Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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“Well, I do understand and it doesn’t matter what we think. It only matters what you and Torrent think and feel.” She paused. “My mate respected and loved me all the more in the end and so will Torrent. I’ve never seen the boy smitten.” She shook her head. “Of all the boys, I never expected him to fall the hardest.”

“Tide and Storm don’t have mates yet.”

“There is no way they’re beating that boy.” She squeezed Candy’s hands in both of hers. “He really does love you.”

“I know.”

“Don’t do that. I can see the guilt. You take the next step when you are ready. He’ll wait for you.”

Candy nodded. “Thank you.”

They said goodnight and Candy went back inside. The atmosphere was tense. Or, at least Torrent was tense. The others were laughing.

“Stop,” he said, his voice had a hard edge. He shifted on his feet, his abs were so ripped. His chest broad.

They all stood by the fire. Except for Sky who was sitting on the nearby sofa.

“You should take your female home now,” Tide said. He took a big swig of his whiskey and chuckled. “Oh yes, I forgot, she’s your friend.”

Storm laughed before turning serious. His mouth twitched. “What’s it like anyway, having a female that’s a friend?”

“Stop your shit,” Torrent spoke under his breath. “She’ll be back any minute and you’ll embarrass her.” He glanced towards the door. His eyes widened as they landed on her. “Hi… you’re back. Can I get you anything? My brothers were about to leave.”

So they were all giving him grief about the fact that they hadn’t actually mated.

“We’re not going anywhere.” Tide swirled his drink. “We were just talking about—”

“Nothing.” Torrent narrowed his eyes on his brother.

“Uh oh.” Sky rolled her eyes. “I can see where this is going.” She locked eyes with Candy and pulled a face. “They’re about to fight. It won’t take long and they’ll be beating the scales off of one another.”

“There will be no fighting.” Torrent folded his arms across his chest. “My female might get hurt.”

“Except, she isn’t your female.” Storm smirked.

“She’s your friend.” Tide choked out a laugh. “There was no sealing of any deal.”

“Should I get some of those human pills for you?” Storm asked. “The ones that…” He pointed to his… man part.

“I don’t need any goddamned pills. Shut up already.”

“Yeah, because then he’d have a hard dick and a best friend. How awkward would that be?” Tide took a sip of his whiskey, smacking his lips.

“I don’t need pills.” Torrent spoke carefully, like he was using every bit of resolve to stay calm. “I’m”—he cleared his throat—“very happy to be friends with Candy.” He gave her a tight smile. “So much so that I could be friends with her for… a very long time and be happy with it. No, thrilled.”

All three of the guys laughed. Tide doubled over, spilling his whiskey. He wiped at his face and had to sit down. Sky rolled her eyes and mouthed
ignore them
to Candy.

Torrent clenched his jaw so hard Candy was worried he might end up cracking a tooth. He looked like a lost little boy. He was sucking it up for her. She knew in that moment that he would crawl through hot coals for her. He would do anything for her. All of her. The good parts, the bad parts and the ugly parts.

Candy cleared her throat and stepped forward. The guys stopped laughing. The room became so quiet. The only sound was of the crackling fire. “I think we should go now.”

is tired,” Storm said. Tide chuckled, as did Lake. Sky hit her mate on the arm so he stopped, looking guilty.

“Actually, I’m not in the least bit tired.” She looked at Torrent who was frowning. “I was thinking that maybe we could go back to your place.”

The frown deepened, turning to more of a confused look than an angry one.

“I don’t know.” She twirled the pearls between her fingers, his eyes dipped to her cleavage. “Maybe we could have hot, sweaty sex.” They flashed back to lock with hers.

His mouth fell open. All of their mouths fell open.

“All night, bed-breaking, sheet-tearing sex.” She whispered, knowing full well that they would all hear her perfectly.

Sky giggled.

“That would be great.” He yelled. Then he turned serious. “Um…” He swallowed thickly. “I mean, yes, definitely. Only if you’re sure that’s what you want?”

“Pussy.” Tide coughed the word into his fist.

Candy turned her gaze onto Torrent’s brother. She gave him what she hoped was a seriously dirty look. The guy had the good grace to look sheepish.

“Further more.” She closed the distance between them and looked into Torrent’s eyes. His beautiful pale blue stare. He took her breath away. Made her feel tingly all over. “I don’t want to be your friend.”

“You don’t?” The look on Torrent’s face was almost humorous. “No. People who have hard sweaty sex can’t be friends… not really.”

Torrent made a choking, growling noise.

She licked her lips and his eyes tracked the movement of her tongue. “I want you and I choose you and…”

He put his hand over her mouth. “You’re publicly choosing me... again.”

She nodded.

He leaned forward until his mouth was hovering over her ear. “If I choose you back, then us having sex would mean…” She had to strain to hear him. So sweet. Torrent was trying to give her a way out.

She pulled his hand away before he could finish. “I know exactly what it would mean.”

He smiled. “We would be officially mated if that happened.”

“I know, Torrent, and I choose you and I want you.” She threaded her hands around his neck.

“I’m going to be sick.” One of Torrent’s brother’s announced. Someone else gagged and Sky sighed.

“I’m so damned happy right now.” Torrent’s chest heaved as he pulled her against him. “I choose you, Candy. I love you so damned much…”

There were more gagging noises behind them.

“Excuse me, just a second.” He turned and there was a slapping noise.

“Owww!” Tide complained. “It wasn’t even me.”

Torrent turned back to her. “Where was I… oh yes… I love you and I can’t wait to… spend forever with you and… I can’t wait to have all night, sweaty sex with you.” He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him.

“Tide.” He growled as he strode towards the door, his eyes were still locked with Candy’s.

“Yeah, yeah…” Tide said. She looked over Torrent’s shoulder and saw that Tide was smiling. “I’ll take care of things. Go and claim your female. It’s about damned time.”

“Lucky bastard!” Storm muttered.

Torrent nuzzled into her neck. “I am. I so am. Tide…”

“Yes.” Bored sounding.

“You might not see me for a few days.”

“Go already.”

“Inform me if anything…”

“Go,” Tide growled.

Sky laughed. Candy struggled to breathe, she could feel Torrent hard and ready between her legs.

Chapter 23

hey’d first gone
to his place and then realized that the dogs were at hers. “You’re moving back in with me.” He said, as he picked her up and practically ran to her chamber.

The moment he put her down, Candy pulled her dress over her head. She was wearing human coverings. White lacy material that was completely see-through. His dick lurched in his pants. Her nipples were so pink. They pushed hard against the thin fabric like they were trying to cut free.

He growled as he suckled one of her nubs through the lace. He cupped her other breast, feeling its weight in his hand. Then he pulled back so that he could look at her sex. A thin strip of thatch beneath a small white triangle. “I don’t know where to start.” Then he took a step back and licked his lips. “Are you sure about this?” This was all so unexpected. He needed to be sure that she was really ready, that she was doing this for the right reasons.

Her heart rate kicked up a notch. “Why? Aren’t you?” She frowned.

“I’m more sure than I have been about anything ever… as in ever before.” He tripped over his words but he didn’t care. He was so wound up it was scary.

She huffed out a breath. “Good.” She nodded. “I want you and I want us. I’m very sure.”

“We agreed to a cold shower before…”

She narrowed her eyes. “We’ve waited long enough dammit. Take me already.”

“Thank fuck.” Torrent groaned as she gripped his cock through his pants, and fisted him from base to tip. He had to grind his teeth together to keep from swearing.

“I think we should forgo foreplay and skip to the main event. We’ve waited long enough.” She dipped under the elastic and circled his tip with her finger.

Torrent squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. “I’m so damned wound up. I can only make you two promises… no make that three.”

“What promises?” She licked one of his pecs.

“Fuck, Candy. You need to stop touching me or all bets are off. I’ll come like a teenager.”

“That’s fine.” She reached up and kissed him. “I wouldn’t mind.”

“This is our first time and I’m feeling the pressure. I’ve never been this turned on before.”

“You have nothing to feel pressured about and I’m so turned on it’s scary.” She kissed him again. “Do you want me to take the edge off.” She bobbed her eyebrows and fisted his dick, this time skin to skin.

He cursed under his breath. “Stop that and no. I want to be inside of you. I promise to take you slowly and carefully the second time around.”

She smiled, looking like a naughty vixen. “What about this time?”

“It’s going to be hard and fast but you’ll come hard. Those are the three promises but only if you stop playing with my cock.”

“Ohhh! Sounds good.” She jumped into his arms and he caught her. Her pussy came up flush against his dick. “By the way.”

“Yeah.” Shit he was barely holding it together. His balls were already up. Locked and loaded and ready for release. Once he started he didn’t think he could stop.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I just wanted you to know that I love you too.”

It filled him with joy to hear her say it. “You’re mine now.”

She nodded. “Yes, I am.”

It was a relief to hear her admit it. To hear her declaration of love. Something eased inside him. “I am yours, Candy. All yours. You can tell me anything. Ask me anything.”

She leaned forward and kissed him, pushing her lush breasts against his chest. He walked over to the bed and put her on it. Then he pulled off his pants and watched as her gaze dipped. As her eyes turned greedy. She probably didn’t know that she was doing it but she opened her legs. A silent invitation and he was taking it.

Her lacy panties were soaked with her juices. The scent of their intermingled arousal filled the chamber.

“I’m so sorry.” He growled as he pulled himself between her legs. He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I had planned on making love to you but our first time is going to be fucking.”

Her pupils dilated. She liked a bit of dirty talk. Thank fuck because there was more where that came from. Plenty more.

“And I’m sorry for this…”

“What?” She squealed when he ripped off her panties. “You didn’t just…” She moaned as he put his cock in line with her opening. Then her eyes widened. “We need a condom.”

“No we don’t.” His voice was so deep.

“It’s a rule…” She licked her lips.

“No rules with me.”

She shook her head. “No rules.” He could see that she was still unsure.

“Good.” He paused. He couldn’t believe he was about to say this on account that he just might die if he didn’t come inside her. No barriers. “You’re not in heat but I will get a condom if…”

“Okay, you can come inside me then. I trust you”

Yes! He felt like fist pumping the air. “You’re sure?” It came out sounding strangled.

She nodded. “Yes,” breathless.

“I’m going to go ahead and fuck you now.”

“Please do.” Her head dropped back and she moaned as he thrust all the way into her, in one hard move.

“God,” she choked. “You’re big.”

“Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head. Her eyes glassy. Her breaths were coming in pants. “Just so full. Good.”

“Thank fuck because I’m never leaving. Never.” He was panting just as hard.

She gave a laugh. It squeezed his dick. It felt amazing. He thrust into her a couple of times, keeping his eyes on hers. Their breaths intermingled. “I was right,” his chest rumbled.

“About?” More of a moan than a word.

“About your g-spot.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh,” forced out.

“It’s big.”

Her eyes struggled to focus on him. “Really?” More hard panting as he kept moving in and out of her.

He nodded. “It’s right here.” He angled his body slightly and felt her pussy instantly pull him in deeper, her wet channel closed more tightly around him, squeezing the hell out of him.

Her eyes rolled back and she groaned. All out groaned.

“Receptive.” He pumped into her. “Fucking amazing.” He kissed her hard. Part of him couldn’t believe that this was even happening.

He didn’t deserve her. He would spend his life making sure that she didn’t regret this. Torrent couldn’t hold back anymore. “I love you” He ground the words out as he gripped one of her thighs and pulled it up higher on his body so that he could plough into her.

* * *

h god

Oh god.

The bed shook. It hit against the wall with each hard thrust.
Bang, bang, bang
. In quick succession. Her body hummed and buzzed. She struggled to take in enough air even though Torrent leaned on an elbow to keep most of his weight off of her. He used a hand to open her more to him, to pull her higher so that he could take her deeper, more completely.

Sweet Jesus.

She’d never felt so full. Every stroke took her higher. Every thrust caused her nerve endings to flare more vividly to life. Her heart raced. Their bodies were slick, sliding against one another in a frantic, all consuming race. He’d said that he would take her hard and fast, that he would fuck her and he was, like an animal. Like a man possessed. She could feel his pent up need for her. It was strange because she could even feel his love for her as well. Right now and in this moment. She’d been fucked many times, but not like this. Never like this. Love fucked.

Her channel fluttered. Her breath caught in her throat. Everything stilled for an instant as her whole body tightened to snapping point and then she was falling, falling into bliss, falling into him, Torrent, her mate. She cried out his name.

His body tensed and he seemed to swell a little before he groaned, jerking into her. She felt hot spurts and he thrust harder.
Bang, bang, bang
. The bed may or may not have lifted completely from the floor. He kept pushing into her. He moaned and mumbled garbled words. His movements slowing but they were no less hard. He finally stilled, Torrent was breathing quickly. His chest lifting and dropping in quick succession. He put his forehead to hers. “We’re doing that again.”

Before she could answer, there was a whining noise next to the bed. They both looked down. The puppy had his paws up on the side of the bed, tail wagging. Tongue lolling. Torrent kissed her nose. “I’m going to take the dogs out for a walk and then I’m making sweet, passionate love to you. So…” he paused. “When I get back, you can tell me exactly what you want and how you want it.”

Her heart swelled with love. “I just want you. The rest doesn’t matter.”

Torrent got off the bed, he pulled on some pants and went to fetch the dog leashes.

“Do you want me to come along?” She asked, stretching out on the bed.

Torrent moaned, his eyes on her butt. “No, I want you to stay right there, just like that. Don’t move a muscle.”

She heard him talking to the dogs. “Candy.” He called to her, his voice was filled with awe. When she turned, she saw the little black dog wagging her tail, the little girl was licking Torrent’s hand. “Candy the Second might like me after all.” He was grinning like a crazy person.

“Hey, look at that.” She smiled at him. “You must’ve grown on her.”

Torrent grinned. He clipped the leash onto her collar. “She loves me after all.”

“I think that maybe she always did.”

He cocked his head. “I’ll be back. Don’t you move.” He walked to the door and turned back.
What was he up to
? “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about your little, hot button.” He looked pointedly as her ass.

Candy threw a pillow at him but it missed by about a mile. She could hear him chuckling like mad as he left the room.

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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