see you later.”

She noted he waited until she was belted in her truck and moving away before pulling out after her. Her pussy clenched at the idea of spending time alone with him. While they hadn’t said anything specific, she knew she’d be receptive to any ideas he might initiate. And she might just be the one to suggest a few things to him. The rest of the drive home was lost in thought of what might be.

* * * *

He was incredibly relaxed in her home. They shared the Chinese food he’d brought and discussed the game rationally, since they were cheering on opposite teams.

“If your team wins…” She hesitated and didn’t continue.

“If my team wins, what do I get?” He gave her his half smile, the one she recognized as horny, and she swallowed hard.

“If your team wins, you get one act of sex, anything you want.”

“And the same for your team winning?” He gave her a wide grin rubbing his hands together. “I figure I win either way!”

Two hours later, Farrin lay on the mangled sheets of her bed, her body in a total sweat and sated like never before. The connection they found tonight was different than any she’d ever known.

By the seventh inning, it was apparent her team would lose. She drew a breath and moved beside him on the sofa. “I admit it, my team is losing. What and how would you like it?”

“Your bed, naked, now.”

She didn’t need persuading. Instead, she headed to her bedroom, stripping her clothes as she went, leaving a trail of garments from the living room to the bed. She tossed off the decorative pillows and pulled back the comforter, sliding across the cool, crisp sheets. Pausing, she pulled out several condoms from the nightstand and tossed the packages within reach. When he came in the room, she watched as he tugged off his T-shirt.

Standing beside the bed, he paused to unzip his shorts. That was when she reached forward, capturing his hard cock in her hand. She stroked him a few times before rolling onto her belly at the edge of the mattress, using her lips and her hands. His cock surged harder, and she settled to suck him.

Farrin loved his anatomy. He was strong and solid, and his cock was always ready for her. She continued to suck him deep down her throat, her hands holding him by the hips, directing his body where she wanted it. He leaned over her, his hands roaming her bare skin, occasionally pinching her buttocks. She lavished his erection with her tongue, lapping up the droplets of pre-cum her actions created. She intended to finish him there, to swallow his load and see what developed. Van had a different idea.

“Roll over, Farrin, to the center of the bed.” She did as told with a slight pout on her lips. Van lay beside her, his hand and mouth doing amazing things to her body. He started by kissing her and worked his way down, pausing to suckle her nipples while his hands roamed lower.

“Oh, yes,” she uttered when he slipped first one then a second finger in her moist pussy. With his mouth to her nipple, the pull went directly to her womb. She came with a groan as he pushed a third finger inside her. She’d never felt so full. “Fuck me, Van. Make me come from your cock.”

“Is that what you really want?”

“God, yes. Fuck my pussy until I come.” Words had no meaning from that second, only looks and kisses counted. He’d entered her calmly, taking the top in a missionary position. Their joining was slow and relaxed, her hips rising to meet his thrusts. She’d tighten her inner muscles each time he entered her.

“Damn it, Farrin, keep that up and I’ll come.”

“Then come for me, Van.” He hesitated and started at the beginning, his lips to hers as he pushed in and pulled from her body. His hands roamed her skin, rolling her nipple between his fingers. His slow, methodical seduction was bringing her to a point of no return.

“Van, please, fuck me. Fuck my pussy so I won’t ever forget.” She glanced at the smirk on his lips and allowed him to draw her arms high over her head. He anchored them with his own hands, their fingers interlaced. Each thrust had them holding onto each other, their hands absorbing the pounding of his body into her. The intense connection she felt with Van would frighten her if she didn’t keep reminding herself this was temporary.

With minimal hip movements, he brought her to an orgasm so intense, she went limp under him. His body shuddered above her as he finally let himself come. He didn’t let go of her hands, still high over her head. His mouth captured a nipple and bit lightly. Their bodies were covered in a thin layer of sweat even though the air conditioning was on.

“Damn, Farrin. I had all these wonderful ideas of taking you from behind over the side of the bed.” He finally relinquished his hold and rolled to her side.

“I’m sorry. Do you want to try again? I’ll see if I can do it right this time.” She held back her laughter for several seconds before letting her smile widen.

“I think we did enough for tonight. Just remember, you owe me an over-the-side fuck. One where I get to fondle your ass cheeks while inside you.”

They lay beside each other for a long moment. Too long, she decided. Usually after they had sex, he was up and moving, cleaning up and dressing before the situation got awkward. Tonight, he seemed content to just relax beside her.

She rolled to her bed stand and grabbed the television remote, flicking on the rest of the game. He rolled to his side, pulling tissues from the bed stand box and disposing of the used protection in the wastebasket. When the game came back on after the commercial, they were both surprised to hear her team had actually made a major comeback to win.

“Don’t gloat,” Van teased.

“I’m too sated to gloat.” Farrin wanted to tuck herself against his body and relax into a deep sleep. When she was finally getting up the courage to do just that, he stretched beside her and rose. He paused to drop a kiss on her forehead before heading to her bathroom. She heard water running and knew their night was over.

What she couldn’t forget was how intense he’d studied her while he pumped inside her. Their gazes met and held, each thrust a silent message. For her, in all her life she’d never connected with another man on this level. Even during her marriage, they never achieved that level of intimacy. They fucked with regularity but never with the intensity she’d found tonight with Van.

“I owe you a sex act,” he said, coming from her bathroom. “Next time, you get to choose.”

“I’m quite content,” she said then smiled, “for now, anyway. I’ll think about what I want and let you know.”

The mattress dipped from his weight as he kneeled beside her. His mouth captured each nipple and tugged lightly. He slid his hands along her stomach and hips. She rose up to meet him and with her hand over his, guided it so his index and middle fingers slid back inside her pussy. Farrin let out a groan and shifted under him, taking his fingers deeper to the spot she knew would release her.

Van followed her lead, kissing her lips while letting her maneuver his hand. He added his thumb to circle her clit. With only a few strokes, she’d come again, a small, unmistakable shudder running through her body.

“Good night, Farrin.” He drew his hand from her body, and she grabbed his wrist, bringing his fingers to her mouth, sucking them clean.

“Good night, Van, be careful driving home.” She started to rise to let him out, but he playfully pushed her back.

“I’ll lock up. You stay and go to sleep.”

“See you tomorrow,” she whispered, letting sleep overtake her calm, sated mind. She heard the door close and tugged a pillow closer to her chest, imagining it was his body still tucked to her.

“Damn, that man can fuck,” she said aloud, letting sleep overtake her.

Chapter Thirteen

It was a unanimous decision not to take the job in the Florida Keys. Lyle and Van decided, after much number crunching, that they couldn’t do the necessary repairs and stage the home on the budget they were offered. Farrin was actually glad. She wouldn’t have to spend time there wondering what it would be like to have it be her home. The next weeks flew by, several small staging jobs keeping them busy.

On the following Friday, a package arrived at the warehouse by a private messenger, addressed to her and Lyle. They hurried to his private office and pulled at the packaging like kids on Christmas morning. Inside the large box was a note.

Farrin and Lyle,

My turn to stage an evening.

Saturday, my house, seven PM.


They tore back the layers of tissue paper to find their presents. The first layer was a pair of white satin boxer briefs. Lyle pulled them out and held them to his waist, then ran them along his cheek, telling her how soft and cool the material felt. She tossed the next layers of tissue aside and pulled out a sleek, white chemise with satin trim. Under the last layers of tissue were two lengths of white silk cording and two blindfolds, both white to match.

“Am I supposed to be a virgin?” she quipped.

“I hope so, and me, too.” He pulled out a length of cording, wrapping it around his neck and reached for a blindfold, holding it cover his eyes.

“How are we going to get though the rest of the day and all day tomorrow?” Lyle asked, his free hand automatically dropping to his hardened cock, giving it a slight tug.

“You won’t. That I know for sure.” Without advanced planning, she walked to his office door and shut it, locking it before she moved back beside him. “Let me help ease your wait.”

Initiating sex with Lyle had never been one of her fantasies. Today, it felt right. She was finding closeness with him she hadn’t realized they could attain. She’d only had sex with Lyle while with Van, but this didn’t seem wrong. Rather, it felt like a natural step. She slept with Van alone. Why not enjoy Lyle, too?

Farrin moved to the desk chair, grabbing his hand and drawing him with her. She sat and turned him so his butt leaned against his desk. Her deft fingers undid his pants and pushed the material clear of his cock.

It still amazed her that she wanted to suck his cock. That she was enjoying the act with Lyle and Van. She knew it was because they accepted her attentions without assuming she’d suck them. In her past, her husband had always pushed her down and expected the act. Then he’d fuck her until he came. Only occasionally would he lick her pussy or finger her until she was ready. It was liberating to want to do this particular act. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to do it.

Lyle’s cock was thinner and a bit shorter than Van’s, but his enthusiasm still surprised her. He gave her complete control of his body and cock. Sucking him between her lips, she felt his body quiver. She continued to lavish him with her attentions. He accepted what she gave, not pressuring her. His hips rose to meet her lips, but he never tried to take over.

“I’m going to come, Farrin.”

She glanced up, her lips still surrounding his hardened flesh. Her hands on his hips held him where she wanted him. She sucked her index finger alongside his cock, wetting it before she slipped it in his anus. Lyle groaned loudly. His body froze for a second, and then he came down her throat.

“Damn it, Farrin. That was amazing. Do it again.”

“That will have to hold you until tomorrow night.” She licked his cock clean and didn’t try to pull his pants back in place. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, at Van’s.” She tucked the chemise, a length of cording, and one of the blindfolds in the box. Heading for his office door, she hesitated. “Do you have any idea what he has in mind?”

BOOK: The Stagers
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