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Authors: Deborah R. Brandon

To Love & To Protect (6 page)

BOOK: To Love & To Protect
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Chapter 15

Ethan change into basketball shorts and started out for a hearty jog. He was half way through his jog when he heard there was a disturbance in the villa where Jasmine was located. He ran as if someone was chasing him to get to her. He burst through the already opened front door and Kimberly advised that it was a false alarm.

“What in the hell?” Ethan asked trying to catch his breath.

“She is having bad dreams,” Kimberly said by way of explanation. She was screaming her head off, I radioed it in, and then I went in. She was screaming and crying but she was sleeping. So it was like a night terror, I guess. I called Michael at the main house, he and Donna are on the way,” Kimberly finished.

Ethan stepped into the room. Jasmine was still dressed in her T-shirt and undies. She turned around when she heard footsteps approaching.

“I made a mess,” she said about an area of tiled floor she had gotten sick on.

Ethan stepped closer to her, his instinct was to comfort her but she shook her head no. He stopped in his tracks respecting her wishes.

“Go start getting cleaned up, and we will clean this up for you,” Ethan said.

“You don’t have to do that,” Jasmine said completely embarrassed.

“Go,” Ethan said as a single word command.

Jasmine nodded her head again this time in submission and throws the words thank you over her shoulder as she walked into the bathroom.

While Ethan was cleaning up the mess, Michael, Donna, Nicole, Antonio and Renee came in.

“Jasmine had another bad dream, but it must have been real to her because she was crying and screaming in her sleep. She was so upset by it that she became physically sick. I told her to head into the shower while I cleaned this up,” Ethan supplied.

Donna and Renee walked into the bathroom and left the others with Ethan.

Nicole stood with her hands on her hips, “You don’t like to wear clothes do you, Ethan,” she asked.

“I was out for a jog trying to clear my head when this incident occurred. I will finish cleaning up this mess…”

“No, no,” Nicole said, interrupting and reaching for the mop. I will finish cleaning this up. Go finish clearing your head, and get dressed for dinner,” Nicole encouraged him.

As Ethan walked passed Nicole she patted his back in a comforting manner. When he looked back she just winked at him. As he was leaving he radioed that all was clear and started back running. He pushed himself even harder because having seen Jasmine in that T-shirt, his mind was anything but clear. Then he remembered the look in her eyes of hurt and emotional pain, and his heart actually hurt.

Jasmine showered and toweled dry.

Renee asked, “Jas what is going on? What was the dream about?”

Jasmine secured the towel under her underarm and moved to the sink and picked up her toothpaste and toothbrush. She turned on the water and began to brush her teeth as she had not heard her sister’s question. When she had finished, she turned around and looked at her sister.

“I have dreams about mom and dad sometimes; they are so real. I remember everything in vivid detail. The feelings that I felt on the day that we lost them rush in on me and a volcano of emotions erupt. I am forced to feel emotions and feelings I try so hard to suppress. It’s unbelievably real. It has become worse since the shooting. I don’t know,” Jasmine said.

“I am sorry sis,” Renee said as she walked over and hugged her close. She rocked her back and forth to comfort her. After a few minutes, Renee released her hold on her sister. “Are you going to be okay enough to go to dinner?” Renee asked and then added, “If not everyone would understand.”

“I have to eat, so I should do it with our family and friends. Besides, I haven’t spent any time with Antonio since he got here. I need to do some catching up,” Jasmine said.

Jasmine smiled, as the color flushed into her sisters cheeks. “Hmm,” Jasmine asked, “Anything that you want to tell me?”

“Jasmine,” Renee uttered on a sigh. “I am using him for comfort sex,” Renee admitted then dropped her face into her hands.

Jasmine looked at Donna with her mouth opened and shaped into a large O. She burst into a fit of laughter at her sisters words.

“Girl you are grown, and I am pretty sure that you both are enjoying each other’s company. I thought you two had something going on once before…” Jasmine trailed off then she said, “…you know.”

“No, Antonio has always been a good family friend. He always has shared his abundance with us,” Renee said. “I am pretty sure that its pity sex,” Renee said.

“I would like some pity sex,” Jasmine said with a bubble of laughter. Not with Antonio,” to be clear, Jasmine added.

Donna was finishing, her new bandages and added, “Me too.”

The ladies burst into laughter.

Nicole knocked on the door and entered when she was told to come in. She had a beautiful yellow strapless dress slung over one arm and beauty supplies in the other. “I am here to get this young lady dressed for dinner, so I suggest that you two run along and do the same,” Nicole said. Nicole gave Jasmine privacy to get dressed, and then returned in a few minutes.

“Thank you Nicole, this dress is beautiful, fits me well and enhances my skin tone,” Jasmine said happily.

“Oh I knew that it was prefect for you when I saw it. It is both sexy and conservative, the way you like them,” Nicole responded.

Jasmine smiled at her teasing.

Sit down while I work some magic on this hair. Nicole oiled and moisturizer Jasmine’s hair and scalp. Then went to work with her flat iron and curling iron. Her black hair with natural red highlights fall down across her shoulders and down her back in an exotic array of curls. Jasmine used a facial cleansing wipe. She applied a caramel foundation to even out her skin tone, one of her favorite lipsticks called Earth, and a light brown eye shadow that had gold flakes in it, and black mascara and eyeliner.

The woman that was staring back at her looked like she had it all together; she longed to be that woman.

“Thank you so much for all that you are doing,” Jasmine said as she added accessories that Nicole was reaching to her. 

“Girl, I love you,” Nicole said. “We are going to make it through this. You are not alone. You don’t have to be strong all the time. Allow yourself to break and put yourself back together better than you were before. Learn from every situation. As long as you learn something then the experience itself wasn’t a total waste,” Nicole encouraged.

Jasmine just nodded in agreement. “Are my girls dressed and ready for dinner?” Jasmine asked.

“I helped Eleanor with them before coming over here. So they should be good,” Nicole answered. “Jasmine?” Nicole said her name as a question.

Jasmine turned to face Nicole, “Yes Nicole?” Jasmine asked with one raised eyebrow.

“Why Ethan can’t keep his clothes on around you, girl,” Nicole asked teasingly.

“Oh my God, I was mortified when he walked into the room earlier, looking sexier than any man has the right too. His dirty blonde hair, curled from sweating, his muscular chest with that light dusting of curly hair across his upper torso. It was all I could do to keep from fainting. Then to add to it, he cleaned up my vomit. He probably sees me as a super needy princess,” Jasmine finished as she made her way to the door.

I don’t think so, honey,” Nicole said as she followed behind Jasmine.


Chapter 16

They walked to the main house with Kimberly who was dressed in a lightweight slip dress. The main house was a two story mansion. The second level held a huge wrap around balcony with some of the most beautiful green lush trees, dripping with Spanish moss. Tonight the balcony had several linen covered tables that were combined as one. Beautiful candle lit center pieces. Beautiful chinaware at each seat. There was an incredible seafood buffet set up. Everything looked so beautiful.

Eleanor and Jacob came over and greeted her with a hug and a kiss.

“Thank you so much but you have out done yourselves,” Jasmine said.

“We love you, you have gone through a traumatic situation, and have made it back home to us. We are happy and wish to celebrate,” Jacob replied.

He pulled her to him again and kissed her forehead again. Eleanor glowed with joy.

“Thank you,” Jasmine said humbly.

Jasmine looked around and a smile touched her lips as she observed all her family and friends gathered in one place to celebrate her life being spared. She was richly blessed.

Eleanor asked everyone to grab their seats which had been assigned. Everyone shuffled until they were in there seats. Ethan held out the chair for Jasmine as they were seated right next to one another. Amber was to her right and Alyson was across from Amber on the opposite side of the table. Directly across from her were Renee and Antonio. Alena and Trenton sat closer to the top of the table with Trevor in a high seat between them. Chandler and Nicole were seated together. Alena was placed with Jonathan and Lindsay. Donna and Michael were seated with Dennis. Claire and Trujillo were seated together. Luke, Ricardo, Marisol, Carina, and Kimberly were in the center of the table.

Eleanor cleared her throat, “Jonathan and Chandler both wanted to say grace over our table before we enjoy this delightful meal. So one will share a few words and the other will say grace. I would like to also remind either of them to be too long winded, I am ready to eat,” Eleanor said before taking her seat. 

“I first want to apologize for not making it to the hospital to see you Jasmine, but you was definitely within my thoughts and prayers. I know that it is May, but it feels like Christmas because my brother Trent is home with his whole family. I would like to also thank all of his military family for dropping everything to help us in our hour of need. If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask,” Jonathan said then continued, “Without further a due, Chandler.”

“Please bow your heads and close your eyes. Father thank you for each and every person around this table for they are indeed a blessing. Thank you for our home and this sweet fellowship we will enjoy tonight. Thank you for the homecoming of both Jasmine and Trenton. Lord thank you for this food that we are about to receive. Please bless it to our bodies so that we may be nutritious enough to complete the good work that you have started within us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen,” Chandler finished.

There was a chorus of Amen. Eleanor directed everyone to follow behind Amber in a single file line to fix there plate. Jasmine got two spoons full of grits and added butter and American cheese, two pieces of fried flounder, two salmon Patties and one sweet roll. Amber got pancakes eggs and sausage. Jasmine looked over at Ethan’s plate to see what he was eating; fried popcorn shrimp, grilled tilapia, home fries, and coleslaw.

“What,” Ethan asked as he noticed that she was looking over at him.

“Nothing,” she said then continued. “There were so many choices for food, I just wondered what you selected,” she said.

“Oh, well how did I do?” Ethan asked.

“You did fine,” Jasmine said, “I love breakfast food and seafood so I just didn’t know what to get,” Jasmine shared.

“I know what you mean,” Ethan said, “Mrs. Blake-Moore really went all out.”

“Yes, I am super lucky. You clean up real nice by the way,” Jasmine said. His hair was combed neatly. He had dressed in a Teal button down dress shirt and black dress slacks. He smelled, wonderful as always, Jasmine thought.

“Oh these old things,” Ethan said and was rewarded with laughter that reached all the way up to her eyes.

“You look very beautiful tonight, Jasmine,’’ Ethan said more seriously.

“Thank you,” Jasmine said.

“You smell good as well,” Ethan complimented her as he continued to devour his meal.

“Thank you again,” Jasmine said turning back to her plate.

The rest of the evening went by well. They engaged in conversation with those sitting around them and made sure to include the girls. Amber and Alyson were really curious about Mr. Ethan.

Dessert was turtle cheese cake and/or a bowl of fresh fruit.

Jasmine sat back in her chair, she was stuffed.

Ethan smiled in her direction, displaying double dimples. Then he asked, “Would you like for me to get you a wheelchair,” in a teasing manner.

Jasmine laughed at his joke then replied, “No, I think that I can make it.”

The breeze wrapped around Jasmine. She closed her eyes and tilted her face to enjoy it. Again the ocean air smelled so good.

“Do you want to walk down and dip your toes in?” Ethan asked.

“I could go for a walk,” Jasmine replied. She asked the girls to come along.

Jasmine removed her shoes, and walked barefoot along the beach alongside Ethan, while the girls ran and played in front of them.

The wind blew and the rich fragrant smell of honeysuckle blooms filled the air. Jasmine inhaled and smiled to herself.

“You are happy,” Ethan said.

“Yes, in this moment I am happy. I am choosing to focus on what I have rather than what I have lost. I am blessed,” Jasmine replied.

“It’s easy to get caught up in the past?” Ethan said. He looked off into the distance as if he had stumbled onto an old memory.

“Go on,” Jasmine encouraged.

Ethan opened up to her about his childhood, growing up in group homes. How joining the Marine’s had given him access to travel the world, learn new skills, and have the family that he never had.

“Can I ask you something?” Ethan asked.

“Sure,” Jasmine replied.

“I don’t want to put a damper on a really good night, but I was wondering if you are having night terrors, so to speak about the shooting?” Ethan asked.

Jasmine stopped walking and faced Ethan. She ran her hands through her curls to move them out of her face.

“No,” she said. She hesitated for a moment only to recall how much he had shared with her.

“The shooting is bringing up another unresolved issue in my life. My parents were killed in a tragic automobile accident. There was body dismemberment, just a lot of blunt force trauma…” her voice trailed off. “Renee was in a state and wasn’t able to deal with what had happened, so I had to identify the remains. The only good thing that I can see from this experience is that they went quickly, they didn’t suffer,” Jasmine finished. There was a brief moment of silence before Jasmine continued. “I still miss them and my heart hurts for them sometimes.”

Ethan wiped a tear that had escaped from her eyes, with the pad of his thumb.

He pulled her in close and wrapped his arms around her and just held her. Jasmine turned around in his embrace, so that she stood with her backside to his front side. She encouraged him to continue to hold her as she stared out into the sea.

Ethan closed his eyes and enjoyed the weight of her against him, the sweet scent of perfume, mixed with the scents of Shea butter and Cocoa butter. While Jasmine enjoyed his warmth, as well as the ocean waves crashing into shore, the bright stars that twinkled and blinked in the sky, and a few feet away her miracle and her blessing played together happily.

After a few minutes, Jasmine said, “We need to be heading back. I have to get the girls settled for the evening. Thank you for this,” Jasmine said, “It’s nice to have someone to talk to and lean on, even if it’s for a little while.”

“I know what you mean,” Ethan said. Jasmine motioned for the girls to come along. It didn’t take long for them to reach the villa. Jasmine told the girls to go in where Carina and Marisol were seated.

She closed the door and told Ethan that she had really enjoyed getting to know him tonight.

“Oh same here,” Ethan said preparing to turn and walk away.

“Ethan,” Jasmine called. She looked around and seemed really shy. “Ethan I know that there aren’t any cameras around, but I would really like to be kissed again, please,” Jasmine said afraid to make eye contact.

“I agree, that would be a great way to end the evening,” Ethan responded. Ethan stepped closer to her and used one finger to raise her chin to meet his lips in a passionate kiss. Jasmine kissed him back hungrily and passionately. Jasmine wrapped both her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her soft curves against his hard edges.

Ethan broke off the kiss, when he finally needed to come up for air.

“Oh my goodness woman, you are starting something,” Ethan said.

“I certainly hope so,” Jasmine said. Her voice had changed because she was clearly aroused.

BOOK: To Love & To Protect
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