Read Thirsty 2 Online

Authors: Mike Sanders,Nuance Art

Tags: #Thirsty, #Wahida Clark

Thirsty 2 (7 page)

BOOK: Thirsty 2
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Red stood naked and embarrassed before the three women, while they seemed unfazed by his nudity. The girls started to leave the room one by one while keeping their guns trained on Red. The first girl stepped out the door with Red’s belongings, followed by the girl from the restroom and lastly Chris. Just before Chris stepped out the room she looked Red up and down with inspecting eyes then smacked him on the ass with the barrel of her pistol and stated with a sultry smile, “Welcome to the ‘A,’ folk!” Red rubbed his stinging ass cheek, but didn’t turn around as the girls left. Moments later, the door closed followed by the sound of the Range Rover cranking up and pulling off.

Two months later Red had bumped into Chris again, this time at Magic City with the same two strippers gyrating on her. First instinct had Red ready to blow all three of those bitches’ wigs back. However, as he gave the situation more thought, he sat back and observed Chris and the dancers for a minute. After watching their interactions and wandering eyes, realization of what they were doing dawned on him. This was their game, their MO. Chris would sit around and make it rain all night with the same two girls who would scoop up the cash, and later Red found out that they would give it back to Chris at the end of the night. “Damn, these bitches had faked the whole scene, wanting a nigga to bite,” Red thought as he continued to peep their game. They flossed all that dough hoping a thirsty ass jack-boy would run up and fall into their trap. Just as Red had done. This conniving bitch!

Red approached Chris at Magic City that night and she immediately went on the defensive when she recognized him. He sat down beside her and put his arm around her chair. She started to get up but he grabbed a handful of her dreads from the back and pulled her back down with enough force to let her know he wasn’t playing with her but not so much as to be obvious and cause a scene. “Nah, don’t get up on my account. Chill, let’s rap.” Chris eased back down in the seat and stared coldly into Red’s eyes. “So what? You lookin’ for some get-back? You feelin’ some kinda way?” Chris asked. “You can let go of my hair too.” She added as she calmly reached up, grabbed her glass and threw back the shot of Patron that was sitting in front of her.

“Gottdamn right I’m feelin’ some kinda way. Where my shit at? I want my shit!” Red stated through gritted teeth while adding a little more force to his tug on her dreads. Chris’s head jerked back slightly and a sharp pain shot down the back of her skull.

“I’mma tell you one mo’ time to stop pullin’ my fuckin’ hair.” She attempted to snatch away from his grasp but his grip was too strong. She settled into the seat and took a deep breath. “Bruh, how you gonna come at me like you a innocent victim or some shit? Nigga, YOU tried to jack ME. You just got caught slippin. You know how this shit go. You gotta respect the game.”

Although Red knew what she was telling him was the truth, his ego wouldn’t allow him to accept it. “Bitch, like I said, I want my shit.”

“Cool,” Chris replied non-chalantly.

“Cool?” Red was skeptical because of her quick reply. “Aiight, let’s go get that.”

“That ain’t no proble,” she sipped her Carona. “As long as yo’ broke ass can pay for it.”

Red laughed at her response. Although he was pissed, he was also somewhat amused at Chris’ bravado. It reminded him of himself. “Bitch, you know I ain’t payin’ you for my shit back.”

Chris glanced over at Red. “I’on believe you tryna sit up here and act like you don’t know how this shit work. You know damn well if you had been able to get MY shit that night it ain’t no way in hell you would even entertain the thought of giving my shit back. Nigga, at least I’m giving you a chance to get yours.”

Everything she was saying was hitting the nail on the head and Red couldn’t deny it. He finally let her hair go and relaxed in his seat. He knew there was no way he’d get his jewelry back and decided to chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game.

The waiter came around and Chris ordered them both a shot of Patron. Red was still in disbelief that he had gotten duped by this sexy ass scoundrel. They threw back the two shots and looked at one another and burst out laughing. They were on one accord and they both knew what Red was thinking. As bad as he wanted to punch her in her mouth, he had to admit that her and her girls’s game was airtight.

“You know I had yo’ ass that night, tho” Red stated as he sat his empty glass on the table.

“Yeah, that’s why you ended up naked with no ride home.” Chris laughed. For a moment and Red got heated all over again as he had a flashback of them making him strip.

Chris broke his thought pattern. “I can say this; I also found out that the gun you were carrying is not the only piece of steel you walk with.” Chris stated as she gave him a flirtation grin.

“You ain’t never lied, but that one is damn sure more dangerous.” Red shot back. They spent a few minutes throwing slick comments back and forth as the chemistry between them began to heighten.

 After a few more rounds, they began to see how they could benefit one another. Instead of beefing, they decided they could get more money if they were on the same team. The more Chris talked about the potential money they could get off niggas in the A, the more sense it made to him.

Needless to say, they decided to join forces and get money together. Being in the robbing game had both of them leery of the other and initially trust was damn near nonexistent. Chris proved her his loyalty to him one night a few weeks after their conversation when she’d pumped two hot ones into a mark who had gotten the ups on Red during a caper. Red became grateful and they wound up becoming tighter than a nun’s pussy! Business was booming, not to mention their criminal relationship was taken to another level and the sex between the two was off the Richter scale! Red had a real live “Ride or Collide.” bitch in his corner with some snappin’ sugar walls to match. What more could a nigga ask for?

“Let’s go,” Chris’s voice snapped Red out of his thoughts and brought him back to the present.

“Yeah, let’s bounce,” Red replied. He set his drink on the bar and exited Club Pleasers with Chris at his side. Red felt totally relaxed as they stepped out into the night air. For Red, strip clubs had become his therapy when he was stressed. He had frequented every strip club in Atlanta at least once since moving there. He had also been to the hottest strip club in Chicago once just to see if it was really owned by Justice, the bitch he knew was responsible for his cousin J.T.’s death. Indeed Justice was definitely the owner. He had sat in the back of the club, incognito. He wanted to make sure that bitch suffered the same death she had made J.T. suffer, but he was just biding his time. He couldn’t get over the fact that his first attempt to get at the bitch when he had first followed her to Chicago was interrupted by the Feds. He had been followed and was arrested on armed robbery charges. Although he had to spend a year in the county, he ended up beating the charges because J.T. and Cross, his cousins and co-defendants were both dead and the victims weren’t cooperating.

Red and Chris stepped into the Hummer and were ready to pull out of Pleasers’ parking lot when Chris told him to wait a minute. Red looked up from the steering wheel and saw an Indian-looking girl approaching the truck. He looked over at Chris who was rolling a blunt and he asked, “Who is this?”

“Our toy for tonight. Open the door and let her in,” Chris replied as she kissed Red on the lips.

Red’s eyes widened with excitement. That is why he fucked with Chris, she knew when to get down to business and she knew when it was time to fuck around. And with this fine beauty that sauntered in the truck like a diva who owned the place, Red knew he was in for a fun-filled night. Red’s dick got brick as he watched the Pocohontas-looking chick climb into the backseat. Chris reached across the seat and released his thickness, freeing it from the confines of his jeans. Red looked back and could see the Pocohontas chick licking her lips lustfully.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you wanted to trade places with my girl here.” Red was cocky—he knew that they weren’t going to be able to pull off before something popped up. Red quickly glanced outside and he was happy with the height of his truck off the ground. If the chick controlled his stick while he was driving the stick, they could be going places.

“You gonna give me a reason to come up there?” The chick said arrogantly. Without thinking, Red slipped his hand into his front right pocket, pulling out a Benjamin and flicked it back at her. He wanted to say something smart but Chris was stroking and applying just the right amount of pleasure to his manhood to keep him silent.

“That reason enough?” Red barely got out. He loved the way Chris was stroking him but at the moment, he felt that he’d produced a better use for the stripper chick’s lips.

She rolled her eyes and twisted up her lips in a sarcastic gesture. Red shook his head because he hated when broads did that shit. Nevertheless, the dancer picked up the bill, folded it and stuffed it in her bra. She and Chris opened their doors simultaneously and just like that, they traded places. Upon closer inspection of this chick, the blood continued to make his dick swell and caused it to dance to its own rhythm. As Red lustfully looked over the beauty that was now in front of him, his eyes caught the silver choker that rested on her neck and saw the letters T-A-S-T-E-E. “Tastee . . . that’s what they call you?”

“Oooh, and he reads too.” Tastee rolled her eyes. Red had enough of the attitude and the lip—it was time to put those mutha-fuckas to work. He gently reached across the seat and put his fingers through her hair—he got off on that shit and as he imagined pulling on it tightly while he was fucking her from the back. He guided her head to his lap and felt her soft moist lips on his tool, waxing it like a car and making his midsection squirm and dance to its own tune. Red’s head laid back as Tastee went up and down, providing her own sauces for his meat. “Damn you good.” He exhaled and tried to sit up straight.

“And you’re Tastee—and juicy—just the way I like it.”

Red put the truck into gear and looked over his shoulder at Chris who was smiling and still rolling the blunt. He smiled at her and pulled out of the parking lot with thoughts of what he was going to do to that ass clouding the front and the back of his mind.


“Fuck yeah!” Red shouted as sweat glistened on his body. He was naked save for some high top Nikes. Chris was shouting—praising and cursing God in the same breath for the dick that continued to pulsate her insides and make her body come alive with fire. Chris was riding Red, cowgirl-style. She struggled to keep her rhythm in pace with Red’s stroke game because truth be told, she’d never had dick like that before. Chris’ powerful legs clamped around his waist as her body bounced like jelly up and down Red’s taut body. Chris hadn’t anticipated getting the ride of her life tonight but she knew it was in part to Red’s excitement about the threesome they were having. Her eyes opened and she briefly enjoyed the view of Tastee’s pussy as she masturbated on the recliner a few feet away, moving her fingers in and out of her soaked juice box with urgency. Tastee had already had a couple of rounds with them both and this finger flicking was her break. When Chris saw Tastee suck her own juices off her finger, this only encouraged her to nibble on Red’s ear, which made him dance inside of her in a frenzy.

Just as Chris loved being watched as she was being fucked, Tastee was enjoying watching both Red’s nutsack swing back and forth and the jiggling of Chris’ titties as their bodies collided and became one. The red light flashing on the laptop for the viewers on a popular adult web cam site who were watching all three of them only seemed to entice Tastee more. Red had logged into his Black Friend finder account and set up the webcam as soon as they entered the apartment. Normally, he would have been the one observing live action on the site, but tonight he decided he would finally let the viewers watch him put in work!

“Take dis dick, bitch!” Red commanded as he thrust upward. Chris held on tight as his dick pierced her uterus. She had another orgasm as the base of Red’s dick rubbed her the right way. After Chris got off her ride, Tastee moved in position to get her slurp on and the excitement was too much for Red to handle as he nutted in Tastee’s mouth. She swallowed his and Chris’ juices like a champ and at that moment Red figured out the real reason she’d gotten the nickname, “Tastee”.

Being spent from his third nut for the night, Red finally clicked off the camera, flopped his limp frame back onto the bed and drifted off slowly into a slumber.


Who was it you sent to Bojangles?” Carlos asked as he looked into the mirror his nephew and personal barber, War, was holding up. His mother had named him Warren, yet Carlos had shortened it to War once he proved that he could not only run Carlos’ barbershop/beauty salon
with the efficiency of a master chess player, but he wouldn’t hesitate to lay his murder game down as well. War was often mistaken for Carlos as they were damn near identical at six feet and weighed 190 pounds. Both had the deep brown skin that ran in the family and both had sea-sickening waves that had the bitches spellbound and the niggas envious. They even sounded alike in person and on the phone, but they never said the same things due to the age difference and wisdom. Unlike Carlos, War kept two stripes in each of his eyebrows and his eyelashes were long and curly. In addition, War’s lips were fuller.

“I sent Tia,” War said as he took the mirror from his uncle’s hand after Carlos gave the nod of approval.

“Tia wit the fat ass and small waist, from Detroit?” Preme was holding his crotch. “That bitch need’ta quit playin’ wit’ all dat ass and let a nigga beat that.”  He was resting his frame in one of the empty barber chairs even though he had no intentions of cutting his ridiculously long locs that were tied back into a big ponytail.

BOOK: Thirsty 2
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