Read Time Warp Online

Authors: Steven Brockwell

Time Warp (8 page)

BOOK: Time Warp
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The next image appear
ed, it was similar to the first, and no one knew what any of this meant? Picture after picture appeared of different men from different civilizations, some had darkened skins and wore headdresses, facial masks; some even had their faces painted until finally Jason realized that most of these people were worriers, leaders in battle. However, what could all of this mean, and why photograph leaders, heads men of different tribes?

The clip wheeled on showing
different times throughout our existence, until finally one face come to recognition.

“Carl, what exactly did Sonard say his people were trying to do? “ Asked Jason

“Well Maya had said that
Sonard’s team of scientist tried to lead man on a humble course, to love and to care for one another,” replied Carl.

, but how where they were able to do this, and what methods did they use? “

“Sonard said that they would abduct a female, fertilize
her, and later on influence that child to become a great man or woman that would change the course of our history, so our race could advance itself beyond our expectations “, answered Carl.

“Yea right
, if what we are seeing is what I think it is, this whole tape could be the people Sonard had influencing, and I can tell you now it was no peace mission! Most of these guys are all high ranking, military leaders,” said Jason.

“Well that could only mean one thing, Sonard said they tried to influence our race to become
a humble people like themselves but failed“.

, and how else do you win a war or a planet if not through peaceful means,” Asked Jason. “Teach your neighbors how to fight, advance their weaponry, and let them kick the shit out of each other while you just lay back and watch.”

“That’s ridicules
! Sonard wanted a peaceful race to live on the earth so they would accept his own people and live in harmony together “, replied Carl.

“Would you lot just shut up!
“ Shouted Nick


The disk continued to show various people up to what seemed like the 19Th century, then stopped, Instead of people different signs, strands of some kind started to appear on the Screen. Some of them looked like mathematical, calculations of some kind, a new concept of mathematics no one had ever seen before; the disk was showing how advanced Sonard’s race really was. The information just kept on coming up across the screen, no one had a clue what it could mean, the series on the tape started to show different strains, formulas, until finally it ended leaving just a logo similar to the one Janet had found on the small pendent device. Everyone in the room was silent not knowing what to make of what they have just seen.

Nick hooked his computer up to the motels phone line, and started to enter key words into his laptop. “What are you doing Nick?” asked Carl

“I am down loading all what’s on this disk to a friend of mine, his great at cracking codes,” replied Nick

“What if Sonard tracks him down
“, said Jason.

“No way,
I am using a main line and a scrambler.”

“What now?
“ Asked Jan

, for a start Jan, I think all of this is getting a bit too dangerous”, replied Carl.

“What’s that suppose to mean?
“ Replied Jan

“It means
! Don’t you think you would be better off going to a friend’s house or something? “

“Like hell I am!
“ Replied Jan, “I am in this just as much as you are so don’t try and push me out!”

“It’s for your own safety, “replied Carl. Although Jan was not having it, she wanted to stay with the guys; she was the one that had discovered the pendent in the first place.

Sonard was extremely bitter after Carl’s devious plan; his men tried desperately to repair their Tele -potation system. However, it would take them forever to complete.

Two helicopters approached Sonard’s hide out in the middle of the Syrian Desert; ready to take a complete task force to Greece, where Carl was hiding
. Sonard would still have saturlight links with his surveillance team that would relay anything they could back to Sonard. He was a very determined man, the future off his race was in his hands and he would do anything he could to complete his mission.

The two choppers landed in Syria’s main airport, Sonard had a strong influence over there, so no questions would be asked
. It seems Sonard had a strong influence on quiet a lot of people with his superior knowledge he would sometimes help in giving certain countries, technological solutions, which seemed advanced for our world however, still primitive to his own.

Sonard was escorted to a private jet that had already been refueled; He would soon embark with the rest of his team of colleagues and hired assassins, who he had no problem in hiring, the money they earned was good, and that is all that really mattered.

Their jet taxie
d to a small part of the runway waiting for clearance from the airport’s control tower, Sonard sat at the back of the plane staring through the small window at his side, wondering how Carl could have deceived him, He did have superiority as being from such an advanced race. However, Carl was brought up in a rough area, and attended state schools before he moved on to university the troubles he had to overcome, challenges even physical ones, made Carl Street wise, he knew the tricks of the trade. Sonard knew Carl would make a great asset to his course, even though it would not be easy to convince Carl to come over to his side.

jet finally began to taxi again gaining speed for takeoff, the nose lifted into the air as Sonard lay back in his seat feeling the G force, which reminded him of his younger days as a cadet pilot on his own planet. This used to emit a whitish, glow that could be seen clearly from the distant surrounding stars. However, since their sun in their solar system was dying, over the years the bright whitish glow slowly began to fade. All one could now see was a dull, gloomy planet that was at the brink of becoming a frozen isolated land that will soon not be able to sustain any life at all. Not even Sonard’s race with their advanced technology could do anything but hope that maybe someday, someone would return with good news that they had found a new planet similar to their own for them to try and colonize. .The thoughts and troubles rambled through Sonard’s mind as his private jet raced across the sky. It would not be long before they would touch down in the busy airport of Athens, hoping that in some way he might able to convince Carl to join his side, so they could work together to form a new world, a new kingdom, for Sonard’s race to rule.

Their jet slowly started to descend, and would soon touch down on the clear strip of runway, used solely for private craft
. Sonard and his men will disembark where, A string of cars stood there waiting for them. Sonard took his place in the front car looking at a photo one his men had found in Carl’s apartment; it was a photo of Carl and his uncle many years ago. In the background, Sonard could see what looked like the spearhead he so desperately had been searching.

He knew Carl had lied to him earlier on, when they had their little discussion, and Sonard’s hopes were very high. Within a short time Sonard, one way or another would have what he wanted and what he had waited so long to find, will soon be within his grasp.

However, first it was time for revenge
. Sonard headed straight for Carl’s apartment, two men walked onto the stair way each caring a bag across their shoulders, they forced Carl’s door open and each placed several charges of high explosives around the apartment and walk calmly back to the string of black cars. One man handed Sonard a small detonation device, as he and his men drove off. A small light flickered waiting to transmit its deadly signal. Sonard pressed the button on the transmitter and detonated the explosives, Carl’s apartment was obliterated, glass flew into the street below, huge flames engulfed the building, a fire alarm could be heard in the distance as Sonard, and his men drove away. Sonard was playing an eye for an eye game and enjoyed every minute of it.
























Carl and his team had just woken up after a late tiresome evening, discussing and trying to figure out what Sonard’s next move might be. Jan hit the showers desperate to wash her long, dark hair that felt grease to the touch. She normally left this task to her hairdresser, who was able to deal with it much better then she could.

She had chosen to stay with the guys, so now she would just have to make do with anything she could on her own.

Jason and Carl where busy arguing in the kitchen, Jason still needed information about Sonard, and began to press Carl for any details that he might have forgotten, knowing without every vital piece about Carl’s abduction, or even what Maya had told them, Defeating Sonard or trying to guess what might be on his mind, would be virtually impossible.

The two off them continued arguing when Jan rudely butted in
, “Can you two cut it out! This is getting us nowhere, “she said.

why don’t you enlighten us on the subject”, said Nick

“Ok then, shut
up, and listen.”

continued drying her hair and the same time told them what Maya had said, that the clues are all around us and how Sonard cast Maya’s father into the past.

“What was her father’s name again?” asked nick. “Adameus,” replied Jan

“You mean Nostradamus? “ He replied.

“No just Adameus “
, said Jan not wanting to be doubted.

“Yea well Nostra in Italian means, (our own people. Or, of our own kind) which might be why he slightly changed his name?” replied nick.

“And Nostradamus was a great prophet; he claimed he had visions of the future hundreds of years ahead of his time” 

“What if this is the same guy
? And he did not predict the future, but lived though it knowing exactly what was going to happen”. Said Carl “How do you mean “, asked nick

“If this is the same man Maya’s father that is, and he had tr
aveled through time with Sonard seeing what effect their work had on our existence, they must have seen and lived throughout the course of our history. That is how Nostradamus knew what was going to happen “, answered Carl.

“ I am afraid that’s impossible, Nostradamus was appointed top physician to king Charles IX, which means they would have ha
d to know about his back ground or else it’s no way, “ replied nick.

“Well what if Mayas father had some kind of influence on him, I mean Sonard did say they influence people to advance their knowledge
”, said Jan.

“You mean telepathy? “

“Yes why not! May be that is how Nostradamus had these visions of the future? “Said Jan. “Well we could soon find that out, I mean all we have to do is look up his predictions on the net “, said Jason.

, that’s the first place Sonard’s men would expect us to look, Sonard is most probably scanning the net to see who will accesses these files “, answered Nick

“Then what can we do?
“ Asked Jan

“The old fa
shion way, we hit the libraries”, said Nick. ‘Well what are you guys waiting for lets go”, said Carl

Jason stood
up and pulled out his revolver checking the clip just to see if it was still fully loaded, before he started to make his way to the front door, eyeing the surrounding countryside just in case someone had followed them.

He gave the ok signal and the rest of the guys and Jan who rushed to get dress made their way to the dark, Coronado jeep parked outside their motel room. All four of them agree to split up later on into two teams, this way they could cover more ground and not seen to be too conspicuous. Carl and Jan headed for the library while Nick and Jason took a detour, and approached the library from the opposite side and parked their jeep, keeping an eye fixed to the library’s main door. After knowing Sonard’s men had a habit of appearing out of no were, they thought it be better to play it safe and keep an eye out for each other, just in case someone did show up.


It was quite inside the library and all one could sometimes hear was the occasional rustle of pages being turned, some people preferred to use computers to look for any information or text that they would be searching.

However, for Carl searching the web was out of the question, he knew Sonard would have his men tapping in to various
sectors, which could lead to his where about. Carl found a quite section in the library were there were not too many people. He began to search for any books that had some kind of information about Nostradamus that could help him in any way to try to find out what Sonard was up to, even though, it was a long shot but what else could he do.

BOOK: Time Warp
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