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Authors: Alaric Longward

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Throne of Scars (41 page)

BOOK: Throne of Scars
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I nodded.

We left the tower and I smiled.

Just like the Bone Fetters, Nött’s mark held no power over me.





he tunnels were not abandoned. The three humans made their way through them and the dangerous caverns, protected and guided by a dragon. Svartalfs and orcs, and other monsters trekked the ancient, lost ways, and they had many an adventure. In the end, the travelers reached a winding stairway, and on top of that, there was a carved room.

There, they found four wells, in apparently haphazard order. All had a magical lid. The blonde girl touched one, which the dragon pointed at. The man argued for another way, but didn’t say more, as the dragon pushed the lid aside.

They climbed to the well’s edge, looked down and jumped in. They tumbled into emptiness, and fell to the land called Midgard.

There, they would have to find Baduhanna, the Aesir.

In Svartalfheim, a well stood open. And in the corridors leading to it, a being walked, carrying the Famine.


-The story will continue in the Horn’s Fate -




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BOOK: Throne of Scars
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