Read Twin Temptations Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

Tags: #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Erotic, #Adult, #Fiction

Twin Temptations (2 page)

BOOK: Twin Temptations
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“Fuck.” He panted hard, holding himself still while her body adjusted to his size and width. “You are so fucking tight. You’re amazing.”

“You’re pretty damn good yourself,” Samantha chuckled as she caught her breath, squirming against the hard wall so she could rock her hips slightly and press him even further inside her. “Please don’t stop, Callum. I’m so fucking hot and you’re so thick, this isn’t going to last long.”

Samantha gasped as Callum bent his head to lick her neck, and then bite into it. His teeth stung, but didn’t break her flesh, and it was the most potently erotic and dominant thing any man had ever done to her. It heated her blood to volcanic levels, and Samantha felt her body jump into overdrive.

No man had ever really dominated her. It was particularly hard since as a werewolf she was so very much more powerful physically than any human man. She didn’t like pain or most bondage games, and so she never sought such men as her sporadic lovers. As such, she had never had a man truly bite her or mark her, never felt that thrill of being completely and fully possessed, branded. Feeling just a small measure of it now, here with Callum, made her even more weak at the knees.

“Callum,” she panted, unable to even articulate anything further. Callum withdrew from her body, causing her to cry out in denial, but he quickly thrust back into her, hard enough to press her body back into the wall.

Samantha bit gently back into the soft juncture between Callum’s neck and shoulder as he thrust inside her. Her pussy tightened around his thrusting cock, clinging onto him as if he were a lifeline. Callum pressed her hips back with one large hand, the change in angle helping him rub over her G-spot. Her body tightened, began to convulse, and Samantha cried out.

“You’re beautiful,” Callum panted as he licked over the small, slightly bruised area of skin on her neck. “I want to watch your face and eyes as you come for me, as you scream my name.”

Samantha watched as Callum pulled back, his lips full and begging to be kissed, his eyes dark and sparkling with lust and hunger. She smiled at him, reached a hand out to twist in his blond hair. She was about to tease him, but his thick length stroked over her G-spot again, and she knew her climax would come soon.

“Come with me,” she whimpered, almost pleaded. Her mind spun dizzyingly, but all Samantha knew was this time she wanted Callum to be there on the brink of climax and fall over, let himself go with her as she came. Callum grunted at the extra sensation, and his thrusts grew harder, rougher, and her back was pressed into the wall until the pleasure of his strokes began to make the uncomfortable friction add to the exquisite sensations rocking her body.

“I want to taste your clit,” Callum said softly, his voice rough and husky with the strain of holding his own climax back. “I want to feel your climax on my tongue. I bet you taste hot and spicy, like honey, only better.”

Samantha whimpered, and when Callum’s finger stroked over her clit again, her world exploded. The mental image of Callum eating her out, his hot tongue stroking over her clit as he tasted her climax pushed her over the edge, and her body shook with the force of her orgasm. The tight contractions of her pussy milked Callum’s cock and he cried out, thrusting into her even harder than before as he rode through his own climax.

Warmth enfolded her as Callum gathered her in his arms and held her against the brick wall. It took a moment for Sam to realize she had just let herself be fucked against the side of the building. Even in the middle of the night people still walked the streets, and although they were mostly shielded from view around the back, a thrill of delicious naughtiness ran through her at the thought of how very easily they could have been caught.

Slowly, Samantha kissed Callum, nipping lightly on his full lower lip, exchanging slow licks with her tongue and tasting him lazily.

“Mmmm,” she murmured softly as their hands slowly traced the outlines of each other’s body. The urgent heat and rush had passed now, and they were able to take their time. After a moment Callum withdrew from her body, picked up his dropped wallet and pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket. Quickly, he disposed of the condom. Samantha shivered slightly in the cool night breeze as she rearranged her dress.

As Samantha watched Callum crumple the handkerchief and tuck it away, she really looked at him. At just over six feet, with his mussed blond hair and hard, muscled body he could easily have been a model for any sexy women’s magazine. And those smoldering green eyes just made her knees weak.

Thrills of heat ran through her body, even though her arms were bare in the cool evening. Samantha blinked as something Alex had said came back to her.
When I first met Bella, I almost thought I’d contracted a fever, I was just so warm, so
hungry and desperate for her. Don’t look at me like that, Sammi, you’ll understand one day. I
just craved her, could stare at her for hours on end and never grow bored. It was instant true
love, I tell you.

A small kernel of panic formed in her chest. She didn’t have time to fall in love. Her business was tiny and she was working long, hard days. While having children and settling down were definitely in her long term plans, at only twenty-eight, Sam had always assumed she would get around to that “later”. Now just simply wasn’t the time.
Calm down, Callum is leaving for a whole other continent. There is no need for getting
ahead of yourself here.

Samantha smiled and chastely kissed Callum’s cheek as he returned to her, his own clothes wrinkled, but back in place.

“I really do need to get moving,” she said with genuine apology. A part of her wanted to stay here and beg Callum to follow her home. Her large bed beckoned, wicked fantasies of handcuffs and heating oil, of hearing this large man whimper and beg and plead for her to suck him, to touch him, to make him come, all bouncing

around in her head. Samantha had never been particularly serious about any of her lovers, though until starting her own business had swamped her personal time, she had enjoyed indulging in regular flings.

Pushing away the knowledge that this was different, that something about this man touched her very deeply and maybe even irrevocably, Samantha insisted to herself she was just letting her imagination run away from her.

This time with Callum, for some inexplicable reason, had been the first sex she had allowed herself to really let go and just be herself. Samantha had unleashed a small part of her more animalistic side, and it had given her such satisfaction, such an air of satiation that it was meddling with her brain.

For a split second, Samantha thought she saw hurt flash across Callum’s eyes, but it was gone before she could be certain. She opened her mouth, searching for the right words to say, but Callum smiled and kissed her warmly, gave her a small half-hug.

“Always happy to help a woman in need,” he said casually. His hand reached out, his fingers lightly tracing the line of her jaw in contrast to the studied ease of his words, and Samantha almost changed her mind. Callum moved away, however, and together they began to walk out toward the main street.

“Bella or Alexander would have mentioned I leave for Australia. I landed a job with the Dingo Conservation Project over there. It’s the job of a lifetime.”

Samantha smiled and nodded, paused for a moment as Callum halted at a big black truck and fished his keys out.

“Need a lift?” he asked.

Samantha considered it for a moment. Callum had put no extra weight on the words—he truly appeared to be simply offering her a lift, but she didn’t trust herself not to drag him back into her apartment and give them both a second helping of delicious sex. She hungered to lick and suck him all over, to insist he lick and suck
as he had so blatantly suggested earlier.

And so she shook her head. “No, but thanks. My apartment block is not very far up the road.”

Large, warm hands circled her waist and drew her between his spread legs. Callum leaned against the side of his truck and they kissed hungrily, passionately. Samantha sucked on his tongue and reveled in the moan she elicited. They were both flushed and panting as he let her go and she pulled away, and only a fool could have missed the once again thick, hot erection pressing against his slacks.

“I’m not sure this is over,” Callum said softly, almost as if he were musing to himself. Samantha smiled slightly sadly, but couldn’t deny the situation felt incomplete to her as well. Instead of commenting or acknowledging, however, she simply nodded.

“Be safe in Australia,” she said gently, honestly meaning the words. Forcing herself to not linger, she turned and walked down the road toward her home. When she licked her lips, she could still taste the masculine, spicy flavor that she knew was Callum’s alone, and she would never be able to forget it.

Chapter Two

Eight months later…

“Come on, Sammi…Dammit, you know you owe me.”

“Excuse me?” Samantha exclaimed in astonishment, tempted to stare at the phone in her hand as if she could actually glimpse her twin through the handset. “

Since when, darling brother? It was I who helped you the last time.
according to my count.”

Samantha walked around her apartment as she enjoyed the banter. She knew full well it didn’t matter what Alexander wanted her help with, she would drop everything and rush to him if needed. It simply spoiled all the fun of their teasing if she caved in an instantly said yes to any old request he made.

Their close bond helped her know without doubt that while Alexander did need her help this time, it was not something super urgent. To make matters confusing, though, she could also feel him keeping something back from her—so she felt no guilt whatsoever in teasing him.

“Come on, Al, spill. I appreciate the call, truly, but I know you’re up to something. So what is it?”

“Me? Up to something? Sammi, I am hurt!”

Samantha smiled. “Al, dearest, you only ever call me Sammi when you are either sick, worried or want something, and you know it. So talk. What favor do you need and why are you wheedling me?”

“Fine. I need your help.” Alexander sighed heavily and almost dramatically on the other end of the phone line.
“Happy now?”

Samantha did laugh at this.

“Oh, please! Explain. You know I’ll help you, but you have to
me what I am doing and why first. Then we can negotiate the terms.”

“I can’t tell you all of it,” Alexander started, and Samantha found herself frowning. Firstly, Alex hadn’t risen to the bait of their negotiations, which was almost unheard of between them. Since she had guessed Alexander was holding back and knew it was unusual for him to not tell her everything, Samantha could smell something going on.

Samantha felt a moment of panic, “It’s not Bella, is it. Is she okay? What’s happened?”

“No, no. Bella is fine. I need you to help investigate those two wolf cubs that went missing last week. I also want you to look into the employee who’s just been promoted to run the Wolf Reintroduction Program. The problem is I need you to be utterly discreet about it all. The man is Callum MacLennon.”

Samantha felt her stomach tighten. Alexander’s secrecy and hesitancy suddenly made a hell of a lot of sense. Alexander didn’t know she and Callum had fucked each other blind that night—or if he did, he hadn’t let on he knew. Neither could her brother possibly known that she had buried herself in her work to try to keep tempting and wicked fantasies about the handsome blond out of her mind. Samantha knew her brother’s hesitancy would be more because Bella adored her cousin, and if Alex expressed even faint distrust in the man it would cause all kinds of grief between him and his True Mate. Problem was, spending any amount of time in close quarters with Callum could be hazardous to
own way of life right now.

“Callum?” she stammered. “But…but Bella will kill me! Not to mention castrate you and cut your heart into millions of tiny pieces.”

“You think I don’t know this, Sammi? But there have been some strange goings on under his watch. Two of the cubs we tried to bring in safely were lost in transit. I think we have a leak, and Callum solely is in charge of those cubs. I could really use your help, as well as your nose for digging out the truth behind the story.”

“Really?” Samantha tried desperately to stall while she forced her brain into action.

“I thought he was working down in Australia with dingoes. When did he come back?”

“Two weeks ago. His work with the dingoes was excellent. So when he moved back to America, Bella and I decided to let him help with the fieldwork side of the foundation. Look, how about you just come to the annual dinner? Reacquaint yourself with him, chat and try to catch up with him. You can visit the office one day soon and look into his work, talk to him and find out what’s really been happening.

“You wouldn’t even need to lie about your ties to the Foundation really, you do sometimes write up articles for us, and you’re the only person I trust to be careful and quiet about this. Like you said, Bella will kill me if she thinks I’m having him investigated. Can you help me? Please, Sammi?”

Samantha took a deep breath. Her brother was obviously neck-deep in this problem, and with his abiding love for Bella clouding his judgment, he really couldn’t step back and investigate this himself.

Why the hell not investigate Callum MacLennon? Samantha found it hard to believe the man she had been intimate with could harm innocent little wolf cubs, but then she had been in Callum’s presence for all of half an hour. One of the few things she had learned in her digging the truth out was just how easy it was for people to show only one side of themselves.

Most people only saw what they wished to see, not what was actually staring at them in the face. Loath as she was to admit it, Alexander’s wanting more details was sensible, and she was in a good position to search the answers he needed.

“Okay then, Alex,” Samantha agreed, wrinkling her nose against the windowpane.

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