Read Turn Me On Online

Authors: Faye Avalon

Turn Me On (6 page)

BOOK: Turn Me On
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“What’s wrong?” he said as he spread her. “Still worried someone will
see us, princess?”


The word slapped like a wet flannel over her burning flesh.

It made her feel entirely too young, too naïve. Yet it highlighted so
much more than her age. It brought into sharp focus her incompetence; with
money and with life. She’d been an idiot with her business, had taken her eye
off the big picture and the cost had been high not only to herself, but to her
beloved aunt. She’d been an idiot with her love life, too. Had been far too
reckless, too irresponsible.

Hadn’t she promised herself to focus on her career? To put her full
attention on getting her life and finances back in order? What sort of mess
would it create if she got involved with a client and it meant losing her job?
Then she’d never get the chance to start up on her own again.

Damn it. She had priorities. Priorities that didn’t include allowing a
man to fuck her against a car on a dark coast road. Even if that man set her
temperature soaring and her pussy weeping.

Determined, she managed to shrug Reed’s hands away and scooted off his
car. “This is a really bad idea.” Despite her trembling knees and shaking
hands, she tugged down her skirt and moved around the car to snatch up her

As she pulled them on, Reed stood by the side of the car, watching her.
“Is this your usual modus operandi?” he asked tightly. “Heat up a man, then
leave him with a cock so hard and aching he can barely stand up.”

“No,” Lissa replied equally tightly, smoothing down her skirt.
Her chest heaved with the effort it took to maintain some control.
“But think
about it. Can you blame me for calling a halt?”

“Since thinking’s not exactly my priority right now, why don’t you
enlighten me.”

“You’re a client. What happens after we’ve had our little fuck-fest and
I have to work for you?”

“Same thing as what happens if we don’t have our little fuck-fest,” he
said, and his jaw went as tight as his tone. “Are you implying I’ll play the
power game?”

“You don’t have to play it. Whatever way you look at it, the power rests
with you. You’re the money man. You call the shots.”

“Do you realize what you’re accusing me of?” If anything, his jaw went
even tighter, heightening the angled planes of his face. “Using my money and
position to coerce women into letting me fuck them? Haven’t we already had this

“That’s not what I meant. But you have to concede I’m at the lower end
of the food chain. An employee of the company who works for you. It puts me in
a weak position and…”

I can’t feel any weaker than I
already do
, she
wanted to say.
I can’t let myself lose
any more of my self esteem than I already have.

“You don’t think too highly of yourself, princess.”

He slipped his hands in his pockets, unaware of how close he was to the
truth. She imagined he’d meant it flippantly, but the reality was all too
apparent to her.

He must have glimpsed something in her expression, because he moved
closer and took his hands from his pockets. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” Lissa stepped back to avoid his touch as he reached out to
her. “I just have a lot of stuff going on right now and I need to keep a clear

“Fair enough.” He reached for her hand and this time she wasn’t quick
enough to stop him. “But let’s get one thing clear for that head of yours. I
want you, and I usually get what I want. Eventually.” He tightened his grip as
she tried to pull away. “Regardless of what you think of me for wanting you, or
yourself for wanting me, which you do,” he added quickly as she opened her
mouth to refute him. “Regardless of all that, know that I want you. Not because
of any power games, but because since I met you I’ve felt an urgent need to get
between your legs and fuck you senseless. Usually, I can wait for a woman, bide
my time. But with you? Let’s just say I’ve had a permanent hard-on since I saw
you hiding behind that tree.” He grinned. “It has yet to abate.”

Despite herself, she glanced down at the bulge in his pants. “So I see.”

He loosened his grip, but touched his fingers to hers. “What stuff?”

Since he looked so serious, Lissa didn’t want to play any games of her
own and pretend she didn’t know what he was referring to. “My career. I had my
own business until recently, and I’m planning to have my own business again in
the future, but right now I’m on a three month trial period with this company
and can’t do anything to screw it up. Having sex with you would screw it up. It
could lead to all manner of complications. You have to see that.”

He was silent for a few moments. “You acquiring my company’s contract
would go a long way towards a permanent position?”

While she wanted to praise him for his insight, she knew she had to
spell things out so there was no likelihood of him misinterpreting. “It would,
and that’s why I have to keep our negotiations on a strictly professional
footing. If you give my company your business, it has to be because we’re the
right people for the job, not for any other reason.”

He thought about that some more, then nodded. “Okay. Let’s go back into
town for a nightcap. Talk.”

Lissa tilted her head and looked at him through narrowed eyes. “What

“I’d like to say about how long you’re going to make me wait before I
can get you naked, but let’s start with business. Once that’s out of the way,
we can concentrate on the naked part.”

“Haven’t you heard what I’ve been saying?”

“Loud and clear. But once we’ve established that your company is the
right one for my business, the complications are off the table. You’ll have the
contract and there’ll be no reason to deny ourselves what we both want. For my
part, that’s you naked in my bed.”

“What if I say that’s never going to happen?”

He tugged her closer until she fell against his hard chest. When he
leaned down, his breath brushed against her mouth. “I’d say you’re a liar.” His
mouth crushed hers in a kiss that made her realize he was right. She was a
liar. It was only a matter of time before she would be naked in his bed. He’d
said he had a permanent hard-on? Well, she’d had a permanently damp pussy since
meeting him and she wasn’t sure how long her resolve would hold out.

It was a mess, she thought as she lost herself in the kiss. An
inconvenient, hormone-exploding mess. Most definitely one thing she didn’t need
right now.

But as she sank deeper into the pleasure of Reed’s punishing kiss, she
knew it was going to take a miracle to convince her hormones of that.


Chapter Four


Reed couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment the thought had entered his
head. But by the time they drove into the lights of the city and pulled up at
his apartment complex, he was damn sure it was workable.

It made perfect sense. He had a problem. She had a problem. His idea
would solve them both.

“Where are we?”

He saw the wariness in her eyes as she glanced at the opulent entrance
foyer. “My place. That nightcap, remember?”

“I’m not sleeping with you.”

“You made that clear. But a drink doesn’t require you in my bed, at
least not yet. At least not until our business is concluded.”

He thought she might dig her heels in, refuse to get out of the car. But
she gave only the merest hesitation when he moved around the vehicle and opened
the door for her.

Reed thought it best to keep his distance. He didn’t trust himself not
to touch her again, not until he’d kept his end of the bargain and they’d
gotten business out of the way. They’d sleep together. He knew that for a fact.
But he was never one to renege on a business agreement.

He could wait. It wouldn’t kill him to wait. A man did what he had to

Playing the perfect gentleman, he ushered her into his apartment and
took the jacket she reluctantly disposed of.

“Nice place.” She wandered around the large living area with its view of
the sea through floor to ceiling windows. “Gorgeous view.”

Since he was currently looking at her ass, he found it impossible to
disagree. “What can I get you?”

She didn’t turn, but kept looking out at the view. “Coffee would be
good. Cream, no sugar.”

“Coming up.”

After hanging both their jackets on the hall stand, he made his way
through to the kitchen. He put coffee on to brew then set out delicately
striped bone china cups that were part of a set his mother had bought him for a
housewarming gift when he’d moved in two years before. Women appreciate nice
things his mother had told him when he’d eyed them warily. Since then, he’d had
many an occasion to appreciate her wise words.

He rested his hands on the counter edge and leaned forward as he watched
the coffee percolate. Shit. What was it about Lissa that stirred him up like it
did? His fingers still tingled in the aftermath of cupping those fabulous
breasts, of brushing her hard nipples through that lace. He’d wanted to rip the
damn bra away and feast his mouth on her.

One brush of his fingertip against her hot slit—he’d managed one measly
brush before she’d stopped play—and he’d wanted to drive his fingers, his cock
into all that burning heat.

Fuck it to hell and back. He wanted her stretched out for his pleasure,
screaming his name as he thrust into her over and over.

The gurgle from the coffee maker seemed to heighten his heated
deliberations, and his hard-on throbbed in response. It was his own damn fault,
he thought as he poured coffee. Only a fool would work himself up into a sexual
frenzy when there was no way to get relief. Since she’d vetoed sex, there was
no damn way he’d get to satisfy his prurient desires other than a hand job in
the shower after she’d left.

When he took their coffees into the living area, she was sitting on the
sofa perusing the development brochure. Her straight back, ladylike posture,
and the large notebook on her lap indicated her intention that they keep the
conversation strictly on business. In fact, she couldn’t have made it clearer
if she’d yelled it from the rooftop.

“Thanks.” As he set her drink down on the side table next to her, she
pointed to the sketch plan of the development on the oval glass-topped coffee
table. “Which part is yours?”

Deliberately, although he might curse himself for a fool for doing so,
he sat next to her on the sofa. Why the hell was he intent on torturing

Her scent wafted to him and he felt a responding awareness shiver along
his flesh. “Casino and night club right here,” he said in a tone like gravel as
he pointed to the plans and his cock continued to throb. “Cinema and restaurant

“I didn’t realize it was going to be quite so big.”

Neither did he, but then he wasn’t referring to the development. He had
to swallow. “Biggest one in the south.” And still, he wasn’t talking about the
development, although that would indeed be the largest leisure complex along
the coast.

“How far along are you?”

About ready to blow, he thought. Ready to shoot my load into my pants
and embarrass myself, that’s how far along. “Diggers are in.” He had to clear
his throat as his gaze lost the battle and he found himself staring at her
milky thighs. “Starting to prepare the groundwork.”

She reached forward for her coffee, the action making her breasts
jiggle. He thought of that white lace. Hell, such a thin barrier between him
and paradise.

“You obviously want photographs of that?” She scribbled in her notebook.
“Of the ground being prepared?”

He needed a moment to get his thoughts back to focus on business. “Like
I said, I want a record of the whole process. Start to finish.”

“It’ll be exciting to watch it grow.”

Baby, you have no idea.

Shit. What was he? Sixteen? Couldn’t he keep his mind off his throbbing
cock for two damn seconds?

“How do you want to play it?”
turned to look at him and for a moment he was distracted by the pleasure
sparkling in her hazel eyes. “Would you give us a heads up when you want
photos, or do you want us to come on a regular basis, say once a week?”

Once a fucking week wouldn’t do it. He’d want her to come every damn
time he—


“Regular basis,” he managed, giving himself a mental shake as he reached
for a fortifying swig of caffeine.

There was no damn way he was going to be able to wait for her. What if
she never gave in to him? What if she really didn’t mix business with hot,
rampant pleasure?

Well, he just might have a plan to ensure that didn’t happen.

But first things first. There were things he needed to know. Questions
he wanted answered.

“Tell me about your business,” he said as casually as he could manage.
“Why did you lose it?”

BOOK: Turn Me On
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