The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series (6 page)

BOOK: The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series
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Jessica’s gurgled moaning
would fill the room as her climax came and passed. Alexander would release his
hand and allow her to catch her breath. Jessica would lie back against the
mirror and let Alexander thrust himself to climax inside of her.

As Dana thought of
Alexander’s hot, delicious cum dripping out of Jessica’s delicate, serviced
pussy, she inhaled an enormous breath and moaned deeply as her orgasm overtook
her. Her entire body shuddered as she continued to rub herself past the limit,
extracting every drop of pleasure her body wanted to give her.

After she removed her wet
hand from her panties, she dried her hand on her quivering thigh and turned
horizontal on her couch. She immediately passed out.




The next afternoon, Dana’s
eyes felt heavy as she struggled to open them. Her body couldn’t ignore the
bright midday sunlight pouring through her windows any longer. She rubbed her
eyes with her fists and blinked a few times before fully committing to opening
them. She took a minute to get herself sitting vertical before noticing that
she was still wearing her wrinkled cocktail dress.

, she thought,
why are my
panties at my ankles
? Dana kicked the underwear off her feet before
standing up.

As she stood, Dana was
taken aback by the intense throbbing pain in her forehead. Still in a fog, she
couldn’t quite piece together why she was feeling this way or why she was
wearing last night’s clothes. And then she remembered how much she champagne
she had had the night before.

Dana smacked herself on her
aching forehead and immediately regretted it, as it sent a horrible shooting
pain radiating through her head.

God, I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself. What day is it? Saturday?
Thank God I don’t have to be anywhere.

Dana threw her hair into a
messy bun and stumbled slowly into her kitchen like a zombie. She put on a pot
of coffee and unwrapped a pack of bacon to cook on the griddle. As she waited
for everything to cook, she switched into some pajamas, went back into her
living room, and turned on a
Housewives of Atlanta
marathon. This looked like something she could get

As Dana zoned out on her
couch, she began to think about how crazy her move to LA had been. Relocating
and starting a new job had certainly been stressful, but she had no idea that
her life would become so interesting so quickly. The combination of the stress,
the busyness, the loneliness, the ups, and the downs was really like nothing
she had ever experienced before. Although it had been a month-long rollercoaster,
Dana suddenly realized – sitting on her couch, hungry and hung over -
that she
enjoying herself in her
new city. Her life had never been so exciting.

An hour or so later, bacon
and coffee had brought Dana back to life. She now felt the pressing need to
soldier on and get something productive done during her weekend. She had just
gotten paid and thought that it would be a good idea to kill two birds with one
stone: to see a little bit more of the enormous city she lived in, and get some
décor for her woefully under-furnished apartment. She had read about Little
Tokyo in SoCal Style and hoped that she could find some cute things to put on
her wall there.

While Dana was throwing on
some straight leg jeans and a loosely draped shirt, her phone began to buzz.
She ran out into the living room to see who it was.

Another blocked number!
Dana was nervous. What is it was Alexander? She
seen him last night.
She hated this, but didn’t feel it prudent to ask for either of their
numbers. They obviously only wanted a few people to know where to reach them.
Dana surmised that Alexander was probably enjoying the power he held by keeping
Dana from contacting him directly.

She took a deep breath and
answered her cell phone.

“Hello, Dana? It’s

Dana was relieved and a
little disappointed. She would have been excited to hear from Alexander because
it would have at least meant that he wanted something from her.

“I was just calling to see
if you were okay this morning,” William continued.

Dana was touched by his
sentiment. “Yes, I’m doing okay. A little bit of a headache, I guess. Thanks
for checking in.”

“Of course. You were pretty
entertaining last night!”

Dana chuckled nervously. “I
don’t really remember too much.”

“Don’t worry. You didn’t
dance on the tables or anything.”

“Good.” Dana went silent as
she began to piece some of the night together.

“Well, I’m glad you’re
okay. Perhaps I’ll see you again sometime,” William said.

“I hope so,” Dana said
politely. “Thanks again for dinner.”

“You’re welcome. Take care
of yourself.” William hung up.

Dana smiled as she pocketed
her phone. She continued to try and bridge the gaps in her memory before she
remembered what she had done when she came back to her apartment.

Dana gasped out loud, then
remembered how hot her fantasy was, which calmed her back down. She smirked to
herself as she gathered her belongings and headed out for Little Tokyo.




The longer she continued to
think about the night before, the more distraught she became over the awkward
run-in between the four of them. So many things about their brief conversation
confused her that she thought it better not to think about it anymore, hoping
it would solve itself eventually.

Downtown LA was
surprisingly calm. Dana parked her car near the towering City Hall and walked
over to Little Tokyo in the beautiful weather. She browsed through a few shops
on one of the smaller blocks and found a contemporary print that she liked
enough to buy.

As she walked over to the
next block, she passed by some brand new construction at an intersection with a
small park in the middle. A big banner hung down the side advertising
apartments for rent at prices Dana found pretty reasonable. She thought about
how much nicer it would be to live in this neighborhood than in Burbank, which
was practically the middle of nowhere (by LA standards). Dana briefly
contemplated walking inside and asking to tour a unit, but decided against it.
It wouldn’t do her any good to get excited over a new place when she was still
11 months away from the end of her lease, but Dana knew then that she wanted to
get out of Burbank as soon as she could.

Five shops later and Dana
had purchased four posters and prints, already in frames, that she was going to
put on her wall. She hauled her bounty back to her Honda Civic and made the
long drive back to her apartment, where she realized she had spent all of her
energy shopping and didn’t have enough to put her new prints on the wall just
yet. She turned the TV back on and vegged out in front of
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
for the rest of the day.




The next morning, Dana was
hanging her new prints on the wall. She’d already hung the two sumi-e
landscapes she had bought and was about to nail in a painting of a curvy
bathing lady when her phone rang. Dana was surprised when she saw Jessica’s
number on the screen. Dana cleared her throat.

Jessica!” she said, uncomfortably.

“Hey, Dana. I’m about to
take my dog to Griffith Park. Do you want to come along?”

Dana thought for a second.
“Uh –“

“You’ll really like my dog.
He’s super cute. Plus, have you even been there yet? It’s an amazing place.”

like the idea of getting some exercise and exploring the city a
little more. “When are you going?”

“I’d like to get there in
an hour.”

“Alright. I’m not doing
anything super important over here. I’d be happy to join you. It’s a nice day
outside, anyway.”

“You’re in LA, Dana. It’s
a nice day here!” Jessica

“See you soon, then.”

Dana pulled a pair of
sneakers out of her closet and laced them up on her feet. She rummaged through
an unpacked suitcase and found her only baseball cap before setting out for Los




Dana met Jessica at the
base of a large hill on the west side of the park. She could see Jessica’s
chocolate lab jumping around on its leash as she approached them.

“Hey!” Jessica smiled as
Dana came closer. They shared a quick hug. “This is Scout,” she said, pointing
to her dog. “She’s the one who had the idea to come here.” They both smiled
before setting off on a long walk through the park’s hilly terrain.

“I can’t believe we ran
into each other at the Poisson d’Or on Friday!” Jessica remarked.

Dana’s stomach flipped. “I
know - what a coincidence, right?” She tried to sound unfazed. Now that she was
confronted with Jessica’s presence, she kept thinking about her fantasy a few
nights earlier.

“Seeing you reminded me
that we hadn’t hung out in a while.”

Seeing you reminds me of Alexander drilling his cock into your wet
pussy while you’re bent over on all fours. Oh god, I’m so embarrassed.
Dana’s heart was beginning to beat faster. The steep slope of the hill coupled
with Jessica and Scout’s fast walking pace was making Dana winded. “Thanks for
calling me.”

They walked in silence for
a few seconds before Jessica continued. “How has the city been treating you
since we last hung out?”

“It’s been pretty crazy. I
love my job, but I’ve never been so busy. I’m just starting to get my apartment
together. Pretty soon it’ll be ready for guests.”

“I’ll be your first!”

“Uh, sure!” Dana tried to
sound enthusiastic. They were silent for a moment. “What was the occasion for
your dinner with Alexander?”

“I wanted to ask you the
same thing.”

“William invited me out to
celebrate the fashion spread’s success.”

“I see. That makes sense
– William had asked me to make a reservation there for two earlier in the
week. I didn’t know that you were the other.”

Dana was surprised. William
had told her that Alexander was invited.

“Alexander and I were just
celebrating the end of the week, I suppose. They sometimes take me out for
dinners and outings. It’s like a bonus, but they don’t to pay me.” Jessica

“You guys looked like you
were going out for a night on the town!” Dana piped.

“Well, we were at the
Poisson, were we not?” Jessica replied smartly. “I’ve been working for those
guys for over a year. We joke around enough in the office that we sometimes
enjoy joking around on the town, too. Perk of being a Price-Levy investments
employee, I suppose. You get treated to the guys’ lifestyle every once in a

Dana was baffled at the
contrast between Jessica’s current nonchalance and her behavior toward
Alexander on Friday. Yet Jessica spoke convincingly enough that Dana was
satisfied with her answer.

“I feel very lucky to work
with two men that I actually like. That’s not to say that you don’t have to
have a thick skin to hang with them. You do.”

Dana chortled, thinking
back to the dumb, crude guys that she used to work with at her high school
waitressing job. “Yeah, that’s a good thing.” Dana relaxed and changed the




It was Monday and Dana was
settling back into her typical routine of photographing assorted products in
front of a white backdrop. The drama of the weekend had migrated to the back of
her mind as she focused on her work. She was expending too much mental energy
trying to get Amy and Emily, who’d been assigned to assist her, to properly
position the lights for each item. They were proving to be more of a burden
than a help, and she was tempted to tell them to go back to the office and
handle everything herself.

Dana was in the middle of
photographing an embroidered handbag when her cell phone buzzed in her back

A blocked number again.
Dana picked it up without hesitating.


“I’m not done with you
yet,” a familiar, throaty voice responded from the other end.

Dana stood, frozen. She
didn’t know what to say.

“Come to dinner with me

“Uh –“

“Meet me at Nobu in Malibu.
7:30. Dinner’s on me. What are you wearing?”

Was he serious? “Uh, a
black wrap dress?” Amy and Emily’s faces perked up in the corner.

“Wear that.” Click.

Dana stood with her arm
still to her ear. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

BOOK: The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series
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