Unraveling of Avery Snow, The (2 page)

BOOK: Unraveling of Avery Snow, The
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Later that evening Dallas dropped me off at my apartment alone.
Ianni stayed at the party to enjoy her first New Year’s. I, of course, did not mind the alone time Dallas and I would receive. Once I opened the door, my new puppy, May, came bounding down the hallway towards me. She jumped up with her little Chihuahua body scrambling to reach me. She was a Christmas present from Dallas. Christmas was wonderful for me, but hard for him. His parents died on Christmas Eve, killed by a drunk driver. This Christmas Eve had been the third anniversary of their death and it made it hard for him to celebrate. We spent Christmas Day at Dallas’ with Landon and his mom, Lisa. Ianni had come as well, spending the day with her new family.

Dallas had
brought May to me in a bright red box adorned with a silver bow. She melted my heart with the first glance. I had never liked little dogs, but with her long hair and big ears, how could I not fall for her?

I pulled her into my arms and her puppy breath
, hot on my face, made me forget about Landon and every other worry I had tonight. Dallas put his arms around me and kissed me softly on the neck.

“We are all alone you know?” I glance
d at him over my shoulder, trying to remind him that it is a new year. I would miss his touch and his embrace with him working so much.

“I know
, you do not have to remind me. But what do we do with Miss May here?” he teased.

“She has a bed
,” I reminded him. He kissed me softly as I let her down and he carried me into the bedroom.



Chapter Two

Not So Happy Valentine’s Day


January faded into February, and in my opinion, we were approaching the worst holiday, Valentine’s Day. Even though I had a boyfriend, I still hated it. Why? Because now my boyfriend was opening his brand new restaurant, Evolve, on Valentine’s Day. Yes, that’s right. Apparently opening day was on the most romantic day of the year. So not only was I going to still be alone this year, I would be alone and missing someone. It wasn’t so bad the last few years, because I had started to get used to being lonely. I would watch old movies on
and curl up on the couch. No crying or feeling sorry for me involved. Unfortunately this year I would be missing Dallas and wishing I was watching movies with him.

He invited me to
the opening, so of course I would be going for that. Although he told me once the doors open, and they started getting busy, he couldn’t visit for long. I already made my decision that I would go and congratulate him on his accomplishment, but then I would leave shortly after.

Kerri and Justin m
et me at Evolve at 6:00 p.m. sharp. I felt blessed to at least be with Ianni, who was as miserable as me on this stupid holiday. She did make me laugh on the way over, telling me there is no other day in which we humans are more miserable than this specific one. It’s the darn truth.

, look at you,” Kerri said as she twirled me around. “You cleaned up quite nice for this event.” I was wearing one of Ianni’s dresses and I felt very exposed. If Kerri approved, then I knew I looked good. We walked into the lavish restaurant and it was the first time I saw it completely finished and ready to open. The brick walls were adorned with sconces and a stunning chandelier on the ceiling gave it a romantic glow. The beautiful setting made me even more hopeful that Dallas had something planned for later this evening after they closed.

The whole place was
perfect, from the cream color of the tablecloths right down to the dark wood flooring. Dallas should be proud, I knew I was.

“Hey everyone,” Dallas said as he reached
us. “So glad you could make it. Welcome to Evolve.” I could not have been prouder of him at that moment in time. I waited patiently for him to grab me and take me on a little tour, but it didn’t happen. What did happen was he got pulled away by his staff for a so called ‘kitchen emergency’. The hours flew by and opening time came. We were invited to stay, but I didn’t see Dallas again after the emergency. Ianni grabbed me and took me to a table.

“Screw it
. We will eat here, then go home and watch sappy movies together.” I laughed at her bravery and we indeed did order. The food was delectable. Once we were filled to the gills our server, Beau, told us the food was on the house. Dallas.

“Thank him for us,” I said
, and we made our way to the parking lot.

“Are you angry with him?”
Ianni asked me. I thought a bit as I slipped into my new car, but waited until we reached the interstate to answer her question.

A little. He could have made time to come say hi.” It was then and there that I realized Dallas might be starting to slip away from me.

hen we arrived home, May was happy to see us and eager to use the restroom. I kept my coat on and grumbled about the walk I had to make to the main floor to let her go outside. Ianni fixed the DVD player and set it up for a movie.

“Be right
back,” I said. The good little girl she was, May waited until we reached the ground floor to do her business. Once she did she became her playful puppy self. I picked up a snowball and threw it at her and she tried to attack it. Laughing, I tried another. The snow was melting; spring would be here soon and I was eager for its arrival. The cold weather was getting me down. I was ready for the beach and to suntan on the shores of the West Coast. My dad would be happy to see me and I looked forward to spending time with him. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I secretly hoped it was Dallas calling with an apology, but it was not him, it was Kerri.

appy V-Day my love,” she screamed into the phone. Kerri the loudmouth. I laughed at her.

“Back at

“Are you c
anoodling with Dallas?” she asked. I bit my lip and tried hard not to scream. I was angry with him. There I said it … at least to myself.

“More like ca
noodling with May.”

“What!” She was angry and
had the right to be. This was our first Valentine’s Day and it is forever tainted now. I tried hard not to make it a big deal.
The night is not over
, I thought to myself. He had plenty of time to come over and make it up to me still.

“I have to head inside
, Kerri. It is freezing out here.”

“Okay do not forget, dress fitting next week.” She was so excited about trying on dresses
and planning her wedding, how could I possibly forget?

“Yes m
a’am!” I joked and she giggled. Her laugh could always make me smile. She was such a good friend. I couldn’t wait to celebrate with her and Justin on their special day. Dallas was asked to be in the wedding, but because of work schedules and the opening of his restaurant he declined. I had hated to break the news to Kerri, but she didn’t seem upset; instead she understood. Dallas was making his dream come true and who could blame him for that? He promised he would make the wedding as my guest, but he couldn’t take the role as groomsman.

“All right. Have a good night, Avery,” Kerri said as we told each other goodbye and hung up. I opened the door and I heard a soft cough. Turning, I saw Landon standing behind me.

“What are you doing here? Forget where you live or something?” I snapped.

“I am here to see you,” he said with a smile. My heart leapt for a quick second, and then guilt washed over me. We had once kissed right before I went on my first date with Dallas. I wasn’t able to control myself back then, but I could now.

“For what reason?”
I asked as I walked out of the cold.

“Dallas sent me to check on you. He said you left without telling hi
m goodbye and he was worried.” Oh really, he was worried about me? I sighed. If he was really worried he would have called me. But I didn’t dare say this to Landon. I decided a long time ago not to discuss my relationship with Landon at all.

, well you can tell him I am just fine.” Turning sharply, I jabbed the elevator button.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked
, seeming hurt. I felt terrible now. It wasn’t his fault Dallas made Valentine’s suck.

, not at all. Sorry.” I took a deep breath and tried to calm my unsettled nerves. “It’s just not a good day is all. Valentine’s day is a horrible holiday.”

“I thought that might be the case
, so I got you something.” His eyes lit up and I stared into them blankly. He got me something? He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

“Here,” he said as he handed it to me. “It’s nothing major
, just wanted you to know we all care about you.”


, your friends. I am your friend, right?” he joked.

ou are my friend. Thank you.” It was the strangest thing. We hardly ever talked, yet he wanted to be my friend.

He turned and left me waiting for the elevator
, so that it could take me away from this awkward situation. Finally the car came and I stepped in. As the doors started to close, Landon put his hands inside to pull them open.

, so I bought you a card because I knew for a fact that Dallas had forgotten to get you something.” He pulled the doors open wider. “I didn’t want you to spend the night without knowing someone cares about you. I mean … Dallas does, too.” He was fumbling his words, but it didn’t matter now. Dallas had forgotten and my heart was hurt. Landon was simply trying to cover up his mistake by getting me a card.

, Landon.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. He smiled and left me alone in the car.

Once I entered the apartment
, I put May on Ianni’s lap and fell towards the couch, landing on my face. I just wanted to bury myself into the cushions and hide. The fact was that my feelings were really hurt. Dallas had been so wrapped up in Evolve that he wasn’t letting our relationship ‘evolve’. It was like everything was being put on hold.

“What happened?”
Ianni asked frantically. I had worried her. She was like my bodyguard; always making sure I was safe. Sometimes I had to tell her she wasn’t my Spirit Guide anymore. It was like she forgot or something.

m fine, well maybe not fine. Dallas forgot about Valentine’s Day.” I pulled the card up and handed it to her. “Landon just stopped by and gave me a card.”

Ianni stared at me shocked for a second, and then she tore into the card. She knew that I would not be able to do it myself. I had tried so hard not to have feelings for Landon and to let our past stay where it should. But with Landon dropping cards off for me, that made it hard to handle.

She read the card and then eyed me
, waiting for my response. “Okay, enough suspense already.” I took the card from her and read it out loud.

“To a dear friend on Valentine’s Day.”
The pretty pink roses on the front looked like something I had wished Dallas got for me today. Opening the card, I read the inside. “Here is hoping you know you’re cared for by everyone you know. Landon.” I set the card down and flopped back on the couch with Ianni. My head now spun in circles. I had no idea what this card meant, or why he got it for me. All I could do was just let it be what it was … a nice gesture.

That night I stared at my ceiling thinking about Dallas the whole time. Mostly I wondered what he was doing now that the restaurant was closed. It was well past midnight. I sighed and rolled over
, looking at May on her little doggie bed. She slept so peacefully that I envied her. I had hoped that my days of no sleep were long gone, but I couldn’t sleep tonight. So many questions swam in my mind. Was Dallas not in love with me anymore? Did he not care about this day? Or even, did he just really forget? I could forgive him if that was the case. But I didn’t understand why he sent Landon here to check on me. He knew who Landon was to me, even though we never discussed it. He knew my past.

Why didn’t he just call me himself? Frankly
, it was rather cowardly to not take care of your own messes.



Chapter Three

Chocolate Brown and Pale Champagne


I woke to the sound of the coffee maker bubbling in the kitchen. I knew Ianni was up making her coffee and she would soon be poking her head inside my door to wake me up to go for our morning walk. We had decided to get more exercise. And while the snow melted off it was a beautiful time to walk around the park. Sitting up, I rubbed my tired eyes. I didn’t know what time I had finally fallen asleep, but at least I did get some rest.

After I w
as dressed in my yoga pants, which Ianni insisted I buy for walking, and a sweatshirt I heard my door open.

, I beat you to it. I am already up and dressed.” I stepped out of my closet, expecting Ianni but facing Dallas. His head hung down a little and I could see the exhaustion on his face. I stepped out of my closet feeling guarded. I was still boiling mad, but he did seem like a lost boy.

“Why are you here?”
I didn’t mean to be so awful, I simply asked him what I was feeling. Honestly, I didn’t understand why he was there.

“I came to talk to you about yesterday.” His dark eyes met mine. Now my guard went down a little more. “I know I am a day late
, but I came to show you how much I love you. I can’t make up for forgetting Valentine’s Day, but I can try to make it up to you until you forgive me.” So he did forget.

“I was hurt. Not so much tha
t you forgot the stupid holiday, more so that you didn’t even call me last night. Instead, you sent your cousin here to check on me. That is what hurt the most.”

He edged towards me and my heart beat faster. He looked too good and
vulnerable to be mad at. Once he reached me he gently stroked my face. I didn’t realize I was so tense until he made contact. I could feel my facial muscles contract under his touch.

“Avery, I only asked him to come here because things were crazy
last night. I promise to never leave you hanging again.” He kissed me gently and ran his fingers through my tangled hair. “Please come to breakfast with me so I can make up for last night.” I shrugged and kissed him back. Maybe being mad was overrated.

The week went by like any other week real
ly; nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary. Dallas started getting used to running Evolve and called me every chance he could. He even brought me dinner a few times. The food was worth all the extra calories. However, I had to stop eating so much exquisitely fine food if I planned on being in Kerri’s wedding.

and I met Kerri at the dress shop in town. We were going to be watching Kerri choose her dream wedding dress and picking out our dresses as well. I loved the colors she had in mind; pale champagne or a chocolate brown. I was so happy it wasn’t bright pink or orange. I was too pale for such bright colors. Although, Ianni would look spectacular in just about anything. That girl was hard to live with. Constantly living with such beauty made you seriously doubt your own looks. Kerri greeted us with two hot coffees.

, ladies,” she said with a devious smile.

“What are the coffees for?” I asked.

“Well, you will need it. I plan on trying on every dress I can until I feel one hundred percent sure.” She practically skipped to the shop as Ianni and I exchanged looks. We needed more than coffee to handle this situation … we needed something stronger. Once inside the dress shop, I had the overwhelming desire to wear the over-the-top white princess dress that stood in the middle of the store. The feeling was so foreign to me I was taken aback. I had never before felt the urge to be married, but being with Dallas had an unusual effect on me and my thoughts for the future.

eing in the store, surrounded by this theme, made me want it even more. I suppose that is why some women want to get married. For the dress, the shoes, and the show. I never really liked being in the spotlight. I remembered my vision of my wedding to Henry. I had it all then; had the dress and so forth. I was a different person back then, heck a different body. I couldn’t have imagined my soul wanting a wedding like that again … until now.

, girls. Want to see the dresses I picked out to try on first?” Kerri’s question broke my train of thought. I had to remember why we were here. It was not for me to fantasize about my wedding, it was for her. Sitting with my coffee on a white, leather couch, I nodded and put on my smile. Ianni sat with me, ohhing and ahhing at each dress Kerri showed us. The first three were not what I expected for her. I imagined her in something fairytale like; the dresses she had were more modern. I did like them, but they were not Kerri.

Ten dresses and an hour later
, Ianni and I had run out of coffee and patience. I tried to like the whole experience, but it seemed like every dress had some issue in Kerri’s opinion. It was either not busty enough or was unflattering to her curves. Granted, the girl had curves, but we were ready for her to find ‘the one’ so we could be done.

“Kerri,” I said. “Why not try on the dress on the fl
oor.” I pointed to the princess-like dress I noticed when I came inside.

“No way!
It’s not at all what I imagined wearing.” Her faced twisted with disgust. The dress was perfect for her curves. I knew it wasn’t what she wanted, but it was what I saw for her.

“Come on
, Kerri! Please just try it on.” I really just wanted to see her in it. She shrugged and told the annoyed attendant to get it in her size.

“I know this will not be the dress for me
, Avery, but I will try it on to humor you,” she joked. Ianni laughed.

over towards me, Ianni whispered into my ear, “It’s going to look amazing on her.” I was happy she agreed with me. We both knew Kerri through and through; this girl was a diva at heart.

Once she came out with the dress on
, the tears started to fall all around the store. Kerri, Ianni, the attendant, and even me. She looked stunning, just like I thought she would. It was a pure-white dress with a pearl encrusted bodice. The skirt started at her waist and flowed with a satin underlay. The sparkly overlay draped over the skirt and had a small train in the back. Kerri wiped at her tears and turned to face us. “It’s the one!” We clapped our hands and hugged her.

Once she was done with her dress choice
, she explained the ideas for our dresses. She told the attendant, whose name I finally found out was Anna, that she wanted chocolate or champagne. Anna pulled out two adorable choices in both colors. Either a tea length with a halter-top, or a full-length gown with straps. I went into my dressing room and pulled the tea length one on in the brown first. I loved it, but wasn’t sure what Kerri would think. Sure enough, she preferred the floor length in pale champagne on Ianni and knew it would be perfect for us both. As I went to put it on I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. It would be fun to dance with Dallas and finally have some time together at the wedding. I wondered how dapper he would look in his tux.

It wasn’t hard to have forgiven him for the Valentine’s Day disaster. I loved him, and when you love someone you forgive them. It was such a minor thing, how could I hold it against him? I reached inside my purse to snap a picture of myself in the dress when I came across the card Landon gave me. I opened it up and was instantly pulled back to the days when we were together. Not a vision per say, but a memory of my own. When you can remember your past it’s hard not to think about it from time to time. I tried to shut it out, especially at times like this, but it was too difficult. I often wished I had been the one whose memory was shaved.

Shaking off the memories, I dropped the card back into my bag. I showed Kerri the dress and she approved it, just like we thought she would. We all changed and headed out to the bistro for lunch. It was a fun filled dress buying day. Kerri was happy and that is all that mattered. My best friend was getting married.

That night I had a work shift so I went home and caught a nap first. It was nice to climb into bed and snuggle up in the middle of the day sometimes. I fell fast asleep like I thought I would. I hadn’t thought I would dream about anything dealing with Landon ever again. But I was so, so wrong.

BOOK: Unraveling of Avery Snow, The
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