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Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #paranormal romance, #Demon, #Wolf Tales, #sexy, #erotica, #erotic romance


BOOK: Undaunted
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Works by Kate Douglas


Paranormal Romances

Published with




“Crystal Dreams” in





Erotic Romances

Published with Kensington


Wolf Tales

“Chanku Rising” in
Sexy Beast

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 1.5—Chanku Rising

Wolf Tales II

“Camille’s Dawn” in
Wild Nights

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 2.5—Chanku Dawn

Wolf Tales III

“Chanku Fallen” in
Sexy Beast II

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 3.5—Chanku Fallen

Wolf Tales IV

“Chanku Journey” in
Sexy Beast III

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 4.5—Chanku Journey

Wolf Tales V

“Chanku Destiny” in
Sexy Beast IV

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 5.5—Chanku Destiny

Wolf Tales VI

“Chanku Wild” in
Sexy Beast V

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 6.5—Chanku Wild

Wolf Tales VII

“Chanku Honor” in
Sexy Beast VI

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 7.5—Chanku Honor

Wolf Tales VIII

“Chanku Challenge” in
Sexy Beast VII

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 8.5—Chanku Challenge

Wolf Tales 9

“Chanku Spirit” in
Sexy Beast VIII

and as the ebook

Wolf Tales 9.5—Chanku Spirit

Wolf Tales 10

Wolf Tales 11

Wolf Tales 12



The Dream Catchers Series


“Dream Catcher” in

Dream Bound

Dream Unchained



The Spirit Wild Series


Dark Wolf

Dark Moon

Beyond the Page Books

are published by

Beyond the Page Publishing


Copyright © 2013 by Kate Douglas

Material excerpted from
Lethal Deception
copyright © 2000 by Kate Douglas

Material excerpted from
Lethal Obsession
copyright © 2003 by Kate Douglas

Cover design by Dar Albert, Wicked Smart Designs


ISBN: 978-1-937349-69-1


All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented without the express written permission of both the copyright holder and the publisher.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Excerpt from
Lethal Deception

Excerpt from
Lethal Obsession

About the Author

Chapter 1



Locan was the first to awaken. The cavern walls glowed softly, indicating early morning. He lay there, comfortably sandwiched between Addie, who was curled up against his right side, and Jett, snoring softly against his left. Blinking slowly, he listened for the voice in his mind—the same voice of power that was the reason the three of them rarely slept late.

As immortal demon hunters, their days could be measured in battles and kills. The demonic threat against humanity had only grown worse over the years as humans—in their infinite stupidity—created a more perfect environment for evil to thrive. Demon hunting triads such as theirs were the only defenses mankind had against a very literal hell on earth. Defenses mankind remained totally oblivious to.

Lately, the calls to action had been constant, sending them from their station, a very comfortable cavern located in a dimension known only as
—a sort of no-man’s-land in a dimension between what was and what wasn’t—to battle demonkind intent on attacking mankind. Locan listened to the silence, expecting to hear instructions for their next assignment.

Nothing. He frowned. That was odd. Something had brought him out of a sound sleep, the first truly dreamless sleep he’d had since his rescue from the goddess Namaka. His unexpected captivity and her sensual cruelty had left him feeling twisted and used, his body so wrung out that even a shift between dimensions hadn’t been enough to heal him.

Finally, the bruises were gone and the cuts no longer seeping, but the pain of his wounds and the deeper, psychological pain of sexual degradation would linger for a long time to come. Thank goodness he had these two—his lovers, his teammates, the ones who made him whole.

Jett sighed softly against Locan’s chest. The soft puff of his breath was a reminder of what truly healed. It was all about love. Love was chasing the nightmares. Love and the understanding of the two other parts who made up the whole of their demon fighting team. They were the ones who made Locan whole. Addie, the fulcrum who gave them balance, and Jett, their lover and fellow demon hunter. Locan and Jett, one dark, one light, once demons linked to the dark side, now demon hunters working for the light. They were good guys who straddled the fine line between good and evil.

Locan had come much too close to evil while in Namaka’s clutches. A powerful Hawaiian goddess, she’d used him to gain revenge against her sister, the goddess Pele. He still couldn’t believe that ugly episode had ended as well as it had, though volcanologists worldwide were practically salivating over the rash of new volcanic islands bursting into existence following one cataclysmic night across the wide Pacific Ocean.

Pele had a truly explosive temper.

Damn, but he was glad they’d all made it out alive, something they might not have managed without the help of a hellhound, of all things. A hellhound Locan hadn’t liked one bit—until the beast helped him escape Namaka’s cruelty. He realized his heart was racing, just thinking of the horror of those hours spent with the goddess bitch. He took a couple of low, slow breaths and closed his eyes. Maybe a bit more sleep before they had to face the day—or what passed for a day in this dimension—would help him center himself. Help him find peace.

The cavern remained quiet. No cries for help against marauding demons, no orders to immediately relocate, swords in hand, to the next site of demonic mayhem. Locan slowly slipped back into oblivion, mind and body relaxing, sliding deeper and deeper into sleep. At least until Jett’s hand brushed along his side and finger-walked across his hip and groin. Groaning, Locan arched his back just enough to drive his cock into Jett’s grasp.

Jett squeezed. Locan groaned, and Addie snuggled close and licked his chest. Sighing, he opened his mind to his lovers. Opened to their sensual exploration of his body. His heart rate sped up once again, but this time there was no fear. None at all.

He’d worry about sleep later.


* * *


Azrael the hellhound raised his head and stared at the three demon hunters in the big bed. He wanted to join them—be one of them—so badly he might have wept if hellhounds had tears. Instead he lay his chin on his big paws and softly whimpered. He knew Addie loved him, and Jett pretended not to when Addie was watching, but when she looked away, he’d rub Az’s ears and even scratch his belly. And Locan, the one who hadn’t liked him at all, had become one of Az’s biggest fans since he’d helped rescue Locan from Namaka’s control. Even the dopey little video game demon who occasionally hung around had decided Azrael the hellhound was on the right team.

Not that Ukopach was all that important to the demon hunting triad, but he was a friend of Addie’s, so Az had been careful not to hurt him. Careful of anything important to Addie and the guys, because Az felt safe here, and he didn’t want to screw it up. He was safe for the first time in eons, and he really didn’t want to go back to hell. So he lay here on his mat in the corner, listening to the sounds of the three he loved most making love with each other, and he knew he would give anything to join their world. To be one of their team.

To be someone they loved as much as they loved each other.


* * *


Sometimes this was the best part of making love. Addie leaned against the headboard with her fingers lazily sweeping over the warm folds of her sex. Her womb still pulsed with the aftermath of climax, her nipples ached with the tender throbbing of satisfied desire, and the taste of Jett’s release teased the tip of her tongue when she licked her lips.

Now Jett sprawled on his belly—butt hanging over the edge of the bed and his feet planted on the floor.

He was absolutely beautiful. Skin as dark as night, rippling with smooth muscles and that long, sleek, ebony hair spread across the sheets. His eyes were closed, his lips twisted in a rictus of pleasure. One hand grasped Addie’s ankle, as if she was the lifeline he needed to anchor himself to the here and now.

BOOK: Undaunted
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