The Viscount's Sweet Temptation (9 page)

BOOK: The Viscount's Sweet Temptation
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Perhaps it was the way he carried himself. His bearing was almost military, shoulders back, revealing the broad chest covered in a plain woolen waistcoat and coat. Just before he sat, he laughed at something his companion said and she wished she were close enough to see if the laughter carried into his eyes. Were they fair or dark? Whatever the color, she’d wager they were quite expressive.

The man following him had to be a brother, for the two were cut from the same cloth. The second was only a smidgeon taller, and perhaps that much more polished in his style. Perhaps he was titled. The difference in their bearing made her think of a son brought up to be an heir and one who was free to choose his own path. Yet this taller, polished brother didn’t hold a candle to the first, in her book. If she had to choose one as a suitor, she’d pick the first.

Hearing her own thoughts, Joanna burst out in a laugh, which she quickly swallowed. A suitor was the last thing she wanted. Mama gave her a stern shake of the head and Joanna looked down the course for the horses to appear

She must be desperately bored for the thought of suitors to enter her head. All of her mother’s harping had finally sunk in. As much as Joanna hated to admit it, she must find a husband soon. But that was of no concern today.

The next two races each ended in a flurry of cheers, and Joanna sat up straighter, clenching her hands around her reticule
The Oatlands Stakes, a two-mile distance, would be run next. Patriot’s race.
Please, let him do well

Where was Robert? She looked about the grandstand but didn’t see him. She wanted to ask him what strategy he had set, and why he thought it was a good plan. As the horses came in to sight at the rise, Patriot was pinned between two other runners

What idiot was riding him? How was Patriot supposed to make his kick while buried in the pack? “Ohhhh,” she moaned.

“Are you all right, dear?” Mother leaned closer and took her hand briefly.

“I’m fine, but Patriot isn’t.”

“Yes, he does seem to be putting on a poor show, doesn’t he? Robert will not be pleased.”

At the moment, Joanna didn’t care whether her brother was pleased or not. It was his own fault Patriot was behind. If Robert had let her ride…

She held her breath until her throat burned, then released it in a huff. One of the horses dropped back at the base of the Dip. Patriot was free to make his move, at least, but was so far behind the front-runners, Joanna had no hope for a win

Her heart pounded in her ears. The horses began the final climb and the big bay began to pull away. A gray colt tried to keep up, to no avail. Patriot gained on the gray, but as they crossed the Finish Post, Patriot was still half a length behind.

“Hurrah, he placed third!” Mama clapped her hands and smiled widely.

Joanna’s stomach sank. Third place. She just
he would have won if only Bruce hadn’t been ill, or she had been allowed to ride. Her disappointment weighed her down in her seat. There were no more races, but she had no desire to rush to see her horse like she normally would. If she saw Northcotte now, she’d probably forget her upbringing and rail into him in front of everyone. She folded her shaking hands across her lap and shut out the noise of the excited crowd, and hoped Mama was not eager to return to the inn.


David sat unmoving for a moment, unable to believe what he’d just seen. Triton had done what no horse from Fernleigh had since Zephyr. He took the win in his first ever race. The gray colt finished half a length behind him, and Northcotte’s black stallion was third.

Knightwick pulled him to his feet. “You did it!”

From the corner of his eye, David noticed Northcotte’s sister and mother sitting a few rows back. The dowager countess appeared pleased with their horse’s third place, but the sister’s frown showed her disappointment. She met his gaze, then looked away when her mother spoke.

Someone reached for David’s hand to shake it, offering congratulations, and several others slapped him on the shoulder, accepting their own losses as owners or bettors good-naturedly. David smiled, nodded, and hoped he said the right words, but something kept the excitement of accomplishment from fully engulfing him.

Perhaps it was the fact his father was not there to share in the joy. Everything David did with the horses, he did with love of seeing the animals develop into well-trained, beautiful and fast creatures. But some small part of him, the boy he’d been, still longed for praise from his father. Still wanted to see the man smile.

Now that the reality of the win was upon him, he had to admit to himself it would not change anything. It might have a year ago, before David’s aunt and uncle had died, but nothing their horses did would ease that pain. All David could do was hope his father might at least show some interest in the stables again. Show some interest in life.

As he and Knightwick walked to the Coffee Rooms where the Jockey Club held court, David noticed a group of men standing near an open door at one end of the stables where those who didn’t own property nearby sheltered their horses. “Something looks amiss.”

Knightwick followed his gaze. “I wonder what is happening. Perhaps two grooms are fighting over the outcome of their race.”

“If that were the case, Old Edwards would be off to one side taking bets on the winner. I don’t see anyone betting.”

His brother laughed. “Quite so. Let’s go investigate.”

The voices of the onlookers reached the pair before they got there, with words such as
being tossed about. Knightwick spoke to a man on the edge of the circle. “What’s the excitement about?”

“Near as I can tell, either a horse or a rider has been killed.”

“You aren’t certain which?”

The man shrugged. “They haven’t called for the horse doctor or the people doctor, so I can’t say.”

In David’s mind, that just meant the victim was beyond treatment. He was about to ask if the constable had been sent for when the man pushed through the crowd and entered the stables. David strained to hear anything within the building, but the gossip in the crowd was too loud.

A short time later, two stable hands carried out a body on a board, covered by a horse blanket. Knightwick nudged David’s arm. “Let’s go to the Coffee Rooms. They’ll know anything we need to know. We can get our winnings and take our horses home.”

The Coffee Rooms were packed with people eating at the tables, and milling about talking about the day’s races. Knightwick led the way and stopped to speak to an earl. “Have they mentioned who was killed in the stables?”

The earl nodded. “A groom, he was. Not a local boy. Worked for Lord Northcotte. Heard he took sick this morning and someone else rode for him. They found him dead in a stall during the Oatlands Stakes.”

David met his brother’s pointed gaze, but neither of them spoke. After their discussion of Northcotte’s possible involvement in the death of Zephyr, and the near death of their horses last year, it seemed beyond coincidence his name should be floating about this current death. No one said murder, but the constable had just arrived. They’d have to see where the investigation went.

Other Books by Aileen Fish

Excerpts and buy links are available at

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May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

Enya's job is to escort the dying on their final journey, to make sure their souls get to heaven before a demon can steal their bodies. For centuries she has done this without emotion, until the body in question belongs to Kane Sullivan. Not only does she desire his rock-hard body, she can't bear the thought of him dying. But she's not supposed to become emotionally involved in a death.

Kane's sudden run of near-fatal accidents always happen when Enya is present. She might be hot, but he's not willing to die to get to know her. Then he discovers she's fighting for his soul. That damned immortal temptress might be the death of him.

Renegade Wolf

When Stephanie shifts into wolf form for the first time on live TV, she flees to the one man who can protect her from were-hunters, Micah Salway. As attracted as she'd been to him four years ago when they'd met, she'd run scared at the changes he awakened in her after just one kiss. Was it possible he'd turned her into a werewolf?

Micah can hide Stephanie in the caves known as Devil's Promenade, but the dangers there are worse than facing down the hunter. His choices are few when faced with keeping Stephanie alive: fight the hunter alone or kiss the asses of his former pack-mates and ask for help. His wolf had claimed her the night they met. There was no way he would lose her again.

A Bride for Christmas

When Nash Sinclair sees Lady Juliana holding their newborn nephew in her arms, he decides it is time he took a wife. Juliana, however, insists only a man who slays dragons would suit, and since dragons don't exist, neither does her ideal beau. Not one to turn away from a challenge, Nash enlists the aid of his nieces and nephews in a scheme sure to win Lady Juliana's heart.

The Mistletoe Mishap

When Robert Wilmot, Viscount Alderton, catches his intended betrothed, Lady Caroline Stone, under the mistletoe, he can't resist stealing a kiss. He's quite surprised to discover her cousin, Isabella Stone, in his arms. And more surprised at how much he enjoyed kissing her. Now he must decide if marriage to Lady Caroline is truly what he wants, or if he should go against their families' wishes and pursue Isabella.

The Viscount’s Sweet Temptation

Lady Harriet Thornhill knows the summons from her grandfather means he's decided whom she must marry. Determined that she'd only marry a man of her choosing, she stows away in her friend's father's carriage, only to find herself alone with young Archibald Napier,Viscount Morley.

Morley's plans for a quiet Christmas vanish when he discovers the sweet young lady hiding under the blankets in his carriage. As she claims an acquaintance with his sister, he feels duty-bound to see her safely back to her family.

A broken carriage wheel leaves them stranded, and Harriet's reputation is at stake. Morley's not ready to take a wife, until he's told he wouldn't be a suitable husband for her. With memories of her sweet, tempting kiss filling his thoughts, he prepares to fight for the hand of the woman he believes he could love.

The Lives of Jon McCracken
(print and ebook)

Reincarnation. A guardian angel on steroids. A woman who claims to be writing about his lives.

The minute he meets Gabi Peters, Jon McCracken seriously questions his decision to move to California. This isn't the change he was looking for; this is an E-ticket ride through Fantasyland. Gabi would be a hot catch if she wasn't crazy. But she spends her free time recapturing memories of a young woman who died decades before Gabi was born. She visits her past lives like most women read a favorite romance novel. How does a guy compete with the ghost of a small-town war hero who died for his country?

When his oversoul-the guardian angel on steroids-shows him the changes he has to make in his past lives in order to clear the karma affecting this one, he's forced to ask Gabi for help. Together they dig through a series of lives looking for answers, and for a chance at happily ever after.

A Grand Beginning
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A piano brings together two people with a common interest in old tunes. Widowed Mary Margaret is content on her own until she begins singing along with new neighbor Ed. Is it ever too late to start something new?

Passings in the Night
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A random meeting with a secret childhood crush brings startling revelations and the possibility of a new romance. Chrissy never expected her hard-earned self esteem to be challenged by still-hunky Jake, who asks her out.

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(All proceeds from the sale of this anthology are donated to the
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When the world collapses, the only person who comes looking for Niki Mathers is the loser who made fun of her in high school. JC Phillips saves her life, so she can’t really tell him to get lost. And he is keeping her from being alone at the end of the world…

JC will never forgive himself for choices he made the night before the earthquake. Rescuing the girl he’s been crushing on for the past year doesn’t bring atonement. Maybe making the world safe for Niki will take away his guilt.

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