Unwelcome Reunions (His Dirty Secret Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Unwelcome Reunions (His Dirty Secret Book 3)
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Tyler had the grace to grin sheepishly. “Okay, I suppose that’s me. But you’ve done it to me too, remember?”
How could she possibly forget
? “And you did such a good job of it too.” It was Isobel’s turn to smile and blush as she remembered the time that he’d asked her to dominate him to show her how much he trusted her. It had been an experience that both of them enjoyed, but not one that she wanted to do on a regular basis. She much preferred him being the Master in the relationship. She’d never realized that she was submissive until she’d met him, and for her to take control was totally alien to her.


“Okay, mister.” She pushed him away playfully. “That’s your cue to leave.”


Giving her one last lingering kiss goodbye, Tyler waited until she’d opened the door and stepped over the threshold and then turned away and walked back to the waiting car, giving her a jaunty wave out of the window as he was driven away.


Isobel closed the door, locked it behind her, and then walked through to her bedroom, still smiling contentedly. She pulled out her small suitcase and lifted it up onto the bed and then proceeded to take everything out of it. As she repacked it, she ticked off a mental checklist in her head, added a couple of items and then zipped it back up. As Tyler had told her, anything she’d forgotten could easily be purchased while she was in Miami.


A quick shower and a mug of hot coca while she read a few pages of her book in bed, and then it was lights out to hopefully get a few good hours sleep before morning.



Chapter Two




Tyler picked her up at ten o’clock the following day, carrying her suitcase to the Hummer that he’d driven before helping her up into the passenger seat. Isobel had noticed over the past few weeks that he didn’t tend to do much driving himself and preferred to have someone else chauffeur him around. But he was an excellent driver and she always enjoyed watching him as he excellently navigated traffic and roads.


The drive to the small private airfield wasn’t a long one, and in seemingly no time they were pulling up in front of a huge hangar. Isobel stayed in the vehicle while Tyler got out to go and talk to someone, and then he came back and got back into the driving seat, driving them a very short distance to where a private Learjet was waiting on the tarmac.


Isobel had never been on such a small plane before, and she’d certainly never been on one that was so luxurious. As she walked up the stairs and entered the craft she gasped in delight. Cream leather chairs, and even a small couch were set out almost as though they were in a living room. Thick, white carpet felt soft beneath her feet and in stark contrast to the light colors, ebony black tables separated the furniture.


“This is gorgeous!” Isobel’s words were hushed, almost as though she was afraid to talk too loudly in case the magical moment disappeared. Tyler laughed as she kicked off her shoes. “I couldn’t possibly walk on this carpet with shoes on. I might mark it.”


“It would be no big deal, darlin’. But I do happen to love seeing you with bare feet.” He winked at her playfully, and she chuckled again. “Would you like a tour before we take off?”


“Of course I would, but are you flying the plane?” It was something that she hadn’t really thought about until now and she wasn’t sure how she’d feel if he said that he was going to be the pilot.


“I usually would, but not today. Today I want to be able to spend time with you with no interruptions.” Isobel breathed a sigh of relief. Flying didn’t scare her, but she’d never flown in such a small airplane before.


Tyler walked her through the plane, showing her the small kitchenette and the full-sized bathroom, complete with a shower stall and huge mirror over the double vanity area. “The bedroom is through that door, but I’ll show you that later on when we’re in the air.” Isobel was pretty sure that it was as opulent as the rest of the plane. “For now though I have some paperwork that I need to go through, so would you mind making yourself comfortable and perhaps reading or watching some television?” He picked up a remote control off one of the tables and clicked a button, and to Isobel’s amazement a TV rose up from one of the cabinets.


“I think I could just about force myself to relax a little,” she joked, but her smile faded when Tyler didn’t respond and just walked over to a small, but functional desk and opened his briefcase.
So much for him wanting to spend some time with her without any interruptions
, she thought. With a shrug, Isobel picked up the remote that he’d put back down on the table and sat down on the couch to flick through the channels and find something to watch.


For the next thirty or so minutes Isobel channel-hopped but couldn’t find anything she really wanted to watch. She tried a few times to talk to Tyler, but all she got in response was a non-committal reply or a grunt, so he was obviously not in the mood or was too busy. It was strange, because she’d never known him to be so quiet or moody, but the scowls he threw her when she talked was a clear indication that something was on his mind, and she wasn’t completely convinced that it was all about work.


Had she done something to upset him or to piss him off in some way? Or maybe he was just regretting his decision to take her along on the trip. Of course, it could be that the fact that he’d very recently filed for divorce and it was taking its toll on him. No matter how much he said it was what he wanted, Isobel couldn’t help but wonder if he’d felt pressured into it and was now regretting his decision.


Or it was quite possible that she was over-reacting and he really was busy, and maybe she should stop being so bloody paranoid and insecure, she told herself as she picked up one of the magazines from the table and flipped through the pages.


Alternating between reading the magazine and looking out of the small round window in awe at the breathtaking sight of puffy white clouds and a beautiful blue sky, Isobel almost jumped out of her skin when Tyler touched her on the shoulder. She hadn’t even heard him get up from the desk and walk towards her.


“Are you enjoying the flight?” He seemed to be a little less tense and Isobel found herself relaxing as well. “Can I get you a drink of something?”


“Yes and no, in that order.” She smiled up at him, relieved to get a genuine smile in return. “The flight is absolutely amazing, and I don’t need a drink, but thank you.” She glanced across to his work station. “Have you finished what you needed to do?”


“Yes, thank God. I hate these meetings, but the fact that it’s with the rest of the shareholders of the hotel, I always feel as though I need to over-prepare. It simply wouldn’t look good for the majority shareholder to have not done his homework, especially with a hotel of this size and caliber.”


Isobel was surprised, and it showed in the way her mouth fell open in a cute ‘O’. “I didn’t realize that we were going to a hotel that you owned.” That would explain how he knew so much about what the hotel store had to offer in the way of beauty products and such. She felt like a complete jealous idiot.


“I part own it. I actually hold a seventy five percent share, so it’s really important that I ensure that everything I’m supposed to do is done correctly.” He paused briefly. “Of course, Jessica owns a share also, which makes it even more vital that I don’t make any mistakes.”


Isobel felt her heart sink at the news. Tyler’s soon to be ex-wife was an intimidating woman at the best of times, and now that it was public knowledge that her and Tyler were an item the chances were that she would be even more of a bitch. But, Isobel was not going to let the woman get to her if at all possible. In fact, it was doubtful that she’d even see her with any luck.


“So, are you ready to see the bedroom now?” Tyler wiggled his eyebrows in the way he did that always made her laugh and melt all at the same time. She took the hand that he offered to her and let him pull her to her feet, and then they walked hand in hand towards the back of the plane where the bedroom obviously was.


Isobel wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting, but as Tyler opened the door and ushered her inside she knew that it wasn’t what she found, although in retrospect she shouldn’t have been so surprised.


The size of the bed wasn’t what took Isobel unawares; after all, wasn’t it perfectly normal to have a king-sized bed on a private plane? The small but functional closets and drawers were also expected, and much nicer than what she had in her home, she couldn’t help thinking.


surprise her was the very obvious fact that this was a bedroom that had been designed with Tyler’s penchant for BDSM in mind. There were metal loops on the bottom of the two legs that were visible on the bed, and Isobel was pretty sure that the two remaining legs that she couldn’t see would also be equipped with the same thing. Against one wall were another four hoops; two up high and two at ankle level.


Various toys were dotted around on shelves and side tables, and a silver tray with what looked to be gags, masks and other small items was on the table closest to the bed. And there were mirrors everywhere; on the wall behind the bed, a large one on the wall to the left side and a huge one that covered every inch of the low ceiling.


She caught sight of herself in the one facing them and the wide-eyed look of excitement that she saw on her own face shocked her, as did the one of heated anticipation on Tyler’s. She realized that whatever he did to her in here she would be able to see in crystal clarity, and she wasn’t sure whether to be happy or distressed at the prospect. Did she really want to see herself in all her naked glory, jiggling and wobbling as he did things to her?


Almost as though he could read her mind, Tyler leaned his head down to talk softly into her ear. “You will look beautiful. You always do, Isobel.”


He placed his hands on her waist and turned her round to face him, raising her chin with a finger so that he could look into her eyes as he spoke. “You have no worries about being disturbed by anyone or anything here, so I want you to really let yourself relax and enjoy. Okay?”


That was easy for him to say, she thought to herself. He was probably going to be the one in control, making her do things that she still wasn’t completely comfortable with. But there was no denying that she enjoyed what he usually did to her, and had her do to him. She nodded her head in response to his words and was rewarded with a smile and a kiss. “Good girl.”


“Take your clothes off.” He gave her another kiss and then moved to the foot of the bed to sit and watch her, leaving her standing there feeling decidedly self-conscious. “Now, Isobel.” His words were firm, brooking no further delays, and Isobel unzipped her skirt and started to strip off her clothes.


A few minutes later she was stood in front of him, naked and trembling; not with cold, nor necessarily with nerves. But with mixture of anticipation and self-consciousness that had her wanting desperately to cover herself with her hands, which was really silly considering that he’d already seen her naked on numerous occasions and had never once said or indicated that he found her lacking or wanting in any way.


Tyler stood up slowly, walking towards her with a look in his eyes that could only be described as heated. Without saying a word he walked around her, looking her up and down and every couple of minutes running his hand over her; her buttocks, her breasts, and her hips. All of the sensitive parts of her that had her trembling increasingly with every touch, her breath catching in her throat.


Standing behind Isobel, Tyler put his hands on her hips and placed a tender kiss on the back of her neck, making her shudder with desire. “We’re going to be doing something new today, Isobel. Something that I’ve wanted to do to and with you since I first met you. But I needed to make sure that we had total privacy first.”


Isobel started to turn to face him, but his hands on her shoulders stopped her, so instead she stared at him in the mirror opposite them. “W-what is it?”


“You’ll soon find out. The safeword will be ‘pickle’. Can you remember that?”


She nodded and gulped all at the same time. He always gave her a safeword to use whenever they had a BDSM session, but so far she had never had to use it, and she felt proud of that fact. But recently he had been pushing her more and more to her limits and she was afraid that one of these days she might actually use it and let them both down. “Pickle. Got it, Sir.”


Tyler was the first man who had ever dominated her sexually. Until she had met him she had never realized that she was submissive, but since then she had come to realize that it made perfect sense to her. Under his ‘tuition’ she had discovered that she actually enjoyed erotic pain, and that being verbally humiliated by being called things like ‘cunt’ and ‘slut’ actually turned her on more than she would have ever believed.


Isobel’s mind went back to when they had traded places once, not that long ago, but then they had only been seeing each other for a few weeks in total. While Isobel had enjoyed the experience, and Tyler had told her that he had learned how to be a more patient and responsible Dom through it, they had both agreed that it was not something that they wanted to do on a regular basis. And, in all truthfulness, Isobel couldn’t imagine her or anyone else ever dominating him sexually on a permanent basis.


While Isobel loved nothing more than reaching a climax and having earth-shattering orgasms at Tyler’s hand, she’d also found out that one of her biggest turn-ons was actually making him orgasm. She wouldn’t have been able to explain it to anyone even if she could actually talk openly about it, but for some reason it almost felt as though he was rewarding her when he came.


Tyler might have been demanding in so far as giving orders or demands, but he always made sure that Isobel’s needs were taken care of. And he always ensured that he was as reassuring and praising as he could possibly be, which, when he’d discovered how insecure she was about her own body, was a lot. He might ask her to do things that she wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with doing, but he was always encouraging and pushing her to try to see her through his eyes in the hope that she would eventually come to the realization that she was a very beautiful and desirable young woman.

BOOK: Unwelcome Reunions (His Dirty Secret Book 3)
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