Read Vagina Insanity Online

Authors: Niranjan Jha

Tags: #murder, #marriage, #rape, #sex, #revenge, #killing, #immorality

Vagina Insanity (11 page)

BOOK: Vagina Insanity
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For many, it is not a story but news!


Basically the women, who came in my life except
Ameena, were all born-tricksters. There might be two kinds of
thought striking your mind – first one contrary second. The first
that, what a bad person I am that I kept on getting involved into
marriages so many times? And the second thought that what a good
person I am that, though I was born in utter poverty and
starvation, yet I came to the surviving level by climbing up every
time I fell into the trap! In my childhood, I did not get two
squares meal a day, still I completed my graduation and learnt
English, French, Spanish, German and so many other things, and I
could make my life livable. After tackling so many hassles and
going through so many deceptions, I could stand as a surviving
creature amid the blood-sucking devils. This is the major point of
concern this book has highlighted.


This entire nightmare captured in this can boil your
blood because no novelist could ever dare to write this much in the
writing history. The statics of Google website says that there are
fifty downloads happening every day and it has reached the number
of twenty thousand in one month. The local press media came to know
about gun-marriage from this book and they condemn this dark face
of society. The composition of this story is so difficult to me
that every sentence makes my body shiver and heart pain, and I feel
like I will faint. I have got the nature of not forgiving my enemy,
and that is why I am surviving in this damn snobbish world. I would
not feel sorry to say that in this last incident which is about to
come, the enemies were my own family persons.


My encounter with prostitute-type Saturday-night
secretaries, cugars, and bisexual AC-DCs, everything I have openly
written, and all these problems that I faced, are capable enough to
drive anyone depressed. But it is my courage that I am still on
track. This is not the matter of confession for which I should go
to church, or it is not so simple that I can convince an advocate
and file a case in the court. I did not find any way to let it come
out so I am telling this story to you, to you all, so that you can
see, how much I had to suffer to come up in life. A real blunt
truth without any literary animation and grandiloquence!


This narration includes everything starting from the
suffering of my own frayed temper, the frustration and the fight to
defeat destined endangering poverty. And that helped me become the
man of Midas-touch. At present, I am the managing director of
Cromosys, a company which is excelling in the fields of education,
print media, and motion picture production. For a brief period of
time I was in the USA, where I learnt foreign languages, and after
coming back to India I worked for BPO companies as a team manager
for five years. I saved every single penny I earned, and that made
me secure my residence in this most expensive Mumbai city. I have
been teaching English and French with sure-success method for last
thirteen years, and my five educational books are published


For the great success of this book, including all my
friends, I would like to thank those five women also who gave me a
subject to write as they are still alive in the world, and they
should to be brought under searchlight, because a little literally,
a little logically, and a little metaphorically, these five women
should be called my wives, if you forgive the mistakes, cheating,
and deception they played with me.


Now let me tell you the last part of the story which
happened in the year 2010, and when it happened, I had lost all the
courage to live my life. I went into depression for months, but
little by little, now I am recovering. The reason for this is that,
in this incident I was smacked the blow to die by none other than
my own family people. The conspiracy was framed-up by my bother.
When it happened I felt the same as a raped girl feels, when she
comes to her father for protection but her father also rapes


Here I tell you what happened at the end.


After Pushpa ran away from Mira Road, I requested my
family to search for a girl for my marriage in September 2010 when
I was thirty. Though, since the age of eighteen, I knew that my
brothers were not going to do anything good to me, so I never asked
any help and never gave them any chance to play a trick with me.
But when I could not find a girl for marriage, I surrendered myself
to family.


Since my father passed away in his early forty which
was around twenty eight years ago, the family came into severe
financial lurch. Both of my elder brothers spent money for my
education but when the time came to get me married, they were
inclined to find the very poor, less educated and village-girl who
could look after my village-house in Bihar. After my mother passed
away, the two bhabhis (sisters-in-law) were not able to stay in the
village, so they wanted my wife to be with them.


In November 2010, I told my bhabhi that I would like
to come down to Delhi to meet them. And I requested her to search a
girl for me. Now see, what did she and my bother do…


They found a girl from very poor family in the
interior village of Bihar.

The girl was so thin as if she was having some major

They took dowry from the girl’s family which I was
never told.

They emailed me the photo of her which was taken five
years ago.

My bhabhi told me that she would show me the girl
before marriage and after my approval only the marriage would take


The day I reached Delhi, she gave me
drug-diluted tea to drink and I went into drowsiness for four days.
She brought me Bihar, took money from the girl’s family, never let
me see the girl, filled the marriage paper with the fake name, and
in the same drowsiness, she got me married to Vidya Mishra on
December 2010, in a
temple of the state.


She told me that look-wise the girl is not good, but
if I do not keep her with me, she would keep forever. And the girl
would take care of the house. I wanted to run away from there but
they all started crying. I didn’t see the girl until I


‘Half the world does not know how the other half


Ever since I am born, I fuck the word destiny, but
that day, I kept my temper cool and went to sleep with my so-called
wife. I know whatever I have written here, the world has been
reading for months, and thirty thousand people have already read.
So I solemnly take an oath and tell you the truth that when I saw
her, I got completely disheartened and did not even touch her. She
started crying compelling me to get physically associated with her
because she had to reply to the family about the bed in the
morning. As it happens that some families ask the girl in the
morning about the masculinity of the man.


She was left untouched till 5.30 a.m. in the morning.
But when I heard her crying, in order to save my repute, just for
the shortest period of time, I made a very casual attempt. And I
don’t know how it happened that after a moth she was reported to be


I really don’t know how it happened.

I will call it my rape – a rape of my manhood.


I am not sure whether she was really knocked pregnant
before marriage or after. Even after I brought her Mumbai, and she
stayed with me for a month, I could never touch her. I never felt
even one percent of interest to associate with her. All the nights
passed like sleepless and troublesome nights, and when Vidya’s
family pressurized my bhabhi after realizing all her tricks, my
bhabhi abused me using the word – motherfucker.


The girl has no breast, no look, and no body to be
called physically attractive to me. She is very thin and weak
suffering from ulcer. This accident made me so upset that after
coming to Mumbai I passed many days without food. I tried to adjust
with her but her look; feature and dressing sense were so down that
I could never talk to her properly.


Now I remember how greedy my bhabhi was. For
last ten years, she had been insisting me to give her money and
fulfill her physical need also – yes, sex. She
used to
torture me so much for money that I had changed my contact number
distanced from them for a long period. After years when I called
them back, the very first sentence I heard that my mother had
passed away six months ago.


She used to tell me that she was physically not happy
with my bother. When I didn’t agree to bed with her, I had heard
her cursing me once that I would never get a wife more beautiful
than her. And so, she made that happen in reality. After pocketing
all the dowry money, she has recently developed her physical
intimacy with a local Delhi-based man blackmailing him to get his
property. In order to succeed into that, she is taking the help of
a witch-craft master also.


She never searched for a wife for me but a maid for


The girl’s family did not even contact me when I sent
my info through email. They did everything without asking or
informing me, and even the day when I did not agree to marry, my
bhabhi said she would take care of the girl entire life. When I
could not stay with Vidya for more than a month in Mumbai, I called
her brother and sent her away with him. Since then I have not been
contacted by anyone yet, and I don’t want also.


Just recently, an unknown lady called me and said
that, Vidya ran away from her home, and was staying with a man
somewhere. Later on, I was told that my brother located her and
took her to Delhi. Failing to bend me to accept injustice, my
brother is keeping her as a maid for daytime and mistress for


It is not that I was not giving money to my family
since I started earning. I gave them a lot. But what they still did
with me is blemish in its true sense. So I broke all the sources
that could help them reach me ever in my life. Turning deaf ears
and blind eyes on them, having lone identity in the over-crowded
world, strengthening myself to remain sane, I am living somewhere
far away from the shadows of their sins.


“When you laugh, the world laughs with you. When you
cry, you cry alone.” –Proverb


Niranjan Jha

Founder Cromosys Corporation


Contact no. +91-9561450045

Email id: [email protected]

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Next novels: Lawbreaker Civilians

Holocaust Night

Asian Havoc


Novel: Vagina Insanity – by Niranjan Jha – Email:
[email protected]


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