Read The Unforgettable Online

Authors: Rory Michaels

Tags: #Western Erotic Romance

The Unforgettable (2 page)

BOOK: The Unforgettable
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Chapter Three

Levi stared down at the sight of Sally’s puckering rosette. It was so tempting. First though, he wanted in her pussy. He’d spent years imagining what it would feel like and here was his chance to know. Pre-cum seeped from the tip of his dick as he lined the head up with her wet core. She pressed back against him and he knew then just how much she wanted him in her.

He smiled.

Pushing into her pussy, he gasped. She was so tight. Tighter than any woman he’d been in before and he’d sure the hell been in a lot. Of course, he’d never been in one without a condom before. Sally was his first in that respect. Lyle had assured him that Sally was on birth control and all of them were free from disease. When the decision had been made to go through with the threesome, they’d elected to do so bare, nothing but flesh on flesh.

Her pussy clenched his cock and he gritted his teeth. His cock twitched and he knew he was losing control and fast. He stopped midway in her and stared down at the sight of his shaft partway in her. Seeing how sexy it all was did nothing to help him gather control again.

Lyle whistled and he looked up to see his brother there—his dick deep in Sally’s throat. Lyle nodded to him and that was all Levi needed to carry on. He took charge again and thrust in fully, going to the hilt in her cunt. He saw stars. From the sound of her cries and moans, muffled by Lyle’s cock in her mouth, she liked it all as much as he did.

Levi leaned over her and slid an arm around her waist. His hand eased over the tiny swell of her belly. She was the perfect woman. She had curves and he loved that about her. He found her mound and then her clit. Rubbing it, he thrust in more, pushing and pumping in and out of her. The added stimulation caused her to come hard and fast. Her pussy tightened around his dick and for a second he thought she might snap his cock right off.

What a way to fucking go.

Levi increased his pace. He began moving so hard and so heavy that he accidentally moved them both up the pool table a bit, causing his brother to have to lean back as Sally continued sucking his cock. They stayed that way, him pounding her pussy as his brother did so to her mouth for nearly twenty minutes before Levi lost it. It was too much, too awesome being in her. He thrust in deep and his brother mirrored his moves. Levi’s cock erupted deep in her cunt and, from Lyle’s expression, he was doing the same in her mouth.

The brothers shared a look.

Lyle exhaled slowly as he ran his hands through Sally’s long blond hair. He kept his gaze on Levi. “She’s it, isn’t she?”

“Oh yeah,” admitted Levi. Not that there had been any doubt on the matter.


Sally sank against Lyle’s thigh. Everything on her entire body was numb with pleasure. She exhaled slowly and stretched her back, almost catlike. Lyle stroked her cheek. “Did it feel good, darling?”

“Yes,” said Sally softly. It felt amazing. Fearful she’d come off as too needy, she looked in Levi’s direction, wanting to be held by him too.

He slid up alongside her on the pool table and draped an arm over her. He bent and kissed her head. “Being in you was… It was…”

She turned her head toward him and his lips met hers. His kiss was hot and branding. A lot like Levi’s personality. Of the Ackerman boys, Levi was certainly the more hot-headed of the two. Though she knew he’d never hurt her.

Levi eased off the kiss and cupped her face. He seemed focused on her lips. “The first time I met you, you smiled up at me. Remember that day?”

“Yes,” she said.

“I love your smile,” whispered Levi.

She loved his too. There wasn’t much not to like about the twins. Both were tall, muscular yet not overly so, and both were country boys through and through. When they weren’t running their roadside bar they could be found riding their horses. They were bronze-skinned from their time outdoors in the sun and their hair was a medium blond. Their emerald green gazes had a way of looking straight through a person and their sexy lopsided grins got them out of more predicaments than she cared to count. It certainly was hard to find something not to like about them.

Levi touched below her eyes. “I saw you crying once a few years back. You were sitting on your father’s porch. I think you were nineteen or so at the time. Always bothered me. I wanted to go to you and make whatever upset you better but…”

She tipped her face into his palm. “I saw you that day. You were driving past in your truck.”

He nodded. “Nearly stopped.”

Lyle snorted. “What he means to say is that he did stop just up the street from your father’s place. He then walked around from the side and stood in the bushes to make sure you were all right.”

She lifted her brows. “Really?”

Levi blushed and the sight made her smile more. “Uh, yeah. Something like that.”

Lyle leaned over her head, staring down at her. “Told you he’s had feelings for you for years too.”

“He does not,” she protested.

Levi pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Whoa there, sweetness. Don’t you go putting words in my mouth and assuming you know the truth of the matter. You’re unforgettable. A man doesn’t look at you and just walk away and think nothing of it. You linger in a man’s mind.”

“And I lingered in your mind?” she asked.

He took hold of her hand and dragged it over his chest, stopping above his heart. “Among other places.”

Lyle bent and slapped her ass cheek playfully. She yelped. “He’s saying he loves you.”

“Stop it, Lyle,” said Sally. She didn’t like to be teased. “He does not love me.”

“I do so,” corrected Levi.

Her mouth snapped shut.

The Ackerman boys laughed.

“Say it again,” Lyle said. “I want to see if she faints.”

Sally paled.

Levi kissed her quickly. “I think its best I let that confession percolate with her, else she might very well pass clean out.”

Chapter Four

slipped through Levi’s fingers. It was as silky as he’d thought it would be. He took a deep breath. Flowers and citrus. The smell of Sally. Everything about her drove him wild with lust. Beneath her shy exterior lurked a bit of fire and he liked it. He liked how she always seemed so innocent yet sinful all at once. Both brothers had noticed her straight away when she’d first come to Macon Valley and both had spent years forming an idea in their heads of what it would be like to have her—yet until recently neither had made a move on her. Truth was, Levi was pissed he hadn’t stepped up first. Between he and Lyle, Levi was always considered the dare devil, the risk taker, yet in this instance Lyle had usurped him.

It made no sense—his reluctance to go for what he’d wanted.


Women weren’t a challenge to him. Not really. They fawned all over him. He normally bedded at least two different women a week. All of them were hot little numbers. None of them mattered, though. The only one who remained on his mind endlessly was Sally and he’d only just gotten to sample her.

One taste isn’t enough
, he thought.

He chanced a look at his brother, who nodded before easing his legs out from under Sally’s head. She reached for Lyle but he shook his head. “Levi wants some alone-time with you, darlin’.”

“But,” protested Sally.

Levi moved over her and put his knee between her legs. He stared down at her. Fuck, she was beautiful all spread out on the pool table, her skin pink-stained from her orgasm—just like Lyle had described.

He dipped his head and kissed her, quieting any possible protests. She wiggled beneath him, thrusting her sex up and at him. With a grin, he eased
his hand between her legs
Slick with juice, she was ready for him. It turned him on more knowing how wet he’d made her. Their tongues laced and she moaned into his mouth.

Whimpering, she thrust against him. He knew she wanted more. That she was eager to be fucked again by him. The thought spurred him onward. He was mindful of her clit, rubbing it gently, getting her writhing more and more under him.

“Please,” whispered Sally. She bit at his lower lip.

“Please what?” he demanded. He wanted to hear her say it. He needed to hear she wanted him.

“Give it to me,” said Sally.

“Give you what? My cock?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes,” she repeated.

He eased his arm around her leg and lifted it higher before sliding his hand back around. He ran his fingers through the juice on her cunt and then moved his finger lower, over the rosette of her ass. She gasped.

Levi was well aware that Lyle had saved her ass for him. That he’d left a part of her a virgin just for Levi.

He pushed his finger into the tight hole and met with resistance. It was tight. Even tighter than her pussy and that was saying something. She wiggled more and he dipped his head. His lips hovered above hers. “I want to claim that ass of yours, Sally. Can I make it mine?”

“No,” responded Sally.

Shocked, he nearly drew away but she caught hold of the back of his head. “You can’t make it yours, but you can make me yours.”

Levi put his forehead to hers. “You already belong to my brother.”

She stilled. “He said I’d belong to you both after tonight.”

“He did, did he?” asked Levi.

Sally nodded.

He pushed his finger into her ass deeper before adding a second finger. “Well then, I guess that means if you’re all mine I can do with you as I may.”

She grinned. “Oh yes. You can.”

With a chuckle, he kissed her. She relaxed a bit and he used that moment to remove his fingers and replace them with his cockhead. She tensed. He kissed her harder. When she eased, he thrust in deep. If he hadn’t been pinning her to the table she’d have launched clean off it. With a cry, she tossed her head back. He nearly stopped, fearing he’d hurt her, until she began bucking at him, riding him from below.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “More! More.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pumped harder. Her tight ass held to his cock as he forced it in and out of her body. She clawed at his back and arms. The biting sting of her nails was a harsh reminder that he was doing it. He was claiming the last virgin part of her. Now she truly did belong to the Ackerman boys.

He pushed in longer strokes. She grunted before throwing her head back and screaming loud enough to wake the valley.

“Yes!” she shouted as her body shook under him. She flushed more and her hold constricted around him in a rhythmic pattern. He knew she was coming. Seeing no reason to deny himself any longer, he slammed into her and released his seed deep into her ass.

He pressed his mouth to hers. As he drew back, he stared down at her. “Listen, I know my brother beat me to the punch with asking you to be his girlfriend, so how about I one up him by asking you to be my wife?”

Her eyes widened. “Levi?”

Lyle laughed, signaling he’d not gone far. “Figured as much, brother.”

“Got any objections to that?” asked Levi.

Lyle shook his head as he jerked his cock. He walked toward them. “Nope. We’d be sharing her in every way except that damn marriage certificate. Don’t know why they frown on two grooms.”

Levi grinned.

Sally paled more. “I can’t marry you.”

“Why not?” demanded Levi as he withdrew his cock from her.

“I… well…” She closed her mouth.

He kissed her again. “Not a good enough reason, woman. Now, you better get ready. Lyle looks like he wants a piece of your sweet ass too. Say yes to marrying me or we’ll be left no choice but to walk away and punish you with no more sex.”

She grabbed him. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Laughing, he kissed her more as his brother climbed onto the pool table. “Move over there and let me celebrate by making love to our woman,” said Lyle.

Our woman.

Words had never sounded sweeter.


Sally sat in the booth and laughed at the twins as they arm-wrestled one another. They were surrounded by their friends. Men they’d spent their lives around and who shared similar lifestyles and interests as them. The men were drinking beers and egging the twins on, wanting to see who would win.

Sally shook her head and glanced at her best friend Nicole Gainer. “I can’t take them anywhere.”

Nicole sipped her soda and motioned to her men,
Cody and Everett
. She had a situation very similar to Sally’s. Nicole was technically only married to Cody but Cody’s best friend, Everett, lived with them and shared Nicole’s and Cody’s bed. “Don’t I know it.”

Sally laughed. “What you’re telling me is that it doesn’t get better? A year from now they’ll still be acting like fools?”

Resting a hand on her swollen belly, Nicole smiled. “I’m not sure any of them will ever grow up.”

“You’d think with a baby on the horizon Everett and Cody would,” said Sally. She eyed Nicole’s belly, slightly envious. She, Levi and Lyle had only been officially together for four months now. On paper she was Levi’s wife but in every other respect she belonged to both the Ackerman boys equally. She loved them both dearly too and she was ready for more—ready for a family. The boys weren’t quite there yet.

Nicole stretched a little and the action caught Cody Gainer’s attention. He stopped razzing the twins and strolled over toward the table. He bent near Nicole and draped an arm around her. “How is my woman and babe doin’?”

“I’m fine. Just uncomfortable,” said Nicole.

Levi beat Lyle in their arm wrestling match and then stood, heading toward them as well. He flashed a wide smile at Cody. “You ready for your world to change?”

Cody nodded. “Hell yeah.”

“I am too,” Everett shouted over the sound of country music blaring from the jukebox.

Cody cuffed Levi on the back of the head. “What the hell are you waitin’ for, idiot? Take your woman in the back room and fuck the livin’ hell out of her. You know you want to.”

Nicole grunted and rolled her eyes. “Such a romantic.”

Grinning, Cody bent. “You told me you wanted a friend for our lil’ one to play with. Someone his own age. That means we’ve got to talk the twin fools into reproducing and quick.”

Sally snorted as she caught the look of panic on Levi’s face. She held up a hand. “I don’t think he’s quite ready for that just yet. Either one of them really.”

“What about you?” asked Nicole.

Sally met Levi’s frozen gaze. “The idea is growing on me.”

Lyle moved up behind Levi. “What are we talking about?”

“You two getting your wife pregnant at some point,” said Cody.

Lyle coughed and slapped his chest.

Cody roared with laughter.

Everett shook his head as he sipped his beer. “You know, I knew the minute I told you how pale they both got when that mare of theirs birthed that colt that you’d figure out a way to use it against them.”

“Damn straight,” offered Cody.

Sally smiled wider and put her hands out for her husbands. “Come here you two before you pass out at the idea of being daddies.”

They gulped and everyone laughed.


BOOK: The Unforgettable
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