The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne (18 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne
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He gathered her hair and pushed it over her shoulder, trailing his fingers down her back in lazy patterns that made her skin tingle.  She arched as he reached the small of her back, pushing her ass towards him.  His fingers slid around the swell of her hips and traveled up until he cupped her breasts, his fingers spreading so that her nipples were captured between two fingers that closed around the peaks with increasing pressure.  Little jolts of pleasure speared through her as he tightened and released, tightened and released his hold on her nipples, and she found herself making small moaning sounds each time he held them tighter for a longer period.  His lips pressed open mouthed kisses along her shoulder to her neck where he bit down gently.

His hard cock pressed against her lower back as his hands left the swell of her breasts and moved down the side of her body, tracing the smooth line of her hips with a hum of pleasure.  Teasing fingers found the swollen nub of her sex, dipping inside to gather wetness on the tips before rubbing slowly up and down.  With a gentle tug on her shoulder, he pulled her upright, splaying the fingers of his hand across her neck and securing her against him.  His fingers continued a slow assault to her pleasure button while his mouth bit lightly at her shoulder.

He stroked her clit with even motions, making her body tremble as she stayed just out of reach of the climax that loomed in the distance.  Michael hissed into her ear, "Tell me, love, tell me what you want."

She twisted her hips, vainly attempting to get him to touch her the way she wanted, but he kept his steady pace.  "Faster, Michael....oh...harder," she gasped as he did exactly what she needed, increasing the speed and force of his fingers on her body.  His teeth raked gently down her neck as he held her still with his hand across her neck, her pulse beating wildly under his palm.  The orgasm crashed through her, and she writhed against him but he didn't stop.  His fingers continued to move over her as the pleasure ebbed away like the tide and steadily rose again.  Her hips shifted back and forth of their own accord, the delicious friction of his calloused fingers on her sensitive bud driving her wild.  Her voice cracked when she screamed as pleasure poured over her like a hot wave.

He pressed her forward until her cheek rested against the cool surface, and he slid his cock into her entrance.  By slow inches he pushed into her, filling her completely as her fingernails dug into the velvet with a scratching sound.

"Perfect," he groaned, when he bumped the end of her, fully seated inside her depths.  One warm palm pressed into her lower back, and the other clamped on her hip as he pulled his hips backwards with a swiveling motion until only the tip was inside her.  For a heartbeat he stayed there, letting her feel the way he possessed her, before he slammed himself into her again and again.  Her breath pushed out of her lungs in quick pants with his forceful thrusts, her cheek brushing over the fabric with each movement.

He leaned back, straightening, grasping both her hips with strong fingers as he slowed his movements to deliberate, slow thrusts. He flexed his hips as he pushed into her, going deep with each stroke.  His hips swiveled, and his hands flexed on her body as he drove her slowly to madness with each perfect stroke.

As if a chain holding his restraint had suddenly snapped free, he slammed into her, pounding his cock into her body as he leaned forward and licked and nibbled on her back and shoulders, pulling and pushing her roughly as he pleasured them both.  One hand slid around her hips and cupped her sex, his fingers parting her soaked pussy lips and pressing against her clit.  Little waves of pleasure pulsed through her, and she chanted his name, her fingers digging into the table beneath her.

His fingers pressed together, capturing her clit in delicious friction as his cock thrust into her hard and fast.  A mini-orgasm, just a taste, washed over her, and he groaned as her body writhed under him and her pussy tightened on his cock.

His wet fingers left her pussy and slipped back to her ass, delving the space between her cheeks and pressing against her tightest place.  She cried out his name as he teased her, his fingers slipping in fast circles as he thrust harder and faster into her pussy.  As he breached her with the tip of one finger, she arched up off the pool table and shoved herself backwards onto him, taking his whole finger into her body.

He finger fucked her with the same intensity that his cock drove into her body, and a deep, hot pleasure bloomed in the center of her body.  She begged him to take her harder, to never stop, and the whole world blurred as he gave her what she needed.  She felt his body change slightly, his cock thickened, and the strength of his thrusts increased.  His movements against her were hard and wild.  She felt every inch of him as he drove into her again and again.

The ache in the center of her body pulsed and grew until it took over, pleasure racing through her veins like lightning as her vision dimmed, and her cry of pleasure shattered through the dark kitchen.  His hands left her and landed on the table, his body tensing as he rammed into her.  His hands dug into the top of the pool table until he roared his release, the sound of tearing fabric and splintering wood followed his throaty growl and their gasping breaths.

She slumped onto the table.  On either side of her, the fabric on the pool table had been shredded, along with the wood underneath.

His forehead dropped to her shoulder, and he panted, "I didn't, I didn't get you did I?  My beast came out at the end."

She took in a slow breath, warmed through and through that even in his frenzy he had kept himself from hurting her.  "No, baby, I'm perfect."

He chuckled low in his throat.  “Most definitely.”

Kissing the side of her neck, he pulled from her body, and she moaned the loss of him.  Laid out on the pool table wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to lay, but her body didn't want to listen to her mind's demands that she find somewhere else to fall asleep.

Michael scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom, settling her on the bed and returning a moment later with a tall glass of cold water.  She drank it quickly and handed it back to him.  He settled next to her on the bed and pulled her onto his chest with a yawn.

"Michael?" she said with a sleepy sigh.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"I like pool tables now."

His smug chuckle was the last thing she heard.

Monday afternoon, Shyne dressed for her class while Michael was at work.  His mother was going to ride with her, and while she liked Tina a great deal, she thought that everyone was overreacting.  It wasn't as if the boys would do anything to hurt her.  Although she'd grown increasingly uncomfortable the past few weeks in their presence, they'd never lifted a finger against her, and she had no doubt that they ever would.  But Michael was insistent, and since he also had a day job, somehow Tina had become her bodyguard.

Tina knocked on the front door, and Shyne opened it for her.  "I need to grab my bag, and we can go," Shyne said, stopping at the fridge to grab her water bottle before snatching her gym bag from the counter.  Stowing the black metal water bottle in the bag, she grabbed her keys and cell, and they headed out.

They chatted idly as she drove them to the gym, the short drive passing quickly with Tina's funny stories about Michael's childhood antics.  The more she got to know his family, the more she envied him his charmed life.  She'd been loved once upon a time, but she had no memory of that love or the people who gave it to her.  Now, though, Michael's love for her was like something she could feel and wrap around herself.  And it wasn't just the spectacular sex, it was in all the little ways he showed her how he felt.  She finally had what she'd dreamed about for many years.

"If you don't mind, Tina, after class I want to run up to my apartment and say hi to my bestie Trav and grab some things.  I know it will be late, Michael said we could start packing up this weekend, but I'd like to use my own shampoo and stuff."

"It's no problem.  I'm a night owl, personally.  Peter's an early bird.  Many of our fights when we were first married revolved around just what time was appropriate for bedtime."

She smiled, "I hope you won."

Tina beamed.  "It's amazing what men will agree to when sex is involved."

Shyne could practically hear Michael complaining he didn't want to know about his parents' sex life, but Shyne had no compulsions about that.  Having only had Trav to talk to for so long, it was nice to have women to chat with.

When she turned off the car in the parking lot of the gym, she was surprised to see Dante standing out in front of the double doors, a box by his feet.  His arms were folded across his chest, and his face was a blank, expressionless mask.

She approached him slowly with Tina at her side.  Her gaze dropped down to the box, and she saw her things from her locker.  Tears sprang to her eyes immediately.

"Dante?"  Her voice came out strained as she struggled to keep her composure.

"Shyne, we've canceled your classes and refunded the cost to your students.  We've decided to take our focus off of the fitness classes, so we won't be replacing you."

Her mouth went dry.  "You're firing me?"

He scoffed and reached for the box.  He held it out to her but her arms wouldn't work.  Tina took it from him and put her hand on Shyne's shoulder.

"You had to know that this was not going to work any longer, Shyne.  Your mate made it very clear that he was not happy about your continued employment here.  It was only a matter of time before you left us.  We've given you a generous severance and a letter of recommendation for your next employer.  Everything from your locker is inside the box.  Mason, Cairo and I wish you well."

With a final look that contained absolutely no emotion, he turned and walked back into the gym.  When the doors shut, her tears fell.  She knew that Michael wasn't happy about her working with them, but she thought that everything had been settled on Saturday night and they were supposed to be able to work together.

Tina moved her back to the car and took the keys from her, opening the passenger door and pushing her gently into the seat.  Tina put the box of her belongings in the back seat.  Shyne managed to give Tina directions to the apartment, and she drove them.

Trav was at the mailboxes when they pulled into the parking lot, and his face split into a wide grin and then slid down into a confused frown.  He opened her door, "Baby girl?  What's wrong?"

Although she'd been tearing up the whole drive, she broke down in Trav's presence.  After a fast introduction between Tina and him, he pulled her from the car and put his arm around her, helping her into the building.  Tina followed behind and unlocked her apartment, explaining to Trav what happened.

Trav sat next to her on the couch.  "Those guys are such fuck-tards.  Pardon my French."

"How could they just fire me like that?" she bawled.  It was the first job she'd ever had that she felt like she was where she was supposed to be.  She loved her classes, helping people get healthy and stay active.

Tina returned from the kitchen with a glass of water for her.  "They're just protecting themselves, honey.  They knew that it was only a matter of time before you became uncomfortable in their presence because of your relationship with Michael.  Mated males don't like their females around unmated males.  It's just a fact.  Although Michael is supportive of you, it would eventually eat him alive to have you away from him every night."

"Mated?" Trav said in surprise.

Shyne wiped at her eyes and took a long drink of water.  "Michael and I are together now, mated is just the word that werewolves use for when they've found their future spouse."

"Wow, you go away for a few days and the whole world is upside down.  I'm happy for you, baby girl.  But I'm damn depressed for myself.  You're my best friend!"

Tina patted his knee.  "We could use some help at the bar in Allen, and there are a few rentals in town."

"But I'm single.  Won't Michael not want us hanging around anymore?"  Trav's mouth pulled into a frown, and Shyne felt his anguish at potentially losing her.

She put her hand on his cheek, smiling through her tears.  "You're gay, Trav.  Michael and his wolf know that you're not a threat.  And besides, you're my family.  I don't want to lose you, either."

"Coolio."  He blinked away sudden tears, and Shyne hugged him.

"What am I going to do?  I'm unemployed!"

She slumped back against the couch and covered her eyes with her hands.  She was sure the severance check was going to be generous, but it wouldn't last forever.  Allen didn't have any gyms.  If what Tina said was true, then Michael wasn't going to be thrilled with her working anywhere.  What was she supposed to do?

"It'll all work out, honey," Tina promised.  She reminded her that she wanted to pack some things.  Trav followed the two of them back to her bedroom, pulling a suitcase from the tiny hall closet and unzipping it on the bed.

She filled the suitcase with clothes while he loaded her bathroom things into another small bag.  Tina folded and organized, and within a half hour she was ready to leave.  Tina gave Trav her cell number and asked him to call her if he was interested in working at the bar.

Trav followed them out to the car and held the door open for her.  "Baby girl, I know you liked the boys, but they weren't going to ever be more than friends to you.  They clearly cared about you in a more than friendly way, and knowing they couldn't ever have you had to be hell.  They're protecting themselves; men do that."

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne
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