Read Unmistakeable Online

Authors: Abby Reynolds

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

Unmistakeable (6 page)

BOOK: Unmistakeable
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“I love McDonald’s.”

He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it. “I knew you were the one.”


We came into my apartment with our bags and sat on the couch.

He stuffed a fry into his mouth. “I can’t remember the last time I had this…so damn good.”

I assumed he didn’t eat junk very often based on his stunning physique. “I could eat this every day. And Taco Bell.”

“Taco Bell is the best.”

I sat beside him on the couch while we ate in our finest clothes.

“You know what Livia and I used to do when we were younger?”


“My mom would make some pretentious crap and we would toss it when she wasn’t looking. Then I would drive us to McDonald’s and we would eat in the parking lot.”

I laughed. “Did you ever get caught?”

“Nope. Since I’m their golden boy, I can do no wrong.” He rolled his eyes.

“Why do they favor you so much?”

He shrugged. “Because I followed my family’s footsteps. Livia took her own path and pursued her real passion, but yet she takes heat for it. I admire her for chasing her dreams even though it was against all odds. I took the easy way out if you ask me.”

I was glad Ash wasn’t stuck up like the rest of his family. “Do you not like medicine?”

“I didn’t. But now I’m warming up to it.” He finished his food then left the trash on the coffee table. “I guess your grandma had a lot to do with that.”

“She can be pretty persuasive…”

He smirked. “Yeah.”

I stuffed my wrappers into the bag. “Do your parents know about your…lifestyle?”

“You mean my
lifestyle?” He put his arm around my shoulder. “I told them a few months ago.”

“Was that…awkward?”

“I said it out of anger. They weren’t happy about Livia living with Scotty before marriage and they were giving her a hard time about it, saying it was wrong she isn’t a virgin before marriage.”

They sounded like sexist assholes to me.

“I told them it was pretty clear that I’m not a virgin and they’ve never given me crap about it because I’m a boy. Then I told them I slept with more women than I could count and I’m a manwhore. I’m sick of the way they pick on my sister all the time, I threw myself under the bus just so they could leave her alone.”

I rubbed his knuckles. “That’s really sweet.”

“They don’t know what she’s been through.” His eyes turned serious. The anger and pain was deep inside. “If they did, they might think before they speak.”

Ash never told me what happened to his sister and I never pressured him to reveal it.

“I should probably tell you…”

“You don’t have to. It’s none of my business.”

“But you’re my girlfriend now. It’s different.”

“Okay.” I interlocked my fingers with his.

He sighed before he began. “I never committed to a girl before because I was having too much fun to settle down. But then when I found out what happened to my sister, I realized I could never be with anyone. The idea of loving someone so much and getting hurt…was unbearable. What happened to Livia ripped me apart, but what if it happened to my wife? I couldn’t stand it…”

I knew this was bad. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know.

“She was raped.”

My heart squeezed painfully. It was a fate I’d never want for myself or anyone else.

“She was given drugs and then tied up…and I was an ass to her when I didn’t know. I always teased her for not going out or being social. I was a dick to her and I wish I wasn’t.”

“You didn’t know…” I squeezed his hand.

“She asked me to treat her the same and not look at her as a victim. But honestly, everything is different. I hate myself for what happened. I should have protected her.”

“Did they catch the guy who did it?”

“No…she said she doesn’t remember who it was.”

I moved my face close to his and tried to comfort him. “I’m sorry.”

“When I started to care for you, I got scared. I didn’t want to feel this pain again if something happened to you. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t. The feelings ran their course until I couldn’t shake them. Now I’m obsessed with you. I’d kill myself if something ever happened to you. And I promise it never will.”

“I know, Ash.”

“So if I’m protective of you, it comes from a good place.”

I cupped his face and kissed him. “I know.”

He pulled me close to him, as close as I could get. He held me for a long time, saying nothing as we sat on the couch of my apartment. His fingers moved through my hair then down my back. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“You don’t need to ask.”

“Then I want to sleep with you every night.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

He placed a kiss on my neck then lifted me from the couch, taking me in the bedroom. He set me on the bed then leaned over me. “Get dressed. I’ll be right back.”

I didn’t want to get dressed. If anything, I wanted to get undressed. “Okay.”

He left the apartment then walked to his, probably to change into his sleepwear.

I changed into a loose nightdress then waited for him to return. When minutes passed and he didn’t walk in, I knew something was wrong. I walked into the living room and saw him stare at my desk. He wore sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I stared at him for a moment, watching him. “What are you doing?”

He grabbed a picture and held it up. “Can I have this?”

I came closer to him to inspect what it was. It was a picture of me on the beach. I was staring at the ocean, a strip of sunblock on my nose. It was a picture I wasn’t fond of. “Why?”

“Because I love it.”

“But I look…sad.”

“No, you look real. That’s the look you get when you’re thinking about something meaningful, feeling something. It’s a look you’ve given me countless times. Please let me have it.”

How could I say no to him?

“Thank you.” He set it on the table next to my door so he would grab it on his way out. “I know where I’m going to put it.”

I didn’t ask where.

He looked down at me, seeing the dress that reached my knees. I didn’t wear a bra, and that was probably noticeable to him. But I never slept in one. It was too uncomfortable.

His eyes darted back to my eyes. “You look…beautiful.”

I washed my make up off and my dress wasn’t tight. I didn’t think I looked beautiful. But maybe I was wrong. “Thanks…”

He stepped toward me then wrapped his arms around my waist. His hand gripped the back of my dress, squeezing it like he was trying to control himself. “I’ve never slept with anyone before. You’re my first.”

“I am?”

“Yeah. And I’ve never slept better in my life.” He rubbed his nose against mine.

I melted at his words and touch. “Me neither…”

He pressed his lips to my mouth and gave me a slow kiss. My hands immediately hooked around his neck, desperate for the intimacy he gave me. He grabbed my ass then lifted me off the ground, carrying me to the bedroom. Once my body hit the sheets, he moved over me and kissed me like he had the other night. His length pressed against me and I was impressed by his size. The longer Ash and I were together, the more I fell for him. He made me feel safe, like he would never hurt me. And he made me feel treasured. Any free time he had was spent with me. I felt like his obsession, his dream.

I wanted to feel the connection of our bodies. Not only was I hungry for him, but my heart yearned for him. He kissed me hard like I was his greatest fantasy, and every time he touched me his hand shook. I felt sexier than I ever had.

I pulled one strap down of my dress then the other, exposing myself to him.

His lips stopped caressing mine and he looked down at me, staring at my chest. His cock twitched, pressing against me. The desire in his eyes fueled me, made me hotter than I’d ever been.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to the skin over my heart, making me moan. Then he pulled away and slipped the straps back on.

The confusion flooded me, and so did the disappointment.

“You said you wanted to take this slow.”

“But I want you…”

He kissed the corner of my mouth. “And you know I want you.” He rocked his hips into me gently, pressing his hardness into my hip. “But I’m head-over-heels for you and I need you to want me in the same way first. Because I know it would break my heart if you weren’t. If I rush this, I could lose you. And I’m going to avoid that at all costs.”

“You must be frustrated…”

He looked into my eyes. “I’ve never been more satisfied in my life.” He kissed the corner of my mouth again. “You give me more than you realize. I know you’ve been hurt and been used. I’ll never do that to you. Let me prove it first.”

He made me melt all over again. He turned down sex with me twice, preferring to kiss me and spend time with me instead of being inside me. I’d seen him bring girls over, fucking them and then kicking them out as soon as he was finished. But it was the opposite with me. He just wanted to be with me. Getting laid was irrelevant to him.

And that made me fall more in love with him.



I was on cloud nine.

Alaska was the piece of me that was missing. She was the one woman who made me a better man. With her, I didn’t care about myself. All I wanted was for her to be happy. It was my purpose.

As much as I wanted to make love to her, I couldn’t. I’d fallen so deeply in love with her that I couldn’t be with her in such an intimate way unless she loved me in return. I didn’t want to be used. I didn’t want the moment to be meaningless. And I didn’t want it to be just a purely sexual act. I needed her to look me in the eye and tell me she loved me. Because if she didn’t, I knew it would break me into a million pieces.

She wasn’t the only one afraid to get hurt. I had my own issues, and getting close to someone was one of them. I broke that barrier and dove into a relationship with her, unable to resist her.

I had no regrets, but I treaded lightly. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn’t ruin it for any reason. I loved sleeping with her at night, seeing her face first thing in the morning. I loved kissing her, treasuring the softness of her lips. Hearing her moan was the best part. Our bodies were dying for each other. My cock was eager to be inside her, but my heart was stronger.

I was studying in my living room, trying not to think about Alaska when there was a knock on my door. I left my textbook on the table then walked to the front door. I saw Alaska through the peephole, wearing shorts and a pink top. It contrasted against her dark skin perfectly. Her hair was over one shoulder, exposing the skin of her neck. I opened the door.

“Hey. I was wondering if—”

I pushed her against my wall and crushed my mouth against hers. I missed her all day and I couldn’t hold back when I saw her on the other side of my door. My hand moved up her shirt and gripped her waist. I thought about the way her tits looked a few nights ago, round and perky. I sucked her bottom lip then pressed myself into her, unable to believe she was mine and no one else’s. My heart bled for her every moment of the day. I was obsessed, borderline crazy for this amazing and beautiful girl.

Her hands hooked around my neck and she deepened the kiss, rubbing against me slightly. My cock was hard in my jeans and I knew she could feel it. I wasn’t ashamed. She made me hot and it would be a waste of time to deny it.

My mouth moved to her neck and I tasted her skin, feeling the warmth. Her skin was soft, kissable. When I pressed against her, her chest rubbed against mine. I could feel her curves, every single one.

When minutes passed, I knew this could get out of hand. It was hard to control myself around her. She was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen and she was mine. I could kiss her whenever I wanted. Of course I wanted to take advantage of it.

I broke the kiss, pressing my head close to hers. I breathed hard, still spiraling down. I could kiss her all day. I didn’t kiss the girls that I fucked. I cut straight to the chase. But I loved kissing her. “Sorry. What were you saying?”

“Uh…I don’t remember.”

I smirked. “Sorry.” I closed the door then pulled her to my couch. All my textbooks and notes were scattered on the coffee table. I was on my third cup of coffee because I was having trouble focusing.

She eyed everything. “Wow…that’s a lot of reading.”

My anatomy book alone was massive. My lab book and notes rivaled it. I had my own illustrations and drawings in addition to my medical dosage book and my review of interactions of medications. “Yeah…it’s not fun.”

She moved into my lap, straddling me. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“No. Please do.” I gripped her hips and leaned my head back, looking up at her. “Do you remember why you came over yet? Not that I care if you don’t have a reason at all.”

She rubbed the muscles of my shoulder, relaxing me. “Um…” She thought to herself, her eyes looking distant. “Oh, I remember. Payton wants to go on a double date tonight. I was hoping you’d be my date.”

“You were hoping?” I smirked, loving how cute she was. “I’m your man. Anytime you want me somewhere, I’ll be there.”

Her eyes softened. “Really?”

“Yeah. I’ll never miss a thing.”

Her fingers stilled for a moment before she rubbed the muscle again. “You’re so sweet to me…”

“No, I’m not. I treat you the way you deserve.” I gripped her neck and pulled her face down to mine, kissing her on the forehead. “And I’ll always treat you that way.”

She took a deep breath then gripped me tightly. It seemed to affect her more than she was letting on.

“What time?”


“Okay. I’ll study for a few more hours then I’ll pick you up.”

“Okay.” She gave me a quick kiss before she got off my lap. “I’ll see you then.”

“Bye, darling.”

She stopped and turned to me. “Is that my nickname now?”

“Do you not like it?”

“No, I love it. Have you called someone else that before?”

I gave her a serious look. “Never.”

“Then I love it even more.”


I arrived at her door wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I spent a lot of time trying to find something to wear. I never cared how I looked, but with her I did. I wanted her to be attracted to me the way I was to her. She made me want to shove my fist into my mouth because she looked so hot. My goal was to make her do the same thing.

I held the small gift in my hand then knocked on her door.

She answered it a moment later, wearing a skin-tight dress that showed off every curve like she was under a microscope. Her low-cut dress showed off her cleavage, and her hair was sultry and soft.

My cock got hard the second I looked at her.

I swallowed the lump in my throat when I looked at her. “Wow…”

She blushed slightly. “You look wow too.”

I highly doubted that. I knew she wasn’t vain about her looks because she didn’t spend a lot of time dressing herself up, but she definitely did it tonight. My throat was dry and my cock hurt because it was pressing against my jeans so hard.

I recovered myself then handed her the box. “For you.”

She took it then smiled. “You always give me things…”

“Because you deserve them.” I put my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t snatch her and pin her against the wall again.

She untied the bow then opened the lid. She stared at the picture for a long time, and her eyes softened. She pressed her lips together then opened them again, the emotion shining through. “Is this you?”

I nodded. “One of my baby pictures. I thought you might appreciate it.”

“I do.” She kept staring at it. “I see you…your eyes are the same.”

I was glad I picked something she liked. I liked to buy her dinners and gifts, but I also liked to give her things from the heart.

“I love it.” She pressed the picture to her heart. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a slow kiss.

I pulled her next to me, wanting to throw her against the wall again. My mouth devoured hers. My hands moved down her back and just to the top of her ass. I wanted to grab it, to squeeze it in my hands, but I was afraid I would get out of control.

She pulled away slightly, giving me a playful grin, and then she grabbed one hand and moved it to her ass. “You don’t have to be a gentleman all the time.”

I growled while I felt her luscious ass in my hand. I squeezed it tightly, wanting to take a bite out of it. “Darling, you’re trying to kill me.”

“If I were trying to kill you, I would do this…” She pulled up the back of her dress slightly, revealing her ass in a thong, and then placed my hand on the bare skin.

I bit my lip, feeling the smooth skin. My hand moved to the center, feeling the separation of her cheeks, and then my fingers reached around, touching her entrance. I had large hands so it was easy for me to reach her front.

She breathed hard when she felt my fingers grace her clitoris.

I was about to come in my jeans because I was so hard. I needed to end this. A playful tease had ignited us both in a blaze. I tried to pull my hand away but it wouldn’t budge. I loved feeling her like this, knowing I was just an inch away.

She pressed her lips to mine again. “Touch me.”

My spine shivered at her words. My fingers moved back slightly, and I felt the moisture at her entrance. She was wet for me.

Fuck, this was hot.

I stepped into her apartment then kicked the door closed. Then I spotted the mirror on her wall. I could see her dress around her waist and her bare cheeks. Her thin legs were toned while she stood in her heels. I could see my fingers inside her underwear.

She sucked my bottom lip then wrapped her arms around my neck. She crushed her mouth against mine, devouring me as harshly as I did to her. My other hand gripped her ass while my finger pressed against her entrance. It was wetter the further I went.

Her breathing hitched slightly when a finger moved inside her. She gripped my shoulder and her lips parted, breathing into mine. I inserted my finger the rest of the way, feeling how soaked she was.

Fuck, I wanted to be inside her.

I kissed her slowly, feeling my cock harden even more. Every few seconds, I would open an eye and take a peek at her ass. But every time I did, I wanted to come.

Alaska was enjoying it, judging the quiet noises she was making. Sometimes she would be so overwhelmed that she would stop kissing me altogether, just breathing.

I inserted another finger then filled her repeatedly.


Fuck, she just said my name.

I moved my fingers inside her then felt her special place. I wanted to make her come, to show her what I could do. I wanted to please her, make her say my name again. I kept my pace, kissing her at the same time.

Her nails dug into me and she stopped kissing me, unable to process what she was feeling. I moved my lips to her neck and sucked the skin, letting her cling to me and breathe hard.

“Ash…” Her lips were near my ear.

I felt her tighten around my fingers as the loud moans escaped her lips. Her fingernails almost drew blood as she rode her high, loving what I was doing to her. When she was finished, she rested against me, still catching her breath.

Slowly, I pulled my fingers out then brought them to my lips. I sucked them, watching her stare at me, and then I returned my hand to her waist.

Her face was still slightly red. “That felt really good.”

That made my skin prickle. “You know where to find me if you want more.” I pulled her dress down and snuck in one more peek before her ass was gone.

We stared at each other, the sexual tension more prominent than ever before. I could tell she still couldn’t believe that happened. Frankly, neither could I.

“I’ve never felt anything like that before…”

I didn’t understand her meaning. “Anything like what, darling?”

“I’ve never…had an orgasm like that.”

I put Jace to shame just using my fingers?
Take that, asshole
. “Sex is better when two partners trust each other. Since you know I’ll never hurt you, you can enjoy it in a way you never could with him. And I actually care about your pleasure. He probably never did.”

She stepped away from me. “I’m going to clean up before we go…we’re probably already late anyway.”

I looked at my watch. Damn, we were almost half an hour late. “Time flies when you’re having fun.”


We walked inside the bar then found Payton at a table. She was standing alone, wearing a silver dress with silver bracelets around her wrist. A drink was in front of her, untouched.

We joined her at the table. There were no chairs so everyone had to stand. The lights were low and the dimness made everyone seem more mysterious.

“Where’s your date?” Alaska asked.

“I don’t know yet.” Payton sipped her drink then flicked her hair over one shoulder.

“You don’t know yet?” Alaska voiced the same question I was thinking.

I kept my arm around her waist and stood close to her, wanting every guy to understand that I was the man she was going home with.

“Yeah. I’ll find someone.” Payton looked around the bar then spotted someone. “Ooh. He’s cute. I’ll be right back.” She adjusted her hair then sauntered over. Alaska and I stood and watched their interaction. As soon as the guy took one look at her, he was hooked.

I smirked. “Your sister is…something else.”

Alaska laughed. “She is.”

Minutes later, Payton returned with a guy drooling all over her. “Guys, this is my date….what’s your name?”

“Toby.” He didn’t seem offended that she didn’t know. He hooked his arm around her waist.

“Toby, this is my sister, Alaska.”

He eyed her with glee. “Wow. Your family has good genes.”

I glared at him. “And I’m her boyfriend, Ash.”

He smirked. “Sorry. It’s nice to meet you both.”

BOOK: Unmistakeable
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