Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3)
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I jab my finger into his chest. The certainty in his eyes fades for a moment, and I take great pleasure in the thought that I rattled him. “What in the fuck is your problem with my car? Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want a new car? Maybe I like what I'm driving. We don't all need new toys, Holden.”

He takes a step back, holding his hands up in surrender. “You can use the money on whatever you want. It doesn't have to be on a new car.”

“It wouldn't be, you dick. Because poor people have more important shit to spend money on than new cars when their old ones are perfectly fine.”

“There's no need to get hostile.” He drops his hands to his sides.

“Apparently, there is. Because you see what this is?” I gesture to the space between us. “This is you harassing me. This is you trying to bribe me to leave a job that I actually enjoy.

“You know what, you can keep your money. You couldn't put enough zeros on that check to make me sell you the satisfaction of knowing you won.” I jam the key into the lock and open my car door. The second that I do, Holden pushes it back closed.

“Where do you think you're going?” He arches a perfect eyebrow.

“That's none of your damn business.”

“Guys, can you keep it down? We can hear you arguing all the way inside,” Larry's voice calls out to us from the house.

Guilt surges through me, but more than that, anger. I'm so done with this.

“Sorry,” I yell back, realizing that I'm still being too loud but not caring. “I was just leaving.”

Larry doesn't respond. He simply disappears back inside.

For a moment, I think about blaming Holden for getting us in trouble, but that would just spark another argument.

I glare at him as I open my car door. Again, he pushes it closed.

“What's the big idea?” I step up to him, getting right in his face. He doesn't look the least bit scared of my flaming temper.

“You're going to Club Fet, aren't you?”

“As I said, that's none of your business. You
let me get in my car. Or I
call the police and tell them that you're harassing me.”

“Is that so?” He doesn't sound the least bit intimidated by my threat.

“That is so.” I sink back, looking down at my keys to find the right one. In my frustration, I balled my hand into a fist, pressing my keys together and getting them mixed up.

“Are you going to be looking for a sub at Club Fet?” He starts to lean against my car, then stops, perhaps not wanting to dirty his suit.

“Why would I be looking for a sub?” I locate the key to my ignition, then pull open my car door. Holden is still standing too close for me to open it all the way. I give him a sarcastic look. “Move.”

“You're a Domme, right? I mean, you don't seem to have a submissive bone in your body,” his tone turns conversational.

“I don't submit to assholes.” A sarcastic smile spreads across my lips and I yank my car door open with all of my strength. Holden moves just in time, and the door ends up smacking me in the hip instead.

I didn't think I could get any more upset, but when I hear the sound of his laughter, it's like every single cell in my body explodes with rage. It's so intense that I'm shaking, caught somewhere between wanting to cry and wanting to completely wail on him. He deserves to be physically assaulted, but if I attack him, he'll call the cops and he'll win. I have to remind myself that he's just trying to get under my skin...And it's working.

I have to leave. Have to get out of here. I'm about to do something that will not only jeopardize my job but also the boys. I can't afford to lose control.

Without another word, I bend to climb into my car. Holden is on me in an instant, pulling me back and closing my car door again. I'm so startled that I allow him to back me up against my car, to pin me there. Tears are gathering beneath the surface. I refuse to look at him, refuse to let him see that he's breaking me down.

“I can make you submit.” He reaches up a hand, and I flinch away, squeezing my eyes shut to keep the tears from spilling. The backs of his fingers whisper across my cheek. Then he cups my chin, tilting my face up.

“I hate you.” My voice is weak and pathetic.

“A lot of people hate me. But I still get what I want from them.”

Is that what is going to happen? The thought fills me with despair. He's already whittled me down so much. Part of me wants to tell him to give me a check and go away, not because I want the money, but because I don't want to have to deal with him anymore. Surely, the job isn't worth putting up with this much harassment.

My mind is going a million miles per hour. I'm trapped, suffocating, about to panic. I'm two seconds short of freaking out when I feel something that totally turns logic on its head.

Lips. His lips on mine. Kissing me. So hard.

I open my eyes and a muffled sound comes out, perhaps an objection. I can't really tell. And then my hands are on his chest trying to push him away.

It's like putting my weight against a brick wall. He doesn't budge. In fact, he just moves closer, hooking an arm around my waist.

The kiss deepens. His tongue darts out to taste my mouth. And then the sick realization hits me that I like this. I like the feel of his mouth on mine. I like that he's holding me so tightly. I'm not supposed to. I'm supposed to loathe the very thought of him putting his hands on me, but I don't. Something inside of me has snapped—the part that keeps me grounded. I don't know if I'm coming or going anymore. I don't know what's happening. All I do know is that he smells incredible and that his lips feel amazing pressed against mine.

Pull yourself together. Anyone will do tonight, but it can't be him. It can never be him. If you let him have this, he'll have won in every way that he can.











She's so fiery that I couldn't hold myself back any longer. The fight had faded from her eyes—a moment of weakness. A moment was all that I needed.

I knew from the second that I walked into Larry's house and saw her sitting on the sofa that I'd be able to break her down. It was a lucky coincidence that we both attended the same party. I needed to get her alone at some point, but I had never anticipated that she'd make it so easy for me.

When I offered her money to leave my mother's employment, I had fully expected her to take it. Who in their right mind would refuse a practically blank check? Especially someone who doesn't seem to be in the best place financially.

Full of surprises, this one. I'm not used to women being able to surprise me. Most of them are predictable and boring. Most people are that way. Not Piper. She's vibrant and confident and defiant.

I always get what I want though. Always. It's a lesson she'll have to learn the hard way. For now, however, my interest has shifted. I've stood outside in the summer heat, watching her glare at me and spit threats. Her anger amuses me, but her body inspires something else. As she speaks I watch her, silently undressing her with my eyes.

She hates me already. She could not hate me anymore if I kissed her. And I do so desperately wish to make her submit, to see complacency scrawled across that pretty face of hers. To know that I've won her over completely.

That fragile moment when I've pushed her to the edge, that's when I make my move. I taste her lips for the first time, feel the softness of them pressed against mine. Her breath recedes from the tiniest gasp, and I have to fight to suppress a wolfish grin. She places her hands on my chest, but she doesn't draw her head back. That means she likes the kiss. It means she wants to be kissed.

I slide my hand around the curvature of her waist, drawing her closer. Her tight little body feels heavenly against me, the firmness of her thighs. The suppleness of her breasts.

I trace my tongue across the seam of her lips, seeking entry. She doesn't give it immediately, so I tug gently at her waist, causing her to gasp again and taking the opportunity from it. It's then that she kisses me back, that I feel the first hint of affection from her.

She wraps an arm around me, her hand crawling up my back to the hair at the nape of my neck. As her nails trace up the skin there, I shudder, my arousal jumping to a whole new level. Her fingers tangle in my hair, and she draws me down to her, her lips working aggressively over mine. For a moment, I think she's trying to take control. I open my eyes to look at her, and she's glaring at me so wickedly. That's when I know I'm in trouble.

It's too late to back away. Even if I could, I'm not sure that I would. Pain hits me before my brain has a chance to fully process it. She sucks my bottom lip between her teeth and bites down hard. I hiss from the intense crushing sensation before my body reacts of its own accord, putting distance between us.

“Fuck!” I draw my hand up to my mouth, feeling the skin swell beneath my fingertips. “You bit me.”

“Did I mess up your pretty face?” her tone is mocking. She bends slightly, assessing the damage for herself. “Aww, I was hoping I drew blood.”

“I'm going to make you regret that.” I advance on her, grabbing her wrists and pinning her to the car.

“You've already made me regret a lot of things. That, however, I do not regret.”

My eyes rove over her face. Good God is she beautiful when she's pissed off. It makes me want to kiss her again. I know better, though. Instead, I push her wrists harder against the car. The slightest wince contorts her expression, but she hides her pain well.

“Are you done pitching a fit?” She smirks at me. “It looks like you're on the losing end of things tonight. Can't get me to take your money. Can't get me to quit my job. Can't get me to kiss you.”

That last part stings, but only slightly. We both know it's bullshit. She kissed me back before she bit me. She didn't need to lure me in like that. My face was already close enough.

“Let's cut the bullshit.” I let her wrists go though I stay close enough to keep her caged in. “I know you can't stand me, but I also know that you want me just as much as I want you.”

“You are a delusional fuck, aren't you?” she bellows out with laughter.

I grip her chin, silencing her with another kiss. In an instant, she has my lip between her teeth again. She pulls on it. The warning in her eyes is plain, but I don't listen. My hands find her ribs, sliding up them and keeping a good grip on her so that she can't run away. She tries to put her knee between my legs, but I block her, jerking my lip from between her teeth and kissing her again. Her hands wrap around me, clawing at the back of my suit. I grab a fistful of her hair and yank her head back, and her expression turns from shock to surrender.

“You're tenacious,” she tells me, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.

“You have no idea.”











He's so imposing. His hands. His body.

I couldn't escape if I tried. He wouldn't let me. To be honest, I'm not sure if I want to.

I've all but given up. While I refuse to allow him to have full control over me, I also know that this is a fight I can't win. He's going to get his way. With everything. If I fuck him, at least I can get a consolation prize. One blissful memory before my life goes to shit again.

He pulls my head to the side and his lips find my neck. The kisses he places there are surprisingly soft and gentle. His grip on me is anything but.

There's a part of me that holds on to the hope that I can stop this. I know that I should. We're not to the point of no return yet, but we'll get there before long. My body is reacting against my will. Every fiber of my being wants to be touched by him—wants to feel him inside of me.

You can't. You have to stop this.

“Why is it so important to you for me to quit working for your mother?” I stare out into the distance, trying not to feel. It's almost impossible though when his hands are so needy, his mouth so warm.

He stops kissing me, his expression displeased. “That's none of your business.”

“Are we really going to keep doing this?” I wedge my hand between his arm and my hip, trying to pry him off of me. Thankfully, he disengages slightly. “It's my livelihood. It is my business.”

“I'm sure you're more than qualified to find a job elsewhere.” He moves in to kiss me again, but I turn my head.

“That doesn't answer my question.” I cross my arms over my chest.

He rakes his fingers through his hair, looking stressed. “If I give you a good reason, will it make you quit?”

“I doubt there's any reason good enough.”

“Probably not to you.” He sighs, following my gaze to the fence across the street.

“Then I think we're done here.” I reach behind me for the door handle.

Holden immediately catches on to the fact that I'm trying to leave again. He closes the distance between us and caresses my cheek. “Oh, we're not done until I say we are.”

“Do you want me to bite you again?” I glare up at him.

He smirks. “I want you to bite and kick and scream. Do whatever you want. But we're not done until I say we are.”

My body goes aflame from his words, and I can't even pretend like I want to resist when he leans down to kiss me again. It's game over for me. I know that now. There's no point in fighting my desire for him any longer.

I silently curse myself as his tongue plays on top of mine, his hands pulling me closer. I can feel the urgency of his sex straining against my belly, and my clit throbs in response as if calling to him. Everything is so surreal. We hate each other. Why are we kissing? Why are we touching? Why do I like this so much?

He backs away from me for a moment to open the backseat of my car. Heat rushes to my cheeks as I realize what he's implying. So much for being a gentleman.

There's something thrilling about knowing that we're about to have sex in public. It also feels kind of wrong, though, like he doesn't even respect me enough to at least take me to a hotel. Of course, he doesn't respect me. That should be beyond obvious. This isn't about respect. It's about fucking. And I'm sure there's no better time and place for him than right now, where he doesn't have to spend any money on me or soil his home or car with my presence.

“You really think we're going to be comfortable back there?” I give the back of my car a sarcastic nod.

Holden grabs me by the hips, directing me towards the backseat. I have no choice but to follow his lead. There's no point in arguing with him. It's his way or no way. And right now, I'm too damn horny to care.

He sits me down and for the briefest of moments I expect him to pull his cock out and demand that I give him head. Instead, he kneels between my legs. I'm so shocked that he's putting his knees on the dirty pavement that my mind can barely process anything else. That concern is erased though when he grabs the front of my dress and roughly yanks it down causing my breasts to spill free.

“Someone is going to see us here.” I draw an arm up to cover my chest. My conscience is still fighting against this, telling me that it's wrong.

“I don't care.” He buries his face between my tits, his hand sneaking up my skirt.

I swallow hard as he envelopes one of my nipples with his mouth, and it beads from the stimulation. All thoughts of resisting him completely disappear. He sucks fervently, his mouth making little squelching sounds as he applies pressure. I reach up to stroke his hair, amazed by how soft it is. His hand arrives at my panties, his thumb brushing over my folds. I spread my legs a bit, giving him easier access.

“You taste good,” he whispers as he moves to the other breast.

I stare up at the night sky, wondering what in the hell I'm doing. I want him, but this is so wrong. It feels like I'm betraying Ann somehow.

A hard push to my chest sends my thoughts reeling and brings me back into the moment. I catch myself before my head has a chance to hit the seat. Holden is already hiking up my skirt. The fact that he's so controlling makes me smirk, but it also makes me disgusted in myself for allowing him to get away with it.

“You know what, I've changed my mind. I don't want this.” I push him away and pull my top back up.

“Bullshit.” He hooks his fingers around the waistband of my panties and forcefully tugs them down.

“Holden, I'm serious.” I sit up to grab my underwear, but he's already managed to slide them over my feet.

“Lay back down.” He glares at me, his voice commanding.

“No.” I furrow my brow.

“You don't make anything easy, do you?” He stands, and for a moment, I think he's going to let me go. But then he grabs my legs and pulls me to the edge of the seat.

My back hits the seat, and before I have a chance to sit up and object, the words are stolen from my lips and replaced by a moan as I feel his tongue slip between my folds and dip into my wetness. It feels good, but the initial shock wears off quickly. I try to push myself into a sitting position, but then all strength leaves me as his lips find my clit and he dials the intensity up to oh-my-fucking-God. My back arches as pleasure surges to the surface. He spreads my thighs with his hands, then plunges two fingers into me, making my cry out.

“Christ, you're tight,” he breaths against my pussy.

“Holden, stop,” I whisper though I know it sounds nothing like a plea.

“I don't think you want me to.”

He scissors his fingers then rotates them, feeling all of me, hitting so many of my sweet spots that I'm practically panting. His tongue flicks delicately across my clit, forcing it into tiny pre-orgasm contractions. I surrender, hooking my leg over his shoulder and pulling him closer. He snorts in amusement, and then his lips are on me again, teasing and sucking and kissing.

“You already look like you're going to come.” He takes his free hand and gently thumbs over my clit while he speaks to me.

“Shut up and get back down there,” I growl at him.

He quirks his head back. “Demanding things of me? Really? You obviously don't know how this works.”

He withdraws from me completely, and I immediately regret opening my mouth. I was so close to coming. If I hadn't said anything, it would have happened. Now, I don't know what I'm going to do.

A pathetic part of me considers begging, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction. Besides, I know this isn't over. Surely, he wouldn't deny me. And even if he tried to, I would just take it from him. Maybe get on top of him and use his dick until I got off. That should be my plan. Coming first and then leaving before he has a chance to climax. Perhaps that would teach him not to fuck with me. This is going to be a one-time thing anyway, so what do I care if he nuts or not.

I clutch at the side of my skirt to tug it down, pretending that I'm done with him. He's standing up so straight that I can't see his face, just his torso. His hand goes to his fly, and my eyes are instantly refocused. I blush from the sound of his zipper being pulled down.

“Hey! You guys can't do that out here,” a disconnected voice says out of nowhere.

It takes me a moment to realize that it's Larry. Then I panic, looking down to make sure that I'm decent before he comes into view.

Holden takes a step back though he doesn't bother zipping up his fly. “We were just talking,” he tells Larry casually.

“That doesn't look like talking to me.” He stares down at my crumpled up panties on the pavement.

I crawl out of the backseat. I'm so embarrassed that I don't even go for my underwear.

Seeing my opportunity to escape, I close the back door and search for my keys. “I was just leaving.”

“You guys can't stay out here,” Larry grumbles as if he didn't even hear me.

Holden puts his hand on my shoulder, making me shiver from his touch. “Do you want to go back to my place?”

The invitation might have pleased me earlier. Now, I just want to leave.

“Nope. I'm good.” I open my front door and slide into the driver's seat, thankful that Larry is hanging around long enough to see me off. If he had just gone back inside, I probably never would have been able to escape without having sex with Holden. “See you guys.” I wave awkwardly to them before jamming my key into the ignition and peeling away from the curb. I'm so unsettled by everything that happened that I don't even look back in the rearview mirror.

I don't want to see Holden standing there. I don't want to see him ever again.




No matter how I look at it, my time working for Ann is over. If Holden doesn't make up some outlandish story to get me fired, guilt will eventually eat me alive and I'll quit on my own. I had thought that if Holden and I didn't have sex, I would feel okay to keep working for Ann. That's not the case. Things have turned into a God-awful mess, and I just don't want to deal with the stress of it anymore.

I show up to work on Wednesday, and I can't even force a smile as Ann opens the door to me. I'm so depressed from the thought of telling her that I can't work for her anymore. And knowing that quitting will mean that Holden has won only makes things worse.

“I need for you to take me to a doctor's appointment today,” Ann tells me almost the second that I step inside. She doesn't look like she's in a good mood, which makes what I have to do even more unpleasant. Maybe I'll just work for her today and then tell her at the end of my shift. I'm honestly not sure what the less shitty thing to do is at this point.

“Alright,” I reply, deciding that I might as well work since I drove all the way over here.

We climb into her car and she taps the address into the GPS. Then we drive in silence to the location. It feels like she's expecting me to destroy her day.

It's not until we get to the location that I realize that probably wasn't the case at all. The sign on the building says Grand Garden Cancer Clinic. My heart instantly falls into the pit of my stomach. No wonder she slept so much the other day.

We get out of the car and walk up to the building. Inside are rows of chairs and couches where patients are waiting for their appointments. Ann registers with the receptionist, and then we sit in front of a large flat-screen television where the news is playing.

“Are you here for chemo?” I ask solemnly.

“No. I'm just here to pick up a prescription. This is an oncology office anyway. They don't do chemo here.” She reaches over to grab a magazine from one of the side tables.

It's a fairly short wait before they call her back. We're seated in a room, and Ann continues to read her magazine while we wait for the doctor. There are so many things I want to ask her, but I feel like it's not my business anymore. If I quit today, then what will the answers matter.

When the doctor comes in, I stay quiet while they talk. Ann introduces me as her friend. My chest aches from the word. Are we friends? She could have just said I was her housekeeper or someone that works for her, but she didn't.

“How has your pain been?” The doctor lowers himself onto the rolling chair across from Ann.

“It's been good. I still get the headaches from time to time, but the morphine helps.”

An uneasiness swirls inside of me, the type that feels like someone punched you deep in your gut. It's like I'm listening to something I shouldn't be listening to. Like this one trip to the doctor has taken our relationship to a different level of personal.

The doctor sends us to the check out counter where Ann is given her prescription. I eye it, feeling tense the entire time. It's going to be really hard to transition to the conversation that I want to quit after this. I can't even think about how to wiggle it in without seeming like a bitch. In truth, there's no easy way to do it. When we get back to her house, I'm just going to have to come out with it. I can't keep pretending that this is going to work.

We drop off her prescription and then return to her house. As I kill the engine, a hard lump forms in the back of my throat. Should I quit as soon as we get out of the car, or should I hold off until the end of the day? I don't want her to think that I'm quitting because she has cancer. But I also don't want to tell her that Holden has been harassing me. It might be better to make up some lie, that I've decided to spend more time with the boys. She's a smart woman, though, and I know she wouldn't buy that. If I took that route, more than likely she'd think Holden was right, that I left her to work for someone else. What does it really matter at this point?

BOOK: Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3)
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