Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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After a couple more kisses, he pulled away and stood. “I’d better go before I change my mind and we get stuck in bed all morning.”

“You make it sound like a bad thing.”

“Not at all.” He nibbled at her lower lip. “But duty calls.” He made a growling noise that clearly showed pent up frustration. “I’ll see you later.” He kissed the side of her mouth and left. The door clicked behind him. She waited for the sound of the key turning in the lock but it never came.

Okay. So he trusted her to stay put. The funny thing was that she didn’t feel like going anywhere. Yeah sure, she wanted out of the room but she didn’t want his people to find out that they hadn’t been intimate. She didn’t want them to think badly of their king. Of Torrent, of the man she was steadily growing feelings for. She made a groaning noise and dunked her head under the water. She realized that she was smiling. The thought wasn’t as daunting as it had been. Could she do it? Could she take that next step, become his queen?

Candy lazed in the bath for another ten minutes before getting ready for the day. She’d just read two or three pages of her book when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Sky put her head around the jamb first before entering. She closed the door behind her. It was the first time Candy had seen the other woman in a couple of days. She was smiling from ear to ear and her cheeks looked rosy. She looked different somehow. More relaxed, happier. “What’s going on?”

Sky shrugged, she put down a tray. “I brought croissants. I’ll put the kettle on.”

Candy put her bookmark into the book and closed it, placing it on the coffee table. “Sounds good.”

“I went into heat.” Sky blurted. She covered her mouth for a second. She was smiling hard. “I can’t really believe it.”

“You went into heat as in…”

“A female can become pregnant when in heat.”

“Oh.” Candy nodded. “You ovulated. How do you even know?”

“Dragon females know. Firstly, we begin to scent differently. It drives males crazy. Then we start to need sex. Our bodies crave our mates. Lake took me to one of the caves and… yeah, I’m sure you can guess the rest. We were holed up for a few days, that’s why you haven’t seen me.”

“A cave?” Candy raised her brows. “As in, a dusty hole in the mountain?”

She nodded. “Yeah, something like that. They are rustic but we need very little during the heat, save our partner and plenty of sex. The caves are kitted out with the basics.”

“Oh, okay. Wow! Does that mean?” Her eyes tracked to Sky’s belly.

The she-dragon covered her stomach with an open hand. She was smiling broadly and looked so happy that Candy couldn’t help smiling along with her.

Sky nodded. “I hope so. It is rare for a she-dragon not to become pregnant if a male is with her during her heat.”

Candy squealed. “That’s so exciting. I’m thrilled for you. You must be—”

“No!” Sky held up a hand. “Don’t congratulate me yet, it is considered bad luck.”

Candy held up her hands. “I won’t, but it is exciting. How long before you find out?”

“It shouldn’t take more than a week.” She narrowed her eyes on Candy. “What’s been happening with you? I ran into Torrent on my way here and he looked relaxed.” She sniffed the air.

“You haven’t rutted, but…” She sniffed again.

Candy felt heat flood her cheeks. She busied herself with grabbing some mugs and plates. “Stop it. It’s none of your business.” She couldn’t help but smile though.

“No sex… yet… but you’ve moved things forward.” She clapped her hands together. “I’m so glad. How are things between you? Is he still being an arrogant ass or is he showing his… sweet side?”

Candy shook her head. “He’s really been amazing. He’s trying really hard and…” She chewed on her lip for a moment. “It’s working.” Then she felt herself frown.

“What’s wrong?” The kettle clicked off.

“It’s nothing.”

Sky snorted. “It’s not nothing. Out with it.”

Candy leaned back against the counter and folded her arms. “I just feel like this is moving so quickly.”

“You are with a shifter. Quick is normal. In fact, for Torrent, this is moving really slowly. Try and see it from both sides. It is important that you try and trust your gut. Not just your gut but your heart too. Forget about what your head is telling you.” Sky paused. “Sometimes overthinking things can make them more difficult.”

She sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.” Worry churned in her gut anyway despite Sky’s wise words of wisdom.

“There’s more.” Sky scrutinized her, raising her brows. “What’s eating at you?”

Candy nodded her head. “There are some things about my past that Torrent needs to know.” She knew this day would come. The day she met someone that she could see herself with. The day she would have to come clean. She may have been a high priced call girl, she may have only had a handful of clients over the years, but the fact of the matter was that she had sold her body for money. It didn’t matter that she had strict criteria. That she didn’t always sleep with the highest bidder. That it wasn’t always just about the money. She was probably worrying for nothing. Torrent might be totally fine with it.

“Hey.” Sky touched the side of her arm. “I can see that this is really worrying you. I’m sure that your past will be of no concern to Torrent. You are who you are. Your future together is what counts.”

“Maybe you are right.” Some of the weight lifted.
Please let that be true.

“I know I’m right. I wouldn’t worry so much about it.” Her eyes widened. “Unless you are mated to another male.”

Candy laughed. “No, nothing like that.”

Sky huffed out a breath and put a hand to her chest. “Thank claw! Okay then. If you need to speak about your past in order to move forward with Torrent, then do it. You will see that it will be fine.”

Candy smiled. She took Sky’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you for the advice. I’m going to take it. I’m feeling a lot better.”

“I’m glad I could help out.” Sky put a teabag into each of their cups.

Candy gave a shake of the head. She removed one of the bags and replaced it with a herbal teabag. “Just in case.”

Sky gave a nervous giggle. “I hope you’re right.” Her hand moved back to rub her belly. “You will be next.” Her smile widened.

Candy felt both excited and apprehensive at the idea of being a mom. She sucked in a deep breath. “Hold up, one thing at a time. It’s far too early to even think about kids.”

“Mmmmm, we’ll see. Torrent will be able to think of nothing else, especially when you enter your first heat as a mated couple.”

Candy put her finger tips to her temples and squeezed her eyes shut. “You’re giving me a headache. Too much too soon.”

Sky laughed. “We’ll see.”

Candy dropped her hands back down to her sides and locked eyes with the other woman. “He can hold his niece or nephew if he gets broody.”

Sky shook her head. “I’m sure he’ll be a proud uncle but that won’t work.”

“I’ll have that talk with him today. We can’t take the next step until the first happens. It is no use even thinking about starting a family before we’re married.” She huffed out a breath. “It’s too soon for that. Way too soon.”

Sky’s eyes widened. “If I’m reading between the lines, you’re ready to allow him to claim you fully.”

Candy blew out a breath, her heart pounded in her chest. “I think so.” Her heart beat faster at the prospect. A lot depended on the conversation they were about to have but it looked like it might just happen and soon.

It was Sky’s turn to squeal. The other woman pulled her into a hug. “I’m so happy for you. For both of you.”

Candy broke the hug. “Don’t congratulate me prematurely. What was that you mentioned about bad luck?”

Sky laughed. “You’re worried for no reason.”

Candy hoped that the she-dragon was right.

Chapter 13

he ground seemed
to rush up to meet her. The grass was long, green and soft looking, it leaned with the wind. The fields were vast and hilly, reminding her of something from the
Sound of Music

Their descent suddenly slowed dramatically. The last few feet took a few seconds. Her feet touched the ground and Torrent’s claws opened.

Candy almost fell but managed to find her balance by spreading her arms. She watched as the majestic dragon lifted, huge wings beating slowly. Torrent moved slightly to her right before coming back down. An enormous beast, he touched down slowly and carefully. There was such grace and power beneath the shining scales and arched neck. His eyes were the same pale blue but slitted. His tongue was forked, his tail sweeping. Torrent’s chest was golden with flecks of green. Easily recognizable in his dragon form. He was beautiful and took her breath away. Within seconds, he folded into himself. There were tearing and cracking sounds that made her think that the change must hurt, surely. Then a man stood before her. A magnificent specimen of a man. She would never tire of looking at him.
Easy, Candy
. Next thing she knew, she’d have to wipe drool from her chin.

Torrent smiled. “How are you feeling?” His eyes were filled with concern and he touched the side of her arm.

“Good, thanks.” She put a hand to her stomach. It reminded her of Sky so she quickly removed it. “I seem to be getting used to being carried above the earth.” The first couple of times he’d carried her, she’d felt quite nauseous during the flight and for a few minutes after.

He moved to her and helped remove the backpack from her back.

Torrent opened the pack and removed the blanket. He spread the blue and white checkered fabric across a thin patch of lawn. Next, he removed a pair of pants and put them on. He gestured towards the blanket. “Take a seat.”

Her hands were shaking. Her heart was pretty much in her throat. Maybe she should wait until tomorrow. This conversation could wait. The setting was just too picturesque. This moment too beautiful to ruin with the sordid details of her past.

She did as he said and sat down, folding her legs underneath her.

Torrent did the same, sitting across from her. He began to unpack various items. A wooden board and some knives, two plates and a couple of napkins. The material kind. Next was a crisp looking baguette that had been wrapped in cloth. There was also cheese, olives, a hunk of ham and what looked like smoked salmon.

He smiled and handed her a plate. “Thank you.”

“So formal.” He smiled back. “Is everything okay? You don’t seem quite yourself. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. I promise.”

“Maybe this will help relax you.” He pulled a bottle of wine out of the bag and held it up. “Can I offer you a glass?”

Candy nodded. “Why not?”

It took Torrent a minute or two to uncork the wine. It was clearly something he didn’t do often. He poured them each a glass and he handed her one. “To us.” He kept his eyes locked with hers. “To our future… together.”

Candy nodded. “To us.” They clinked glasses. She took a small sip but her stomach lurched. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the flight, after all, or whether it had to do with their relationship and how fast it was moving. It was probably a little of both.

He must have noticed her grimace because he leaned forward. “You don’t look well.” Concern was evident on his face.

She forced a smile. “I’m okay, I think I just really need to eat something before drinking any of this.” She held up her glass. “It would be terrible if I got tipsy and took advantage of you.”

He laughed. “I could honestly think of nothing better, but when you finally do take proper advantage of me…” He winked at her. “I don’t want it to happen because you’re tipsy.”

“I’m sure that cold shower would sober me right up.”

“I’m sure it would.” He balanced the glass on the edge of the wooden board and tore off a piece of the baguette before placing it on her plate. “Can I cut you some ham or would you prefer the salmon? Or both?”

The thought of fish didn’t appeal which was strange because she loved salmon. Maybe she wasn’t quite as used to flying yet as what she thought. “I’ll have the ham please.”

Torrent rummaged in the bag and removed a knife and a jar of mustard. “Nearly forgot this.” He opened the jar and placed it in front of her. Then he got to work carving some slices of ham, stopping abruptly. “Ahh!” He put the knife down and reached for his napkin but not before she saw blood blossomed from a slice on his index finger. It was about a half an inch long.

Nausea tugged at her stomach. It rushed through her, causing bile to rise in her throat and sweat to form on her brow. She put a hand over her mouth and made a gagging noise. Okay, so the flight really had affected her.

Torrent frowned. “Are you okay?” He quickly wrapped the finger in his napkin.

As soon as she couldn’t see the wound anymore, some of the queasiness subsided. She took in big gulps of air.
Don’t puke, Candy.
Whatever you do don’t puke.

She could still taste bile and swallowed thickly, licking her lips.

Torrent touched her knee. “Are you are alright?” The creases in his forehead were all the more pronounced, his voice thick with concern.

“I’m sorry.” She managed to get out between breaths. “I’ve never been able to stand the sight of blood. It makes me feel ill.”

Torrent burst out laughing. He laughed so loud that his eyes filled up with tears.

“This is funny to you? Seriously? My feeling sick to my stomach is funny to you?” She leaned forward and punched him once on the side of the arm.

He grabbed ahold of her fist and brushed his lips across her knuckles. Torrent shook his head. “No, that’s not what I find amusing. You want to study to be a doctor yet you can’t stand the sight of blood. There is no logic there.”

“I’m sure I could work through it… around it.”

He leaned back, taking a look under the napkin. “All healed.” He announced. “You might want to turn away while I wash off the remaining blood.”

Against her will, she pulled a face at the thought of blood.

Torrent chuckled. “Work through it, huh? Whatever you say.” He put his hand in that bag of tricks and pulled out a bottle of water, turning his back to her. She could hear the water trickle onto the grass. “There we go.” He turned back to her, and flexed the hand in question. There wasn’t even a scar or a pink line or anything. It was like the injury had never happened.

“That’s amazing. Truly amazing.”

He pulled out another bottle of water and handed it to her. “Are you feeling better now?”

She nodded, taking the water from him. “Maybe you’re right. I guess I never really thought things through. Maybe being a doctor isn’t the right career choice for me. I want to do something meaningful with my life though, you know. I want to prove that I’m intelligent. That means becoming a doctor or a lawyer or—”

“No it doesn’t. There are many things you can do. It might mean studying and it might not. It sounds like the work you did with your animals was beneficial. It certainly was to them.”

She shrugged. “I guess.” She knew he was right. “I love volunteering at the shelter. It’s extremely fulfilling.”

“What else did you do besides take care of the animals? I know that humans have jobs…” He lifted his eyes in thought. “Just like dragons do. We are also assigned to different tasks. I know you said that you just recently left whatever your job was and I know that you are reluctant to speak of it. I feel that we have grown closer and I’m hoping you will confide in me.”

Oh shit! What now? She needed to come clean. She planned on coming here this afternoon and on telling him everything. Then she chickened out. She couldn’t keep running away though, falling more for this guy every day. Candy needed to tell him right now while she could still walk away. She only prayed that Sky was right and that she wouldn’t have to.

She took a sip of her water but her mouth still felt dry. “Okay.” She nodded once. “I’ll tell you but only if you promise to hear me out before you judge me.”

“Judge you?” His face scrunched up in disbelief. “Of course I will listen to you. Why would you even think such a thing?” Torrent leaned forward and cupped her cheek in his hand. She couldn’t help but to lean into him. “You can tell me anything. I may not have fully claimed you… yet…” The word came out sounding rasping. “But, actually, there are no buts—I feel deeply bonded to you. My feelings are growing by the day.” He traced the tip of his thumb along her lower lip. “You need to know that.”

She did. She’d felt them grow closer. She enjoyed holding him at night. Talking to him. Spending time with him. She loved watching his eyes glaze over with pleasure when she pushed him over the edge with her mouth, how they heated when he looked at her. She wanted more, she just had to get through this first.

“Okay then.” Candy clasped her hands tightly in her lap. “I told you my dad left when I was young and that my mom went through men like she did handbags. She wasn’t a bad mom, not really. She was just too caught up in herself to ever be a really good mom.”

His jaw tightened and he nodded once.

“When I turned sixteen, one of her boyfriends started… I don’t know... I guess, flirting with me. He would do it when she wasn’t in the room. He hugged me just that little bit too tightly, that little bit too long. I would catch him staring at my ass. One night, he let himself into my room and tried to… touch me inappropriately. Even though he told me to be quiet, he even threatened me, I managed to yell before anything could happen.” She gave a humorless laugh. “My mom came running in and the SOB tried to pretend that I had a nightmare and that he was there to check on me. In my mom’s favor, she kicked him out the moment I told her.” She shook her head. “Unfortunately within a week she’d replaced him with another bozo. Some of the guys were okay, but others…” She paused. “I guess I’d reached an age where men had begun to notice me. That asshole that tried his luck wasn’t the last. I put locks on my door and tried to keep to myself as much as possible.”

“You’re right.” Torrents rough growl was unexpected. “This is difficult for me to hear. Go on. I’m sorry I interrupted.”

“It’s just the beginning. I’m not trying to make you feel sorry for me but I need you to understand what my life was like. I was seventeen when I graduated high school. It couldn’t have been two weeks after my graduation. I was still trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I’d managed to secure a partial scholarship at one of the local colleges but there still wasn’t enough money for me to attend. I was trying to figure something out. Maybe I could work part-time. Stay living at home. My mom had been with the same guy for about six months and things were fairly stable. Life was pretty okay. The only problem was that he drank quite a lot. My mom started drinking too.”

She paused.

“One night, they’d both been drinking heavily. My mom was passed out. I had become complacent. Rick didn’t seem the least bit interested in me. He was a truck driver, on the road regularly. He would be gone for a couple of days and then home for a couple days and they would go on their benders. I left my door unlocked… mistake. I guess I was unlucky and that he was sober enough to get up and come after me. Luckily for me though, he didn’t have great reflexes and was a bit wobbly on his feet. When he came at me, I was able to grab my bedside lamp and hit him with it. He went down and I hit him again.”

“Did he…?” A soft, menacing growl. “You know?” His voice cracked.

She lifted her eyes. Torrent looked angry. Actually angry wasn’t strong enough of a word. His face was red and his muscles bulged.

She shook her head. “No, but it was close. Too close. I packed my bag and left. Ellis found me the next day, I’d been on the street for all of twenty-four hours. I was hungry and cold and more afraid than I ever thought possible. I didn’t trust Ellis at all but what choice did I have? I couldn’t go back home. I went to his place and crashed in his spare bedroom. He drove a fancy car, wore fancy clothes. He told me he was going to help me, that we were going to help each other. It took a while before I started to trust him. It was one hell of a mistake.”

You can do this, Candy. You can do this

“Ellis owned his own business. It was a dating agency. An escort agency is the right term. He offered me a job and I leapt at the opportunity. He bought me beautiful clothes and dresses and all I had to do in return was go out on dates with, mostly, wealthy men.”

Torrent frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“It might be a human thing.” She huffed out a breath, struggling to find the right words. “I mostly dated elderly gentleman or young rich guys who needed a date. Guys who needed a partner for functions and didn’t want to go through the hassle of finding someone to attend with them. Guys that had lost their wives and weren’t interested in going through the motions again. Or men that were tired of money grabbing women.” She pictured Charles. “They didn’t want the hassle, so they’d call Kitty’s and organize themselves a date.”

“Let me see if I understand this correctly, human males would pay money to go out with you. To spend the evening in your company? Am I correct?”

Candy nodded. “Yes, I’d dress up for the occasion and would essentially be shown off on their arm. Fathers sometimes hired escorts for their sons. A slightly older, good looking woman. It is often for show but some of the guys were genuinely lonely. I sometimes spent evenings playing chess or just talking or sharing a meal.”

Torrent smiled. “You are good company, Candy, I can understand that these men would pay good money to have you spend time with them.”

She tried to smile back but there was a huge lump inside her throat. “That’s what I did for the first year or so that I worked at Kitty’s. I went out on a couple of dates a week, got myself my own small apartment and managed to start a savings account. Even back then, I had this dream of proving myself, of doing something with my life. I could see that it was going to take too long though. I didn’t want to be an escort for years and years. Some of the girls at Kitty’s were making bags of money.”

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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