To Claim the Elvin Princess: Apprentice (3 page)

BOOK: To Claim the Elvin Princess: Apprentice
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They had enjoyed another luscious and erotic round of play, having tried other ways to pleasure each other besides plain intercourse. Sticking his nose in Amein’s wet femaleness proved dangerously intoxicating, the effect of her sexual smell being an overpowering aphrodisiac at close range. They had finally collapsed, snuggled tight together, and had slept, worn out. Rasten awoke first, and lay watching Amein breathing gently, utterly overwhelmed by her beauty and seeming innocence. The idea that he was lusting for his half-sister, was having her sexually in ways and to heights that he’d never experienced with any human girl seemed more astoundingly exciting than improper or naughty.

I’m sure not many men would be able to say no to this!
he thought at one point.  He also found the idea ludicrous that she was over two hundred years old.
She could pass for a sixteen year old! She’d get carded at a bar!
he thought, amused by this observation. The idea that she was a warrior Princess, had commanded thousands, seemed crazy and impossible.

I’m sure she could screw a legion half to death!
he considered at one point, then hoped she was not the least awake and able to hear or sense his thoughts. Touching his organ revealed it to be semi erect and a bit sore from its overwork.
What a girl!
he thought, amazed.

It was only a few moments before her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at him. She managed to stretch and wiggle before reaching to see what the state of his maleness might be.

“You haven’t been touching it?” she asked eyeing him sternly.

“ seems tired and a bit sore. You’re hard on it!” he sighed.

“Poor dear! It’s only because I did without so long!” she teased.

“Don’t you play with yourself, when you’re alone?” Rasten wondered,

“Hardly...well, I suppose if I was stranded on an island alone, I would...but if there’s anyone at all around, I’d find someone to play with!” she assured him.

“You’d do this with a stranger?”

“We don’t regard any of our people as strangers, certainly not like humans do. Remember, we share our inner being, as well as we do our bodies. Two elves, who’ve never met before, can have deeper, more touching sex than two humans who’ve been lovers for decades! You’ve had sex before me, with human girls. What was that like?” Rasten shrugged.

“It was...okay. But it wasn’t deep...not like this with you is. I always thought something was missing!”

“It was. The Elvin half of you needs the deeper connection.”

“Amein...when I’m on your world, will I be able to do this with other elves?” he asked, gently and direct, curious to see her response.

“I suppose you will!” she loudly yelled, then hid her face with the pillow, bursting into tears. It took several moments to coax her out, and kiss away her tears.

“Was that jealousy?” he asked.

Amein refused to look at him, and finally shrugged.

“Your imprinting is apparently working on you, as much as me...isn’t it?”

“Maybe!” she sniffed. “I’m doomed!” she finally cried.

“You’re cute and lovable, and the sexiest female I’ve ever dreamed of!”

“Good! If I’m stuck with this, I’d at least hope you want me!” she sighed. Rasten gave her a small kiss, which quickly led to more play and another noisy act. When they were finished, Amein stayed astraddle of him, lying forward against his chest, being held. They were silent a time, before Rasten returned to a question that had not been answered.

“So, why do I have no Elvin features?”

“Ummmm. Likely because he chose your mother so that you would end up favoring her more than him, at least physically. You have the inner Elvin features, that make us what we are. That’s where all your power lies! Besides, have you not noticed that you look a bit...pretty?” she said, hesitantly. Rasten’s brows furrowed.

“Like a girl?” he demanded. Amein cringed, and looked guilty. “I had several fights because some asshole accused me of that!”

“But Rasten! It’s true. You are amazingly beautiful. Elvin males are much like Elvin females...there is nothing weak or pathetic about them, but they are much like me. You find me pretty, don’t you? Don’t feel ashamed of being as you are! The half-elvin are quite pretty, which makes the humans jealous at times!” Amein insisted. “You’ll see! But it wasn’t your beauty that motivated me to search for you...we need your special skills!”

“Like my...truthsense?”

“Truthsense, farsight, reading, divination, beast herding: all those and more. You also have the body of a warrior, a large and powerful one. You just have to be trained!” she suggested, as if this was no more difficult than learning to knit.

“I find it hard to see myself as a warrior!” he chuckled. Amein wiggled her bottom calling attention to his still hard organ, deep insider her.

“You certainly can use your manhood like a noble warrior! There isn’t an Elvin girl in Alarinad who wouldn’t be eager to be naked, and had by you!”

“Even though that’s considered improper?” Rasten slyly suggested. Amein stared at him, shocked, before suddenly giggling.

“ I wasn’t clear. We are forbidden to mate with the in having a child with one. We can play all we want. The Elders are only concerned with keeping the Elvin lineage pure!”

“But there was no hesitation for our father to mate with a human, and have me? How does that make sense?” Rasten demanded, his mother’s plight suddenly coming into sharper focus.

“Please don’t be angry. He did not set out to hurt your mother, but to make you. Of course his reasons were selfish; he had an entire people to defend! That you have great potential, and an inheritance second to none, should sooth your heart. Rasten...I risked my life coming here to try and find you. We need you. My lust is not what motivates me...honest!”

“Then what does? Duty?”

“And honor. Love for my father, and our people. Hatred of the darkness that opposes us! We defend not just our own kind, but the humans and the half-Elvin too!

“Are there many half-Elvin? Isn’t that...frowned  on?

Amein looked amazingly guilty suddenly, and actually covered her face with her hands. When Rasten threatened to tickle her sides, she sighed, and looked at him.

“Apparently human females can be as willing and eager as an elf girl, if they get the chance. Many succumb to the lure of the handsome elf male, and get themselves well pregnant. The half-Elvin babes are highly prized among the human kind, and I suspect just about every human woman would be eager to be had by an Elvin male, if she could.”

“How do human men regard that? I can’t imagine human guys would be all that thrilled to have the wife or daughter sneaking off to act the whore!” Amein shrugged.

“Men are quite proud of their half-Elvin is regarded as very noteworthy. Since no elf female can be gotten with child by having a human male, it falls to the human females to do the deed. Your mother suffered a common fate, and I’m sure she enjoyed the making of you!” Amein declared, giggling.

“Am I...I’m not the first half human male you’ve sampled, am I?” he demanded. “Have you had any plain humans?”

“Yes, I’m as naughty as anyone of my kind. I’ve ruined more than one young man I’m sure!” she admitted, grinning. “Oh...I never thought about that!” she suddenly moaned.

“About what? What you were doing to some poor young man? I imagine going back to an ordinary human girl after you would be a bit...hard?” Rasten asked sharply. Amein wiped at her wet eyes.

“I never thought about it. We just do what we please.”

“I suspect you’ve done worse, as a race, haven’t you? I’m sure the acceptance of humans for having their women had by Elvin men was started by Elvin men for their own reasons?” Amein, to her credit, seemed completely shocked by this idea. “You’ve never once considered that?” Rasten asked, amused by her look of outrage.

“No! Things are as they are! Why would I question the way we’ve always lived?!” she hotly demanded.

“Because not doing so is a perfect way to end up doing evil?” Amien sat, staring at him, too shocked to even notice his hard organ deep inside her. It took her several long moments, before she smiled.

“You have father’s ability to see more deeply than most. That is a great skill. But it makes you dangerous, too,” she sighed.

“So I’m like my father? Do I bear any resemblance to him?”

“Yes, in your face...I see hints of him. Of course, he had lived a thousand years by the time I came along, and was a bit more have a boyish look about you still!”

“That doesn’t seem to stop your desire, does it?”

“No.” She looked cutely guilty. “I once played with a human boy of barely fifteen...he hardly needed any Elvin assistance to stay aroused!” she proclaimed. Rasten laughed deeply.

“No, teen boys are all hard-on. You are a naughty one! Did you have urges for your father?” he asked with no warning. Amein turned a bright red instantly, fell forward and hid her face against his chest, and moaned.

“I’m guessing that’s a yes?” he felt a small nod, before she sat back up.

“It’s not the same as this!” she declared, wiggling her bottom. “The Elvin female is always attracted to the Elvin male. It makes no difference if that male is close family or not. But it’s much more than just a...desire. We...we seem drawn to strength, to skill and power?”

“So the leader has all the pussy wanting him? Does he get to have all of it?”

“Mostly...he has his pick. All Elvin women want to have a child by a strong male...and since we control our ability to reproduce, we often manage to do so!”

“You have no children yet?”

“I’m way too young for such a thing! I get to play and have fun, when not battling evil, for many more years! Why?” she asked, innocently.

“Because you give me the worst urge to squirt you full of my...seed, and have you pregnant! Isn’t that crazy?”

Amien looked pained. “I...I too have the urge for that. It takes little for me to allow that to happen, and I’m feeling the...lure of it too! At least I was warned to be wary of the urge. It’s much stronger than I imagined!”

“You’ve never felt this?”

“Hardly. It’s most...disturbing, mostly for how strong and enticing it is!”

“And you never considered how desirable having your father’s child would have been? If he was that much of a hero, wouldn’...” he stopped, as Amein put her hand firmly over his mouth. She sat thus several moments, frowning, before sighing and looking down.

“Of course I thought of it, and had he wished for such, I’d have been naked and being had instantly! My mother would have wished to beat my bottom, however; she was a bit jealous of her position and privileges!” she finally admitted, giggling.

Rasten shook his head. “I never dreamed elves might be so...slutty! Our fairy tales don’t do you justice!”

“Thank Amoroth! Some things don’t need to be known by all, do they?”

“I suppose. Who’s Amoroth? You’ve said that twice, sort of as an oath?” Amein looked thoughtful.

“I guess I do! He was an Elvin Prince of old, who restored the Elvin kind to their proper place, after they had gone astray. You will study his life, as he is the perfect model of what an Elvin leader should be; honest, deep, kind, brilliantly resourceful. Our father was held in the highest regard for being exactly like that also. You will see Amoroth’s visage everywhere on our world! If the tales are true, his blood flows in your veins; my family claims descent directly from him!” she declared, bursting with pride.

“So I’m screwing a very important Elvin Princess? You need to tell me the whole tale of your people and your world!”

“Of course,” she sighed, wiggling her bottom. “But first you need to have me again, so I can be calm enough to think properly!” she insisted, looking cute and charmingly desirable.





If having a willing Elvin girl many times each day was in any way a chore, it was one Rasten would have eagerly volunteered for. That he found Amein almost painfully beautiful and enticing, far more than any human girl had seemed, was delightful. The only thing that gave him pause was the thought that he might soon be on a world filled with beautiful Elvin females; that seemed daunting and likely to cause him many problems.

Still, he wished to ignore that issue, focusing on learning all he could about whatever fate he was to face.

When they had finished the newest session of sex, they managed to get up, and Rasten filled the kitchenette’s sink with water, to wash out Amein’s panties, socks and top, which seemed to be silk, but were not. She assured him water wouldn’t harm it, and when he was finished, and had wrung them out, he hung them on hangers to dry.

“When are we leaving?” he asked at one point, while busy.

“We must be at the gate on the full moon!” she advised him.

“Great. Where’s the gate?”

“It’s the place of the large standing stones. I have no idea what you call it!” she sighed. Curious, Rasten went to his computer, and began searching. He soon had Amein’s bare self on his lap, as she watched the images, fascinated.

“I had not known humans had discovered such magic! How is this possible?”

“I gather you have no such things on...on...”

“Am-Coteiru! Not like this. Your world is filled with many machines. Ours are simpler, but we have much magic instead. Father left notes warning of how much this world had changed, but I was still shocked to arrive and see it!”

“I’m sure it would be pretty odd. Here, see...”

“That’s the gate! Yes!” she excitedly declared, acting much like a small girl on Christmas morning. She was pointing at the computer screen which displayed an image of Stonehenge at dawn.

“Somehow I’m not surprised. It’s called Stonehenge. People think the Druids built it. I’m guessing that’s not so?”

“Hardly! Well, maybe they did. All I know is that there’s an Elvish gate under it, that connects to another universe.


“No. We have to pass through ten of them to get to our world. That’s why it’s so dangerous! Some of them are full of evil things!”

“Things that will eat cute Elvin girls?”

“Eat, rape, suck the soul from...mutilate...there are many evil things out there!” she insisted.

“I’m sure that’s true. There’s much evil here, just not in the form of huge monsters!” he laughed. He thought of another disturbing question.

“How did you get here? I mean, Stonehenge is in England, on the other side of the ocean. I’m sure you don’t have any ID or documents...right?”

“What are those?” she asked, puzzled. “I managed to get people to give me rides, and then traveled on an...airplane?”

“You got on an airplane with no identification, no suppose you plan on returning the same way with me?”

“Certainly! I have my magic and sorcery; what more might I need? No one will resist us, or say no!” Amein finally turned a bit, to look at his shocked face. “I can’t do the same to others of my kind, but humans are so easy to enchant!” she giggled.

“How long did you spend looking for me? And how did you find me?”

“Thirty days more or less. I too have a decent amount of farsight, and can sense...its like your essence...that part of your being that is from our father. I just kept moving in the general direction that I sensed you to be, and then once I got to this city, you were much stronger!” She looked guilty only a moment, before laughing delightedly.

“I spotted you yesterday when you were leaving the place with all the big buildings...”

“The college?”

“Where you study? Yes! I followed you home, and then trailed you back today and waited. You are lucky I have the patience of a hunter!” she declared, playing with her hair.


“I wanted to just rip your clothes off and have you on the spot!” she confessed, nibbling her lip.

“Really? Amein...where did you stay, and how did you manage to eat for a month, with no money?” he asked, suspiciously.

“I’m cute, and people are nice to me?” she volunteered. Seeing his frown, she slumped. “I used my sorcery to make them give me food and drink, and a place to sleep?”

“I find that more likely. I assume no one will even remember you?”

“Of course not! That’s part of the enchantment, making them unable to remember that they saw me. No one will remember either of us when we leave, either!”

Rasten stared at her for a time, considering what such a power might be used for.

“How often do you use such power to take advantage of humans, to have them just for fun?” Amein looked stricken by his words, sitting still and turning very red from a strong blush. “You’ve done that, haven’t you? Is it forbidden?”

“Yes. Utterly. But when we are young, and just learning, I think all of us do so, at least a few times, just because we can! Eventually, we all come to regret doing so, and are deeply ashamed of our behavior. I hope that is a fitting punishment for our wickedness!” she whispered, looking very miserable.

“So the Elvin kind has to develop a conscience as it goes along?”

“More than we should! Rasten, we aren’t evil beings...just a bit...naughty? Especially when we’re young! Occasionally one of the older ones will take advantage of someone human, but usually the human is just as much at fault for wanting to be had too!”

“You’re quite proud of being an elf, aren’t you?”

“Proud, but not arrogant! We care deeply for all living things, and devote much love and effort in behalf of all those within our realm!” She turned more to be able to fiddle with his hair. “You’ll find being among us to be very delightful and worthy, once you learn our ways!”

“I’m going to be schooled in something?” he demanded. Amein giggled.

“Oh are you ever! You must master weapons, especially the sword and bow. Have you ever ridden a horse?”

“A couple of times...why? Do you ride horses?”

“Sometimes. But you have to learn to ride other things, like terranaks and alowons too! Seeing his blank stare, she sighed. “Terranaks are a huge avian creature, large enough to carry a fully equipped warrior. Their wingspan would be larger than this room! The alowonds are large, four legged beasts with long necks and tails, able to leap astounding lengths. The also run like mad; no human or elf can out run one!”

“You have mastered such creatures?”

“Of course. They put my butt on such beasts when I was still peeing in a diaper! I was terrified, and peed myself many times, but quickly learned to love being on such creatures. I grew up learning the ways of war and battle, as did my sisters!”

“You have sisters? How many, and are they as cute as you?” he thought to ask. This got him elbowed in the ribs.

“I have more than three dozen, and you have no reason to wonder how cute they are!” she hissed.

“You’d be jealous of them, should they find me of interest?” This garnered a frosty silence. “Amein? Have you ever had their mates?” he asked. This caused a guilty fit of tears. He held her, until she stopped crying.

“I hate how perceptive you are! Am I doomed to having no secrets?” she sniveled.

“Look at me! I’d rather know all your naughtiness and doings, than have you hide things! You aren’t ever likely to be faithful, are you?” She managed to shake her head.

“But you can’t stand the thought of me playing with others? You don’t find that a bit...odd or unfair?”

“I find it embarrassing and ridiculous! I’ve never had such feelings, never thought it improper for someone I enjoyed playing with...for them to enjoy others too! We don’t get jealous over such things!”

“But that’s what you’re feeling now? The idea of me having another naked Elvin girl sitting on my lap makes you want to just pee on me...doesn’t it?!” She sat like a stone a long moment, before sighing.

“It shames me to admit it, but yes, I’m feeling that way...and I have no idea why!”

“Apparently I make you feel all sorts of things, good and bad?” Amein hopped up, and sat back down facing him, managing to have his organ slip into her wet vagina. Snuggled close against him, she giggled.

“I don’t like feeling bad! Hold my bottom and move me....make me feel good!” she whispered, before kissing him.


When this round of sexual activity was over, both of them were drenched in sweat. When he was finally inclined to speak, he managed to look at Amein’s face.

“How about a bath?”

“Wonderful! You’re a bit ripe!” she declared, sniffing at his armpits.

“And you’re not?” he laughed. This got him stared at harshly, and she raised her arm. A tentative sniff, followed by a longer one, revealed a fragrance that was in no way offensive or loud, certainly not sweaty and sharp like his own. Her armpit was covered by a soft, light layer of hair, soft and silky.

“Do you use something to keep from smelling like me?” he asked. Amein laughed.

“That’s simply Elvin girl! Unlike humans, we don’t secrete musk in such places. All of our sex attractant is here!” she insisted, swiping her puss with her fingers, and shoving them under Rasten’s nose. The smell was strong and overpowering.

“Wow. The more we do it, the stronger it gets! Come on, let’s have a shower!”

In spite of having never seen such a device, Amein quickly followed his lead, and was drenched. He took his time, shampooing her luscious hair, and then scrubbed every inch of her lithe form. She was stunningly well muscled, just not bulked up and manly. He spent much time on her crotch, fingering her wantonly, and eventually was delighted to have her exhibit a strong orgasm. He had to hold her, to keep her from falling over.

Amein recovered, and smirking wickedly, set out to do the same to him, succeeding handily, much to her delight. When they were finally rinsed off, they toweled each other dry, again fondling and touching with no hint of hesitation or shyness.

“It’s like we’ve been lovers forever. Is it always this easy between your people?” he sighed, as she sat on his lap, letting him brush her hair.

“Mostly. Because we are so experienced when we are young, and have no taboos about being nude like some humans do, we find getting bare to play to always be delightful. Being so skilled also helps; there is never any doubt, or fear that you might not be able to please a partner, even if you just met!” she peeked over her shoulder, blushing a bit. “Humans aren’t like that, are they?”

“No...most need much time to relax and get acquainted. Tell me!” he demanded, seeing her guilty face.

“I...I’ve had sex with others, and didn’t even know their name! And it was very good sex!” she added, giggling.

“Do I get to experience that?” he asked slyly.

“Only if you want me to have a fit and cry!” she sighed, disturbed by her strange new feelings.


BOOK: To Claim the Elvin Princess: Apprentice
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