Read Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

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Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch (9 page)

BOOK: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch
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“We all will. Phoebe sensed only four when she located them. We can do this.” Andy kept one eye on the door.

They remained still in their ambush positions. It was quiet. When the door finally opened, Phoebe was first through.

“You burned one of us. You’re a witch.” One demon grabbed her by the arm.

“You need to stop killing people, or the hunters will run you out of this world.” Phoebe pulled away.

The men attacked, each one hacking at a demon. One died quickly, and Andy moved to stab Jude’s nasty demon, who kept fighting. Phoebe moved to DC, and Reed shook his head. He could see she wanted to take out the demons, but she needed to save her strength. Maybe one day she’d be a super witch, but they were on a journey together. Their skills would improve with time.

DC’s demon melted into a puddle of blood, and DC turned to help Reed finish off his demon. The demon fell, jumped up, and took off running.

Phoebe waved and the demon burned up. The other demon between Andy and Jude began to go down. “Our children will avenge us.”

A few more stabs, and the demons were all dead.

“I need to start carrying a knife,” Phoebe said.

DC exhaled. “Maybe, but you’re not a truly violent person. I think you’d do better to expand your powers than to stab someone.”

“He’s right. Maybe a little warrior training for her protection?” Reed wanted to know Phoebe could fully protect herself if she was going to be part of their fighting force.

Andy hugged her. “We’ll whip her into shape.” Reed lifted an eyebrow. “Self-defense training, nothing kinky. Five people in a bed are wild enough.” Andy kissed her cheek.

“I don’t like what that demon said about the kids.” DC walked back to the car.

Reed frowned. “You don’t think they mean there are more of them back in Hell? Coming now?”

Phoebe slipped into the car. “I didn’t see anything like them in the bar. No one else even looked like a demon. Maybe we should check the house again?”

“Can’t be too careful.” Jude nodded. “Everyone hop in.”

* * *

They pulled up to the house, and Reed liked the neighborhood even less after dark. He shielded Phoebe as they walked inside.

“I didn’t sense any more creatures here.” She shrugged.

They spread out, finding nothing alive. Reed spotted something weird in the bathtub. “In here.”

DC and Phoebe made it to him first. “What are those?” DC looked closer at the tub of orange webbing. It moved and Phoebe stepped back.

“It looks like mothballs only bigger.” DC shook his head.

“Their spawn? It’s the only thing that makes sense.” Reed saw it bubble a bit and wanted to stab it.

“What do we do?” Andy asked.

“If we stab them, it might free them.” Reed frowned.

“Burn it.” DC shrugged. “Phoebe needs to cook them fast.”

She nodded. “They could’ve left pods elsewhere. How do we know this is all of them?”

Reed hugged her. “We don’t, but we’ll get rid of all we can. More demons will come. Maybe a different type, maybe more of these. No matter what, we can’t let these grow up to kill more people.”

“Stand back.” Phoebe got in front of the men and backed them up to the door. Halfway in the small bathroom, she put her hands over the tub and focused her powers. With a flip of her wrists, the tub was ablaze. Things wiggled and squeaked inside like rats.

Pulling her back, Reed didn’t want her to feel any guilt or regret. “Good job. Our secret weapon just saved half of Detroit.”

She elbowed him in the chest then turned and hugged him. Reed knew she’d never be a killer. She’d defend herself and her men. She’d destroy demons with evil intent. But Phoebe would never enjoy fighting or hurting anyone, even if they deserved it. It was part of what the men loved about her.

“Are we done? I want to go home.” Phoebe rubbed her head.

“Come on. You need to rest.” Andy let her lean on him.

Jude nodded to Reed. “I’ll do one last sweep for anything like that in the rest of the house.”

“I’ll come too. DC, get her in the car and give her some water. Maybe next week you two can work on her magic? Help her expand?” Reed grabbed his axe.

“You were always against using magic.” DC frowned.

“I finally get the difference between good and bad magic. I also trust you two won’t abuse the power, and will truly come at it from a good place. The power would go to my head. I don’t want to cast any spells, but you’re free to practice on me any time.” Reed kissed DC hard and walked to the backyard with Jude.

“You two are so hot,” Jude teased.

Reed grinned as they searched out any demon spawn. “Keep me on my toes. Don’t let me get all goofy about it. No one is going to die because I’m suddenly into DC.”

“It’s not sudden. You’re just acting on it now. Don’t worry. If I need to take the lead on a case or two, I will.” Jude patted Reed’s back.

* * *

A week later, Phoebe had learned enough self-defense to bruise her calf and fall on her ass countless times. The magic work with DC was going much better. He wanted to learn, and she enjoyed sharing what she knew. Her own powers seemed stimulated by it.

Moving in fully made this house home, and they’d fallen into a comfortable routine. They shared chores and sex so naturally she knew this was where she belonged. As she stared into the freezer trying to figure out something for her turn at making dinner, she heard footsteps.

“Found them!” DC dropped his laptop on the table.

“Who?” she asked.

“The demons from last week. They were in a mating phase. That’s why I didn’t find them faster. When they mate, they get this orange tinge to their blood. Normally it’s yellow, and their skin is more yellow too. That’s why they try to pass as humans and walk around. Yellowish skin might look sick, and people would avoid them, but it’s not like blue.” DC grinned.

“So what are they?” Jude walked in from the dining room.

“Thessel demons. They need a lot of energy to reproduce. That’s why they were draining women. The life force is stronger. Anyway, with the number of demons we killed, and the eggs, my guess is they were trying to really make a move on Detroit. Big numbers.”

“It’s great we stopped them. And now we know what to look for since they could appear very different.” Phoebe hugged him.

Reed walked in with Andy, fresh from another case more human than paranormal.

“What did we miss?” Andy asked.

“DC identified the demons from last week.” Jude nodded.

Reed hugged DC. “You’re too smart.”

“Be careful. It’ll go to his head. If he’s going to become a wizard, he needs to stay humble.” Phoebe winked. “What do we want for dinner? Stir fry?”

“That sounds healthy.” Andy opened the cookie jar and grabbed three.

“Healthier food won’t kill you.” Phoebe rolled her eyes.

“I think we need a before dinner snack anyway.” Jude slid in behind Phoebe and kissed her neck.

She smiled and pressed back to him. The sex was the best perk in the world. “You know my aunt is glad I ended up in an alternative lifestyle. This is much better now that we’re open.”

“All the witches in your coven are so jealous,” Andy teased.

She smacked his arm. “Now get your clothes off and meet me in the dining room.”

Stripping as she went, she climbed up on the mammoth wooden table. It had plenty of room and was sturdier than the kitchen table, which had proven a bit wobbly over the past week.

“You’re really into getting out of making dinner.” Reed kissed her as he slid onto the table. DC joined them and Phoebe felt the sparks. Their naked bodies were gorgeous muscled masterpieces, but seeing them together was a different level of happiness.

“I’ll still cook,” she said.

Jude and Andy’s hands teased her pussy, and Phoebe’s arousal was already in high gear.

“Wet and eager. You need a male harem.” Andy kissed a bruise on her calf.

“I have everything I need right here.” She grabbed for a condom as Jude set out the protection and lube on the table.

She slid a condom on Andy and pulled him down to the table. Hard and ready, he reached out, stroked her breasts, and watched her slide onto his cock. Phoebe leaned forward, and Jude moved in to take her ass.

Phoebe inhaled Andy’s scent as Jude lubed and stretched her. The men pressed together inside of her, and she wiggled on them to drive them crazy. Looking over her shoulder, Phoebe nodded to Reed to come closer.

Sucking his cock into her mouth, she felt a surge of love and need. He was relaxed and giving. Cupping his balls, she coaxed him to fuck her mouth a little. Reed leaned in and let her swallow what she could, but he’d never hurt her.

When Phoebe felt Reed tense for a second, she worried he wasn’t confident in the group sex. When she saw DC moving in behind Reed, she knew his reactions were natural. Phoebe reached around and spread Reed’s ass for DC. The heat from DC’s body glowed, and she heard Reed’s breathing accelerate.

“Take it, Reed.” Jude’s thrusts picked up their pace in Phoebe’s ass.

Reed hadn’t let them watch him being fucked yet. It was personal, and Phoebe knew it could make anyone feel vulnerable. But his hard cock kept sliding over her tongue, and his hips were strong as they thrust back toward DC. Reed had owned his love, and it empowered him.

“Good?” DC asked.

“Fuck yes. Don’t stop.” Reed ground back onto DC. Phoebe used her hand on Reed’s cock as she watched the men fuck. Her body was in a state of perfect pleasure as Jude and Andy fucked her slowly. They could make it last, and then get her off in seconds. The more they did as a group, the better it became.

“I can’t.” Reed groaned.

“Do it,” DC said.

Phoebe knew Reed liked to hold back. He was never one of the first to come if he could help it. The leader let his troops go first, but she wanted to hear him. Sucking his balls, she hummed softly.

“Shit, Phoebe.” Shaking, Reed orgasmed first. Rubbing the cream into her skin, she kissed his cock and sucked the tip until he thrust into her mouth one last time.

“Kiss me,” she said.

Reed looked down at her and back at DC. The men kissed, and DC pulled Reed back until he was on all fours, almost matching Phoebe’s position. They kissed while Phoebe rocked hard on the cocks inside her. Andy could’ve kissed her, but he was far more into her breasts, and she loved that feeling. He was playful and so gentle she had to ask him for more.

“You like getting fucked?” she asked Reed.

His cheeks turned red, but he nodded before kissing her so deeply she couldn’t say anything more. Letting their tongues curl and play, she squeezed the cocks deep inside her and felt Jude’s hips snap to her rear. His hands slid around, rubbing her clit furiously.

The pulsing pleasure hit. She moaned. Andy fucked her faster. She heard his shouts as she gave in to her own release. The waves of ecstasy hit, and she dug her nails into Andy’s shoulders to keep from screeching. Her muscles tightened on both cocks, and it had to be a dual climax as she lurched forward, pressing her face to Reed’s neck.

“So far so good,” DC said.

“Your turn.” Phoebe shifted her hips and scooted forward, off the hot men. She turned onto her side and watched as DC fucked Reed.

There was no shame on Reed’s face when he pulled her in so he could lick her cunt. She let him play as DC drove Reed to an intense orgasm, muffled in her pussy. DC’s hips never stopped as he drove to his own climax. DC leaned over Reed’s back to see him licking Phoebe as DC came.

“That was intense,” Jude said.

“Nice show. Seeing Reed get fucked was fun.” Andy kissed Jude. “But I’m starving now. Sex burns a lot of calories.”

Phoebe arched her back as another small release finished off her fun. She slid back a little and sat up. “I’m in the mood for comfort food now. Any favorites?”

Most of the guys just shrugged but Reed smiled. “My goddess-worshipping Nana used to make grilled cheese and tomato soup when I went over to stay at her place. She didn’t eat meat.”

“That’s definitely comfort food, and something I can make easily. I’m not the fanciest cook around here. I promise not to burn the sandwiches.” She kissed him and hopped off the table.

“You can burn one. I like mine charred,” Andy called after her.

She turned and grinned at her four guys naked on the table. “I know. But someone should get in here and help with the soup, or I’ll burn too many things.”

“Will you cook naked?” Jude asked.

She left her clothes on the floor. “If I do, we all do. Are you planning after dinner fun already?”

“Yes,” the guys answered together as they followed her into the kitchen. Her warriors were strong and fearless. It might not be the most normal life, even for a witch, but she loved it.

Cheryl Dragon


A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans… where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. Find out more at

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