Vivian Arend - Granite Lake Wolves 2 (5 page)

BOOK: Vivian Arend - Granite Lake Wolves 2
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“Well, thanks. It was a surprise but she’s incredible, Tad. Hey, there is a little

thing shaking down this weekend if you’d like to join us. Robyn’s first full moon

will be on Saturday.”

Tad froze. He’d forgotten that tidbit. Now that Robyn had mated she’d be able to

change into a wolf. The first shift always took place in conjuncture with the full

moon to help the newbie out. Hot damn, this was exciting news. Then reality

dropped like a lead balloon. “I’d love to be there but I can’t shift. You know I

haven’t, well, I don’t want to get anyone upset if it’s not kosher for me to attend.”

“Of course you can come! You’re family, even if you aren’t triggered yet.”

“I mean, it’s not like I don’t want it to happen. I can’t seem to, you know.” His

face grew hot, even talking about it on the phone with Keil. Full-blood wolves

never seemed to understand his hesitancy to embrace FirstMate tradition.

“I know, Tad. It’ll happen sometime, man. Gotta go. Robyn’s making me pay for

this call.”

Yeah, right. Like that was an issue.
“Umm, didn’t you tell me you had a trust fund

as well as the guiding business?”

Keil’s deep voice echoed back across the line. “I know I can afford it, but why

would I want to spend more time talking to you when I can be with my mate?”

Tad snickered. That sounded like Keil. “Got it. Honeymoon. Enjoy and I’ll see you

in Haines on Saturday. Give Robyn a kiss from me. Oh, and welcome to the



Missy opened the door of her hotel room and flushed to see Tad extending a

single yellow rose.

“Tad, how sweet. Thank you.” Missy took the flower. She debated going back into

the room to put it in water or leaving with it in her hand. If she went into the

room she might haul Tad to the bed and never let him leave. She didn’t think he

was quite ready for that yet. Just because she knew he was a wolf didn’t mean

knew he was a wolf.

Damn hormones.

“I’ll go bring the truck around front. It’s snowing a bit,” Tad said, before winking

at her and turning away.

Missy dealt with the rose and made her way to the parking lot. Tad drove a four-wheel drive that was a little older and more beat up than hers but just as high to

climb into. She giggled as Tad came to help her.

“I swear they should install elevators on these things.”

Tad’s hands stroked her leg as he lifted her in. “Hmmm, that’s a poor idea. I’d

miss getting to help the damsel in distress.”

Missy held her breath while Tad trotted around the vehicle and got behind the

wheel. Did he have any idea what he did to her body? Any idea how she reacted

to every glance, every touch?

She snuck a quick peek at him. He seemed unaware his scent alone drove her

wild. She had to be careful not to do something stupid like kiss him again or let on

she was anything other than a good friend from long ago.

Who drooled at the thought of seeing him naked. There was definitely some kind

of connection between them. Strong. Magnetic.

Tad concentrated on the snow-blown road. “If it’s too bad out we can call tonight

off,” Missy offered.

“You haven’t been driving in the Yukon for a while, have you?” Tad asked, a faint

smile on his face. “This is great driving weather. All the tourists will stay home and

we just have to look out for Old Man Henry in case he decides to go wandering

after closing hours at Klondike Kate’s wearing his bearskin coat. Don’t worry, we’ll

be there soon.”

Missy returned to staring at his profile as they made their way down the highway

to the pub Tad insisted she needed to see. There was something different about

Tad. Other than that he was an untriggered wolf. Missy had never reacted to a

man like this before. He smelt different too.

Not just the different that made her mouth water, and she wasn’t supposed to

keep heading down
particular road. No, he smelt kind of…not like a wolf at

all. Like he was hiding it. That was impossible because only Omegas had that

ability and only triggered wolves were Omegas. She tried again to access his

thoughts. He had a barrier in place that she couldn’t reach behind leaving only the

surface emotions readable—Tad and Missy kissing passionately, naked bodies

pressed close together, intense lovemaking that left them both covered in sweat

—Missy broke the connection and bit back a moan of desire. What he wanted,

she wanted.

By the time they pulled into the parking lot Missy was half out of her mind

restraining herself from jumping Tad. She popped open her door and leapt into

the blowing snow as soon as the truck shimmied to a stop.

Long deep breaths of icy cold air helped until Tad stepped around the cab with a

concerned expression on his face.

“You okay, Missy?”

Oh, please don’t look concerned
. Concern was one step away from affection, and

tonight her body could jump from affection to full sex with no trouble at all.

“I’m fine. Just needed some fresh air. Shall we go?” Missy forced herself to sound

bright and cheerful. She hoped the place would be loud, dark and smoke-filled to

dull her senses enough to get through the evening with Tad’s virtue intact.

She wondered if he would appreciate the effort she was making. She had every

intention of making love with him, but until she could visit the closest wolf pack

and arrange for someone to tell Tad about his heritage she couldn’t act.

Tad held the door open for her, and as she stepped past his arms, she knew she

was done for. There was music, quiet and jazzy. The only smoke was from BBQ

ribs. And the lighting was perfect to see Tad’s eyes widen as he helped remove

her coat.

“Fuck. Oops, sorry, but holy cow, you look good. I don’t think I’ve ever…” Tad

swallowed hard, his gaze tracing up the length of her legs to where her skirt

ended high above her knees.

Fine. It wouldn’t have met the
Catholic Girls School Uniform Requirements

Missy was short and she needed help to make her legs look longer. At least that

was her excuse and she was sticking to it.

If she’d thought it through more she would have known this evening was going to

be a bundle of dynamite waiting to detonate. Then she would have worn her

baggy one-piece fleece hoodie that hung past her knees and a sloppy pair of

sweat pants.


She wouldn’t have. She wanted Tad to drool over her. It made something deep

inside very satisfied to see the admiration and the fire in his eyes.

She took a quick glance around. They would be safer sitting at the tall stools in

front of the bar itself. Instead, Tad held her elbow and led her back toward a small

booth tucked to one side of the bar. It was too late to protest, so she slid onto the

soft leather upholstery behind the tiny table, her knees brushing Tad’s as he

followed her.

“What are you drinking tonight?” One of the servers stood waiting beside their

table. Tad slipped his arm behind Missy, resting it along the back of the seat

cushion, caressing her shoulders.

She was going to die. She really was. “Do they have—?”

“Sweetheart, first I’m gonna need to see some proof you’re of legal age,” the

waitress interrupted.

Tad chortled as Missy dug into her purse cussing under her breath. She handed

over her photo ID and poked Tad in the ribs to get him to stop. It really wasn’t

funny anymore.

The waitress handed it back with a wink. “Our bartender can mix you any drink

without looking it up. You name a drink he can’t produce and it’s on the house.”

Missy glanced at the ceiling. She shouldn’t do this. Not with needing to keep

control over her body around Tad.

“What are you up to?” Tad teased with a squeeze to her shoulder.

Electrical lust shot through her and her mouth went dry. To hell with it. A

challenge was a challenge and she could use a stiff drink. She smiled at the


“I’d like a Skip and Go Naked please.”

Tad choked.

The waitress winked at her. “No problem, sweetheart. Tad, what’ll it be for you


“Rum and Coke, please.”

The waitress left and Missy watched as she made her way back to the bar. She

put in their orders and the bartender’s head flicked in their direction. He lifted a

hand and pointed at her, shaking his finger.

“What’s a Skip and Go Naked, other than something that causes my heart to do

double time?” Tad slipped his fingers over hers and Missy’s mind drifted. She was

supposed to concentrate on…something. Tad’s beautiful brown eyes stared at her

like she was the main dish at an all-you-can-eat dessert bar. Time slowed as she

fell into the depths of his gaze. She leaned closer, his mouth inches away. If he’d

ease a little more in her direction she be able to—

“You tried to trick me with that one.” The bartender stood in front of them, a

pale pink concoction in his hand. Missy made herself smile instead of baring her

teeth at the man.

Her hormones were becoming a serious issue tonight.

“You thought if you missed the ‘Hop’ I wouldn’t know it. Hmmm? Well, you’ve

got yourself one Skip and Go Naked. I left out the grenadine ’cause I figured that

must be the hop.”

Missy forced a laugh as she accepted the glass. “Actually, I’ve never heard of the

Hop part. I’m glad you knew how to make one. It’s been a long time. Thank you.”

He kissed her hand and strutted back to his bar, king of all he surveyed. Missy

took a short sip of the sweet drink before glancing at Tad. His eyes were dark, his

face intense as he glared after the bartender. Missy frowned. “Tad? You okay?”

Tad shook his head like he was in a daze. “Sorry about that. I don’t like how that

fellow leers and touches everyone.” He threw back half his drink and stood.

“Come on, let’s dance.” He pulled her into his arms and Missy’s vocal cords seized

up. Tad folded her into him like a pillow into a slip. Every part of him nestled

warm and smooth around her, solid and strong in all the right places. Warmth

radiated from his core, and Missy concentrated on breathing in a slow, even

rhythm. Hyperventilating on the dance floor. Wonder if anyone ever called the

ambulance for that one?

Missy laid her head against Tad’s chest and listened to his heartbeat. She was

short enough that even with her high heels, his chin rested on top of her head, his

arms reaching down to support her. She draped her hands around him, twining

her fingers into the hair at his neckline. Tad hummed with pleasure.

As they swayed together to the bluesy music, Missy wondered if what she felt

was possible. An untriggered male and a runaway Omega wolf, there was a

strange combination. She closed her eyes and relaxed the tight reins she’d been

keeping on herself. Tad dropped his hands and ran them over her back, down her

hips, snuggling her tighter against his body, a rock-hard ridge pressing into her

belly. The scent of his arousal wafted by on the air and she gasped back a groan.

She wanted to taste so badly.

It was too much to continue to resist. Every nerve in her body screamed for him

and she lost control. One flavour denied, she took the pleasure she could reach.

Missy locked her fingers together, drew his mouth down and suckled his tongue.

No gentle introduction, no soft finesse or enticement. Simple and hard desire

drove her, his taste not even taking the edge off her need.

She slipped one leg on either side of his, pressed her heated core into his thigh

with the thought that some release would be better than none. Tad seemed to

read her mind. He feasted on her mouth like a starving man while he danced

them into the shadows at the edge of the floor, away from any curious onlookers.

Tad dragged his lips from hers, his dark eyes snapping with need as he cupped

her face in his hand. “You’re playing with wildfire. Is this what you want? In

public? Because we can go back to your hotel.”

Missy gave a little jump and forced Tad to catch her. Going back to her room was

out of the question. She couldn’t—she wouldn’t dare—have sex with Tad without

him being aware of what his heritage was. She wasn’t the one to tell him. But for

tonight she was going to grasp the only thing she could and to hell with the


She wrapped her legs around him tighter, pressing against the solid ridge of his

cock until he made an instinctive thrust at her. She let her head drop back, her

hands clinging to his neck as he supported her hips in his hands. Somehow he

shuffled them farther from the dance floor into a dusky little nook.

“More. Harder,” Missy whispered. All her nerve endings flowed to one spot at

the juncture of her thighs where he rubbed and thrust until the sensation of

pleasure started to peak and a low sound escaped her lips. Tad covered her

mouth with his hungry kisses as he increased the pounding against her, pressing

her back into the wall behind them, each stroke caressing her clit like they were

skin on skin.

The edge approached and she squeezed hard with her legs, adding the final bit of

pressure she needed. She nipped at Tad’s lip, breaking the skin and drawing blood

that she sucked with a cry of pleasure. She melted from head to toe and let him

BOOK: Vivian Arend - Granite Lake Wolves 2
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