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Authors: Alice Brown

Up in Flames (5 page)

BOOK: Up in Flames
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How was she going to explain her other fear without driving him away?
Yes, mate, even though I’m wet for you, the idea of having sex with you scares the crap out of me

After he had showed Walter out, Lucas sat down on the couch next to his mate. “So, explain to me how someone as beautiful as you are has gone without having sex?”

“What? Who told you I hadn’t had sex?” she squawked.

“Oh, so you’re not a virgin?” he inquired softly.

She fidgeted in her seat for a moment, not really wanting to have this conversation, but knew it was probably necessary. “Okay, well, the thing is…” she stopped and took a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves. “The thing is I’ve had sex, twice actually, and well…it didn’t exactly go so hot either time. I just kind of turned away from it since then.”

With a deceptively calm tone to his voice, he inquired, “Tell me what you mean by it didn’t go well.” Because if some idiot had hurt his mate, he would hunt them down and torture them, slowly, until they begged for forgiveness.

“Well, you know,” she wrung her hands together in front of her.

“You didn’t climax?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Were you forced?” God help him if her answer was yes, because some sick bastard would die.

“No, nothing like that. It’s just…it’s just, I don’t get it. I’m not good at sex.” Then she looked up at him and an arrow went straight through his heart.

“Oh, baby, now I don’t want to hear anything like that. The reason you didn’t enjoy it was whoever the bastard was who fucked you didn’t take the time to make sure you were ready. He didn’t take the time to make sure you were enjoying yourself, because, baby, I can promise you by the time I am finished with you…” He let the sentence hang for a moment to see if she would take the bait.

“What? By the time you are finished with me, what?” she whispered.

His response was a low, sexy chuckle as he brushed his fingertips across her cheeks. He watched as she closed her eyes, leaning into his hand, so starved for touch. Bending down, he whispered in her ear, “By the time I am finished, you will have had so many orgasms you won’t be able to move!”

“How can you be so sure? I am pretty sure I'm broken, Lucas. I mean, I’m not even sure why you want to settle for me being your mate.” That earned her a growl of disapproval. “And while we are getting everything out there, you should probably be aware of the fact that I haven’t done anything in a really long time,” Meredith mumbled.

“Define a really long time.” There was that growl again.

“Four years.”

“Okay, so at the age of twenty-three you had experienced sex twice, didn’t enjoy it either time, and gave up on it. Do I have that right?”

“Yes, well it’s not like I want to go out and sleep with just anybody. Besides, I was busy with school, and I’ve always had a hard time fitting in. I always blamed my half-blood status. I didn’t exactly fit in with the humans, but I didn’t fit in with the vampires, either,” she ended with a shrug of her shoulders.

She was refusing to look him in the eye, and he’d had about enough of that. “Hey, I want to see your face when we are talking, babe. Eyes up here. Do I make you nervous?”

“Yes! Lucas, look at you.” She stopped and threw her hand out toward him. “You could and probably have had any woman you wanted, which by the way, I don’t want to hear about that part of your past. And then Fate saddles you with me, nothing to look at, doesn’t even enjoy sex. I mean, what do I really have to offer anyone?” She didn’t get any further before all the air left her lungs in a “whoosh” as she found herself lying across his legs on her stomach, her ass sticking up in the air.

He slapped her left ass cheek. “Baby, let’s get a few things straight. Fate didn’t saddle me with ‘nothing.’ She dropped a fucking drop-dead gorgeous angel in front of me. The only problem is this angel has no self-esteem, and belittles herself.” Another smack. “So, I’m going to make some ground rules as your mate. There will be no more talk about you not being good enough. You are my mate, period. You are fucking gorgeous, period. And if I hear you belittling yourself again I am going to spank this beautiful rear end of yours until it is cherry red, understand?”

“Lucas, no! I am not a child! You can’t just hit me anytime the mood strikes you!” Smack! And damn if her body wasn’t calling her a liar over her protests. Her body was yelling,
more, smack my ass more

“I will never hit you, mate. But I will paddle this ass of yours if you continue downing yourself. You have been through a lot over the past two years. I get that. But it does not give you a reason to talk down about yourself. I’ll not stand for it. And, mate…” suddenly she was flipped over and sitting back upright in his lap, his lips mere centimeters away from hers. “I am well aware you are not a child, love.”

Then their lips touched, and she felt as if she was being pulled into an alternate universe as electrical currents raced through her body. Lucas started the kiss with feather light touches, just brushing his lips against hers in an effort for her to feel more comfortable. He gently sipped at those beautiful, pouty lips. A moment later when she released a sigh and wound her arms around his neck, he licked across her lips, requesting entrance.

She opened immediately, surprised at her mate’s gentleness as he explored the inside of her mouth with relish. He turned slightly and slowly leaned back on the couch until he was reclining back and she was lying on top of him. Still the kiss continued, only growing in intensity over time.

Was this the mating pull making her feel this way? She had kissed a few men, even though it had been awhile, but never had she felt this kind of electricity. Never had she experienced a yearning to open her legs wide, straddle him and rub her most private part against the huge cock pressing up against her belly. Wait, what? She broke the kiss off, pushing off him and attempted to sit up. Lucas had other plans.

“Where are you going, darling?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.

“I…I was…” she shook her head trying to clear the cobwebs filling every part of her brain. Hell, her body was still demanding her to let down her guard and do things she had never even considered in her life! To act wantonly. A desperate need filled her, leaving her feeling empty. And her curiosity as to what he looked like was going to be the death of her. Since when had she ever given a moment’s thought as to how large a man’s penis was? Since never. But as she glanced down at his jean-covered erection, there was little doubt as to the size of him. He looked huge even covered, and she was sure once exposed his manhood would be even larger. And that thought alone set her body on fire, wanting, no,
, more of him. Her mind might not have caught up with her body, but her body couldn’t care less. It was as if it had a mind of its own. She could feel the moisture building in her cunt, and she was sure her pants would have a large wet spot. She just couldn’t seem to help herself as she shut her eyes. Trying to block out the sexy face, and Lord have mercy, the sexy body.

“Baby, come back down here. You have nothing to fear. We’ll go slowly, I promise.” Lucas could smell her arousal, pure ambrosia pouring from her cunt. He wanted a taste. He wanted to dip his tongue into her hole, scooping up all of her juices. Then he wanted to suck her little clit into his mouth while he fingered and stretched her, preparing her for his cock. He was a big man, he knew that. And to take someone who hadn’t had sex in four years? She was bound to be tight. Preparation was the key to success, because he was determined to show her how enjoyable sex could be.

She slowly, tentatively, stretched back out on top of him. He remained completely still, not wanting to frighten her. Once she had herself comfortable, she laid her head on his chest. Knowing that he couldn’t keep his hands off her another second, he ran his hand gently up and down her back. When she raised her head to look at him, he took full advantage and captured her lips in another kiss. He kept this one light, just like the last one, only his hand was sweeping across her body this time, allowing her to become accustomed to his touch.

He gradually increased the intensity of the kiss, until finally he was devouring her lips once again. Meredith opened for him instinctively, and he delved inside to fully taste her sweet mouth. He also brought his hand around to her side, brushing up against the side of her breast. He was somewhat surprised but happy when a moment later she turned slightly in order to bring her breast in alignment with his hand. He thumbed her nipple, delighted when he felt it turn hard as a pebble. She moaned softly, and he released her mouth to trail kisses across her jawbone, side of her neck, and across her collarbone.

Watching her face closely, he swept his hand up under her shirt, finding himself enjoying learning her body slowly, one inch at a time. It had been a long time since he had taken this much time with a woman. Once he thought about it, he realized it had been a very long time indeed. Yes, he always made sure his partner enjoyed herself and got off, but he never spent this amount of time just learning a woman’s body. And there was another factor to come into play. He was a big man. He’d had a bad encounter when he was younger and inexperienced. He hadn’t prepared his partner enough, and it hadn’t gone well. He had learned a lot over the years, including how to take his time and ensure his woman was well pleasured, but before today he had not been forced to go this slowly. However, this was his mate, and she deserved their first time to be something to remember.

Hoping he wasn’t about to make a huge mistake, he grabbed her by the waist as he stood, all in one fluid motion. When she squeaked in alarm, he leaned down and recaptured her lips. He forced his tongue into her mouth, coaxing hers out to duel with his. He quickly made his way to her tiny bedroom before she had a chance to protest.

When he reached the bed, he sat down with her in his lap and continued kissing her. She wound her fingers through his hair and held him close. His hands were still on her waist, and he reached under her shirt on both sides, keeping his touch light as he skimmed her upper abdomen. Her breathing picked up as he came closer to her breasts. He broke off the kiss and smiled down at her.

“Baby, do you feel comfortable enough around me to ditch this shirt?”

Her eyes popped open, surprise evident on her face. She never would have thought such a big man like Lucas could be as gentle and caring as he was with her. She smiled and nodded her head to show her agreement.

His hands were still up under her shirt, so with a simple tug he had it off. She had jumped in the shower as soon as he left this morning but had heard her phone ring while she was still soaped up. Hurrying, she forewent her bra, just throwing on a shirt and a pair of comfy yoga pants, and raced to find her phone.

When she glanced up to his face, his attention was centered on her chest. She was fairly well-endowed, and she wondered if he liked big breasts or preferred smaller ones. He brought his hands up and held both reverently, whispering, “God, baby, you are even more beautiful than I imagined.”

He leaned over and pressed tiny kisses over the tops of both breasts, still holding them up with his huge hands. Then he skated his tongue across one nipple, and she melted. When he went to lick the other nipple, she raised her hand to the back of his head to hold him to her chest.

He chuckled at the thought of her trying to manhandle him. He brought her down on the bed flat on her back, her beautiful breasts pointing straight upwards. Then he took both of her hands and placed them above her head. “Leave those hands right there,” he warned.

She frowned, and he found himself chuckling again. She would learn soon enough that when it came to their bedroom activities, he was in charge. He then went back to her breasts, but this time he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it while twirling his tongue around the bud. When that nipple was as hard as a pebble, he switched to the other one, paying it the same loving attention.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he used his free hand to start inching its way down her stomach. He was thankful her pants were loose, allowing room for his hand to snake down. He lightly skated over her skin with his fingertips, a bit taken back when he came to her mound and realized she not only wasn’t wearing a bra, but no underwear, either.

“Oh, is my baby feeling just a bit naughty for me?” He grinned as he watched her eyes go wide and her face flame red. “Not wearing a bra or underwear? Not to worry,” he stated as he gently nipped the skin on her tummy. “Just makes it easier on me!”

He inched her pants down her legs as he continued to caress her, bringing his mouth back up to find hers again. When he had her pants down as far as he could reach, he sifted his fingers through her pubic hair. He’d had yet to get a good look at it, but from the feel of it, it was trimmed nice and neat.

Her pussy was calling to him like the sweetest smelling ambrosia. He turned and rose over her, caging her in with his weight on his elbows as he started with her ear, licking the shell, then on down the side of her neck. He stopped and twirled his tongue on the spot he wanted to mark her, right where the shoulder and neck met.

He then continued down her chest, taking the time to pay attention to both breasts by taking one at a time and sucking on the nipples until they were hard little points again. He lightly dragged his blunt human front teeth across each pebble, watching as a shiver went through her body.

He continued his way south, knowing a feast awaited him. When he came to her belly button, he dipped his tongue in it and swirled his tongue. She had the cutest little indent he had ever seen. On down her stomach he went, sliding his wet tongue down her flesh.

He mentally congratulated himself for having the patience to go slowly with her, to have her writhing under him like she was doing now. And her scent, have mercy, he knew he had never smelled anything half as wonderful. He dropped his nose down and inhaled deeply, burning her essence into his brain. She wiggled under him using her feet to push her pants the rest of the way off, then opened her legs, inviting him in, and he was a thankful man. Because the promise land was right in front of his face. He snaked his tongue out and licked her from her hole upwards, gathering her juices as he went. He stopped and wiggled his tongue a few times across her little button, spiraling up her need, her desire. Suddenly, she reached down and grabbed two handfuls of hair in an attempt to hold him exactly where she wanted him.

BOOK: Up in Flames
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