Weekend with the Dom (2 page)

BOOK: Weekend with the Dom
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The plumber had said it wouldn’t
take much work to fix the burst pipe. The rest of the club would be able to
open tonight. The revenue they’d lose if they didn’t open tonight meant they
couldn’t afford not to open. The dungeon in the basement would have to be
closed though, until they got the floor cleaned up. He allowed himself a small
smile at the expression that had crossed the plumber’s face as he’d taken in
the equipment they kept down there.

He’d already assigned the job of
clean-up to Katherine. It was punishment for trying to come between him and
Nola. He trusted he wouldn’t have to do anything else about it. Katherine was
good at her job and it would be a shame to have to fire her, but he'd do it if
he had to. The double doors opened with a vaguely dramatic air and Lilith
walked in. Judging from the expression on her face, she’d probably seen the
plumber’s van outside. “Why is it that I leave this place for a few hours and
everything goes to hell?”

“You shouldn’t have left at all,
Lilith. You said you’d be able to look after the club and then no-one could find
you when they needed you. Where the hell were you?” Alex snapped the words at

Lilith seemed to grow a few
inches. That indescribable thing that made her Madame Tease descended over her,
and Alex fought the urge to squirm under the intense stare. “I don’t answer to
you, Alex. I’m sorry I didn’t mention to anyone that I’d be leaving the office
for a few hours, but last time I checked, I’m one of the bosses. I don’t answer
to anyone.”

Alex got to his feet, picked up
his jacket and walked around the desk. “We’re partners, Lilith. I need to know
that I can trust you to do this. You do some of the paperwork and perform on
stage, but management is more than that. People have to know that they can rely
on you. Anyway, I’ve got to go. Thankfully, I’ve still got time to cook
something for Nola tonight.”

Lilith stalked around the desk
and sat in the chair he’d vacated with a flourish. It dwarfed her, but Alex
couldn’t deny she looked good sitting there. If she tackled this with the focus
she brought to the stage shows, everything would be all right. “All the
paperwork about the burst pipe is in front of you. The plumber is downstairs
and we’ve shut down the dungeon.”

Lilith looked up sharply. “Can’t
he fix it tonight?”

Alex smiled slightly. “He can fix
the pipe, but it’s flooded down there. I’ve assigned Katherine to clean it up,
but it isn’t going to be in any fit state to be used until tomorrow. Monday at
the latest. Just be thankful that it wasn’t worse. I’ll see you Monday. Call me
if you need me.”

Lilith looked at him with mock
shock. “And interrupt your romantic weekend with the teacher? I wouldn’t dare.”

“Don’t make anyone cry if you can
help it.” He ducked behind the door as Lilith threw something hard and heavy at
him. He braved one more smile in her direction and headed home.


Alex never got much chance to
cook––he preferred to go somewhere nice and leave the cooking to someone else,
but when push came to shove, he could make
a mean
spaghetti and meatballs. He’d just cut up the garlic and onion when his phone
suddenly burst into life, filling the air with
Back in Black
by AC/DC. He checked the frying pan, turned down the
temperature and picked up his phone, only glancing at it briefly to register
the number as Nola’s.


“Hey, I was just calling to see
if you needed me to bring anything?” She tripped over the sentence, as if something
was on her mind. Nola was pretty easy to read, even if he’d never tell her
that. Tell a woman you could read her, and she’d think you were manipulating
her. Alex never played that game with Nola.

Alex cast a look over the
slightly messy kitchen. He was pretty sure he’d remembered everything, but if
the only way to get Nola to open up involved playing the game, then he’d play
it. “You could pick up a bottle of wine, and a movie, if you want?” Silence was
her only response for a few seconds. “How was work?” he asked, gently trying to
coax words out of her. If there was anything that would get her to talk, it was
her job. Alex had never met a woman so passionate about her job, except
perhaps, Lilith.

“I ended up having to stay behind
and work on some papers. I only just got home, so I need to jump in the shower
before I head over.”

“You know, you could always
shower here.”

Nola laughed and Alex smiled, as he
pictured her clearly. Her hand would be on her hip, the phone cradled in the
crook of her neck. Nola usually wore her hair up at school, but by now it would
hang loose over her shoulders and down her back. Alex loved burying his hands
into her hair as he kissed her, only stopping when his name passed her lips in
a moan. Sometimes he didn’t stop. Every inch of him wanted her, and burying
himself into her hilt-deep was always very high on his to-do list, even before
coffee. “The last time I had a shower around yours, didn’t we end up having to
order in pizza, because what you’d been cooking burnt?”

Alex smiled into the handset. “You
looked so good, stepping under that hot spray. You tell me one man who could
have kept his mind focussed on cooking with something that enticing just a few
feet away, and I’ll show you a liar.” A low moan was her only response. “You
didn’t complain when I joined you, pouring shower gel all over your body,
working it in with my hands, teasing those nipples of yours until they were
rock hard. Do you remember how I pressed you against the wall, slipping a hand
down your front until I found the wetness that told me how excited you were? If
you hurry, I wouldn’t mind giving you a repeat performance before dinner.”

Her breath caught. “I want you to
show me what’s it like to be your submissive.” The words came out in a rush,
and for a second Alex forgot how to breathe. He’d been waiting for this moment
for six weeks and in all honesty he’d figured that it would never come. He let
Nola gather herself, as it had probably taken a lot for her to take this first
step and he knew it hadn’t been easy. To let go and really enjoy life wasn’t
easy, especially when you suffered the same kind of loss as Nola had.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” This time her words were
crisp and clear. If it had been anything but, Alex would have said no. This was
a decision that had to be made with a clear head.

“Okay, I’m going to give you a
list of instructions. I want you to follow them to the letter and I’ll give you
a little more time. Be here for nine and I’ll show you what it means to be my

“I’ll see you soon.”

He leaned onto the kitchen
counter, bending his head forward and took a few shallow breaths. When he was
sure that he wasn’t going to break into happy dancing, he straightened his back
and started to put the food away. They weren’t going to have time to eat, at
least not for a few hours. He smiled, a slow lazy grin that steadily took over
his entire face. He’d been dreaming of this moment. The moment Nola decided
that she was ready. The scenarios that played through his head were numerous to
say the least, but he knew what his first step would be. He knew what he’d have
to do to have her squirming underneath him, calling out his name.

He’d leave her begging for more.
This is going to be fun,
he thought with
a smile.





The instructions Alex had given
her had been quite easy to follow. He’d given her instructions involving her
hair, makeup and the dress she currently wore. The mirror opposite her in the
lift caught her reflection.
Damn, I don’t
think I’ve ever looked so nervous before
. Butterflies danced in the pit of
her stomach and she rested her hand against it. She felt more nervous doing
this than she’d felt taking her first driving lesson.

does he have planned for me?
Weird scenarios played through her head,
but Nola did her best to ignore them. Alex wouldn’t hurt her. He’d been a
professional Dom for a whole lot of years.
must have been strange for him to have a vanilla relationship with me.
and fear plagued her, getting worse as the lift got higher.
What if I’m not good enough?
What if I can’t let go? Why does it feel
like it’s taking forever to reach the top floor?
Her weak smile was reflected
by her mirror image.

“I hope you’re not going to
chicken out, Nola.” If she’d been expecting some divine answer, maybe the
patron saint of nervous schoolteachers, there was no reply. The night would
have taken a really weird turn if she’d had one.

Lilith might have royally stepped
over the line with her advice, but her words rang true. Alex deserved a
relationship that completed him. That allowed him to be himself. Nola just needed
to put herself into Alex’s capable hands. He wouldn’t hurt her, but he would
encourage her submissive side to come out and play.
I wonder what it feels like, to give myself completely to him?

The sudden jolt of the lift
knocked Nola out of her self-imposed trancelike state. There were always going
to be questions, but there also had to be trust. Nola trusted Alex, it was that
simple. Nola stepped out of the tiny cubicle, taking shallow breaths in an
attempt to slow down her racing heart. The trench coat she wore was tightly
tied up. The black dress underneath it was the shortest one in her closet. There
would be no bending over in this dress, since she wasn’t wearing any underwear.
There was a short walk from the lift to Alex’s front doors. He’d told her to
knock three times and wait until he answered. Usually he kept it unlocked for
her but he’d mentioned wanting to start this on the right foot. This was going
to be the beginning of their relationship as Dom and sub. With her hand raised,
indecision held her firmly in its grip, and stopped her just short of knocking
on the door. Nola glanced at her wristwatch––fifteen seconds, and it would be
What will happen if I don’t knock
on time?
Will that be the beginning
of the end? Can I really say goodbye to the man who is the best thing in my
life, if I know I can save the relationship?

She shook her head and briskly
knocked three times. The urge to fidget was immense but the sharp pain of her
nails digging into the soft palm of her hand stopped her. The door didn’t open.
Nola was tempted to knock again, but counted up to ten in her head instead. Suddenly,
the doorknob turned and the door opened.

The sight of Alex dressed in a
dark grey suit, with matching trousers and a white shirt, made her heart skip a
beat. Nola doubted there would ever be a time when the sight of him didn’t cause
that reaction. He looked polished and professional, and Nola suddenly felt
underdressed. His dark eyes travelled all over her, as he
reached out, snagging the belt of her trench coat and gently pulling her
towards him. For a brief second, breathing was a pesky afterthought. Nola
couldn’t take her eyes off him. He walked around and closed the door behind

“I want you to take your coat off
and kneel in the centre of the room.”

Nola didn’t question him. As far
as instructions went, these were probably going to be the easiest to follow.
He’d changed the living room so there was a lot more space. The table had been
pushed against the wall, but it was covered with a black sheet. Nola had no
idea what was on there. She could see faint outlines, but that was it.

Warmth caressed her naked arms
and legs created by little tea lights and pillar candles dotted around the
room. The gentle light made everything more surreal. She walked to the centre
of the room and knelt down. The covered table was behind her and without
looking up, Nola heard Alex walking towards it. Then came the faintest sound of
fabric being pulled away. A part of her was tempted to look, but her eyes
stayed firmly on the floor.

“This is for you. It’s called a
Consideration Collar. It’s the one that you’ll wear this weekend while we play.
There are a few collars out there, but since you’re new to this, this is where
we’ll start.” Cold steel draped across her neck and she gingerly reached up,
touching it. It felt like it was a very simple design, the chain small and
fragile. “Tonight I’m going to show you what it means to be my submissive.
Tonight is about feeling, experiencing and exploring this side of you. I’m
honoured that you want to explore it with me.” He fastened the latch on the
necklace and brushed a kiss against the base of her neck. Nola shivered.

He stood in front of her, offering his hand
and helping her to her feet. “Do you remember what a safe word is?” Nola
nodded, as they’d used a safe word once before and Lilith had mentioned it as
well. “What word would you like to use?” His fingertips brushed against the line
of her jaw, guiding her face up, meeting his eyes.

“Blue.” The word came out as a whisper,
as anything louder might have broken the fragile feeling of peace.

“When you talk to me, you’ll only
address me as Sir. So, if I did this.” He reached down, sliding a hand between
her thighs. Nola opened her legs a little, making it easier for him to reach
her delicate folds. Nola gasped as he teased the cluster of nerves between her
legs. “What do you say?”

BOOK: Weekend with the Dom
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