Read Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #womens fiction, #biker romance, #new adult romance, #new adult contemporary, #motorcycle club romance, #multiple partners, #mfm

Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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I hide my smile against his muscled chest, not caring if he feels it or not. “Okay,” I whisper and run my hands up and down his taunt body.




“Okay.” I settle into him and close my eyes. I’m asleep before my next breath.

My bed moves and I wake up to darkness. Caveman is gently moving me off his chest and somewhere a phone is ringing. Checking my alarm clock, I see its four in the morning. Holy crap.

“Yeah.” I watch Caveman pull up his jeans and listen to whoever is on the other end of the line. Who would be calling him so late, or early?

“Thirty,” he says before ending the call and tugging on his shirt. Sitting on the bed he pulls on his big black boots.

“Caveman?” I ask and wonder if he thought I was asleep.

“Got to go, club business.” What the heck was club business? He doesn’t give me time to ask though. With a quick deep kiss, he is gone. I don’t even here the door close, but I definitely don’t miss the sound of his Harley starting up and fading away.

With Caveman gone I bury my head into the pillow that smells of his aftershave and groan loudly. I have a feeling my life will never be the same again, and I’m not sure if it’s for the good or bad.



Leaving Noelle all warm and well fucked was not the plan tonight. That woman has fucking barriers miles high and leaving her in the middle of the night the first time she lets me back into her bed is not gonna fucking help shit. But if we are going to do this then this was something that she needs to learn, and get over. When the club calls, I’m ghost. And when the Prez calls an emergency Church at four in the fucking morning, its fucking important. Parking my bike in front of the compound among the other club members’ bikes, I see that I’m one of the last to arrive. Checking the Prospect at the gate as well as the fence line as I rode in, nothing stood out as a danger, but that doesn’t explain why my nerves are tight as fuck. Something’s wrong.

I want to do a perimeter check, but hearing the rumble of the last officer’s bike pulling in, I curb my paranoia. Lifting my arm, I signal to Blaze, man has a serious hard on for settin’ fires, and walk into the redone warehouse. We both head into the backroom and settle down at the table. Steel, our club President, is already there talking to his VP, Onyx. Glancing around the room, I settle on Wood and hold back a grimace. He looks like shit. The fucker’s not sleeping and probably on a pure alcohol diet. Jesus H. Christ. The shit Noelle spouted hit him harder that I originally thought. It’s going to take more work to get those two together for anything civil. But this isn’t about Noelle, she just triggered some bad shit. It’s about that stupid ex bitch of his. She fucked him up good and now Noelle brought shit up to the surface.

Normally I wouldn’t push it with him, but damn. I’m tired. After exiting the military and fighting to leave that shit behind me, I joined up with the Demon Rebels. Growing up with practically no family, I joined up into one. They fucked me up with the shit they had me do, then discharged my ass straight out because my unit was too good at our jobs. Fucking bullshit. They sent us in there to do a job, we did it against personal values, then they swept us under the rug and ejected us like well-used mercenaries. After that I was lost. No family to go home to. No real understanding of civilian life. Nightmares. No fucking job. The only thing that kept me sane was my bike. Working on her, riding her. The freedom. The wind. It clears everything from my mind and just lets me live. Lets me breathe normal.

The club found me when I applied for one of their bike shops looking for some kind of work. They were new to the area and just getting the club up and running. Bullshit from the mother chapter sent them here, and I was damn happy for that. The club gave me a place. A family. And put my skills to use in a way to better the brothers. When Wood entered the picture not long after I got my patch, we started sharing the biker bunnies. Taking them together, playing off one another. Nothing was taboo or wrong. We rode hard and we fucked even harder.

Now knowing that there was a woman who handled everything we gave to her and begged for more? Fuck. I want to know her, everything about her. And I know Wood wants the same. He fucking said it the morning she kicked us out. Now he’s fighting demons and his pride was hurt. Shit will not be easy, but if he was willing to give her a chance after keeping all other women at arm’s length for years, then he will get there again. I just have to push him. Let’s hope I don’t lose a brother over a woman.

Steel’s fist bangs the scarred table top starting the meeting. We all look to his enraged face and wait for what has our Prez’s panties in a twist.

“Some motherfucker dares to steal from us,” he bellows out and I glance around the room again looking for ticks. I’m not saying I think it’s a brother, but I’m cautious in almost all things. “Tech noticed some shit at Satin that wasn’t fucking right. Now I don’t want to think one of my brothers is behind this, but we do know it’s an inside job. Bookies? Dancers?” His glare settles on me and my fist tightens. “Security details. Someone is gaining access to all of our funds on both sides of the fence. I want to know who. Don’t really give a fuck as to why. But I want them found. And I want them to pay in blood for fucking with the Demon Rebels.”


My world just became a fuckova’ lot busier.

Chapter Eight





“Oh good you’re still up!” I wince at Stacy’s shrill tone and look at my clock. One a.m. This is not happening. Sitting up in bed, I tuck the covers around my hips and yawn.

“I am now. What’s up?”

“I need a ride. Please, please, please.”

I love this chick, I really do, but at one in the morning my love is stretched pretty thin. I stayed up late waiting for Caveman to maybe show up, but fell asleep only about an hour ago. After three days and no word from him, I’m slightly worried. It’s not like I have a phone number for him or anything, so I can’t really call. But damn it, he wanted to start something and leaving me blowing in the wind wasn’t exactly what I thought he meant. My head throbs in beat with the music filtering through the phone and I groan out loud. “Where are you?”

“Club Blue. I had a DD, I swear. But he bailed on me when I said I wouldn’t pay him back with sex. Some guys are just plain douches. Seriously.”

Club Blue? Shit, wasn’t that in Wichita? The bad side. “Why did you go there? Especially alone? We have always said if you’re going to Blue or a nightclub on that side of town then Jay or I go with you!”

“Easy, Mother. You have been busy and Jay, well there is something up with her,” she answers and I can’t argue. I have been really busy at work, so much more tired on the weekends, and there is definitely something going on with Jay, she just won’t open up and talk with us.

“Alright, points made. Let me get dressed and get up there. You think you can hang on for like forty minutes?” I ask, already up and moving to my bathroom.

“Yeah,” she giggles. “I can find something to do.” Her word ‘something’ implying someone, before the line goes dead.

She so owes me.

Dressed in jeans and a light pink long sleeved shirt, I slip on my tennis shoes and my black coat before bracing the early morning cold. Waiting for my car to warm up, I sit shivering and cursing Stacy. We have known each other for a while, but didn’t actually get close until two years ago. She loves to bust my balls about not contacting her after Stephanie left, but really Stacy and I were more of acquaintances at that time and I am not one to burden people like that. Anyway, we became close friends along with Jaycee and we have been inseparable. We have girls’ night once a week. Talk on the phone almost every day. And never go clubbing alone. Except for tonight. And something really is going on with Jay. She has cancelled coming to girls’ night this past week. Not wanting to go out at all, she really isn’t a let-go-every-weekend person like Stacy anyways. What has me really worried, and Stacy as well, is that Jay is not answering our calls. It’s like she is avoiding us. Something is wrong and we are going to figure it out. If Stacy isn’t too drunk, then we have a good thirty-minute car drive to discuss things.

Not finding a parking spot close, I circle the block a few times and finally find a space two blocks away from the club. Not far, but alone in the dark? I’m feeling the creepy vibe. I tuck my purse in close to my side and lock my car doors. Keeping my head straight and my eyes focused on the darkened sidewalk, I make my way, quickly, to the large brick building that is Club Blue.

A familiar rumble starts and headlights shine down the road ahead of me. My shoulders slump trying to curl my body in tighter to itself. I may be walking here, but I do not want to be seen. I let out a relieved breath when the group of bikes pass and keep going. Until a bike turns around and my body is illuminated by its headlight.

Oh shit, oh shit.

Keep walking.

It speeds past me only to turn into the upcoming alley I am getting close to passing. The bike cuts off and I freeze mid-step. A man walks out of the alley and crosses his arms over his chest. The only street light in this area glints over his scowling features. Even looking at his angry face my body relaxes.

“What in the ever loving fuck are you doing out here!?”

Oh yeah, he’s pissed. But why?

“Wood,” I say and take a couple steps closer to him.

“Don’t you fucking ‘Wood’ me, Noelle. Answer the question.”

Why does he even care? Ordering me around all of a sudden like he owns me.

“Frankly it’s none of your business why I’m here.” I start to get smug for holding my own against him, until the muscle in his jaw starts to tick. I don’t know what that means, but I do know it won’t be good to find out. “I’m here to pick up Stacy. Her designated driver bailed on her. He was a douche,” I sigh and explain, hoping that was sufficient. I turn to continue my walk to the club, I can see the bouncer, so not much farther. Wood’s hand on my upper arm stops me and makes me face him, closer this time.

“Do you have anything to protect yourself while you are being an idiot?” Nope, he is still mad.

“I will be fine, Wood.”

“That’s a fucking no then. Jesus, Noelle, you can’t just walk in this part of town without something to protect you. What if it wasn’t me waiting in this alley? What would have stopped him from doing whatever he wanted to do to you? You hate your life so much you are ready to fucking die?”

I jerk my arm away from his firm, but not hurting, grip and try to push him away. “I would have been fine! I would have screamed, there is a bouncer right over there, someone would have come to help.”

“That fucker?” he asks, pointing over to the bouncer with his back turned to us. I nod and I swear Wood’s eyes roll. “That dumb fuck is paid to not leave his post. For anything. You think he would give a rat’s ass to what’s happening outside of the club almost a block away? And for you to be stupid enough to think your life would have been saved by some good fucking Samaritan just proves how stupid of a bitch you really are.”

“You asshole! I’m here for my friend, you’re in my way. Leave me alone. I would have been fine!”

“Prove it,” his words come out dark and I’m shocked with confusion until his hand clamps over my mouth and the other tangles into my hair before I’m pulled into the alley away from anyone seeing anything. My instincts kick in, I start screaming against his large palm, swinging my arms making no purchase, and kicking my legs out trying to disable him. But he’s right, I’m practically helpless, I’m an idiot. I really didn’t think of my safety, just getting to Stacy and back home.

My breath escapes when my back is shoved into the brick wall of the club. His hand moves away from my mouth letting me take in a much needed gulp of air, but before I can say anything or scream, he kisses me deeply. His tongue plunders my mouth, leaving no crevice untouched. My body instantly melts into him. This may have started off wrong, but as soon as his lips touched mine, everything changed. My pushing hands start gripping into his shirt and pulling him in deeper, pressing his body tightly against mine. My leg lifts and wraps around his hip, making his impressive erection grind against my jean-covered pussy. I’m so aroused I wouldn’t be surprised if Wood could feel how wet I am through both of our clothing.

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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