Read Volcanoes Online

Authors: Nicole Hamlett

Volcanoes (29 page)

BOOK: Volcanoes
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As always, I have to thank
. She waits patiently for me to finish dicking around with the rough draft so she can get to work. And then
she waits patiently while I say "Wait no

I need to rewrite this. Gimme a week," which invariably turns into a month or two. 
If that weren't painful enough, she then puts up with my nagging her to finish with the edits, the reading, the early morning /
late night panic fests. I heart her and if you are a fan

so should you.
This stuff looks good because she makes it so.

I have a new person to thank this time around. I got smart and hired someone to manage the day to day business aspects of my writing. T
he kickstarter and the video were awesome because he made them so. My undying devotion goes out to
Troy Pruyt
for taking this nutcase client on and nurturing me and dealing with the stuff that I hate.

Special thanks go out to my alpha readers. In no parti
cular order,
Angie Anderson, Bridgette Collier, Gillian Bartlett-Esquilant
Jeff Garret
, and
Jim Mercer.
(Oh look at that, I alphabetized them so there was order after-all) You certainly helped make the book better with your feedback! I always enjoy seeing
your posts on the fb page! Thank you so so much for being awesome readers!

Speaking of my
Facebook fans

YOU GUYS ROCK! All of you. You rock! You guys on the


Jon Lenaway

you saved my bacon. Heart!

And finally,
Jin Yu
. You stepped up to the plate and knocked my expectations out of the water. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful cover than what you gave me. You made Grace into a fiery, gorgeous goddess. Thank you!



BOOK: Volcanoes
3.3Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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